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7 Systems Plan: Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss
7 Systems Plan: Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss
7 Systems Plan: Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss
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7 Systems Plan: Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss

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About this ebook

Most health and diet plans have one major flaw. They focus on restricting calories without addressing the cause of your weight and health problems: a malfunction in one or more of your body’s 7 Systems. These diets yield incomplete results that are often short-lived. They leave you frustrated and unfulfilled.

The good news is that it

Release dateOct 24, 2019
7 Systems Plan: Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss

Pat Luse

Throughout his career, Dr. Pat Luse has helped countless patients create amazing results by following the 7 Systems Plan. You'll meet just a few of these patients. More importantly, you'll discover a proven process for creating the life you've always wanted. It's time to get your body working for you, not against you. Dr. Pat Luse is a chiropractic physician and is the president of Tri-State Physicians and Physical Therapy Clinic, a thriving multidiscipline practice employing doctors of medicine, physical therapy, and chiropractic. He is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and completed continuing education at the Institute for Functional Medicine. For over three decades he has treated tens of thousands of patients and is passionate about helping people regain their health through safe, natural methods. He developed the 7 Systems Plan after decades of research and study. He and his wife, Teresa, have been blessed with four biological and four adopted children and twelve grandchildren. Connect at

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    Book preview

    7 Systems Plan - Pat Luse

    7 Systems Plan

    Proven Steps

    to Amazing Health Transformations

    and Lasting Weight Loss

    By Dr. Pat Luse

    Copyright © 2019 Dr. Pat Luse

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by Author Academy Elite

    P.O. Box 43, Powell, OH 43035

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

    Paperback: 978-1-64085-877-0

    Hardback: 978-1-64085-878-7

    Ebook: 978-1-64085-879-4

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019913002

    The information included in this book is for educational purposes only. It does not replace any medical advice by your physician. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. It is highly recommended that you should always consult your medical physician before beginning any new diet, exercise, or health program. The information contained herein is provided without any representations or warranties, be they express or implied. Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities does not imply endorsement by the author or publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book, its author, or publisher. The publisher and the author disclaim any liability for any medical outcomes that may occur as a result of the application of methods suggested in this book.

    Some names and identifying details have been changed for confidentiality.

    One part common sense, one part scientific genius, this book treats the underlying root causes of being out of shape, not just the visible symptoms of obesity. Should be mandatory reading for everyone over the age of 12.

    —Angie Bullock

    Dr. Pat Luse gets it. For those of us who have struggled with unexplained weight issues for years, we finally have someone who understands that our body is not functioning correctly. When I heard Dr. Pat speak a year ago, I couldn’t wait to buy his book and read it. As I did, so much of his observations, scientific research, and process made sense. And as I read it, I kept saying, Thank you for getting the struggle. And thank you for working hard to find the solution for your patients and me.

    —Kirsten Samuel

    I’ve run around in holistic wellness circles for years, but I learned so much reading this book! It clearly summarizes an amazing amount of information in a highly readable and even entertaining format. It’s chock-full of helpful resources.

    — Abigail Young

    I must confess when I first saw this book, I said to myself, I can’t read another one! I was so wrong! This is not just another quick fix. This is a FIX! Dr. Luse shows you the steps to take so that your body will heal each System. Don’t wait like I did. Buy it now!

    —Anita McLaurin

    In 7 Systems Plan, Dr. Pat Luse walks you through the Systems of the body and how they contribute to health. He also helps you diagnose which systems might be failing you and what you can do about it. This book is for you if you’re struggling with weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, IBS, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Dr. Luse is very methodical and will get you moving toward better health quickly.

    —Allan Misner

    I have been fortunate to have experienced the 7 Systems Plan through Dr. Luse’s local clinic. I have lost over 65 pounds and have kept it off. More importantly, however, I have regained my health. Though I have had local support, I have found this book to be invaluable to my continuing success. This book not only explains WHAT to do but also WHY. It has a great appendix which lays out resources for each chapter such as shopping lists, journal sample, success plan, etc. It is easy to comprehend, and I take it everywhere that I may have a few minutes to read—It’s like having a life coach in my pocket.

    Anyone who struggles with food needs the research-based information this book provides. And once you are armed with the knowledge, it is easier to make the healthy decision. For example, just when I think I need a snack before bed, I’m reminded what that does to my mitochondria and how that sabotages my health.

    This book is for ANYONE who wants to improve their health, whether you have 5 or 150 pounds to lose.


    Dropped 50 pounds, size 16 to 8, and lowered cholesterol 80 points in 6 months!

    Reversed fatty liver disease—liver numbers returned to normal!

    Feeling very energetic and joint pain minimal now!

    My personal trainer said I was stronger than four years ago.

    These are the results I experienced with the 7 Systems Plan! I had tried to lose weight and had many ups and downs and then ups in the past. I just couldn’t get and keep the weight off until following this plan. I had given up and decided being fat was the new normal. I was amazed it really made such a difference after other diet plans could not. My doctors were all surprised. I have kept the weight off one year now, and I’m confident I can keep it off for good and head off an early grave with the tools Dr. Luse provides. Friends who haven’t seen me in a while are amazed at the transformation and are asking for the book and website!

    —Rhonda Miller

    Great read. Thought-provoking look at how the body is made of Systems and how they all work together for optimum health. Many ideas you can easily implement and get started down a path to a healthier you.

    — Chellie





    Chapter 1: The Structural System

    Don’t let your angry fat keep killing you.

    Chapter 2: The Digestive System

    Put your second brain to work—the right way.

    Chapter 3: The Delivery System

    Make sure the goods arrive safely and on time.

    Chapter 4: The Energy System

    To go fast, you need a well-tuned, big engine.

    Chapter 5: The Communication System

    Good health results from good communication.

    Chapter 6: The Defense System

    Win the weight war with a good defense.

    Chapter 7: The Detox System

    It’s time to clean house.


    Appendix A: Recommended Resources

    Appendix B: The 7 Systems Plan Online Course



    It’s not often that I read a book and immediately change the way I think and act. However, after I read 7 Systems Plan, everything changed—including what I ate for my next meal.

    As Dr. Pat Luse eloquently proves, your body is a well-designed creation. Every System in it—if running correctly—should do its job. However, if one or more of your Systems is compromised, then your entire body could grind to a halt.

    This reminds me of an unfortunate event that happened to me the other day in, of all places, a pharmacy drive-through. My vehicle was working fine as I made a right turn into the parking lot. I pulled up to the window and put my car in park.

    My three kids waited patiently as I told the pharmacist my last name in order to pick up a prescription. Suddenly, the engine sputtered, and warning lights flashed all across the dashboard.

    I felt a twinge of panic shoot through my arms and legs. The pharmacist retrieved the prescription from the back and handed it to me. That’s when everything went dead. The vehicle shut off completely.

    I forced a smile at the pharmacist and turned the key. Nothing. The engine didn’t even turn over.

    Besides feeling embarrassed for unintentionally becoming an obstruction, I was also confused. I knew the vehicle was in excellent condition, and it even had a new battery.

    I had been cruising down the highway only an hour before, but in that moment, my car wasn’t moving anywhere. It had ground to a halt.

    After several unsuccessful attempts to jump the engine, I called in an expert—the local tow truck. A few minutes later, it removed my vehicle from the drive-through.

    The next day, the service station identified the issue—a faulty alternator. Although the car was well maintained, one compromised part shut down the electrical system, which in turn sabotaged the entire vehicle. Several hundred dollars later, the mechanic fixed the alternator, which fixed the electrical system, and the engine roared back to life.

    The story about my car and our bodies are related. One failing System will shut down everything else. Before we can start moving down the road of life again, we must repair our body’s failing System. Sometimes, we need to bring in an expert to diagnose the issue. Dr. Pat Luse is that expert.

    This book was designed to help you diagnose your compromised Systems. Once you get them working for you instead of against you, you’ll experience amazing health transformations and lasting weight loss.

    If you’re ready to roar back to life, then you’ve picked the right book. Now all you need to do is buckle up for an exciting ride!

    Kary Oberbrunner, author of Elixir Project, Day Job to Dream Job, The Deeper Path, and Your Secret Name


    I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the following people:

    My team:

    My wife, Teresa, for her ideas, input, proofing, and patience during all the early mornings.

    My daughter-in-law Julie, for making the complexities simple and helping me find my voice.

    Kary Oberbrunner and his team at AAE, who have made this project a reality.

    My many teachers and friends:

    Jonathan Wright, MD, whose stories in Prevention Magazine when I was a teenager gave me a vision for someday using natural methods to help people with health problems.

    Jeff Bland, PhD, for his relentless work scouring medical research and teaching me and countless others how to use this information to help patients regain their health.

    NutriDyn, for the wealth of information they have supplied me over the last two decades in their seminars, as well as the world class supplements they produce for me and my patients.

    The great team at my office who have helped me transform countless patients and refine the 7 Systems Plan.

    My daughter-in-law Lori, for her insights and thoughts.

    Doc Smith, my mentor and partner for many years.

    Dr. Kurt Vollers, a fellow traveler on this journey in pursuit of health, science, and nutrition knowledge.

    My mom, who owned and helped run a health food store until the age of 85.

    The Functional Medicine Institute, that gave me the tools to turn science-based medicine into a practical treatment program.

    The American Academy of Antiaging Medicine, for its ongoing cutting-edge, alternative medicine training.

    My countless patients, whose life transformations after applying the principles you will learn in this book have inspired me to help even more people.

    And finally, God, for His blessings and giving my life purpose.


    If you’re like me, you’re often tempted to skip the introduction. But doing so with this book could be hazardous to your health. Literally. You won’t be able to have an amazing health transformation, lose weight, or heal chronic illness until you understand how to implement the 7 Systems Plan.

    Here’s the Cold Hard Truth

    As of 2017, 76% of all Americans are overweight. At the current rate, 100% will be overweight by the year 2048.¹

    We’ve all been there. We go on a health kick, pick the latest diet plan, and start losing weight. Then something happens, we get off track, and get every pound back—plus some. Many studies reveal that 80% of people gain 90% of their weight back within one year.

    This yo-yo dieting, or weight cycling, can be very hard on your body. Every time you go on the typical diet, you lose muscle as well as fat. When you regain the weight, you don’t get more muscle. You just take on extra fat. This phenomenon slows down your metabolism, making it even harder to keep weight off in the future.

    A study of The Biggest Loser’s contestants showed that their metabolism had slowed by 700 calories during the competition and remained lower when they were done! On top of that, a year later, almost all of them had regained most of their weight.²

    Diet and exercise alone rarely produce long-term weight loss. In Chapter One you’ll meet one of my patients, Mary, who tried it for years. She went on countless diets, lost hundreds of pounds, and gained it all back. Following the 7 Systems Plan, she lost 105 pounds and has kept it off for the last 14 years.

    Why It Is Not Your Fault

    In an age of information overload—with thousands of diet and health programs available—we are more overweight and unhealthy than at any other time in our history. Almost all weight-loss programs fail to address the system malfunctions that cause weight gain. They fail because of these seven design flaws:

    Unhealthy Calorie Restriction: You restrict calories in an unhealthy way, so your body defends itself by burning up to 300 fewer calories per day.

    Bad Bacteria: You fail to address the bad bacteria in your gut that constantly send powerful signals to your brain to eat more junk food.

    Improper Food: The food you choose may be diet food, but it is not what your body needs, and that compromises the body’s ability to burn fat.

    Useless Exercise: The exercise program you choose is not efficient, so in spite of the time and effort you put into it, you burn few calories, make little progress, and fail to build muscle.

    Ineffective Communication: Key hormones and brain neurotransmitters are not correctly balanced making you crave carbohydrates, be hungry, depressed, emotional and angry,

    Vulnerable Defense: Because you are overweight, you have low-grade chronic inflammation. Besides not feeling well, you crave the wrong foods and gain more weight.

    Inefficient Detoxification: Because your body’s detoxification system is overwhelmed and compromised, your weight problems are compounded.

    These seven design flaws take their toll on the majority of the population. The chance of an obese person (someone with a body mass index, or BMI, of 30) attaining normal body weight is 1 in 210 for men and 1 in 124 for women. These are not good odds. If you are severely obese (BMI of 40), these odds increase to 1 in 1,290 for men and 1 in 677 for women. Diet, exercise, and even willpower are not enough.

    Despite these cold hard truths, there is hope. I’ve witnessed far too many transformations to think otherwise. Most people come to me completely discouraged and ready to give up. In a matter of days after beginning the 7 Systems Plan, they begin experiencing visible results. For the first time, they address the problem instead of just the pain.

    A New Approach

    While most diet plans (and traditional medical care) target the symptoms (the fruit), the 7 Systems Plan addresses the underlying malfunction that causes the symptoms (the root).

    I have used the 7 Systems Plan to treat and transform the lives of countless overweight and ill patients. This model has evolved over the last two decades and includes the latest scientific breakthroughs to produce optimal results. In an effort to reach more people, I have now put the plan into this book and an online course.

    The 7 Systems Plan can be summed up by the following points:

    Your body is a network of seven key Systems (Structural, Digestive, Delivery, Energy, Communication, Defense, Detox).

    These Systems are interdependent and affect each other.

    The correct function of each System has a significant impact on your overall health and weight.

    Patients should be treated individually, based on their specific System needs.

    There are simple steps to help each System function optimally.

    The 7 Systems Plan is a new lifestyle that comes from a new way of thinking: Most weight problems and diseases occur when one or more of your Systems are not functioning properly.

    In this book, our strategy is threefold. We’ll evaluate your Systems, identify the imbalances or malfunctions, and then optimize your Systems.

    It might sound like work until you remember the benefits: amazing health transformations and lasting weight loss. If you are ready to experience these benefits, then keep reading.

    The Solution: The 7 Systems Plan

    Your body is an incredible network of Systems. If all of your Systems are working well, you’ll have an ideal weight and optimal health. In today’s world—because of our toxic environment, processed food, and stress-driven lifestyle—it is not easy for each System to function optimally. If one System sputters, your weight goes up and your health goes down. In a matter of days, a domino effect can take down your other Systems.

    The key to permanent weight loss and optimal health is to fix all seven of these Systems.

    Running the human body efficiently and effectively requires all of the Systems to work together in alignment. This renovation process begins with correcting the Structural System (bone, muscle, and fat). This System houses all of your body’s other Systems.

    Your Digestive System takes food in and breaks it down into a form that can enter the bloodstream. Your brain is intricately wired to this System. Mastering this component also masters your waistline.

    The Delivery System picks up the nutrients from the Digestive System and transports them through the bloodstream into the cells where they can be used. Healthy eating does not help if nutrients can’t get into the cells. The 7 Systems Plan gets the right food delivered to the cells for maximum weight loss.

    After nutrients enter the cell, they are converted into fuel by the Energy System. In the upcoming chapters, you’ll discover how to get up to 600% more energy in a short amount of time. Imagine what you could do with 600% more energy!

    Your Communication System enables all of the Systems to talk with one another, ensuring proper function. You’ll experience faster weight loss and fewer cravings when your hormones, nerves, and neurotransmitters can communicate.

    Your body is exposed to harmful substances every day, and you need an adequate Defense System to protect you from them. Fixing this System will reduce chronic inflammation, making it much easier to lose weight fast and stay healthy.

    And lastly, your body’s Detox System cleans up after all of this work has been done. Toxins make you fat, and the 7 Systems Plan minimizes toxins.

    The Results

    The 7 Systems Plan will help you get to your ideal weight fast and keep the pounds off for good. But weight loss is not the only benefit. You’ll also reduce your risk of death from all causes by a whopping 80%!

    Many of my patients have eliminated their diabetes, unclogged heart arteries, corrected hormone imbalances, overcome depression, cleared up chronic skin problems, reduced or eliminated their medications, and much more by following this plan. Men and women declare that they feel years younger.

    After following the 7 Systems Plan for a short time, your cravings and appetite will decrease significantly while your mental

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