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Simply Thankful Prayers: 90 Day Devotional
Simply Thankful Prayers: 90 Day Devotional
Simply Thankful Prayers: 90 Day Devotional
Ebook364 pages4 hours

Simply Thankful Prayers: 90 Day Devotional

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It is my sincerest, heartfelt hope and prayer that God blesses and lifts you up with thankfulness, comfort, and an inner rest as you read and contemplate each day’s devotional. My desire is for you to be lifted up so that you know you are always in the arms of Jesus and know you are a precious, valuable, beautiful child of the most-high Go

Release dateJan 21, 2020
Simply Thankful Prayers: 90 Day Devotional

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    Simply Thankful Prayers - Lisa Hosier


    I adoringly acknowledge and thank my husband, Joe, who is the strongest, most loving, patient man I know. He is ever diligent, supporting and devoted through very thick and very thin! Without God giving him to me, to take each step through life together, this book would not be a realization.

    I also tenderly acknowledge and thank my precious, treasured, God-given son, Alex. Whose strong supportive hugs, steady words of encouragement, and care builds me up each day. My son, who my God has shaped into a wonderful young man, is a gift like no other and I am eternally grateful for him!

    I also acknowledge and thank the man of God who turned my world right-side up in every way that someone can be turned right side up. He brought me back to Jesus in such a new way that I can’t even begin to explain the journey that has been and continues to be by hearing the Gospel message of grace. This man is Joseph Prince. His words from God, and many, many, hours of listening, reading, and meditating on everything that his ministry has to offer, has brought me to a place of unshakeable assuredness of the Word of God—the truth about me and the world. Through his message of grace, I went from a destitute place of despair, doubt, sickness, condemnation, guilt, fear, and being paralyzed with anxiousness and worry to a place of hope, health, freedom, forgiveness, joy, peace, rest, confidence in Him, and knowing that I know. I thank God, that through Joseph Prince, He brought my family and me the gospel of Grace. He taught me that the gospel of grace and peace provides provision, forgiveness, and healing through Jesus’ finished work on the cross and that God gives us this gift of grace though we are, of ourselves, undeserving of it. He taught me that the Bible is about, and points to Jesus (as he says: pictures of Jesus), which brings me, time after time, to a deeper and new level of understanding that I have never experienced in the past. So, I am so very grateful for the gift God has given him to explain and teach others about the Word of God. I am so very grateful for God sending me Joseph Prince.

    The second man of God I would also like to acknowledge and thank is a man of hope, Joel Osteen. Along with Joseph Prince, God has given me Joel, who provides me with hope and encouragement every day. As I keep listening to his messages and attending his service on Sunday, the message of hope is always grounding, sustaining, and lifting me up. This world can beat me down if I allow it. But as I listen to Joel’s messages, his God-given words always builds and generates hope and encouragement in my heart and spirit. I am so very grateful for God sending me Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church.

    The message of grace and hope in God’s Word through these two men of God is my daily faith-filled nourishment and blessed living water. Their messages point me to Jesus. Through encouragement, hope, and grace, this hearing and reading keep me anchored continuously in the Word of God.

    God provides a fortress of Scripture and teachers all around to accomplish His goals! Hallelujah Father! Thank you for all that You have provided; revelation by revelation, person by person to persistently, and gently tear down Your precious daughter’s flesh or outer woman, only to rebuild her in Jesus!


    This book is in your treasured, predestined hands because God put it on my heart and gave me the words, the supply, and mental clarity to write it word by word. I give all the credit and glory to Him. My life has been a journey that has included (like many of you) struggle, doubt, crushing hurt, loss, sickness, depression, anxiety, paralyzing worry, punishing myself, and just feeling not good enough. These things, before Jesus was in my life, always seemed to overshadow or blind my eyes and awareness to the blessings God had poured and continues to pour out upon me, which includes:

    A loving, ever faithful Mom and valued centered Dad.

    A childhood with siblings and living in a place that was surrounded by God’s creation in the country.

    A bright mind, a strong body, and good jobs that provided the provisions of life.

    A good, loving, kind husband, and father-in-law.

    A wonderful, precious son, and just recently a beautiful, kind daughter-in-law.

    Many, many wonderful, precious life memories with laughter and joy.

    Trips, celebrations, and occasions with family and friends.

    Through this long winding road, God has delivered His Word to me in countless, amazing, and unforeseen ways. As I dragged my feet, many people catapulted me to new levels as I was ready. Often God knew I was ready before He showed me that I was ready. He nudged me out of the boat; if you will, saying, You are ready now! (Ok! Oftentimes, He picked me up and threw me out of the boat!) Each step all in His timing, regardless of whether I agreed or not!

    But it always worked out to be the best for me, of course, just as He promises. Often as I look back, it was my stubbornness and blindness of self that was holding up His progress for me as He took me around the mountain again and again. My Abba Father ever so patiently taught and brought me along to His path. Before I truly surrendered and allowed Jesus to work in my spirit, heart, and life (less of me and more of Him), I felt like a puppy that had been beaten down, cowering with fear and unsureness because of where I had been, unsure of where I was going, where He was taking me, and what would happen when I gradually surrendered everything to Him. Then He removed me from being in control, which I did not realize (at the time) was one of the huge root problems that were causing my setbacks and hurts.

    I remember praying when He lovingly and patiently beckoned me back. I prayed… God, I am so nervous, afraid, and unsure. So, if You promise to take me step by little step, with all assurance needed along the way, I will walk with You. It’s funny, I look back now, and I see I was offering submission but with a condition. (So, I have to laugh at myself now—that really was not submission, was it? Have you been there? No worries, God already knows exactly what you need.) But God accepted it and moved me forward in His loving and gracious way. He is just so awesome! No matter how tied up in knots I was, how wrapped around the axle in the natural I was about whatever the cause (pick one, any one!), He was there for me—time after time after time.

    First and foremost, teaching me to give each day to Him, to be glad (in the present) in Him, and to know that I know, trusting that His supply and love is never-ending. Then secondly, for me not to strive in my flesh, not to take on the burden that I have to fix things by what I say, what I did not say, did or did not do, or what my plan was, but to give each decision to Him in prayer and inner rest first. He taught me to seek Him first and then move forward or not. Often the answer was not what I wanted or what I thought, but God’s grace was and is perfectly and faithfully there for me. It is so complete that it overwhelms my heart with love, gratitude, and thanksgiving.

    This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24, NKJV)

    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33, NKJV)

    He has taught me to rejoice, be glad and thankful in each day because He provides daily blessings that I can be grateful for.

    Mary said, With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior. (Luke 1:46–47, CEB)

    He is developing my mindset that I will be appreciative and supply-oriented in Him; not entitled and demand-oriented no matter what my outer circumstances are. I believe this is the revelation He wants for all of us. This thankful supply-oriented, with inner peace mindset, is freeing and full of joy; the other is exhausting and void.

    At first, I did not feel thankful because I was so very self-centered on what had happened, what was happening, or what was going to happen to me. But as time passed, something emerged in my heart; it was set free, lightened, and I started having the revelation of the joy of just Jesus. First, the joy started in my mind and then went softly and passionately deep into my heart—unmovable assurance, not dependent on any other thing or circumstance but only what God’s Word says about me and how Jesus is the living Son of God.

    Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, Show us the Father? (John 14:9, NKJV)

    Jesus is my joy, my Savior, my counselor, my Redeemer, and lover of my soul. I do not have to look to any person for approval, acceptance, or value. After that truth was planted in my heart something amazing followed, everything else started to fall into place; layers of wounds gradually were peeled away as my mind and heart cleared and calmed. It is still a process. We are all on the potter’s wheel until the day we go to be with the Lord in heaven. But each step taken toward being more like Jesus and less of me is a glorious step no matter how small.

    In past times, my days were often completely filled with complaining, whining, asking why me, regretting the if onlys of the past, and worrying about the what ifs of the future, instead of being with Him in the present. It was killing me in every way; physically, mentally, and spiritually, a little each day as the enemy delighted in my opening up and going down in the whirlpool that I slid into bit by bit as the years passed by. But after being totally lost, wondering if my life was worth anything; my Abba Father walked me along and continues to walk me, one wobbly step at a time, on His solid foundation of truth that I can be sure that I am His precious child through Jesus. That is all I need and will ever need for strength and to be anchored into where my value flows from. All the while as I went, He fed me, tossing me the lifesaving ring of His Word and good news. His strong arms pulled me out of the spoiled, polluted water that I was in and washed me clean in His living water through His Son Jesus. It is amazing!

    All it takes is just one remembrance each day, one thought of thankfulness. It initiates and establishes you in that thanksgiving mindset as each day starts and holds you there to walk in it with Him and to say thank You, Abba as time passes. One day at a time is how He operates—Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11, KJV). So, each day eat of thankfulness, and before you know it, thankfulness will overtake you. And as You praise it all back to God, He smiles and your heart will be overflowing with your smiles of joy and His presence!

    Each day say thankful Prayers…


    Thank you, Jesus, and He who lives in you, in your heart, will fill your spirit with His love. Your heart will be filled to overflowing as a thankful heart for Jesus!

    Day One

    Being Held Up!

    Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. (Psalm 37:24, NKJV)

    Thank you, Abba for Your Word that says, "…For the Lord upholds him with His hand" (Psalm 37:24). Thank you that You hold me up no matter what the world and the enemy bring to try and beat me down. You always lift me up and above, so I can live and rise above whatever comes against me in my life—physically, mentally, and spiritually; body, mind, and soul covered by the blood of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Lifting me up to the only place that endlessly supplies me with Your encompassing peace, rest, security, and loving assurance that is not found in this world horizontally but only found when I lift my eyes to You. In Your loving, patient kindness, You always bring my focus back to You. Jesus is my Savior, my Redeemer, lover of my soul, my advocate, and the lifter of my head.

    Thank you, Abba, as I pray with a thankful heart for all Your blessings. I love You Father for the truth that You give me in Your Word and Your Son Jesus, the Christ, who gave Himself for me. Thank you for my healing, my forgiveness of sins, my justification, and my everlasting gift of grace. One look to Jesus is all I need to make the grace-filled choice. As You impart how to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7, NKJV), I thank You for my transformation of surrender as You make all things new in me. Abba, as You go ahead and prepare the way, I remember that as each day comes, the battle is Yours.

    Thank You, Father, that with each obstacle I face, my starting place is the triumphant, victory ground at the cross where Jesus finished His work for my salvation and His resurrection for my born-again life in Him. (Declare out loud) On that ground, I will always be! With a restful spirit, I thank you, Father God, that You have planted (anchored) me deeply there, richly watering my roots. I am already in possession of Your land flowing with milk and honey. Thank you, dear Abba Father, for loving me each day into wholeness.

    You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I am a precious child of the most-high God. I freely proclaim that I am the righteousness of God in Christ and stand covered by His unconditional love, grace, and His everlasting presence in my heart.

    —In Jesus name, I pray this thankful prayer.

    To end this first day of prayers, here are some verses to meditate on each day. I want you to know that it helps me to pray the Lord’s Word back to Him. Praying in that way, continually strengthens the foundation of His wisdom and truth in my heart and spirit. It is one of my deepest desires and spirit-filled prayers for that strengthening in you too. God wants us to meditate on His Word, and it pleases Him when we pray it back to Him. His Word is perfect and covers all circumstances. So, take the time to meditate on and pray back His Word. You never know what He will reveal to you. Exciting right?

    So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11, NKJV)

    We love Him because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19, NKJV)

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1, NKJV)

    But He was wounded for our transgressions,

    He was bruised for our iniquities;

    The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,

    And by His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5, NKJV)

    But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5, AMP)

    He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God. (Romans 4:25, NLT)

    Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. (Hebrews 11:1, AMP)

    I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20, ESV)


    The using of the word of instead of the in is a truer sense or closer to the meaning in the Greek translation. See the following KJV and the added note.

    I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20, KJV)


    Living by the faith of the Son of God, Jesus—is us living by His ever sufficient, ever strong and present faith, not by only our faith, a point not to miss when we often lack faith, think we don’t have enough faith, or we are too

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