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About this ebook

My reasoning behind writing My Christmas C me To Me is because I strongly believe that the Christmas spirit is a sensation. That should be carried always in everyone’s heart, and mind. That it shouldn’t be treated as just another occasion. 

That it’s a special day out of every year. To remind us just how fo

Release dateDec 17, 2019

Arthur Richter

Hello, I’m Arthur Richter, the author of The Carl Hildridge Journals. This the first of a trilogy that came to me when I was traveling the United States at sixteen, riding the rails down South. That’s right, I would listen to hobos telling their tall tales just to pass the time. I thought I would tell one of my own. Of course, leaving a lot more to tell for the others to follow. I hope you become as enthralled as I did when I wrote them. They do become pretty enthralling.

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    MY CHRISTMAS CAME TO ME - Arthur Richter


    Chapter 1

    The years this story took place isn’t as important as the events that still continuously take place up to the present time. Where all that should be important is that at a particular time and place that it becomes real to all those who become involved.

    Where this one practically elderly man, who looks to be in his late sevenths by the name of Randy Walter, and his wife Priscilla along with their family, and their grandchildren. That they could fit in the family sled. Where the rest of their family following behind in their horse drawn sled as well.

    On this one very special particular cold winters night. They all rode together heading towards the orphanage that Mr. Walter spent fourteen years of his life at. To shear, and calibrate a very rememberable experience. With all the children who was just like Randy once was. On this very special night. Referred to yearly as the night before Christmas.

    Carrying with them toys for all the boys and girls. So that they could experience the heart warming joy of the Christmas spirit. That long past changed his life.

    This story beginning took place long before Randy himself became involved in it. Before he fond himself becoming one of the chosen few. Who became an part of the Christmas spirit. That made it the miracle it truly was.

    That far to many are willing too believe. It not to be all that meaningfully true as time moved on. Where every year that one special day continued come. Where it came to change Randy’s life on one Christmas eve.

    Where it was he continues to find himself coming back to the orphanage. That he ran away from when he was just a teenage boy of fourteen..

    Who was now taking his wife Priscilla along with him, as well as his grown sons, and daughters. Together with their own children as well. To hear him telling the same tall tale story. To all he looked forward to telling his tall tale to.

    Where they would join in gathering up about Randy, and his wife Priscilla. As they sit before the fireplace with all the children living at the orphanage.

    Whether they be the youngest of the young, or the oldest. Where who all wanted to hear Randy tell his story. Would gather up to sit amongst each other upon the rug, about the fireplace, To hear the same story he came to tell every year. That was the night before Christmas.

    As if anxiously wanting to hear it all over again not wanting to miss a word of it. Even though he told it always the same way.

    What was unknown to all who were going to hear the story. He was going to tell this time. That it was going to be different from the story he usually always told. That the story he was going to tell this time, was going to reveal the long hidden secret about how it was that Santa Clause was able to know, how the children he visited were good or bad.

    Along with still another well kept secret. Of how it was that he himself shared an life changing experienced with the Christmas spirit. That became so inspiring he became involved in wanting to become a toy maker. Where his life ambition was to become a architect.

    Where on his yearly tips to the orphanage he spent fourteen years of his life at. He never forgot to bring as many as toys in every variety as he could along with him. To the orphanage in a large clothe gift bags.

    That he would pass out, not only to the kids who would came listen to his Christmas tale but, to also hand out amongst the others throughout the orphanage. Regardless how young, or old they might have been. Making sure that everyone received something that carried along with it, The Christmas spirit that came from the heart of those who made it possible for them to feel loved.

    Always bringing more than there were kids. Where he would secretly leave at those places where he know kids lived. On the way going to the orphanage, and back home again. Whether they were rich, or poor, or in good health, or not.

    Of course always making sure who it was who lived in the places he stopped by to visit but, for a brief moment. That he hoped would fill their hearts, and soul with the knowledge that someone was out there besides their own family, and group of friends who knew, and cared about them.

    Just wanting to share his joy of giving, and having taken part in sharing, and how wonderful it felt to have been blessed with the true spirit of giving. If only for one day out of a years.

    If only to bring a fleeting moment of knowing being loved. Where every child would feel the joy of happiness of being loved, appreciated, and cared about. If only for a brief second in their lifetime.

    Just enough to inspire them into wondering. Who could have left it, and why. Where all Randy hoped to capture. Was that moment that hopefully they would never forget.

    Hoping to get them to feel good about themselves. Where hopefully they will want to share that single second of joy they felt with someone else

    Where of course as usual. Before Randy would arrive the head matron Miss. Collins would always put out cookies, and milk for Randy, and his family. As well as for all those who would sit around waiting to listen to him. Leaving plats full of cookies all about the orphanage for anyone to help themselves too.

    Where as usual Randy would sat patiently, nibbling on one, of Mrs. Collins sugar cookies. Sipping from his class of milk before the warming fire. Waiting for everyone to settle down while seating themselves down upon the rug.

    Looking over at his lovely loving wife Priscilla. Rocking while netting a hole in one, of his socks. That she brought with her to amuse herself while Randy told his Christmas tale.

    Never stopping from smiling at her. Seeing her as the same divining angle he saw her as. From the very first second he laid his mystified eyes upon her. Before speaking out to get everyone attention.

    "Well children for those who are new. Allow me to introduce myself along with my loving wife, and family who some of you have already met I’m sure.

    My name is Randy Walters . Although it might look like I appear to be Santa Clause I can assure you that it is, just a coincidence.

    Though many of you have only seen me several times, and others a lot, while still other for the first time. Where even though I might not be Santa Clause. I do want all of you to know that I do possess his Christmas Spirit.

    Those of you who know me. Know of the joy, and happiness that I hope to bring with me . However the story you are about to hear. Is nothing like you have obviously heard many times before. Where those who haven’t will be spared from the past version. To hear this very special story. I have come to tall about Christmas.

    Though the tale you area bout to hear. I might make it sound unlike any you have ever heard. Where it might even sound unbelievable. Where then again just maybe might sound somewhat similar in nature to one some of those you might have heard before..

    It really shouldn’t matter. As much as you have a warm fire to keep you all warm, something sweet to eat, and something refreshing to drink. Thanks to your head matron Mrs. Collins here.

    I came here this night hoping that what I tell you will inspire all of you to open your minds as well as your hearts to the true spirit of Christmas.

    Not so much as what might transpire during the tale. Compared to how much afterwards. To hopefully changed some, or all your minds from as it is now.

    So I want all of you to be paying special attention. You might never know if what I’m about to tell you. Could in fact truly happen to you as well.

    For you see, he too. The one this tale is all about could have been just like each, and everyone of you living here right now. Who was really living in such a place just like this one. As all of you are right now, then.

    Where I can only hope that you to will want to share all he has shared, and will continue to share with other. In hopes for the young, and old alike too to keep the Christmas spirit lite in their hearts all the days of their lives. Where even the richest to the poorest. Will always keep a open mind, as well as an open heart,

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