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Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision
Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision
Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision

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In Power Seers, a book filled with prophetic words and prophetic strategies to open your spiritual eyes wider, best-selling author and seer Jennifer LeClaire equips you to: position yourself for a seer upgrade, unlock X-ray and peripheral vision, see past the enemy and into God’s plans, enter new dimensions of seer glory, tap into auto foc

Release dateJan 1, 2020
Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision

Jennifer LeClaire

Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized author, apostolic-prophetic voice to her generation, and conference speaker. She is founder of Awakening House of Prayer, Awakening Blaze prayer movement, Ignite prophetic network. She has written many bestselling books, including Mornings With the Holy Spirit and The Making of a Prophet.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is a very useful book and the knowledge gained in this course is very precious. I sincerely thank the author of this book.

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Power Seers - Jennifer LeClaire

Table of Contents

1. Power Seers Rising..........................3

2. Restoration of Seer Eyes.............13

3. Eyes Wide Open Worldwide........25

4. Seer Upgrades................................31

5. Healing Seer Eyes..........................37

6. Four Ways Seer Mantles are Damaged................45

7. God is Remantling Seers.............53

8. Unlocking X-ray Vision..................75

9. Tapping into Autofocus................85

10. Pressing Into Peripheral ............97

11. Multiplied Visions......................107

12. Beware False Dimensions.......117


Power Seers Rising


It’s time for the seers to soar—to ascend to a higher level, to rise dramatically, to mount up with wings as eagles and get heaven’s perspective on natural events and spiritual seasons—both current and future. Indeed, we’ve step into a new era in the prophetic movement and God is showcasing seers and seeing believers in an unprecedented way.

Prophetically speaking, I see the rise of what I call power seers.

What are power seers? Well, you’ve probably heard of power evangelism in which evangelists demonstrate the power of God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, Holy Ghost power—power even lost souls cannot deny—is part and parcel of soul-winning campaigns. The signs and wonders that follow power evangelists confirm Jesus is alive.

I’m reminded of Mark 16:20—the disciples went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.

Power seers will see, hear and say with the accuracy of original Old Testament seers like Samuel. Holy Spirit boldness will toughen these seers, who will rise up and push back fear of man that tempts too many to keep silent about the prophetic visions He leads them to share. Power seers are not afraid to unflinchingly address sin in the church and call for repentance while praying for mercy.

Power seers will not only walk in signs, they will become walking talking signs that prophesy what they see and demonstrate their dreams and visions in prophetic acts that turn the hearts of people back to the Father. Some will be parabolic prophets like Ezekiel who at times see great visions and at times sacrifice their own dignity to communicate what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church (see Ezekiel 4).

Power seers will speak to kings and those in authority by the greater authority of Jesus Christ. Leaders with a pure heart like King David will receive God’s manifold wisdom through uncompromising power seers. Those with an evil heart like King Jeroboam will reject the word of the Lord through the mouths of seer prophets.

Power seers will arise from within prisons and within palaces, from all walks of life and all denominations. They will carry the ability to communicate the same messages to different people groups. Like Paul, power seers will become all things to all people so that by all possible means they may get through to some (see 1 Corinthians 9:22).

Powers seers will have personal power encounters with God. They will experience a rise in angelic visitations. They will see epic visions akin to Book of Revelation scenes as we move closer to the end-times. They will record dramatic dreams that offer direction the world desperately needs in the coming days.

Like power evangelists, power seers will find God is confirming the word with accompanying signs. Consider 1 Samuel 3:19-20, So Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord.

Effective, Fervent Seers

What is this power? One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions of power is ability to act or produce an effect. Power seers understand they are seeing not by their power or might—they can’t choose to see at will—but it’s by God’s Spirit that they see. Power seers will have dreams and visions that effect change through calls to intercession.

God Himself will authorize power seers with legal rights to access places in the seer dimensions where mysteries and revelation are released for His purposes. (I write more about these dimensions in my book, The Seer Dimensions.)

Power seers who stay plugged into the Source of all power will speak words of life that come from His heart. Power seers understand, like David, God is my strength and power... (2 Samuel 22:33). They know God gave believers a spirit of power, but also a spirit of love and self-control and will not move beyond legal bounds in seer dimensions (see 2 Timothy 1:7)

Power seers will discern and battle demonic forces that thwart them, but will stand on Luke 10:19, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Power seers will stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might (see Ephesians 6:10) and understand the power that works within them by contemplation, meditation and revelation (see Ephesians 3:20). (You can learn more about these aspects in my book, Seer Activations.)

Power seers will model their ministry after Christ the Seer. Acts 10:38 is a key scripture: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Power seers will choose to engage in deliverance ministry when necessary to see captives set free.

Power seers will gain strength and prophetic perspective by waiting up on the Lord. Isaiah 40:29-31, He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Power seers will resist the temptation to put their faith in their own wisdom, but rather choose to lean into the power of God (see 1 Corinthians 2:5). Power seers will seek the Lord, His strength and His presence continually (see 1 Chronicles 16:11). Power seers will keep in mind the words of David in Psalm 62:11: God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.

God wants to demonstrate His power through you and will show consecrated seers powerful visions of epic proportions. While inner visions and pictures have characterized much of the prophetic movement since the 1980s, those who show themselves faithful and obedient will find their eyes opening to visual revelation that reminds us of spectacular visions in the Bible.

Price of Admission

Of course, there’s a price to walk in seer power. But many will be willing to consecrate their eyes after supernatural encounters with God compel them to radically sell out and seal their eyes. Many will have Isaiah 6 encounters that cause them to confess their sin and cry out for holiness that will purge, purify and position them to walk in power and authority in their generation.

When God called me into prophetic ministry, He spoke many things to my heart. One of the things He told me was to count the costs and don’t look back.

Some years later, the Lord asked me if I was willing to pay the price to do what He had called me to do. I answered quickly, Yes, Lord. I am willing. After all, I had already counted the costs when He called me—or at least I thought I had. The Lord admonished me, Don’t answer too quickly. Consider the costs.

With that, I went off to pray. After about a week, I returned to the Lord with a solid answer: Yes, Lord, I am willing to pay the price. I sensed the pleasure of the Holy Spirit at my sincere answer, but I never anticipated what He would tell me next: It will be a very dear price.

Before too long, I started paying the price—and a dear price indeed. Thank God that in His wisdom and mercy He shows us things to come if we simply have

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