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The Black Sea Of Roses: A Novel
The Black Sea Of Roses: A Novel
The Black Sea Of Roses: A Novel
Ebook104 pages1 hour

The Black Sea Of Roses: A Novel

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The forest is dark, haunting and ghastly. A couple wondering through a hidden passage way found an abandoned cabin covered in leaves and vines. The cabin has history of belonging to family filled with darkness in their hearts, and the cabin is a historical land mark, but it has paranormal activity which describes the black sea of roses.

Release dateApr 29, 2020
The Black Sea Of Roses: A Novel

Vanessa M Chattman

Vanessa M. Chattman was born in Newark, NJ. Her family moved to East Orange, NJ a few years later. She graduated from Clifford J. Scott High School in 1989. She joined the US Army in 1990 served on Active Duty for four years and ten months. She deployed to Desert Storm in 1990 and attended Vincennes University In 1993.She worked for the Department of Defense and Child Care Services from 1995 to 1998. In November 1997 , she was accepted into the International Poetry Hall of Fame. Her membership with The Writer's Digest Book Club has been active since 1997. Her poems have been published in three different anthologies. The poem "My House" has been published in "The Poetic Voices of America Anthology." The second poem titled "The Celebration" has been published in the "Beginnings" anthology. The poem titled "People" has been published by The National Library of Poetry and has received The Editor's Choice Award. The Play titled, "Street Gigs", and the Screenplay titled, "ZEROX CODES" were written in 2008. Now she's an active member of the Unites States Army Reserve and has an associate's degree in applied science. She is a single parent and currently residing in Texas.

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    Book preview

    The Black Sea Of Roses - Vanessa M Chattman


    Misty Blues

    MELINDA, LET’S GO TO THE countryside, said Mark. She was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She turned her head I just thought it would be a good idea to check out the scenery and camp out near the forest.

    She slowly leaned over the sink, rinsed her mouth, and began swishing mouthwash in her mouth. We really can’t afford a hotel, so how about getting a tent camping gear? she suggested.

    Mark looked up from reading the newspaper. All right, he said. He put on his slippers and walked toward the bathroom. He knocked on the door. Are you finished?

    I’m almost done, but, no, not yet!

    OK, I’m going downstairs to get some coffee.

    Melinda stuck her head out of the bathroom door. OK, I’m finished using the bathroom now.

    Mark slowly walked into the kitchen, searching for the coffee filters, and grabbed the coffee out of the cabinet near the refrigerator.

    Melinda came downstairs. Hey, hon, what are you doing?

    Mark turned around with the coffee cup in his hand. Smiling at Melinda, he said, I’m making coffee. He leaned close to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Melinda smiled. We are out of creamer. He shook the canister. We’ll pick some creamer up when we go shopping for our camping gear. Honey, let’s get ready before the traffic gets too bad.

    Melinda ran upstairs so she could get dressed. She opened the closet door, looking for something to wear. Honey, have you seen my green sweater?

    No, I haven’t seen it for a few days.

    Well, I had it hanging in the closet next to my coat.

    Mark said, It’s probably in the clean pile of laundry from yesterday.

    "Oh, OK; then I will look for it later. So, what are you wearing?"

    Mark looked surprised. I’m dressed already!

    Melinda shook her head.

    What! said Mark.

    Melinda chuckled slightly. Those pants are so old; they are fading at the knee area.

    Mark quickly glanced at his pants and then stared at her. I don’t see anything wrong with my jeans. OK, let’s go get in the truck.

    While Mark started up the Jeep, Melinda grabbed the cooler filled with ice, drinks, and snacks. She lifted the hatch and loaded the cooler in the Jeep. Mark noticed the gas was low.

    What’s wrong? Melinda asked.

    The truck needs gas. We’ll stop and get gas first, Mark said. As he backed the truck out of the driveway, he waved at their neighbor next door cutting grass. Melinda turned the radio on. As the radio station played music, she looked out of the window to her right and screamed, startling Mark.

    What’s wrong? Mark asked.

    I saw a lady dressed in black standing next to some water covered with roses.

    Are you sure? Are you sure? Mark asked repeatedly.

    Yes, I’m sure; I’m absolutely sure! yelled Melinda. It was noon, the sun was shining bright, and the windshield had a strong glare. Melinda was stunned by the vision she saw. Mark was driving the speed limit, singing along the songs from the radio. He pulled the Jeep into the gas station, turned it off, and opened the door. Do you want anything to drink? he asked, leaning over the window.

    Some water will be fine, Melinda replied.

    Mark walked away from the truck into the store. Melinda stayed in the truck. Moments later, Mark returned to the truck, handing Melinda her water. Then he started pumping the gas into the truck. Mark finished pumping gas and got back in the truck, starting the engine. He glanced at Melinda. Are you sure you want to go through with this trip? Mark asked.

    I’m sure, Melinda replied.

    OK, Mark said. So what do you want to eat?

    Melinda pointed to a restaurant at the next traffic light near the gas station. As Mark drove away from the gas station, Melinda and Mark grew impatient, anxious about getting seated inside to place their orders. This sucks! said Mark. This place is crowded; there aren’t any close parking spaces.

    Suddenly Melinda pointed frantically.


    Look, there is an open parking space!

    Mark slowly drove the truck into the empty parking space. Mark and Melinda got out of the truck.

    Kevin briefly walks over to Mark’s side of the truck and introduces himself and his new girlfriend to Mark, but tells him that he’s Melinda’s ex-boyfriend and suggests that they all have dinner together at a restaurant this weekend.

    I hope we get a booth, said Melinda. Mark looked straight ahead as they both walked through the entrance of the restaurant. It was crowded. A football game was playing on a big flat-screen TV. People were laughing, talking, and enjoying the loud music.

    Do you want a table for two? the hostess asked them politely.

    Yes, Mark replied.

    Melinda ordered a shrimp dinner with a glass of red wine. As they were waiting for their food, Mark asked Melinda, How long have you known Kevin?

    Melinda frowned at Mark. Why are you asking me questions about Kevin?

    Now Mark frowned at Melinda. Why are you so upset over him?

    I’m not getting upset; I just want to enjoy our dinner tonight without having this discussion about my ex-boyfriend.

    Wow, that looks delicious, said Mark as the waitress was carrying their food on a tray with condiments, utensils, and napkins.

    Melinda said, Wow, that looks great. Oh, here come our drinks.

    Mark asked Melinda, Do you want another bottle of wine after you finish drinking your first bottle?

    Melinda said quietly, Yes, that’s fine.

    Mark called the waitress back to the table to order the second bottle of wine. As Mark was about to pick up his knife to cut his steak, he asked Melinda, What time do you want to leave to go to the cabin?

    Melinda said, I thought we were leaving for the cabin right after dinner.

    Mark took a sip of his wine and said, I thought you wanted to stay in a hotel for a few days—a night and then drive to the cabin in the morning?

    Melinda replied, chewing on a piece of shrimp, You know what? That’s a good idea. OK, let’s stay in the hotel for the night and start driving tomorrow morning to the cabin.

    Mark replied, OK, great. I will call the hotel and get our room booked for tonight.

    Melinda asked, What are we going to eat for breakfast?

    Mark replied, I’m not sure yet. Maybe we should go out to eat at a restaurant serving breakfast. Breakfast in bed would be great, especially if it’s a rainy day tomorrow.

    The waiter walked over to Mark and Melinda’s table to get the payment. Mark pulled out his wallet, placed the American Express card in the cardholder, and gave it to the waitress. She swiped the card and brought back the receipt to Mark and Melinda’s table. She then gathered their empty plates on a tray. While cleaning the table, the waitress asked them to come back and visit the restaurant again. Then she quickly glanced at Mark and Melinda, saying, I hope you enjoyed your meals, and have a great evening. Mark and Melinda nodded their heads, smiling, and then left the restaurant. As Mark and Melinda were walking outside of the restaurant toward the Jeep, Mark asked Melinda, Did you enjoy your meal?

    Melinda replied, The shrimp didn’t taste good; it was fully cooked, and the bread was soggy.

    Mark said, Well, I guess we won’t be visiting that restaurant any time soon. Maybe we’ll come back to see if they have a better selection of food. Mark opened the door for Melinda on the passenger side of the Jeep and then got on the driver’s side and drove toward the highway. Mark drove about three miles down the road, to the nearest hotel in town.

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