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Chloe After Dark
Chloe After Dark
Chloe After Dark
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Chloe After Dark

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Moving on from a painful break up with her boyfriend, beautiful Chloe Milano takes a job as a radio host at a steamy late night erotic radio station to pay off her debts and make ends meet. But she gets a lot more than she bargained for when she becomes entangled in the salacious fantasies of after-hours callers...

PublisherElsa Joseph
Release dateJan 6, 2020
Chloe After Dark

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    Chloe After Dark - Elsa Joseph

    Chapter 1

    He’s gone! Chloe Milano’s hazel eyes blazed as she spoke, her whole body stiff with indignation. The world around her still seemed blurred from her seething rage, her mind replaying the conflict over and over again. Facts mingled with perception, and she allowed her imagination to run wild. He…he’s gone!

    Slow down. Blaire Simpson, her best friend, lifted her hand. Her shoulder-length blond hair swayed as she sat up straighter, staring at Chloe with blue eyes full of alarm. They were stationed together at their favorite bar, waiting for their other friend to come. When Chloe arrived, she had blurted out her news without taking a moment to order a drink or even sit down. Tell me what’s happened?

    We’re finished! It’s over! Chloe dropped her bag on the table and sat down heavily. I can’t believe it! I really…I just…I don’t know…

    I can tell you what I do know. Blaire waved to the waiter. Can we have a couple margaritas, please? Blended lemon.

    Of course, madam. The waiter wandered off as Chloe continued to fume, shifting from loud rage to quiet anger.

    Let’s start from the beginning, huh? Blaire took her friend’s hand and gave it a squeeze. What the hell are you talking about, and what’s got you so upset?

    Daniel! Chloe blurted the name out as if it acted as a perfect explanation for her state. It worked in her head. Even saying it out loud made her want to hit something. She hadn’t been violent during their quarrel, but after he left, indignation had pushed her further and she felt she could’ve at least slapped him. In fact, she regretted not giving him a good whack. He’s gone!

    Since you’re not crying, Blaire said, I’m assuming you don’t mean he died.

    Chloe scowled at her. Really? I said we’re finished, Blaire! We broke up!

    That was…just black humor. Blaire shook her head. Sorry, trying to take this all in. So, you guys are done? What pushed you, or him, over the edge? What made it happen?

    "Oh, we got into an argument about his irresponsible behavior. You know what I’m talking about? All those bills! The debt! The loans for his…his stuff! He’s not that freakin’ fancy!" Chloe paused as their drinks arrived, then she downed half of hers in one go.

    You might want to treat that with some respect, champ, Blaire said. Angry or not, downing tequila will definitely not solve your problems. It tends to make brand-new ones you never thought of.

    Chloe waved her hand dismissively. Whatever. Maybe these problems would go away if someone was paying me a million dollars for my spleen.

    Kidney, Blaire corrected. Spleens you can’t live without, but you’ve got a couple of kidneys…though the rate you’re drinking that, I wouldn’t be too sure you’re eligible. Anyway, so you confronted him about all this?

    Yeah, it got way out of control. Like…we’re talking insanity. And you know the worst part? The sort of beat-you-in-the-face-when-you’re-down-so-you’ll-never-get-back-up part of this?

    Blaire shook her head. No…

    They are all in my name! Chloe smiled but it was not with mirth. She felt on the verge of losing her mind. At some point, she thought she might cry, but rage kept that from happening, at least for the time being. And now…well…now I’m just screwed! He leaves our expensive apartment—also in my name, by the way—and I get left with the mountain of bills.

    Now I understand your concerns. Blaire waved to the waiter and ordered another margarita. Under the circumstances, I think I’ll buy, huh?

    The bar hadn’t filled up to its usual capacity, but there were a few people at the scattered tables. They had picked the place because it tended to be mostly quiet and had decent seating. There were booths if they wanted to eat, and the taller tables were close enough to the bar that they didn’t have to cross the room every time they wanted a refill. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, it always provided a launching point for some nightlife. They’d begun many forays into clubs and other places from the spot, and sometimes finished the evening off there with some last drinks before heading home. Chloe knew she’d made the right decision going there after breaking up with Daniel. The bar felt like a sanctuary, especially since her ex had never really liked it. I should’ve known we weren’t meant to be when he acted all snooty about this place. What an asshole! Seriously, what did I ever see in him?

    Chloe heard a voice call her name from behind and she turned to see their other friend, Stephanie Landon, approaching. She was very elegant, a few years older, and recently divorced. After years in business, she’d finally gotten a decent promotion and now made the best money of the three—but she didn’t flaunt it.

    Chloe, Blaire, how are you? Stephanie hugged them both before sitting down. She frowned when she looked at Chloe. Uh-oh! What’s happened? Are you okay?

    She’s devastated, Blaire answered. She broke up with Daniel.

    Oh, no…I’m so sorry! Stephanie shook her head. Wait…should I be sorry? Did you dump him? Did he cheat on you?

    Did he hit you? Blaire added.

    What? Stephanie’s brows furrowed. Really?

    Blaire shrugged. Men can be assholes when they’re pissed. Especially when people start shouting.

    Calm down, you two! Chloe gave a long sigh, nursing her drink. No, he didn’t hit me. I didn’t hit him. We just got loud. You know…yelling and stuff. No one even threw anything. A door may have been slammed, but that’s it. The extent of the fight was a lot of barking, no biting, and a sudden silence. But none of that matters. My debts are out of control!

    Ugh, I know how you feel. Stephanie patted her hand. I had practically the same thing happen to me when I divorced Phil.

    Really? Chloe hummed a little. Thought you had a clean break. Didn’t he have to pay for half or something?

    I still had to part with a hell of a lot of cash, hon. Stephanie ordered herself a drink. I finally got it under control but…wow! Thinking about it makes me depressed too.

    I don’t know what I’m going to do…I really don’t. Chloe sighed, sipped her drink, and stared down at the table.

    What about seeing a financial advisor? suggested Stephanie. They’re used to helping people like you, who’ve been fleeced by a man’s irresponsibility. I’d bet one of those could help, hon.

    You think so? Chloe didn’t move as she spoke, and her vision started to blur from not blinking. My cash isn’t very regular. Don’t those people need a steady income to do any good? Not to mention, their fees.

    Blaire nodded in agreement. It’s the way to go, Chloe, but I’m not sure it’s for you. I’ve known many other women who’ve gone down that road, but they all had better jobs, so repaying their debts wasn’t such a huge challenge. Tell me, Chloe—and be honest—are you earning enough to clear these debts?

    Chloe shook her head. Not even remotely. Fashion consultation isn’t a pot of gold. I’ve had some great paydays here and there but nothing to put a real dent in what’s owed.

    Exactly! Blaire tapped the table several times. You’re going to need something steady if this fancy finance person can help. These days, you can lose half your stuff if a bailiff’s called in, and you don’t want that.

    Do you have a suggestion? Stephanie asked. Something better than telling her the only option on the table is crap, I mean. She’s not exactly in a position to rush out to get a new job…not quickly enough to make any real money, at least.

    I have an idea, Blaire replied. Something a little different, and it requires working late nights, so you could still do your fashion jobs when they come up.

    What are you talking about? Chloe asked. You think I should take a part-time job? How do you know about anything work related, anyway?

    Hey, don’t be like that. Blaire gave a grin. I got a promotion at work, remember? I’m now Production Assistant at Toronto Airwaves, and we’re putting together a brand-new show, one that requires some fresh talent. We’re looking for an amateur who can grow into the role. Someone who can keep it raw and interesting.

    That doesn’t sound healthy, Stephanie muttered over her glass.

    Cool it, Stephanie, please. Blaire waved a hand at her and leaned closer to Chloe. "You really should think about it. We’re calling it Red Light Confessions. It’s a show where people call in and talk about their sexual fantasies. They describe…you play along a bit…and we keep the show rolling. It should be a blast!"

    Jesus, Blaire! Chloe shook her head. Are you joking? C’mon! First off, I have zero experience with radio. I didn’t train for that, let alone have any business getting behind a microphone.

    Believe me, it’s easier than you think, Blaire said. Once you start talking, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to step into the role.

    Okay, speaking of roles, Chloe continued, this leads me to my second problem. How am I supposed to just…just talk about that stuff? On the air! With millions of people listening to me carry on about…whatever you’re talking about?

    Blaire cleared her throat. Well…our demographic isn’t quite as big as that, and we haven’t really started yet…

    Regardless! Chloe finished her drink and stood up. "No, I don’t think I can even entertain your idea. Thank you, sincerely…I appreciate you thinking about me, but I’ll find another way to make some cash. This is definitely not for me!"


    By now, the bar was crowded, and the waiters were busy. Unable to attract their attention, Stephanie went to the bar herself to order the next round.

    I need to head to the bathroom, Blaire said. Will you be okay on your own?

    Of course!

    Sitting alone at the table, Chloe found herself thinking about Daniel and their early days together at college. She’d been studying Fashion Management and Art History, and he had been on the final year of his culinary degree to become a chef. He was the villain of the piece now, but it hadn’t always been that way. Her mind wandered back to a time when every moment together was a whirlwind of fun, excitement, and sex. It was the graduation ball that did it for me. He made me feel like a proper woman for the first time in my life. Daniel had picked her up in a stretch limo he’d hired for the occasion at great expense, and they’d arrived like royalty, the uniformed driver opening the door for her as she emerged to applause from the on-looking crowd. She’d been twenty-two, and he had just turned twenty; his boyish good looks and happy-go-lucky personality had made her the envy of her friends. He’d looked particularly hot that night in a tuxedo that contrasted appealingly with his long brown hair, and he was clearly out to party. He bought champagne all evening, busted some really sexy moves on the dance floor, and waited on her like a princess. By the time the evening was over, her head had been spinning and all she’d wanted was to leap into bed with Daniel. I had no experience, but Daniel had lots...and I was ready to lose my virginity. You need someone who knows what they’re doing when it’s your first time.

    Back at his room in college, he had taken his time, even though Chloe was more than ready, and that had just made their first time even more exciting and special. He kissed her long and hard, their tongues meeting and giving her what almost felt like electric shocks. He kissed her eyes, her ears, and her neck as his hand moved down to her vagina, until she couldn’t take it any longer. She broke away from him and tore off her clothes, including her wet panties, and threw herself down on the bed. He removed his clothes too, revealing his huge erection, and knelt down, gently parting her legs. As he licked slowly around her labia and then moved up to her clit, she came almost immediately with an intensity she’d never known before. That was the first of three orgasms that had completely engulfed her that night. Soon afterward, with him sliding two fingers in and out of her and then pressing a third into her ass, she had screamed with pleasure as she climaxed a second time. Then, after holding her tenderly as he gave her time to recover, he had entered her in a confident and masterful way. But he hadn’t come straight away. Far from it. I couldn’t believe his power of holding on. It was incredible for such a young man. Must have been half an hour, maybe forty-five minutes max. I remember taking control in the end…Squeezing her muscles tight inside her, Chloe had sent Daniel over the edge in a matter of seconds, his cum squirting into her in a seemingly endless series of spasms. His groans of ecstasy and the feeling of unspeakable joy that filled her whole body made her come for a third time, a feeling that spread through her whole body. This was my first time and my best time—although many of the others in the months and years that followed came close...

    Hello-o-o! Anybody home?

    The voice shattered Chloe’s thoughts and she blinked, like someone waking from a dream. Stephanie was standing over her, putting down the drinks.

    You okay?

    Fine, thanks!

    You were pretty spaced out there, said Blaire, rejoining them.

    Chloe took a sip of her drink. Just thinking about the past.

    Stephanie looked serious. Don’t go there, babe. Believe me, I know. The past is another country.

    Tell me about it, sighed Chloe.


    As the evening wore on, the conversation returned to the subject of the radio job.

    Last point on it, and I won’t push, Blaire said. It’ll bring in a pretty penny if it works out. Steady money, and more than enough to keep the bailiffs out of your life.

    Chloe gave an exaggerated sigh. Please, will you change the record? She didn’t know what made her more nervous, talking on the radio or talking about sex on the air. They were about equal in terms of which might be the more embarrassing. What would my mother say?

    Just think about it, that’s all I ask, said Blaire. I want to help you, and I’m sure this will do it. Besides, I know you’d be a natural at this gig. Seriously, you could be big.

    I don’t have to think about it. Claire spoke with long-suffering patience. I need to focus on doing something that helps my situation with some certainty.

    What’s certain in life? Stephanie put in, lifting her glass to toast her statement.

    There was a long silence. Then Chloe said, What kind of money are we talking about?

    Blaire chuckled. You really are considering it?

    I’m just asking a logical question. Don’t bother to answer, anyway, because I’m not considering it. In fact, I’m getting another drink, and we can move on to…something else, with less…sexual connotations.

    Oh! Stephanie sat up straight. Speaking of which, I’m holding a Masquerade Party at my place this weekend, if you two want to come.

    Masquerade? Chloe asked. What’s that about? Do you have to pretend to be a famous celebrity or something?

    No, Blaire replied. It’s where...

    UH, UH, UH! Stephanie interrupted, wagging one finger. Don’t spoil the surprise.

    I get it. More sexy stuff. Chloe rolled her eyes. I think I’ll be passing on that kind offer too. Thank you, Stephanie.

    Count me in, Blaire said. I can always use a little spice in my private life.

    Absolutely incorrigible. Chloe gripped her friend’s forearm affectionately. I adore you, but you really are the most scandalous person I know.

    We’ll see about that after you’ve had some time to think about my offer. Blaire waggled her brows. I suspect it won’t even take you two days to make up your mind and get in touch. Trust me, I can smell talent.

    Hopefully not, in your line of work, Stephanie said. I’m sure it wouldn’t be entirely pleasant.

    I’ve had enough! Chloe interrupted, laughing. Can we talk about movies now? And not pornography! I just broke up with my boyfriend, and the last thing I need is to go off on a tangent about sexy talk. Especially when I’m going home to sleep alone tonight.

    You’ll love it, Stephanie added. After Phil left, I didn’t have to deal with cold feet, long toenails, snoring, or sleep groping. I tell you, he had paws like an octopus when he was unconscious. Never looked at me twice when he was awake, but close his eyes and he became a Casanova.

    Grabbing your boobs doesn’t make him a Casanova, Blaire pointed out.

    Stephanie ignored the comment. Relationships go stale, she continued, turning to Chloe. Have you told anyone else besides us about your misfortune?

    Chloe shook her head. No…just you two, so far.

    Get ready for the mom call, Blaire replied. I tell you, when you leave a long-time boyfriend, mothers lose their minds. It’s quite funny, to be honest. You’d think they’d be all about you getting out of a bad relationship, but the older you get, the less likely you are to be with anyone other than a load of cats, it seems. At least according to my mother.

    I suppose I could get some kittens. Chloe tapped her chin playfully. I read somewhere that four are the perfect introduction.

    Stephanie huffed. You know perfectly well you don’t need to go out and get yourself a load of cats. You’re not there yet. You don’t even know how to knit. Once you can put together a decent cable-knit sweater, then maybe consider the kittens. Until then, you’ve got to pretend you might still have a life. Be positive!

    Or take my job, Blaire muttered.

    Chloe tapped her on the shoulder. C’mon, Blaire! Now you’re just teasing me.

    That’s the spirit.

    They were clearly getting drunk, and Chloe was really feeling it. As they had what she determined would be her final round, she started wondering how she would get home. A taxicab would be expensive, and her friends weren’t in any condition to drive themselves. This is what it’s coming to. Penny-pinching to get home after drinking too much. Thanks a lot, Daniel. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me. Jerk!

    After much hugging and long goodbyes, she walked home, arriving about three in the morning. She flopped on the bed and let herself melt into the covers.

    Chapter 2

    Sunlight streamed in through the window, catching Chloe right in the eyes. She’d forgotten to close the curtains when she went to bed, and the bright light aggravated her hangover. The clock said it was two in the afternoon, but she felt like she’d barely slept at all. Where the hell did all that time go?

    Climbing to her feet, she stumbled into the kitchen and downed a bottle of water. Chunks of onion sat on the cutting board, leftovers from whatever Daniel had been preparing to cook before their argument started. The smell made Chloe’s stomach churn. She pushed a bagel in the toaster, then held her breath and swept the onions into the trashcan. She didn’t have any work, not for several days, and that left her with the one thing she didn’t want plenty of: time. Time to think about her problems and deal with them alone. Daniel was gone. She had to face the future on her own in a situation that essentially meant she would be short of money for the rest of her life…or even longer! They’ll probably be sending me letters in my grave. The thought was a little over-dramatic but not entirely miles from the truth. As she nibbled on the plain bagel at her dining room table, she racked her brain for options, for anything she might be able to do. Part-time jobs might make up the difference she needed, but they wouldn’t help her get ahead. Not really.

    Chloe moved through the shower and got dressed robotically, staring into the foggy mirror. The blurry reflection made her sigh as she battled the sense of depression creeping up on her. Returning to the living room, she gazed about the apartment, appreciating the open space and modern design. They had bought all new appliances for the apartment, everything stainless steel and top of the line. Daniel aspired to be a chef and needed a fancy gas stove to continue his studies. Coupled with a number of crazy gadgets and expensive cookware, it looked ready to produce five-star meals. He’d already taken the pots and pans away with him, making it feel lonely somehow.

    Flopping back on their leather sofa, she stared at the mounted sixty-inch TV. Daniel only recently had it delivered and connected to their surround system, another luxury they really couldn’t afford. She admitted movies looked and sounded great, but they could never turn it up too loud because the neighbors complained. Credit had come easily enough and, at the time, buying all their things seemed fun. They picked most of them together, which made her feel bad for how she complained to her friends. After all, she was part of the problem. Maybe if she’d put her foot down sooner, if she’d put her foot down about the bigger purchases, she might not be in such a financial mess now. Why did we have to live so…so frivolously? Did Daniel really need all this stuff to be happy? Lord, I’m on a serious downer today. What the hell am I going to do about it? How can I bounce back when everything in my apartment is telling me I’m finished?

    Chloe worked as a fashion consultant, a freelance job which used her degree qualification. It sounded glamorous but most of her bookings involved helping single men dress themselves for job interviews. Once in a while, she helped wealthier individuals find a signature look, but those commissions were few and far between. Even with personal recommendations, Chloe didn’t

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