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The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne
The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne
The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne
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The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne

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“The brighter your star, the harder the chase.”

—Victor I. Okoh

Today’s world chases after success, but crime, poverty, insecurity, and the abortion of destinies trail her every move. Like a ship tossed in troubled waters in a dark stormy night, disaster seems inevitable as men are gripped by the conspiracy of

Release dateApr 7, 2020
The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne

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    The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne - Victor Ifeanyichukwu Okoh


    The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne

    Victor Ifeanyichukwu Okoh

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2020 by Victor Ifeanyichukwu Okoh

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    B-ISBN#: 978-1-64088-967-5

    E-ISBN#: 978-1-64088-968-2




    …a biblical perspective on rough journeys to destiny!

    Victor I. Okoh


    .…Not all dreams come to pass, secure your dream.




    To my beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Victoria Okoh, with much love and deep appreciation for giving me their best.


    This book was born out of an overwhelming passion to live, rather than exist. As the plots to bury destinies thicken and the hearts of men fail for fear of hatred for their dreams, emanating from the wicked onslaughts perpetrated by destiny hijackers, there will be a greater need for awareness, motivation, and a well-calculated counterattacks spurred by passion for purpose actualization.

    How best do we soundproof our destinies from the drumbeats of conspiracies? It is my passion to not only find out biblically but discover the mind of God and understand the ways to overcome the conspiracies against our destinies and calls for purposeful living.

    This project began at the very point in my life when I struggled between existing through survival and yielding to the call to actualize purpose. Reaffirmed by Jeremiah 1:5, I realized that before I was formed in my mother’s belly, God knew me and ordained me for the purpose he created me.

    When the time was ripe, God pushed me into a corner, where I couldn’t help but do this. From the title to the body of this work, I enjoyed a free flow of inspiration as God opened the curtain of wisdom and revelation in the Word. I never sat down for once to think of a title for this book. The title was whispered into my ears, and all I did was quickly pen it down in my diary. When the journey to write began, I wrote at a stretch, sitting down for hours and penning down these words as the Holy Spirit gave utterance, a breach of which may cause a disconnect from the free flow of inspiration.

    I will not be mistaken to say that I wrote down the mind of God in this subject of dreams, destiny, and conspiracy, because this book was written under the surveillance of the spirit of God.

    When I was done writing, I prayed earnestly about the publishing. I was opting for local publishing, as international publishing never came to mind because it sounded so high and unattainable, but God ousted the plans and showed that it was his project by leading me into publishing internationally. Accepted to be published by Trilogy Christian Publishing, United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of TBN, became enough proof that God himself inspired this book and wants the world to read it and safeguard their destinies from the onslaughts of conspiracy.

    Factually I could not have achieved my current level of success without a strong backup, first of all from my parents and siblings who supported me with love and understanding; my editor in chief, Sister Ngozi Igwilo; and uncles, friends, and interested well-wishers, each of whom has provided support, advice, and guidance throughout the writing process.

    Thank you all for your unwavering support.


    With deep appreciation, I acknowledge the Almighty God for opening the curtain of insights and for the rain of inspiration from the first day I picked up my pen to write.

    Special thanks to my elder sister Loveth and her husband, Sam Nnodim, in whose house I did most of the writing each time I came over.

    I owe much gratitude to my beloved Uncle Rev. Emanuel O. Nnaji and Pastor Kelechi Chigboa for their prayers and encouragements.

    Hearty thanks are also due to Sister Ngozi Igwilo (my passionate and committed editor in chief), Nnamdi Chukwu for his encouragements, Divine Owei, and Chidimma and Charity Nnaji for always checking on the progress level of this book. You actually pushed me.

    Hats off to my dependable friend Mr. Chukwuemeka Agu (founder of Giovani book hub and publishers) for his timely encouragements and for being part of this vision, from inception to publication.

    Unreserved gratitude to Chief Friday Chukwu, Chief Joseph Agbara, Hon. Sam Ngene (member representing Enugu South Urban Constituency at Enugu State House of Assembly), and Barr. Duke Chidi Nwafor for being there.

    Much love to all my siblings, Ngozi, Loveth, Ebere, Chiedozie, Chioma, and Chidi, for encouraging me to go further.

    Lastly, thanks to the TBN family in the United States (the nest of eagles), especially Mr. Terry Cordingley for his commitments to this project and for guiding me through the publishing process and to my project manager, Sandra Byrd, for her commitments.


    Everyone has a dream, but no one is exempted from the conspiracy of the abortion of dreams. Everyone has a throne waiting for him, but enthronement is for those who secure their dreams.

    While some dreams are aborted before manifestation (as Pharaoh demanded that all male born be killed in search of Moses and as Herod decreed that all male born be killed in search of Jesus), some are aborted while on the throne (amid their manifestation season as in the case of Samson). The enemies of our destinies are never tired in their formation of conspiracies.

    We are all here for specific reasons, and God knew what he wanted us to do before putting us in our mothers’ wombs. He ordained us to be international solutions to problems that exist around the world, but only the passionate, committed, and destiny-minded ones survive the rough journeys to destiny.

    The attacks on us and the dreams we live for are not actually targeted at us, but the intent of God. The devil knows that God has a thought of peace for us, to give us an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11). So the fight is to abort the end of our struggle by termination of our purpose for living.

    Every promise of God is kept to the letter, for God cannot lie, and he cannot begin with this generation. God did not shift from his covenant made with Abraham and his descendants (to which we belong). But we can be shifted from a position of manifesting God’s promise to the position of termination of promise and purpose, by yielding to various conspiracies that are launched against us.

    The sharpest, most effective tool in the hands of the enemy against our destiny, dragging us away from the glorious plans of God, is the tool of lust, which appears to be the quickest, most corrosive poison that kills great men and buries their gift in the graveyard of conspiracy.

    It is easier to frustrate a man whose gifts and dreams have been parted with, because the gift of a man makes way for him to the promised throne; but if the gift is aborted, the rest will become a story of endless struggles.

    Samson was brought down by Delilah; and with his eye plucked off, he could not find his way to destiny, the eye he was to use and trace his way to Egypt for the rescue of God’s people, which was his assignment as revealed by the words of the angel to his mother, saying that Samson should begin the deliverance of Israel out of the hands of the Philistine (Judges 13:5). Also, Joseph was conspired against by Potiphar’s wife; but he ran, forsaking the pleasures of ungodly sexuality for a grip on his glorious destiny.

    According to Ecclesiastes 9:11, the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise nor yet riches to men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all. Time and chance are the vehicle that brings men to their place of enthronement. The enemies of our destiny have no influence over our opportunities, but they can lure men into activities that will delay their timely arrival for enthronement. In matters of destiny, delay is dangerous. A man who does not arrive early at the appointed time and place of his enthronement might sit down to watch others who do, because life is in seasons and the vision is yet for an appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3).

    Joseph had the time within which he should rule and give space for another. When his tenure as governor of Egypt expired, a king arose who knew not Joseph (Exodus 1:8). Had Joseph not overcome the conspiracies that were plotted against him and come aboard when his time to rule was ripe, the promise upon him and his dreams of kingship would have remained an imagination. If he had consented to lie with Potiphar’s wife, he would have transacted his destiny to conspiracy. In that case, the spirit of God which granted him access to dream interpretations would have bidden him farewell; and without that gift in him, there would have been no possible way of releasing him from the prison, because it was his gift of interpretation of dreams, which Pharaoh needed very urgently, that got Joseph hastened out of prison.

    This goes down to tell us that what will cause us to be celebrated is the gift that lies in us, which if we are able to safeguard will earn us the throne; and in the same vein, what it takes to frustrate a man and launch him into endless struggles for survival is the abortion of the gift that lies within him, which was deposited by God to make a way for him.

    From the pit to the prison, the journey to actualize purpose was rough and tough, yet Joseph never gave up nor lost the hunger to fulfil destiny. The older he got, the harder he fought to fulfil the dream he had at age seventeen.

    From Joseph to David, from Peter to Paul, from Samson to Moses, and from victor to you (dear reader), every promise and dream must be confronted with life-threatening conspiracies.

    God is a covenant-keeping God and ever willing to keep every promise he has made, and what he says in the morning, he maintains even in the midnight.

    If you are destiny minded and you wish to secure your dream, you have made reasonable progress to that course by laying your hands on this book. This book, The Dream, the Conspiracy, and the Throne, will awake you and teach you to learn from success how to be successful and to learn from a failure how not to fail. In this book, you will find out that overpopulation is not the problem of any nation, but discovery of purpose. Reading through the pages of this book, you will also be convinced that when God remembers a nation, he sends a man. When the cries of the Israelites got to the ears of God, he sent Moses to deliver them. When Goliath threatened the people of God, it took David to humble the Philistine champion. And now that the cries of your generation have come to God, he sent you (yes, you, dear reader).

    In this Holy Spirit-inspired book, you will find the conviction that you are not an accident in this world, you will find the encouragement to rise again, and you will discover the strength to pursue your destiny and be inspired to guard your throne for the satisfaction that comes from fulfilling destiny. Enjoy!

    Chapter 1

    Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    —Thomas Edison

    Dreams and Purpose

    Oftentimes, we ask ourselves why we are here, because understanding the essence of our living is key to living a productive life. Some people have, at some point or phase in their lives, questioned God on the very reason for their existence, especially when engrossed by unpalatable circumstances. Well, it is noteworthy that there is no inventor or manufacturer who does not know why he invented a particular object.

    Mr. Henry Ford saw a need for mobility through the use of automobile, so he designed and invented Ford automobiles. The Wright brothers saw a gap in air means of transportation and filled that gap through the invention of an aircraft. The Wright brothers made aircraft specifically for flying.

    Each of the inventors made a name in their area of capacity and capability. However, each of the inventors had a design or a skeletal sketch of the shape and size of their different inventions, existing in their minds and hatched as a dream before they conceived it. For Mr. Henry Ford, his first car moved in his mind before it drove on the road. For the Wright brothers, their first aircraft flew in their minds before it hung in the air. All these various inventors had a dream, and they had lying in them the ability to fulfil it, maintaining a clear purpose of what they wanted and how they wanted it to be.

    I get so thrilled at the strong will of purpose exhibited by the foremost inventor of the electric bulb, Thomas Edison, who against all odds refused to have his dream of producing incandescent bulb strangled by the difficulties encountered in his growing up and later in the laboratory.

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. AI, as he was fondly called as a boy, went to school only a short time. He performed so poorly that his mother, a former teacher, taught her son at home. AI learned to love reading, a habit he kept for the rest of his life. He also liked to make experiments in the basement.

    At age twelve, he sold fruits, snacks, and newspaper on a train as a news vendor. At fifteen, Thomas Edison roamed the country as tramp telegrapher. He sent and received messages over the telegraph, even though he was already losing his hearing. In his spare time, he took things to see how they worked. He later decided to invent things himself. In 1878, Thomas Edison set out to invent the candescent light bulb, a feat he made after a failed 999 times attempt. When told by his lab attendant that they had failed for 999 times, he replied saying, We have not failed 999 times. We have only discovered 999 ways that don’t work. At the one thousandth time of last-minute attempt, Thomas Edison came out successful. He became famous and was dubbed the Wizard of Menlo Park. For Thomas Edison, his dream lived in him and his purpose stared at him.

    By the time everyone had heard of the Wizard and looked up to him, the whole world called him a genius, but he knew that having a good idea was not enough. It takes passion, determination, and consciousness of purpose for what you do to turn dreams into reality. That is why Edison liked to say, Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Each of these men was questioned and resisted by one challenge or the other, but they fought their way into enthronement in the history of great achievements.

    The fact I’m trying to establish is that these inventors had their intentions rightly fixed in their minds before inventing a thing and they believed in the functionality of their products.

    If human beings could be this purposeful in production and so confident in the usefulness of their products, then what do you think was God’s intention while making men in his own image and our usefulness to him in actualizing our purpose for creation?

    So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him. (Genesis. 1:27, KJV)

    The first gift that God gave to humanity during creation was the gift of his image. So, dear reader, this means that you share some similarity with God. Remember that nothing invented works by its own orchestration; it exists carrying out the intention of the inventor.

    When Mr. Henry Ford made his first car, he forgot to put a reverse gear, so his first automobile moved without the privilege of enjoying a reverse option. For that first invention of Mr. Ford’s, it was cool moving up and down without the option of reversing back when the need arose. Though it wasn’t the best, it just had to move by the programming of the designer.

    Being made in God’s image was not an afterthought of God, but it was an obvious expressed intention of God to make us special and for a purpose.

    We could see in the scriptures how God put man (Adam) to duty when he (God) brought the beast of the field and the fowl of the air to Adam to see what he (Adam) would call each living creature.

    And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (Genesis 2: 19, KJV)

    Now God watched in expectation because he knew he had made Adam to carry out his intention. God could take up the naming assignment, but he wanted us to see that we are here for an assignment. Adam was not created to watch; he was created to participate. He had a naming function to do, and he was expected to deliver. Do you know that Adam did not have to research on what names to give to the animals? The names he gave them were in him, deposited by the God who gave him the assignment. If God is pointing you to an assignment, the strength lies within you.

    Here for a Reason

    God does not make mistakes; therefore, in the creation of humanity, he had a reason. We could see God’s purpose-driven creation in the book of Jeremiah.

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee: and before thou comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5, KJV)

    Dear reader, you can see that you were not born and then God started searching for a purpose to give you. There was already a file of purpose with your name attached, even before your conception became a reality. I do not know how many years your actual purpose on earth stayed in the mind of God before handing it over to you at conception, but one thing is sure: You are a calculated intention of God.

    God had a reason for our living before we arrived here, and he (God) went as far as ordaining us (commissioning us) into our different callings due to the urgency of our assignments here on earth. The last line of that scripture says, I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations (Genesis 1:5, KJV).

    God infused in us the ability to make a national impact. Literally speaking, everybody wasn’t called to be a prophet, but the prophet in this context means an authority in our different fields of assignment. So you are carrying in you the solution to a national problem.

    Have you ever wondered why we all screamed at birth as newborn babies? The truth was that even as little babies, in our capacity of understating, we knew we had a destiny set before us and in our mothers’ womb we somehow knew that our destiny was secured, but we had to be pushed out of the covering or protection of our mothers’ embryo at the time appointed, to face reality and of course grow to swing into our purpose for formation.

    The first thing newborn babies do at birth is cry. As a matter of fact, the people at the delivery waiting room who may have accompanied the pregnant mother to the hospital get the signal of delivery by the loud cry of the newborn. Personally I want to believe that it is a cry for the safety of destiny. (My destiny, my destiny, what will become of my destiny?) The newborn knows that there is a change in environment and that this environment poses danger to his destiny.

    When a new baby is born, the nurses take the baby for a cleanup, and they open the closed hands of the newborn. I think that is an indication of the fact that we all came out with a gift enclosed in our hands which we are meant to give to humanity through the actualization of our purposes in life.

    God is so particularly interested in our lives that he numbered the hairs of our heads.

    But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10:30, KJV)

    God also called the sparrows into existence, but he said that we are of more value than the sparrows.

    Ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10: 31, KJV)

    We have a value difference from other creatures. The purpose of our living is so valuable to God, because it is the intent of God. The difference between man and other creatures is that man has more value (which means a higher purpose).

    The worth of our value is the intention

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