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The Complete Works of Knut Enferd
The Complete Works of Knut Enferd
The Complete Works of Knut Enferd
Ebook39 pages36 minutes

The Complete Works of Knut Enferd

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The Complete Works of Knut Enferd
A famous British writer. Author of the book Day of the Druid
This collection includes the following:
Day of the Druid

This writer is very famous for this book

Release dateMar 1, 2020
The Complete Works of Knut Enferd

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    The Complete Works of Knut Enferd - Knut Enferd

    The Complete Works of Knut Enferd

    Knut Enferd

    Shrine of Knowledge

    © Shrine of Knowledge 2020

    A publishing centre dectated to publishing of human treasures.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the succession or as expressly permitted by law or under the conditions agreed with the person concerned. copy rights organization. Requests for reproduction outside the above scope must be sent to the Rights Department, Shrine of Knowledge, at the address above.

    ISBN 10: 599895039

    ISBN 13: 9780599895034

    This collection includes the following:

    Day of the Druid

    Be'al, all-powerful god, drank the blood of his victims. Would Gaar be able to save Marna, whom Be'al kept in eternal sleep, and avenge her people?

    og lay heavy on the North Sea, fog wreathed the land, fog crept into a man's very bones. Meanwhile the ships were locked in the harbor. Gaar lay stretched on the skin before the fire and cursed the fog.

    How much longer was this infernal whiteness going to last? A man was thirty years old, in the prime of his life, with the blood running hot through the seven foot length of him. How much longer was he going to have to lie here in the great hall, eating and drinking and waiting for the roll of fat to show around his middle? A man wanted action and instead he was forced to loll around listening to stories.

    Niffleheim and Hotunheim were all right, Gaar thought. A man didn't want to offend the Gods. On the other hand, Wodin forgive the thought, a man could tire of listening to the same old tales.

    But wait. The voice that was speaking had stopped. This was a new voice. Elgen was finished with his tale and Vornung had started one. And this one wasn't about the Gods. Gaar twisted around and got up on one elbow.

    Who? he demanded. What did you say they called themselves?

    Picts, Vornung said. In his day Vornung had sailed with the best of them, but now he was old. It was many years ago. After a storm we found ourselves washed up on this strange shore.

    What sort of people are they?

    An unlovely bunch, hairy, dressed in skins.

    Could they fight?

    Ptuh. Vornung spat into the fire. One touch of our swords and they'd had enough. Only one thing they could do well. They could tell stories.

    He leaned back and took a draught of mead and wiped his mouth reflectively.

    But what stories! We were stuck there for months and I learned enough of their tongue to understand them. They told tales that could curdle a man's blood, tales of a land that lies to the south of them, of treasure, of a beautiful woman locked in eternal sleep by the priests of her people.

    Treasure and a beautiful woman. This was something to make a man sit up. Gaar's

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