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A Ghost on Every Corner
A Ghost on Every Corner
A Ghost on Every Corner
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A Ghost on Every Corner

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There’s a ghost town then there’s a “ghost” town! A Ghost on Every Corner is a collection of stories from paranormal investigators who have done investigations in some of America’s most haunted cities. Read about the ghost haunting a restaurant in Galena, Illinois, or about a Gettysburg Battlefield ghost who follows

Release dateMar 5, 2020
A Ghost on Every Corner

Dawn Colclasure

Dawn Colclasure is the author of five books, among them BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: How We Survive as Writing Parents and 365 TIPS FOR WRITERS: Inspiration, Writing Prompts and Beat The Block Tips to Turbo Charge Your Creativity. Her articles, essays, poems, book reviews and short stories have been published in regional and national newspapers and magazines, as well as online. She lives and writes in Oregon with her husband and children.

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    Book preview

    A Ghost on Every Corner - Dawn Colclasure


    Copyright Page




    Chapter 1

    Tombstone, Arizona

    Chapter 2

    Phoenix, Arizona

    Chapter 3

    Hollywood, California

    Chapter 4

    Bristol, Connecticut

    Chapter 5

    Key West, Florida

    Chapter 6

    Savannah, Georgia

    Chapter 7

    Galena, Illinois

    Chapter 8

    Atchison, Kansas

    Chapter 9

    New Orleans, Louisiana

    Chapter 10

    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Chapter 11

    Sleepy Hollow, New York

    Chapter 12

    Portland, Oregon

    Chapter 13

    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Chapter 14

    Jonesborough, Tennessee

    Chapter 15

    Jefferson, Texas

    Chapter 16

    San Antonio, Texas

    Chapter 17

    Richmond, Virginia

    Chapter 18

    Parkersburg, West Virginia

    Chapter 19

    Glenrock, Wyoming


    Appendix A

    Appendix B

    Appendix C




    Other Books

    About the Author

    A Ghost on Every Corner:

    Paranormal Investigations of America’s Most Haunted Cities

    Written and Compiled

    by Dawn Colclasure

    All rights reserved

    Copyright © March 13, 2014, Dawn Colclasure

    Cover Art Copyright © 2014, Charlotte Holley

    Gypsy Shadow Publishing, LLC.

    Lockhart, TX

    No part of this book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Gypsy Shadow Publishing, LLC.

    ISBN: 978-1-61950-373-1

    Published in the United States of America

    First eBook Edition: September 1, 2014


    This book is dedicated to all the paranormal investigators who took the time to share their stories.


    The author would like to thank everyone who took the time to be interviewed for this book, as well as everyone who took the time to share their stories. Thank you also to Denise Bartlett and Charlotte Holley of Gypsy Shadow Publishing for all of their patience, suggestions and hard work in getting this book published.

    (Readers interested in seeing photos accommodating the chapters are welcome to check out this link: Please click on the requested city link to find them.)"


    The atmosphere in the pub seems calm. Bar patrons converse with each other, gratefully sipping their brews and reminiscing of times gone by. Talk about work holds the attention of customers seated along the bar, as the faint sound of country music plays in the background.

    The jovial mood is broken when a stranger bursts through the door. Eyes wide and hands shaking, he recounts how he’s just driven along a certain stretch of road and encountered what appeared to be a hitchhiker. He picked up the hitchhiker, and they continued along the barren dirt road, making idle chit-chat. During the course of their conversation, the driver turned to see that his passenger had suddenly vanished.

    Disappeared. Without a trace.

    Instead of reacting with shock or alarm at this tale, the bar patrons shrug it off and go about their conversations. Only after some desperate prodding of the barkeeper does the stranger learn this kind of thing is common in their town.

    … Because, you see, it’s filled with ghosts, and everybody has grown accustomed to spectral encounters.

    By definition, a ghost town is a city or town that has been abandoned. Ghost towns are usually envisioned as places where you’ll find barely-there houses, vacant streets and rundown buildings that once served as places of business.

    However, there are bustling cities and towns that are literally ghost towns. Haunted cities abound throughout the world, and it seems everywhere you turn in such a city, someone has a good ghost story to share. The only difference between their stories and what you hear around a campfire is that theirs are true.

    Why are cities haunted? There are several factors that can cause a whole city or town to burst at the seams with paranormal activity. A town may be haunted because of unique variables. What may seem like a harmless, innocent prank that ends up going wrong can open a Pandora’s Box of ghosts and hauntings. Or, in cases such as the Bell Witch, someone might curse an entire town and thereby incite ghostly occurrences.

    Another reason a town or city may be haunted is historical events. Cities such as Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Appomattox, Virginia, were the sites of battles that took the lives of many brave soldiers. Ghosts from the past still linger in such places, often seen in full uniform, reenacting the roles they played in history. Or the city may have suffered an outbreak of an epidemic disease that killed many of its residents, like the yellow fever epidemic in Memphis in 1878.

    A town or city may be haunted because of where it is built. Any city built on an ancient Native American burial ground is a prime candidate for being a haunted city. If it’s built on the site of bloodshed or where tragedy occurred, then it is also possible the whole city or town will be visited by ghosts.

    From time to time, a city or town will be labeled haunted more because of urban legends and rumors than for actually having ghostly residents alongside the living ones. Another reason may be the presence of one or two famous haunted sites—the Amityville Horror house, for example. These are not the places you will find in this book. The towns and cities offered here are actual, bona fide ghost towns rife with ghostly encounters and haunted locations, with residents willing to share true ghost stories. Cities where it’s not uncommon to discover the woman standing next to you on the corner is a ghost.

    It’s not just the residents of a ghost town who have spooky stories to share, however. Paranormal investigators are the folks who confront haunted cities head-on. They investigate reports and make it their mission to get the facts about just what’s up with these locations. The evidence they collect may prove a true haunting is taking place and add to the city’s credentials as a real ghost town.

    One surprising thing about haunted cities is that there are so many of them. As a result, not all have been included in this book. If you don’t find a particular notably haunted city here, rest assured it will likely appear in a future volume. For that reason, the author welcomes contact from paranormal groups and residents of a haunted city or town.

    Because paranormal investigators have shared stories in their own words, the occasional bit of jargon or ghost talk is included in their stories. A glossary of terms used by investigators is located in Appendix A. You will also learn more about their tools and equipment in Appendix B.

    While it is the author’s wish to share stories straight from the mouths of investigators, this was not possible for every case. On the one hand, in some cases, several different witnesses needed to be interviewed and more research, and information gathered independently for a story. On the other hand, many investigators felt more at ease discussing their cases through interviews, and the information they provided was then compiled by the author. All stories originating directly from investigators are noted as such.

    Some of the locations discussed in this book are private property, and exploring them without the express permission of the owners is trespassing. Professionals don’t trespass, and for those who are simply curious, we ask that you consider how you’d feel if strangers suddenly invaded your home without invitation, before you go exploring.

    When this book was in the early stages, I was amazed to discover that there were so many stories associated with so many actual ghost towns. It made me wonder: What’s it like to live in a haunted city? What kind of ghostly encounters take place there? How do local residents manage to live peacefully and happily alongside their ghostly neighbors? This book helps uncover the answers to those questions.

    Chapter 1

    Tombstone, Arizona

    Say the city name Tombstone and probably the first thing that comes to the minds of many people is Wyatt Earp and the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral. This Arizona city, founded in 1879, does indeed have a rich history of outlaw gunslingers fighting lawmen during the days of the Old West, but it is also widely recognized as one of the most haunted cities in America.

    Aside from shootouts among the outlaws creating fear and anxiety among residents, there were also mining disasters, fires and lynchings. Violence and murder got to be so bad in Tombstone at one point that then-President Chester Arthur nearly sent the military to restore order to Tombstone.

    Because of this violent and tragic history, it’s no surprise that many people today believe that Tombstone is haunted. The ghost of Marshal Fred White, who was accidentally shot by Curly Bill Brocius, a leader of the Cowboys, then later died of his injuries. White has been seen in front of what is today the Bird Cage Theatre, where the shooting took place in 1880. The ghost of who many believe to be Virgil Earp has been seen crossing a road—though he never officially makes it to the other side. A ghostly figure who many believe to be the warrior Cochise has been seen playing a flute at the Cochise Stronghold State Park.

    Ghosts have also been seen or made themselves known at various restaurants, motels, homes, bars and even Boot Hill Cemetery. Tombstone has been featured as a haunted city in books, TV shows and on various websites. There is even a Tombstone Ghost Tour that will delight visitors with historical information and real ghost stories.

    If you want to visit one of the most haunted towns in America, the city of Tombstone is definitely a ghostly town that will not disappoint.

    The Bird Cage Theatre

    (Contributed by Hector Barragan, Jr.)

    December 16th, 2006

    SAGAPS Case# 001-122006

    Tombstone, Arizona

    This was our first SAGAPS sanctioned historical investigation. Up until this point we had done several residential cases and our first foray as a team into a well-known haunted location was unpredictable. Anyone who knows our investigation team knows we have different skillsets in our group ranging from sensitives to extremely skeptical. We were more than excited to get this one under our belt, but one thing about investigating, is you never know what is going to happen.

    Our team uses various gadgets and meters to monitor the environment. We gathered baseline readings and began setting up our IR cameras to get coverage of the upstairs and downstairs areas of the building. A bit cold, and slight winds can be heard outside. The desert winds get chilling and while in Tombstone there is a certain ambient feeling knowing that the likes of the Earps and Doc Holiday stood on those same streets. Adrenaline is mounting, it’s almost lights out time.

    Our team does various rounds attempting investigation techniques and the hours fly by without any significant activity occurring. It’s getting late, and the last of the rotation has finished their efforts to try and experience what the Bird Cage has to offer. At this point it is discussed that we should setup our DVR system overnight (They don’t allow you to do this any longer), which meant we had to ensure all the camera angles were covered. Once we were satisfied with the setup, we tested in the dark and we also placed audio recorders on both floors at key spots where claims had been made by others who visited the location. We feel good about this setup and ask the owner to lock up and shut down the lights.

    As we head to our vehicles the wind is picking up more and you can hear thunder rolling into town. This really excites our team since there is a theory that lightning can be a good conductor to allow paranormal activity to manifest. We anticipated the luck, and were even more excited to see what happens in the Bird Cage during a storm!

    The storm passes and we all take in rest for 4 hours until we have to go back to the location and get our gear. We all awake and meet at the doors of the Bird Cage Theatre as the first staff arrives. We make a beeline to the DVR only to see that there is no power running, you can usually see a hard drive light lit and hear the drives spinning, but nothing. The system is hooked up to a power strip which is still on. We boot up the DVR again and lo and behold, all of the video recordings have been wiped out! Every single session we did in that location, lost to the ghosts of Tombstone. We are baffled. Then we remember… the audio recorders were all battery powered! The evidence review begins.

    What we discovered is there are several audio anomalies that we, without video, have no explanation for! In the upstairs area near the stage, you could hear chairs sliding across the floors, tapping on the tables and random footsteps. Downstairs we caught audio of cards being shuffled, and low mumbles that were not decipherable. We were beside ourselves for the loss of video evidence, but even more stunned that audio gave us results. Anyone who is just starting out in ghost hunting should gather some friends and group up for a night at the Bird Cage Theatre… you’ll never know what you’ll capture or experience!


    Southern Arizona Ghost and Paranormal Society (Hector Barragan, Jr.)

    Our group is here to assess and study the occurrences of paranormal activity through the process of logical observation and reasonable explanations. We attempt to debunk haunted claims first and foremost, however we also collect data to support any evidence gathered. Our goal is to correlate different sources of evidence to provide a clear opinion on claimed paranormal activity.

    Southern Arizona Skyline SAGAPS never charges for investigations, we are here to help everyone. It is more than appreciated having the opportunity to come into your home or business and assist with your concerns while gaining more experience to the field. Regardless of what many TV shows may broadcast, there are many times our team will complete a full investigation that includes audio, video and sensor data and still may not come up with evidence of ghosts. This is the nature of paranormal investigations. They do not appear or act on cue, thus the reason we take pride in our research, investigation, analysis and finally our consensus on what we experience at a given location. If you feel your home or business is haunted and you would like a thorough examination done, please do not hesitate to contact SAGAPS today.

    The Team

    Hector Barragan, Jr.

    Founder/Lead Investigator

    Specialization: Coordinator/Webmaster

    A native of Tucson, Hector has been interested in the paranormal since his younger years. His first interests were in dream interpretation and ghost story books he would find buried deep in his grandmother’s library. Not until he viewed the movie Poltergeist did the fascination really begin. A fan of various paranormal literature ranging from Hans Holzer to Loyd Auerbach; Hector thirsts for the knowledge of learning more about theories, and insights of paranormal cases.

    An avid gamer on both the PC and Console platforms, you can find him also slaying the hordes of zombies in Left4Dead 2, and serving the armed forces in both Call of Duty and Medal of Honor games. Hector is also involved with film-making, acting, and screenplay writing. He is currently attending a community college to enter his next career step at UAT.

    Additionally, Hector loves TV land. Favorite shows include, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, and Always Sunny in Philadelphia. "I’m a huge fan of Comedy Central; Tosh.0, South Park, and Futurama to name a few," he claims.

    When he is not doing things involved with the group, he tends to spend time with his wife and two dogs; Barkley and Mishka at home. Hector married his wife, Leeann, on Halloween night. Can you think of anything more paranormal?

    Jim Rundel

    Co-Founder/Tech Manager

    Specialization: Equipment/Editing

    Originally from New York, Jim has lived in Tucson. Arizona for the past 25+ years.

    Jim’s an uberfan of movies that connect directly with an audience who is exactly like him—Geeky, old school film-literate fans who have grown up on a steady diet of not only the established and accepted classics but also the trashy, the weird, provocative, and oddly animated ones, too. He honed his skills, not from a film school, but learning from the racks of video tapes, DVDs and a steady supply of television growing up. His biggest influences would have to be Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, George A Romero and John Woo.

    Jim developed a knack for learning how things work dating back to the age of 5, when he began tinkering with household appliances just to see how they functioned. He applied this to his passion of filmmaking and swiftly immersed himself with the local independent film scene in Tucson. His latest role has been the editor for the locally shot Flor De Muertos documentary that examines the cross-cultural collisions regarding death along the US and Mexico border.

    When not completely engulfed in his video projects or investigating the paranormal, you can find Jim chilling with his faithful dog Digit or on his Sportbike motorcycle racing off to some distant location with friends. Having been in three major motorcycle accidents, Jim has had his fair share of brushes with death. Fearless of what lies beyond this life, this has led to a deep fascination of the paranormal. Accompanied by his longtime friend Hector, they still search for answers as to what goes bump in the night.

    Laura Ziegler


    Specialization: Historical Research

    Laura is currently a researcher and investigator with SAGAPS. In this role, Laura examines case historical research in an attempt to corroborate case evidence collected. Laura understands the importance of documentation and verification, having spent over 18 years working in the legal and property management world, both as a paralegal and assistant for an assisted living management company.

    Laura has a B.S. in Psychology, with a Minor in Human Resource Management from the University of Arizona, and an ABA approved Paralegal Degree from Pima Community College.

    As an avid UA Wildcat Men’s Basketball fan, Laura, her husband of over 15 years, and her sister-in-law regularly attend home basketball games. In her free time, Laura also enjoys altered art and photography. Some of her artwork has been featured on other design blogs.

    While Laura takes work and SAGAPS investigations seriously, she enjoys trading quotes and quips with wily SAGAPS cohort Jim on Twitter (check out our convos!). She has a quick sense of humor and enjoys any office product by Knock (not an endorsement, wink) and would love to spend her days documenting her life as 365 Days of Hysterical Living.

    The website:

    Chapter 2

    Phoenix, Arizona

    Haunt attractions seem to be everywhere in Phoenix, Arizona, but for the paranormal investigator or ghost enthusiast, just as many haunted locations can be found. Stories of haunted places in Phoenix are all over the Internet: The ghost of a nine-year-old girl who was killed by a hit-and-run driver haunts this city, a graveyard is said to be haunted by spirits of those buried there, and a high school’s auditorium is said to be haunted by a ghost who has been seen on the rafters. A hotel is haunted by the ghosts of past visitors, among them a woman who committed suicide there, and a ghostly man dressed in Spanish armor has appeared in one person’s home.

    The Hotel San Carlos in Phoenix has been featured in the book Sleeping With Ghosts!: A Ghost Hunter’s Guide To Arizona’s Haunted Hotels And Inns by Debe Branning, and other haunted locations in Phoenix can be read about in the books Finding Ghosts in Phoenix by Katie Mullaly and J. Patrick Ohlde, and Haunted Arizona: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Grand Canyon State (Haunted Series) by Charles A. Stansfield Jr., as well as the eBook Haunted Phoenix: The Haunted Locations of Phoenix, Arizona by Jeffrey Fisher.

    Private Residence

    (Contributed by Rod Franklin of Phoenix Arizona Paranormal Society L.L.C., PAPS)

    This case was sent to us by email. The client had claims of unseen hands appearing on mirrors, objects flying across rooms, and voices at night next to the master bed. The dog would disappear at times and be found outside the house with the doors still locked. The last incident took place late at night while the clients were watching a movie on TV. The front door that was locked prior to sitting down swung open and footsteps could be heard walking slowly toward them.

    When our team arrived about 7:15 p.m., we noticed strange writing on the outside of the garage door. The client stated that she had never noticed the writing prior to that night. It appeared to be child’s scribble with crayon and really did not make any sense. The clients themselves had no children in the home.

    A few of us walked into the master bedroom to check out where the voices were heard by the bed. At that moment both the digital camera and the FLIR (thermal camera) batteries died. Both were newly charged and drained instantly as we moved into the room.

    Since most hauntings seem to have activity in the clothes closets, two of us stepped inside to investigate. Instantly, we heard an audible moan that sounded like a male in distress. One investigator stepped out of the closet and allowed me to finish an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recording inside. As soon as he stepped out the closet, the sliding mirror door tried to close on me. My foot in the door slide kept the door from closing and I stepped out with the other investigator.

    Within minutes we heard other team members calling out that hands were appearing on mirrors in several rooms of the house. We went to investigate the mirrors and found what appeared to look like human handprints, but seemed to be too wide and too long for anyone on the team or in the house. We had everyone place their hands in the prints just to compare size. The largest hand in our group or in the home was about 2 inches too short on the fingers and much more narrow. The hand marks were the same on all the mirrors and seemed to appear all at once.

    Two of us decided to check the last room where the dog container lid flew across the room in the middle of the day. I instructed the remaining team members to stay in the master bedroom with the client.

    After about 15 minutes in the spare bedroom we captured on FLIR what looked like a white mist covering parts of the lamp neck on the table next to the bed. The FLIR also snapped a photo of a music box on the table that seemed to show very hot compared to the other items in the room. We did not see this at the time, but during evidence review later in the week we noticed what seemed like a head near the table appearing much cooler than normal and behind the lamp and music box.

    Right after the mist was captured on film, one of the clients walked into the room where we were sitting, picked up the music box, and started to walk out the door. I yelled to her, Where are you going?

    She replied, To see my dad.

    I asked, Where is your dad?

    She answered, In the closet located in the master bedroom.

    With a stern voice, I told her to put the music box back. I informed her, That is not your dad. And we anointed her with holy water. She began to weep and come out of a strange trance of some type.

    We decided to move forward and perform a cleansing. As we prepared the rooms for the ceremony, a Spirit Box left on the master bed said, Get out.

    We answered the voice, You get out, and as soon as the minister starts the cleansing, you will be forced out.

    We then hear a weak reply: Oh, God, that came across very clear on the Spirit Box.

    A cleansing was performed and to date no further issues have been reported.

    Private Residence

    Client emails the office with claims of what sounds like fighting in their home and bodies being slammed into walls. The client also says a guest was sleeping over in the spare bedroom when the bed suddenly lifted several feet and slammed back to the floor, breaking the frame rails in half.

    Upon initial visit to the site during the day, two investigators noticed a bed made of heavy wood beams broken in the center of both sides. Initial questions to the client and walk-through [of] the home turned up no true evidence of paranormal activity. They informed the client that they would return later with a PAPS minister to perform a cleansing just to be safe. They felt this was best due to the fact there were children in the home that could be hurt. The two investigators left the house until later that night.

    I was on a two-week vacation (still in town) taking time off from PAPS and allowing other team members to handle the shop while I was out. Being the founder of PAPS, I normally stay involved in most cases and follow through to make sure the clients are okay. I needed time to get away for just a short period to cleanse my own bad energy picked up from all the cases.

    While shopping with my wife, I received a text on my phone from the minister who was on call, to assist with the cleansing. The message stated that he was not feeling well and could not perform the cleansing later in the night. For some strange reason, I got this uneasy feeling about the entire case. I called the two members handling the case and asked if they would put it off until a minister could be with them. They ensured me all was fine and they felt no bad energy or evil in the house. I turned to my wife and told her about the text I received and she sensed urgency in my voice that I did not sense myself. She told me to go and meet the others at the house because I would not enjoy my vacation worrying about this.

    I showed up at the house about 7 p.m. and to everyone’s surprise as they introduced me to the client. I walked the rooms including the guest bedroom. As we started to see hits on the K2 meter, the front doorbell rang. The client answered the door and yelled, The minister is here! I headed to the front door to confront whoever it was to find the minister who sent me the text in the house. I asked him about the text message he sent and showed it to him. He pulled out his own cell phone and showed that he sent no such text.

    After shaking hands and greeting one another, we head back to the guest bedroom. When we arrive, the other two investigators are registering K2 hits around the base of [a] baby bed. I ask them to back away for just a minute so I can check the bed out with my other EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) meter. Just as they back away, and within the flash of an eye, one of the investigators is slightly lifted and tossed head first into the wall next to the closet. Still trying to register what just happened, we noticed him shaking hard like in a seizure. We grabbed him by the arms and dragged him out to the living room where the client was sitting with her frightened children.

    We positioned one investigator next to the family [and] calmed the other investigator until he stopped shaking. Then we took the fight to the garage. The minister and I commanded the spirit or spirits to follow us to the garage. We lined K2 meters around the inside of the garage as the minister called the spirits to himself. Holy water was sprinkled around the entire garage and a cleansing was performed.

    The client left the house for several days and returned feeling much safer. No further problems have been recorded since we last spoke to the client.

    Private Residence

    We were contacted in May of 2010 by email. Guests were waking up in the night with unseen hands around their throats. Footsteps are heard walking up and down the stairs to the upper bedroom. Doors opened and slammed shut on their own. Dogs barked at the walls for no reason at all. Audible whispers were heard by the clients and a little girl always appeared in one of their dreams. She believes she is there to watch over them and has something heavy in her arms.

    We arrived at 7:00 p.m., our typical start time, and set up night vision cameras upstairs, in the main bedroom, on the stairs leading to the upper deck, and in the lower bedroom. Motion sensors were placed in various areas near the stairs to try and capture someone walking up or down them. While setting the clock on the DVR we noticed it suddenly changed to Chinese language. No one could figure out how to switch the language back so we were unable to finish the setup and turn on the DVR for record mode. Without a DVR we would be forced to go mobile with handheld digital recorders and cameras.

    We started our investigation in the lower bedroom with K2s and digital recorders stationed in several areas around the bed, closet, and the bathroom. Our initial question was, Is there someone here with us? If so, please touch the green light on the meter to change the colors.

    Instantly, the K2 nearest the bed started to register activity. We asked the spirit to back away from the K2 and activity ceased immediately. We asked, Is there a male in the house? and no lights flickered.

    Is there a female in the house?

    We noticed the lights start to flicker on the K2 near the end of the bed. We asked, Is there a child in this room?

    Now activity started on two of the units around the room. I leaned down, planted my knees on the floor, and asked the child to touch the K2 in my right hand. It went red, and continued until I asked the child to back away. I asked if the child was trapped; no response. I asked, Are you being held against your will? Almost instantly, the K2 went red and stayed that way. I said a quick release prayer and issued a command for the child to remove herself and go into the light. The K2 activity stopped in all areas.

    Standing with the clients in the bedroom, a great sense of relief-teared emotions came over almost all. Suddenly an investigator who was stationed near the closet called out, Come quick! Other members arrived at the same time we did to find he was being tugged into the closet by something pulling on the back of his belt. We set K2s in the closet and they went crazy with flashing. We splashed holy water around the closet and the activity ceased.

    After verifying no activity in the remaining areas of the downstairs, we moved to the upper floor and master suite. Since the upper room was extremely large and sectioned off, we stationed ourselves in the bedroom, walk-in closet, and the large bath area. The investigator we positioned near the master closet stated that he was pulled by the belt backward into the closet. Several of us teamed in the closet to ask questions. How many of you are there here in this house?

    We received a reply over the Spirit Box: Eleven.

    We begin splashing holy water around the bedroom and closet to try and reduce the activity. We noticed and followed K2 activity heading toward the bathroom. Following the activity to that area revealed rattling bottles and extreme K2 activity on the vanity next to the bath. We tried to determine if the rattling was paranormal or natural movement of the house somehow.

    We ask the question, Come out if you are the one causing the bottles to rattle. Right after the question, a drawer shoots out of the vanity about eight inches or just enough to hit one of the investigators in the back. To see how fast this happened and without warning tells us that we need to stay on our toes and alert. We scan over the drawers to see if there is some explanation to what just happened. One team member notices a postcard in the drawer with a Chinese person standing next to another unknown person. Was this the reason for the drawer to open and possibly the DVR turning its language into Chinese?

    We asked the client about the postcard or the Chinese person on the picture. She states that they have never seen it before, nor could they identify either of the men.

    At this point, we had seen enough and realized we were dealing with a very strong spirit or spirits and no further investigating was required. A full cleansing was performed on the house as well as two-day follow up instructions for the clients to perform. A severe haunt like this one requires a three-day process that we have performed in numerous homes and businesses. It just plain works, so we use it often.

    We have heard of no further issues from the client.

    Dawn asked Rod further questions about this investigation and his replies are included here:

    Did anyone do any research on this location to find anything about a Chinese person living there in the past?

    Research showed that artifacts (Indian) may have been dug up in that area when building took place. No Chinese were found in this area. They have been found in mines, but no mining in this area. The picture of the Chinese guy was modern and no clue to who he was per the client.

    Why do you think the child ghost was being held there?

    We have seen children spirits held by more mature spirits before as well as other spirits holding spirits regarded as manipulated spirits. They use them to do their handy work so they do not expose themselves.

    What do you think she wanted to show the people whose dreams she appeared in?

    We believe the dreams were trying to say HELP ME! She did not want to be there and left as soon as the release prayer was done and the other spirit was held in a bind. As for the instrument in her hand, we believe it may have been a

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