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Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Overcoming Anxiety and Stress Relief: A Collection of Meditations To Help You Overcome Anxiety, Rapidly Reduce Stress and Get The Deep Sleep You Deserve
Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Overcoming Anxiety and Stress Relief: A Collection of Meditations To Help You Overcome Anxiety, Rapidly Reduce Stress and Get The Deep Sleep You Deserve
Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Overcoming Anxiety and Stress Relief: A Collection of Meditations To Help You Overcome Anxiety, Rapidly Reduce Stress and Get The Deep Sleep You Deserve
Ebook164 pages2 hours

Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Overcoming Anxiety and Stress Relief: A Collection of Meditations To Help You Overcome Anxiety, Rapidly Reduce Stress and Get The Deep Sleep You Deserve

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If You Want to Discover How Meditation Can Help You Fall Asleep Effortlessly Every Night, Overcome Your Anxiety and Melt Away Your Stress Then Keep Reading… Struggle to sleep at night? Always feeling anxious? Constantly stressed out to the max? Luckily, we’ve created a collection of meditations to help you combat them issues and mor

PublisherJoseph Knight
Release dateMar 3, 2020

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    Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Overcoming Anxiety and Stress Relief - Complete Peace

    How to Fall Asleep Effortlessly Meditation (30 minutes)

    To start off, lay down on your bed and get yourself comfortable. Let your arms and legs rest wherever you want as long as you are comfortable. But your body needs this, and you know it. What you are about to do is giving your body the attention it deserves and the time it needs to unwind.

    In the end, you will get a restful sleep, free from dreams and nightmares that ruin your sleep quality. You can only achieve this if you take the time to relax both the mind and body. In the end, you will fall asleep almost immediately the moment your head hits the pillow and you will wake up in the morning to the alarm clock, feeling fresh, energized, and ready for the day ahead.

    Let us start with a breathing exercise before you dive into this meditation. Keep your eyes open and glance at whatever you want. Just make sure to breathe from the diaphragm and let the air fill your lungs and stomach. During this time, let your mind wander.

    Sometimes, you cannot get restful sleep because your mind is restless even though your body is tired. So when you sleep, you will have dreams or nightmares, both of which will just make you feel tired and groggy in the morning. So, let your mind wander and let it think whatever. Let it tire itself out. Now is perhaps a good time to write down all the useful thoughts that come to mind. Give yourself 2 minutes of free-thinking.

    (Pause 2mns)

    Now that you’ve given your mind the time to speak, it is time to dive into this meditation. Take a deep breath in through your nose slowly, letting the air fill your lungs and stomach, and feel how the air fills them up. Hold your breath at the top now… And let your breath flow out through your mouth.

    Perfect… When you inhale, slowly close your eyes and open them again as you breathe out. Do this a few more times.

    Breathe in… Hold… And out…

    In… Hold… And out…

    One more… In… And out…

    Your eyelids should feel heavy now. It is time to transition into the real meditation phase. Slowly close your eyes and bring your attention to your own breathing. Keep your breathing deep and slow, but no need to hold it at the top. Just breathe deeply. Close your eyes slowly now and as you do, focus on your own breathing. Feel how the air fills your entire being.

    Now, give the air you breathe a color. Let’s say the color of greenish-blue, often associated with healing. This is the healing and relaxing aura in the air that surrounds you. As you breathe, you are bringing this relaxing and healing energy into your body. Feel your body relax as it absorbs the healing aura. As you breathe, focus on the aura as it heals it, relaxes it. Feel your body loosen up as you breathe. Let yourself be enveloped in this beautiful aura.

    (Pause 2mn)

    As you meditate, your mind may wander from time to time. This is okay. This is natural. Just gently guide your focus back to your breathing.

    For a restful sleep to be successful, you need to thoroughly relax the body. Even with this breathing alone, there are some tense parts that may hinder your restfulness. They make you lie awake at night. So, scan through your body now and see which areas are tense.

    So let us start from the head. Focus on the forehead, down to the brows, to the eyelids, the nose, cheeks, lips, jaws, chin, neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, stomach, thighs, knees, calves, and toes. Scan through your body from head to toe a few times and take note of the areas that are tense. There is no need to do anything about the areas of tension now. Just remember where they are. Scan through your body now.

    (Pause 2mns)

    Now, let us do something about those tense areas. Let us give them a color. Red will do. A color of distress, a problem needs to be resolved. As you breathe deeply, imagine this air going into your body and to an area of tension. Picture this greenish-blue air, brushing over this red area ever so gently, but as it does, the red starts to fade away. The greenish-blue air takes on an orange hue as it carries the tension out of your body as you breathe out. Continue to focus down on each area of tension and breathe deeply to remove the tension.

    (Pause 2mns)

    Perfect. Now that your body is very relaxed, you may feel that you are already starting to sink deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. Now, picture yourself standing in a vast field of colorful flowers. The air feels warm, sweet, and tender. The sky is clear blue and the sun is right overhead. You feel warm and fuzzy as you wander the field. The only thing you can hear is the soft breeze that rustles the leaves. Take your time and take in the view. Take your time to explore this beautiful field.

    (Pause 2mns)

    The sun overhead nourishes this beautiful field. The ray gives life to the flowers beneath. You feel the sunlight on your skin as you lay down in the field of flowers and let the petals and grass cushion you. As you do so, bask in the light of the sun. Imagine that this sunlight will give you the nourishment that you need, just like it did to the flowers around you.

    Feel the warmth of the sunlight on your skin before it penetrates deeper and deeper into your body, filling you up with positive energy. Feel the warmth filling your skin up with positive energy before it goes deeper to nourish your muscles, then bones, then soul. Take your time to feel this energy coursing through your body now.

    (Pause 2mns)

    This is a beautiful field, is it not? You feel at ease as you lay there, letting your skin soak in the sunlight. Maybe this field feels similar to you somewhat. Did you know that the field is the manifestation of your own mind? It is not usually like this, you know?

    When you go about your day being caught up in all the worldly stress, the field is not a field of colorful flowers and soft grass. It is a field of mud in torrential rain – cold, damp, dirty, and unpleasant to lay in. It is a field that represents the war that has been raging within your head, between your stress and desire for tranquility.

    You may wonder why are you laying in the field of flowers, not mud, right now. The answer is the sun above. So what is so special about the sun?

    The sun represents your will, your desire for mental and physical tranquility. You only see the sun here because you allowed yourself to relax and take the time to nourish yourself. Allow yourself to bask in the sunlight and feel the relaxing tingles coursing through your body.

    Take a long deep breath into your belly and exhale slowly. And as you breathe through your nose, be aware of the rhythm of your breathing. Taking a deep breath into your abdomen now and exhaling slowly.

    Take a slow, deep breath… Deep breath in… and exhale…

    There is no need to do anything else. This is the time for you to unwind and relax. Let yourself have this time just for yourself. Breathe deeply, slowly, and just unwind and relax.

    Notice the breath going in and expanding your abdomen, and then notice as your body releases the breath and your abdomen constricts. As you listen to your own breathing, you feel relaxed and calm and as you continue to focus on your breath, simply breathe in at your natural pace.

    As you sink deeper and deeper into the state of relaxation, shift your attention to your body once more and the bed that you are sleeping on. Imagine the bed as a soft, fluffy cloud that rises from the ground beneath you and gently lifts you up.

    This cloud is just for you. It is here to carry you deeper into relaxation. Simply allow your body to relax completely into the surface and enjoy the support for your body that allows you to fully relax.

    (Pause 1mn)

    And as you allow your body to relax, simply take the time to notice how each part of your body feels after you allow it to thoroughly relax. Notice how your head and neck feel. Notice how your shoulders and arms let go and relax.

    Let your hands and fingers relax into their natural curl. Notice how the sensation of calm and relaxation wash over your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Notice the tingle all the way down your spine. Notice how your breath allows your back and chest to relax. Your abdomen and your hips relax into the surface beneath you. As you continue to allow your body to relax.

    Notice how your thighs and calves relax and let go. Notice how your feet and toes relax and notice the sounds around you now.

    (Pause 1mn)

    All of these sounds and sensations all add to your relaxation. You are giving your body and mind the chance to fully relax and unwind. This is the best gift you could ever give yourself. Continue to breathe deeply through your nose and deeply into our belly in and out. Deeper and deeper, more and more calm and happy… Just let my voice and any of the sounds help you to relax.

    (Pause 2mn)

    And now bring your attention to your mind. Allow your mind to simply let go of any resistant thoughts that you may have to Allow any self-talk to gently dissipate. Give your mind the space to unwind. Allow your mind to relax and allow any thoughts to simply pass. And smile, knowing how grateful you are to take time out to heal your body, mind, and spirit. And as you allow your mind and body to let go, just listen to my soft soothing voice.

    Now, bring your awareness back to your own breathing. You are now fully and deeply relaxed. Very thoroughly relaxed, free from any stress, tension, soreness, and worries.

    (Pause 1mn)

    Now, your mind is calm. Your body is still and very relaxed. You are currently experiencing a wonderful sense of deep relaxation. With this, we are going to send you off to your well-deserved slumber. Now, I’m going to count down from 10. As I do, let yourself go and sink deeper and deeper until you are ready to go to sleep…

    10… Feel the cloud turning into your own bed…


    8… Now, slowly bring your attention back to the world around you…


    6… Relax…


    4… Start to stretch your limbs to loosen up once more…


    2… Take another deep breath…

    And 1… Thank you and goodnight.

    Guided Sleep Talk Down (30 minutes)

    Good evening and welcome to

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