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Psychic Development: All you need to know about being psychic, improving psychic ability, mediumship, clairvoyance, and more!
Psychic Development: All you need to know about being psychic, improving psychic ability, mediumship, clairvoyance, and more!
Psychic Development: All you need to know about being psychic, improving psychic ability, mediumship, clairvoyance, and more!
Ebook74 pages55 minutes

Psychic Development: All you need to know about being psychic, improving psychic ability, mediumship, clairvoyance, and more!

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Every one of us has some psychic ability, however most of us don't tap into this power regularly.
Have you ever thought of someone, and next thing you know they're calling you? Have you had a premonition, or felt that you had seen something happen before it actually happened?

Release dateApr 14, 2020
Psychic Development: All you need to know about being psychic, improving psychic ability, mediumship, clairvoyance, and more!

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    Book preview

    Psychic Development - Benjamin Rhodes

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1:  You Are Psychic

    Chapter 2:  Basic Pointers On Being Psychic

    Chapter 3:  Honing Your Psychic Abilities

    Chapter 4: Advanced Psychic Skills

    Chapter 5: What is the Third Eye

    Chapter 6: How to Awaken your Third Eye

    Chapter 7: Signs that You're Psychic

    Chapter 8: Psychic Healing

    Chapter 9: How to Tell if a Psychic is a Fake

    Chapter 10: What are Auras

    Chapter 11: How to Develop Clairvoyance

    Chapter 12: How to Develop Telepathy

    Chapter 13: How to Improve and Work on your Psychic Abilities

    Chapter 14: How to Stay Safe as a Psychic





    I want to thank you and congratulate you for picking up the book, Psychic Development.

    This is the recently updated 2nd edition of this book. It has been over doubled in length, and has had a range of new information added. It can now be considered a true complete guide to psychic development!

    This book contains helpful information about psychic abilities, and how they can be developed.

    Believe it or not, everyone has some level of psychic ability already. In today’s day and age however, we live crazy lifestyles full of stress, and do not often focus on connecting with our mind and abilities.

    With the right techniques, and a good amount of focus, anyone can begin developing their psychic abilities.

    Through reading this book, you will learn the different skills that psychics have, and how you can begin to develop these skills.

    Provided are several techniques to help you hone your abilities, and focus on having premonitions, mediumship, clairvoyance, sensing emotions, and more!

    This book will explain to you the vital tips and techniques that will allow you to work on this psychic ability from the comfort of your home!

    With the help of this book, you will soon be able to tap in to your psychic self, and begin experiencing things you never thought possible.

    I wish you the best of luck in developing your abilities, and hope this book is able to help you!

    Thanks again for taking the time to read this book, I hope you enjoy it!

    Chapter 1:  You Are Psychic

    What is a psychic? Take a look at yourself – you are one. The term ‘psychic’ comes from the word ‘psyche’, which means mind. Psychic abilities come from the mind. Humans naturally have them, but throughout history, society has discouraged their use and promoted reliance on science or faith. Consider yourself lucky to be in an age where you can learn anything you want without fear of being punished for seeking the truth. Because psychic development expands your awareness, it will make you see more of what the world really is and what you really are.

    Would you believe me if I told you that to use your psychic abilities (yes, you have them already), all you have to do is relax and let go? Yes, this sounds crazy because we are accustomed to working hard to develop skills. You don’t usually sleep to comprehend math and you don’t take a breather to hone your swimming technique, do you? The development of psychic skills takes on a different route compared to other normal abilities. This is because psychic powers manifest themselves when the mind is set free from the distractions of everyday stimuli.

    Introducing Your Mind

    You may have noticed that you have different states of mind depending on the situation you are in. There are times when you are engrossed in a task and you lose focus of everything else. At other times, you have a relaxed focus; neither concentrating nor drifting off to unawareness. When you have just woken up, you may be indulging in the lingering traces of a dream. Being asleep makes you forget the real world and you move about in a separate universe in your head. These are all normal occurrences, and they show that we can have a variety of experiences depending on where we put our focus. Psychic development involves shifting your perception, so that your brain produces brainwaves that are known to trigger psychic phenomena.

    How Psychic Abilities Are Possible

    Psychic abilities belong to the realm of the paranormal, and the term paranormal signifies that they lie outside the normal. Because they’re not-so-normal, they are not yet thoroughly understood. However, there are some things that are known about them:

    -  There are some people who demonstrate high levels of psychic ability (they can read minds, predict the future, bend spoons, etc.)

    -  The trait seems to run in families

    -  They sometimes occur spontaneously especially when strong emotions

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