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Dowsing: How to dowse, how dowsing works, pendulum dowsing, and more!
Dowsing: How to dowse, how dowsing works, pendulum dowsing, and more!
Dowsing: How to dowse, how dowsing works, pendulum dowsing, and more!
Ebook28 pages20 minutes

Dowsing: How to dowse, how dowsing works, pendulum dowsing, and more!

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About this ebook


Dowsing has been used for hundreds of years for a variety of uses. Primarily it has been used to find water, but can also be used to find oil, metals, gold, minerals, people, locations, and much more!
Further to finding physical things, it can be used to help yourself make decisions, and a

Release dateApr 15, 2020
Dowsing: How to dowse, how dowsing works, pendulum dowsing, and more!

Peter Longley

Peter Longley was brought up in southeast England and educated at Tonbridge School in the 1950s before reading theology at Cambridge. In 1965, he spent the summer as a kibbutznik in Israel. From 1967–1977, he was the estate manager of Tullamaine Castle in Ireland, which was then American-owned, and it took him to Georgia, USA, where in 1978 he went to sea as a ship’s artist. Later, he became a cruise director with Royal Viking Line, and in 1989, he joined Cunard as the cruise director of Queen Elizabeth 2, where he met his Bavarian-born German wife. Cruise ships took him all over the world in the 1980s and 1990s until he retired and became the horticultural interpreter of the Springfeld Botanical Garden in Missouri, USA. He started writing novels in 1978, and he returned to England in 2017.

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    Book preview

    Dowsing - Peter Longley

    Table Of Contents


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    Chapter 1 - What You Need To Know About Dowsing

    Chapter 2 - The Benefits Of Using Dowsing

    Chapter 3 - Dowsing Using Pendulums

    Chapter 4 - Dowsing Using Divining Rods

    Chapter 5 - Tips On Dowsing For Beginners





    I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, Dowsing.

    This book contains helpful information about dowsing, what it is, and how it works!

    Dowsing has been used for centuries for an array of different uses. It most commonly is used to find water, gold, or other minerals. However, it can also be used to answer yes or no questions, and help you find something you have lost, amongst many other uses described within this book.

    You will learn about the different tools you can use for dowsing, and how to use each one efficiently and effectively.

    This book will explain to you tips and techniques that will allow you to successfully understand and begin dowsing from home, using the various different dowsing methods available.

    While dowsing can be difficult at first, with the assistance of this guide, you will be well on your way to using dowsing successfully!

    Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

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