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Spirit Guides for Beginners: The ultimate guide to spirit guides, contacting and communicating with your spirit guide, channelling the spirit world, and more!
Spirit Guides for Beginners: The ultimate guide to spirit guides, contacting and communicating with your spirit guide, channelling the spirit world, and more!
Spirit Guides for Beginners: The ultimate guide to spirit guides, contacting and communicating with your spirit guide, channelling the spirit world, and more!
Ebook52 pages45 minutes

Spirit Guides for Beginners: The ultimate guide to spirit guides, contacting and communicating with your spirit guide, channelling the spirit world, and more!

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About this ebook


Stories of spirit guides exist in many different cultures around the world, and have so for thousands of years.
This book provides the cumulative information within these stories, collected over thousands of years from different belief systems, all in one place.

Release dateApr 16, 2020
Spirit Guides for Beginners: The ultimate guide to spirit guides, contacting and communicating with your spirit guide, channelling the spirit world, and more!

Peter Longley

Peter Longley was brought up in southeast England and educated at Tonbridge School in the 1950s before reading theology at Cambridge. In 1965, he spent the summer as a kibbutznik in Israel. From 1967–1977, he was the estate manager of Tullamaine Castle in Ireland, which was then American-owned, and it took him to Georgia, USA, where in 1978 he went to sea as a ship’s artist. Later, he became a cruise director with Royal Viking Line, and in 1989, he joined Cunard as the cruise director of Queen Elizabeth 2, where he met his Bavarian-born German wife. Cruise ships took him all over the world in the 1980s and 1990s until he retired and became the horticultural interpreter of the Springfeld Botanical Garden in Missouri, USA. He started writing novels in 1978, and he returned to England in 2017.

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    Book preview

    Spirit Guides for Beginners - Peter Longley

    Table of Contents


    Free Bonus

    Chapter 1: Who And What Are Spirit Guides?

    Chapter 2: How Do These Spirit Guides Help?

    Chapter 3: Communicating With Your Spirit Guide

    Chapter 4: Getting To Know Your Guides Better

    Chapter 5: Differentiating Your Guide's Influence From Other Energies

    Chapter 6: Types of Spirit Guides

    Chapter 7: Spirit Guides in Religion

    Chapter 8: Is it Safe to Contact Spirit Guides?

    Chapter 9: How to Make Contact with Your Spirit Guide

    Chapter 10: How You May Experience Your Spirit Guide

    Chapter 11: What to Expect When Encountering a Spirit Guide

    Chapter 12: Guardian Angels




    I want to thank you and congratulate you for picking up the book, Spirit Guides for Beginners.

    This is the recently updated 2nd edition, filled with new information making it the most up to date and complete guide to spirit guides for beginners available!

    This book contains helpful information about spirit guides, what they are, and how you can make communication with yours.

    The theory of spirit guides has existed for thousands of years in many different cultures. Although the names they give their guides may differ, there are many similarities.

    Spirit guides are there to protect you from harm and negative entities, whilst guiding you on the right path. They are there to help you and to comfort you during the tough times.

    This book will explain to you tips and techniques that will allow you to successfully understand and contact your spirit guides. Through making communication and establishing a relationship with you guides, you’ll be able to better understand their suggestions for what choices you should make.

    You will soon learn about the different spirit guides that most people have, what their purpose is, and how you can make communication with them!

    Thanks again for taking the time to read this book, I hope you enjoy it!

    Free Bonus

    As a thank you for taking the time to download my book, I’d like to offer you a FREE bonus!

    I have compiled a list of my ‘7 Keys For Successful Meditation’, and have made it free for you to download.

    You can CLICK HERE to claim your free copy, or click on the link below:

    Meditation helps you to clear and focus your mind, and allows you to gain better control over your thoughts and focus. Regular meditation can make it a lot easier to successfully engage in things like Reiki healing, aura viewing, and opening your third eye, as these all involve deep and powerful use of your mind and focus.

    So download my free report today – CLICK HERE – and begin experiencing the amazing benefits of meditation today!

    Chapter 1: Who And What Are Spirit Guides?

    Spirit guides is a general term that's often used to describe an entity, in the form of a spirit that offers protection as well as guidance to a living human being. The idea of spirit guides is recognized by many different groups and individuals; spiritualist churches, psychics and mediums are among those who believe and even practice interaction with these guides. Certain ethnic groups also believe in the existence of spirit guides; just take the Native Americans, Egyptians and Chinese for example. Many of them attribute their ancient wisdom to these spirit guides and revere them as deities in most cases. Other popular associations when it comes

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