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Sinsee Why Me: Millally's People
Sinsee Why Me: Millally's People
Sinsee Why Me: Millally's People
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Sinsee Why Me: Millally's People

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On the colony world of Terra Two steps were taken to attempt to retake the ships of space by creating a genetic spy. There was just one problem. Terra Two was dominated by men. Women were not allowed to read and if someone was caught teaching a women they would loose everything, including their memory. The genetics program was only to effect mal

Release dateApr 24, 2020
Sinsee Why Me: Millally's People

Roxanne Bohnow

Roxanne was born under the Chinese sign of the Snake. A very good year. One of four children, she grew-up in the Pacific Northwest. Working hard to overcome dyslexia, she was able to keep up with her fellow classmates. She now lives in Michigan with her husband of twenty-two years, two dogs and a cat who thinks it's a dog. She enjoys country living and country crafts. She's never met a craft she didn't like.

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    Sinsee Why Me - Roxanne Bohnow



    Mankind’s expansion into space proved to have its drawbacks at the onset. The strain on the physical body was worse than the mental strain of isolation. What was needed were humans of extreme physical ability; worker bees able to handle the hard work of the most uninhabitable environments. This need gave birth to the genetic slaves of space who served the norms, rather than those who traveled space in the cryogenic tanks. Not all norms could afford the cryo tanks, therefore, they required the services of the slaves to perform even the simplest of tasks.

    As the centuries went by and new worlds were colonized throughout the vastness of space, treatment of the space bound slaves worsened. Liberties were taken with female slaves against their wills with no objections ever being raised; slaves have no voice in anything. On one voyage the submissiveness changed to violence and altered the course of history.

    There have been many stories as to why the slaves revolted on that voyage, but only they will ever know what triggered the violence that followed. The slave crew put all of the norms to death, even those who were riding the cryo tanks. The only norms that were spared were the children.

    The original ships’ slave crew became pirates attacking other ships and freeing their slaves, putting to death all norms with the exception of the children. The holds of these ships held a wealth of technical supplies and computers which held the sum total of all human knowledge.

    With virtually unlimited wealth, the freed slaves built observatory stations at the outskirts of each subsystem that had a colonized world. They built armed transport ships to patrol all of known space. This space now belonged to the slaves, if the colony worlds wanted to trade with each other, they would have to deal with their former slaves. Being unable to deal with the arrogance of their former slaves, the Norms exploded out into space to deal with this uprising. Being unable to cope with the rigors of outer space the results of this confrontation were a foregone conclusion, the slaves completely obliterated all armed resistance.

    At the time of the revolt a former slave, Millally, was the slave crewman’s chosen leader. The ex slaves began to call themselves Millally’s People. With the passage of time this was shortened to MILLALLY and so began the saga.



    Bane studied the documents before him, his eyes scanning and rescanning the same page, his mind trying to come to terms with what had happened. For three years now his world had been cut off from the rest of the universe. Day after day the survivors hoping that help would miraculously arrive, began to lose hope. Before him lay proof that no help would be coming, all the colonized worlds were now isolated. Even now, world after world was submitting to the demands of this upstart who called himself Millally. Bane chuckled to himself. Leaning back into the cushioned backrest of his office chair, Bane began to realize that if he did not give in soon, his world would begin to suffer. Already, important equipment was beginning to fail. Before the revolt, technical equipment was repaired from the supplies that came in on the supply ships. Each world manufactured and exported goods to each other but guarded the necessary knowledge as though it were gold. This had proven to be the downfall of almost all worlds. Cut off from each other by their former slaves, their own knowledge was of no use to them; they were reduced to maintaining only the most important equipment. Unrest was spreading rapidly throughout his world. It had now come down to one of two alternatives; deal with the Millally or revert to barbarism.

    Lost in thought, Bane was startled by the sound of the comm unit on his desk, he reached over with his left hand and switched it on.

    Yes, what is it? Bane said.

    Sorry to disturb you Sir, but the board is waiting for you at the Conference Hall. Shall I send for the skidder to transport you or would you rather take the tube?, asked Jay Borden. Jay had served Bane now for ten years as his personal secretary and knew just about all there was to know about the man.

    Thanks Jay. Send the skidder, I could do with some fresh air before I meet with the Board. I don’t think we are going to see the light of day for a while. Before he could cut the comm off Jay wished him luck.

    Placing the documents into his briefcase he then put on his overcoat and went to the sliding plexdoor that lead to his balcony. Opening the door a cool breeze entered the office carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass, freshening the drab atmosphere of the office. Taking a deep breath he filled his lungs to their capacity. Looking over the edge of the balcony he took in the scene below. The gardens were just starting to show signs of spring, soon flowers gathered from all over the galaxy and carefully transplanted in the State garden would begin to bloom. The entire grounds would be filled with the most exotic aromas, attracting visitors from all over the planet.

    Absently, Bane wondered if other world leaders had gardens such as these with comparable exotic splendor. Would they be able to replace the plants should a sudden unexpected frost strike without warning. He rather doubted it.

    The sound of the skidder arriving broke his train of thought. Turning he approached the right side of the balcony. Taking hold of the descent bar, a platform extruded from the side of the building, he stepped up onto it and started the slow fall to the ground.

    The skidder and its operator waited at the end of the walkway, as Bane neared the skidder its door opened and he got in. It was unnecessary for Bane to talk to the driver because Jay would have already given the man his instructions. As the skidder traveled along fifteen inches above the ground, Bane looked out the window watching the scenery roll by without really seeing what he was looking at. His mind was totally preoccupied with the format of the meeting he would shortly be attending. Predicting the reactions of the other Board Members was easy. They would all be outraged but there wouldn’t be anything they could do about resolving their world’s problems without meeting the demands put forth in the documents delivered to his office by the shuttle pilot. He knew that there were going to be bad tempers all the way around. Each member of the Board had major investments in off world suppliers and markets that generated the majority of their income.

    The skidder pulled up to the steps of the Conference Hall and Bane got out. Slowly he walked up the steps and entered the building. The reception lobby was like any other lobby, the carpet was a drab green and there were chairs lined up along one wall. Off to the left a young man sat at a desk, his eyes focused on his monitor. He had not seen Bane enter the lobby. Bane cleared his throat causing the receptionist to look up. Startled, he quickly got to his feet. Sir, I didn’t see you come in.

    Are they all here?, asked Bane even though he already knew that they were. Yes Sir.

    The youngster then lead the way down the hall keeping only a few steps ahead of Bane. At the end of the hall he opened a door and stepped aside for Bane to enter the conference room closing the door behind him and returning to his desk in the lobby.

    Bane looked around the room, everyone turned to look at him as he walked to the head of the table. As he took his seat they all wanted to talk at the same time, the babble of voices hit his ears and he wished he had never come to this world.

    Gentlemen please, I’m very much aware that each one of you want to be heard but I only have two ears! Bit by bit they quieted down and he called the meeting to order.

    Bane had been right about how the members would react to the ultimatum from the renegade slave Millally. As they went over the capitulation contracts, objection was voiced every step of the way. The demands of Millally were insufferable.

    First, no norm would ever again be allowed to travel in space. Since the planet was not over crowded they would not suffer from a depletion of the planets energy resources.

    Second, only one spaceport would be allowed on any given planet. All workers at the port would have to be approved by a representative of Millally’s own management staff.

    Third, the planet government would provide all the food for Millally’s people in and around their solar system. This would insure that trade routes would be open for export and import of all needed technical equipment.

    Fourth, only dock workers will be allowed anywhere near the grounded transport ships. Anyone approaching a ship without clearance would be subject to immediate death.

    Fifth, any attempt to retake a ship while it is in port will result in the destruction of one of the major settlement cities chosen at random.

    Sixth, all off world holdings now revert to the government of the planet on which these holdings are located.

    That bit of information brought a real cat fight from a number of the members of the Board. Those who lost all their wealth demanded that the holdings of off world companies be turned over to them as compensation for their losses. Arguments and insults were thrown back and forth among those who claimed they should be given this company or that.

    Bane leaned back in his chair and waited for the uproar to die down. When that didn’t happen he left the room for a while. When he returned, most of the fighting had died down. He continued to read the contract out loud. The meeting went on for two hours before there was a real confrontation between two of the members, it took seven men to pull the two of them apart and keep them from killing each other.

    Four days later Bane called for a vote, the majority of the Board voted to accept the contract. No one had yet decided what to do with the now ownerless holdings, though many had high hopes of increasing their own holdings and therefore gaining more power in the government of the planet.

    Once Bane was back in his office he readied the final package that was to be returned to Millally on the scout ship that waited at the spaceport. The sudden knock on his door startled him, he wasn’t expecting anyone. Jay would have announced any visitor over the office commlink. Before he could rise to see who it was, the door opened and in walked Dr. Nate Nathin.

    Bane, I’ve been trying to see you now for a number of years. Nathin pulled a stungun out of his pocket and pointed it at Bane, preventing him from calling his secretary. Now Bane, you’re going to listen to me, one way or the other. What’s it going to be?

    You’ve got the floor Doc. with great care Bane placed both hands on his desk in full view so as not to offend the man or make him think that he was up to something. In the back of his mind he wondered where security was.

    Damn right I do. Nathin crossed the room and sat down in the chair across the desk from Bane, still pointing the stungun at his chest.

    Just how did you get past Jay? Bane asked as he looked down the wrong end of the gun.

    He and a few of your boys are taking a little nap right now. I don’t like to hurt people but it was the only way to get in here to see you. He lowered the gun down just enough so Bane would relax from it’s threatening presence.

    Just what do you want of me, that you have to take out my secretary to get in here?, asked Bane, keeping his eye on the man.

    Space., said Dr. Nathin. I think I can get it back for us. Let me tell you about myself, I have a rather interesting background. You be the judge.

    As Nathin talked, Bane became more interested in what the man had to say. Soon Bane became engrossed in what Nathin had to say. He didn’t notice at which point the doctor put the gun down on the desk in front of him. Time passed, the two men were deep in conversation, unaware of the commotion from the outer office. Jay burst into the office, followed closely by two armed guards, their guns drawn and at the ready. Jay came up short when he saw that his boss was not in any danger as he had thought, but calmly going over stats on the monitor with the man who had stunned him, god only knows how long ago.

    Jay! Where have you been? Get over here, you should have been in on this from the start. Bane noticed the two guards for the first time, he turned to look at Nathin. I forgot all about the tactics you used to get in here. I’ll take care of that right now. Turning back to the guards he gave orders that in the future anytime Dr. Nathin wanted to see him he was to be admitted immediately, even if Bane was in the john.

    Before leaving the office the guards gave Nathin a look of pure hatred. They quietly closed the door behind them, mumbling under their breath. Nathin, why don’t you fill Jay in on what we’re doing. He can run the keypad faster then anyone I know, so let him at the terminal. Bane poured coffee for them as Nathin explained the plan all over again.

    You’ll need a rather large facility to handle that many labs. Just where is the financing going to come from?, asked Jay as he called up more information on the screen.

    I’ll have to call another emergency meeting of the Board. Jay, I want you to contact all the members tonight before they have a chance to return to their territories. He turned to Nathin. Can you have a summary ready by tomorrow noon, one suitable enough to convince the hotheads on the Board that this project will work?

    Only if you give me the loan of this fine fellow here. You were right, his fingers just seem to fly over the keys. Nathin put his hand on Jays shoulder. Young man, how would you like to be an intricate part of this project?

    I’d like that very much. Is this the kind of thing you wanted? He pointed to the screen that now displaced the names of all the top surgeons on the planet. A number of them had been stranded when the slaves revolted, leaving them without jobs or any means of support.

    How many of these have a background in genetic engineering?, asked Nathin.

    Jay punched in the necessary code and the chosen field of expertise appeared next to each name on the list. Fifteen with full doctrines and it looks like sixty eight have had minimum training in that field. You want me to contact them?

    Not yet Jay. First we have to get this passed by the Board., answered Bane as he came over to look at the screen. You better start calling everybody back. It’s going to be a long night.

    In that case I think I’ll order some food brought in., smiled Jay.

    * * *

    Bane called the meeting to order. He, Dr. Nathin and Jay sat at the head of the table, behind them a large screen hung from the ceiling, the controls were in front of Jay.

    What’s this all about Bane? Don’t tell me those bastards have thought of something else that they want!, Carl Duebin demanded.

    All in good time Carl. First I must know how all of you feel about reclaiming space, and just how far are you willing to go? Bane looked at each member in turn to show that he was serious about this. The first to speak was Gary Thompson’s.

    Bane, I know you. Maybe even better then anyone else here. We all know that if we take any action against Millally’s People that they will destroy one of our cities. You wouldn’t deliberately put thousands of innocent lives on the line, condemning them to certain death. Therefore I can only conclude that you have something in mind that would be more subtle.

    As always Gary, your astute observations are correct. We may not regain space travel in our life time, but our descendants will if we take action now to insure their return. Gentlemen I would like to turn the floor over to the man who can make this happen. Some of you may have even seen him around the state building now and then. Please meet Dr. Nate Nathin.

    Nathin nodded to Jay and the screen behind them brightened to show an antique recording of a laboratory. Nathin allowed it to run for a while before signaling Jay to shut it off.

    What the hell was that all about?, asked Carl Duebin.

    That gentlemen is the original genetic codes that allowed our ancestors to develop and breed the slaves of space.

    And what the hell good is that? Carl Duebin was doing his best to intimidate Dr. Nathin. Standing seven feet tall and weighing two hundred and fifty pounds, he frequently intimidated the other members of the board. This time his tactics did not work, Nathin would not be intimidated.

    Sit down Carl. I want to hear what the good Doctor has to say. Duebin looked around to see who it was that had said that, it had been Gary Thompson’s. Duebin growled at the man but he did sit down and Nathin continued.

    I have spent my entire life studying genetics. To be accurate, I have been studying the slaves of space. Their genetic engineering had been a precise science. They were given physical advantages and a high I.Q. The one thing they were not given was free will, this made them easily manageable by any norm traveling space. Over the generations we have contaminated this precise science. I have tried to warn the public for years that this revolt was bound to happen.

    Are you saying that you had foreknowledge of this thing? Why didn’t you tell us?

    I did, you just ignored me. It’s all in the record if you care to read it.

    You said something about contamination. Just what did you mean by that?

    When the breed was first established, they only had a small gene pool to draw from. They were encouraged to propagate at an alarming rate. Their women had more then just one mate and likewise for the men, this gave them a larger gene pool for the next generation. This practice continues to this day. Over many generations now, we have been using their women for our own pleasures, and in doing that, we have reintroduced free will into their genetic makeup. To put it bluntly, we’ve screwed ourselves into a corner.

    Just what do you suggest we do about it?

    It is our intention to duplicate the genetic code and produce our own version of Millally’s People.

    More slaves, what for? Don’t we have enough trouble?

    You misunderstand. I intend to transform the generations yet to be born on a planet wide scale. There won’t be any slaves, only our children.

    And just how are you going to get the cooperation of the people?

    Our former slaves have already given us the means with which to accomplish that. The revolt has completely cut off our supply of new blood, therefore the government fears that future generations may suffer. It puts into effect a foundation that will guarantee that your child will have a mate that will produce only a healthy child. What parent doesn’t want that for their son or daughter. And who is going to pay for all this?

    I can answer that., said Bane. We have the ownerless holdings that can supply a large part of the revenue needed, for the rest we can vote in a new tax. Call it the Mate Tax. That should meet our needs without putting too great a burden on the public.

    Excuse me Dr. Nathin, but if you can duplicate the genetic code why can’t you take it one or two steps further?

    That is not our intention. Once our decedents have established the breed, they will be able to infiltrate the ships and reclaim space for our planet.

    What’s to stop the man who takes your place from taking it to the next step once you are dead?

    I and I alone will chose who will replace me as Head of the Medical Department.

    Just who the hell said it’s going to be you who heads up that department? shouted Carl Duebin, as he once again got to his feet. I don’t remember voting you in, does anyone else here remember voting? He looked around the room at the other members with a scowl, challenging anyone of them to repute him.

    Bane got to his feet instantly. That’s enough Duebin! You may be able to push the others around but I’ve had about all I can stand from you. You may think that you’re a big man but in my book you’re a pain in the ass. Now sit down and shut up! Other members voiced their approval and Carl was forced to take his seat again. Please continue Dr. Nathin,, said Bane.

    The new Foundation will have its own board members. It will be the responsibility of this assembly to chose the men who will sit on that board. Each member will have the right to chose who will replace them when they feel that they can no longer keep up with the work. Each will have their own staff under them and be in charge of a different aspect of the self governing of the Foundation.

    What do you mean, self governing?

    The Foundation will be a separate government from the one that runs this planet. We will police our own people and maintain the strictest security.

    Some of us might find the time to be on your board but we have other responsibilities too.

    If any of you can think of someone who is not on this Board who might be suited to the task, please submit his name to Mr. Bane. Nathin turned the meeting back over to Bane and left the conference hall.

    "Gentlemen, a vote now stands before this assembly. All those in favor of accepting Dr. Nathin’s plan, please register now. All those opposed, register now. The ayes have it. The plan will go into effect immediately.

    I will be accepting nominations for the Foundation Board over the next two weeks, please have them on my desk no later then that. This meeting is adjourned."

    Gary Thompson watched as Carl Duebin cornered a few of the board members. Carl was no dummy, the planets’ power was about to change hands and he wanted to be a part of it, even control it. He was now in the process of bullying his way onto the Foundation Board.

    Gary didn’t really approve of what they were about to do, but he disapproved even more of Carl Duebin. He decided it might be a good idea if he himself obtained a seat on the Board.

    As it turned out there were only ten seats on the Foundation Board. Bane was made Head of the Board, because he received the most votes, Gary Thompson received the next highest number of votes. To the utter disgust of Carl Duebin, Dr. Nathin was next on the board. Carl tried his best to claim that Dr. Nathin had no business being on the board but he was shouted down. Carl did manage to get a seat on the board but he ended up being low man on the totem pole. He felt that somehow Gary Thompson had a hand in fouling up his plans but he couldn’t prove it.

    Duebin started to make plans of his own for Thompson and a few of the others as well.

    * * *

    Bane came running up to Nathin in the crowded corridor, he was almost out of breath, Nathin was on his way to the hospital wing of the Foundation.

    Nate. I just heard about it. Mind if I join you?

    Not at all., said Nathin, as he directed the two of them to the elevator.

    How the hell did it happen, the onboard computer should have caught any malfunction way before the skidder’s engine went critical. Do you know just how bad Gary is?

    The medics have stabilized him and are transporting him now. I’m afraid his driver is dead. From what the medics were able to send me on his stats it looks like Gary may lose both his legs. I wish we knew more about rejuvenation.

    Damn those bastards up there! If we had space travel we could send Gary to ZenTex, to the rejuvenation tanks there. Why the hell did we have to be so God damn protective of our technology. Bane’s blood boiled thinking of the stupidity of the human race.

    Industrial privileges and advantages. We supplied the galaxy with food produce that could only be grown on this world and they paid a high price for it too. Just think what those other worlds are going through now, most of them are industrial worlds. Some of them are totally unsuited for the growing of food stuffs. Yes, I know that we have been exporting food to them over the past two years but how many people died of starvation before we started shipping food back out to them. What about the other terra type planets that man had managed to colonize?, said Nathin, as they got out of the elevator.

    Right now they’re not our concern, what is our concern is the survival of our own planet.

    Bane, that’s just the kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place. Don’t you think it’s time we started to concern ourselves with the entire human race?

    Now just a minute Nathin, I never said I didn’t care about the human race. I care more than you or anyone else will ever know. Someday I’ll tell you why I jumped on your bandwagon, but until then, don’t you ever pass judgment on me. He turned and walked away leaving Nathin to wonder about Bane’s touchiness. There was something about Bane that started to nag at the back of Nathin’s mind but he just couldn’t pin it down. Nathin continued on alone to the hospital wing.

    An investigation proved that the onboard computer of Thompson’s skidder had been deliberately sabotaged. Skidders belonging to four other members were found to have similar sabotage performed on their onboard computers.

    Carl Duebin had been smart enough to have sabotaged his own skidder in order to divert suspicion away from him. He was disappointed to learn that his attempt to assassinate Gary Thompson had failed, but there would be others that would not be so fortunate.

    * * *

    Bane burst into Nathin’s office, his face livid with disgust. He tossed a hard copy printout sheet onto Nathin’s desk. "Have you seen these reports? Freaks, mutations that don’t even qualify as human! What the hell’s going on? My staff is being flooded with calls from angry fathers all

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