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THE VARIOUS PHASES AND ENCOUNTERS WITH TRANSITIONAL LIFE: Evaluating and Understanding each Experience in a Lifetime
THE VARIOUS PHASES AND ENCOUNTERS WITH TRANSITIONAL LIFE: Evaluating and Understanding each Experience in a Lifetime
THE VARIOUS PHASES AND ENCOUNTERS WITH TRANSITIONAL LIFE: Evaluating and Understanding each Experience in a Lifetime
Ebook396 pages5 hours

THE VARIOUS PHASES AND ENCOUNTERS WITH TRANSITIONAL LIFE: Evaluating and Understanding each Experience in a Lifetime

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Seeking continuous improvement and ways to make an impact on society, Dr. Luis decided to further his
academic career. He started his masters from the Autonomous University of Mexico. This greatly helped
him in understanding how the society behaved and he developed a clear concept of in which direction he
wished his career to h

Publisheribukku, LLC
Release dateApr 26, 2020
THE VARIOUS PHASES AND ENCOUNTERS WITH TRANSITIONAL LIFE: Evaluating and Understanding each Experience in a Lifetime


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    Section 1:

    Introduction to Life Transition Coaching

    Chapter 1: Unveiling the Raw Aspects of Life Transitions

    Why Begin Reading this Book in the First Place?

    Change is situational. Transition, on the other hand, is psychological. It is not those events but rather the inner reorientation or self-redefinition that you have to go through in order to incorporate any of those changes into your life. Without a transition, a change is just a rearrangement of the furniture. Unless transition happens, the change won’t work.

    -William Bridges

    A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter when it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.

    -Nikki Giovanni

    These quotes provide a major inspiration to why this subject should be addressed in this book. At present, much attention and importance is being given on having to attend sessions such as Life Transitions Coaching. Life transitions allow plenty of room for exploring diverse opportunities and getting rid of any outdated strategies that work no more. If you want to transition in your career to explore greener pastures, all you need is the will power and motivational drive to get the most out of life.

    Since each day, it is seen as if there are more and more people who are facing life crises and turmoil and that they are unable to cope up with them. However, thanks to aids such as transitional coaching sessions or assistance from mental health professionals things are becoming easier to understand via their simple yet effective practices that are being educated to the general audience who undergo each unique aggressively complicating life transition.

    In order to help and contribute greatly on how essential it is to overcome a life transition in the most effective way that no transitional change is taken as a burden, obstacle or any kind of hindrance in one’s life. Moreover, even if there is such a circumstance being faced in your life, they are very practical and proven methods that are well informed in this book that surely and most definitely will be of help for you. Since each and every person has their own variant experience and journey when it comes to Life Transitions, there is no hard and fast set of rules that can be applied rather just considerations and certain views that require to be understood so that each challenge can be catered in the best appropriate manner.

    On this very conflicting base, it became way beyond my understanding to tackle each perspective with depth that was related to life transitions. Though to compose this book, I dived deep down in every manner of research or studies that I could gather in order for me to start looking for solutions, no matter what the costs were because my core anticipation was to aid people so that they can overcome their challenges in the best viable manner as possible. My urge to accomplish such was well ignited and would be visible in this book, as well. This burning need grew as an urge to write in a manner that would contribute to help the people who are undergoing such challenges so that they can uncover their optimum potential. Viewing various such situations has propelled me to write this comprehensive book on Transitional Life Coaching.

    A poetic way to describe and to recognize how one takes on a Life Transitional Changes would be by reflecting in the way you face each raging waters that forges towards you with complete impact. Since the way / manner, that you are able to get through these raging forged water especially when there are no foreseeable factors is what would be the actual highlights that define your survival or pathetic demise. Your untapped brilliance and thoughts in such a time best prevail. As your actions during those points in your life would know better than not be used for/ to your advantage. Since if you are not able to cope up during those times winding up dead inside the endless ocean of life could be fated for you. Though this book comprises of the various life transition a person encounters while also addressing the pointers on how to best tackle them according to your own demeanor.

    Let us take an example of the ocean and priceless aquatic life that lies inside it. The ocean could not care less about the minute creatures holding little to no value that are immersed into its hidden depths. The survival of these aquatic beings entirely depend solely on the mental agility of devising a time-sensitive place to face the inevitable and impending life challenges head-on. The famous adage, Keeping something in store for the rainy day, goes a long way in saving these creatures and having the ability to experience a wonderful life worth living.

    Once, you realize life in itself and to its truest you will realize that it has been based on a theory of conflicting realities. Where at every upcoming stage, you cannot escape from its shackles and that almost everything is within your reach and once you are acquainted with the correct understanding you will be equipped to cope with these challenging transitions of life. This book is also compiled with trialed and tested approaches that were focused and adopted even in the past hundreds of years back when it came to the point where they had to handle the endless changes of life that blast as bomb shells on us, every now and again.

    You will surely be intrigued, with every bit of abstract and perspectives provided to you in this book. In a form, that it will proceed as enjoyable and delightful reading. Since it is compiled with various extracts, which are priceless snippets of wisdom that are quoted by inspirational beings. You will experience a plethora of mind-shifts that will add exuberantly to your resilience in handling the twists and turns of life transitions per excellence.

    Word of Wisdom…

    It is not always the intensity of curve-balls life throws in your direction but how tactfully you play with the tenacious flames of change, to transform them into an illuminating torch or burn down your remains into ashes, to be lost forever in the labyrinth of endless suffering.

    Getting your hands on this amazing coping strategy for dealing with life-transitions and crisis, is the most amazing stroke of luck to get what you want out of life.

    The coaching process will flow flawlessly like wine through the course of this book and you will not even realize when you flip to the last page.

    With so much to gain and nothing to lose, this book is the sweetest potion, drinking which you can breathe life into your heartfelt desires for success, health and fulfilment. So settle in, make a cup of coffee, put on some music and keep reading, because amazing life experiences, opportunities and victories depends on it!

    What are the Characteristics of Transitional Stages in Life?

    From Cradle to Grave, Life Transitions Are Inevitable

    Delving deeper into the intricacies of the amazing experiences awaiting us on every step of your transitional journey, allows you to be able to have a clear view of some of the obscure challenges that are bound to cross your path at certain transforming points in your life. Life is not smooth sailing, the waves are constantly waxing and waning and so are your roles and events in life. With constant flux and rapid transitional checkpoints stretched all across your life road map, you are bound to pick up some steam along the way. From galvanic changes in your professional roles to shifting to a new living abode or experiencing a shift in your marital roles from a singleton to perfectly coupled, your life is at cross-roads with the transition on every point.

    As humans, we are bound to live a long life. With every passing day, the human life expectancy is reaching an all-time high. Life is transitional in its very nature. From childhood to adolescence to adulthood to old age, a plethora of transitions are bound to come our way. You can let these unstoppable transitions get the better of you, or train yourself to cope with them. Transitional life coaching is the answer to all your stressors that you go through during these transitions.

    The longer you remain stuck to a single role in life, the harder it gets to move onto the next stage waiting for you. Staying fixed in similar roles seems safe, secure and reliable on the surface but the real deal can be quite self-destructive and debilitating for most people, ending them down the dumps and unable to cope with the challenges in life. Change is universally uncomfortable and distressing, no matter what stage of life you are in. Though settling in a particular role sounds more appealing than ever, staying stuck to the same tricks in the hat, does not always have your best interests at heart. The hidden horizons of new opportunities and challenges can seem quite scary at first, beyond your wildest imaginations.

    Getting down to the Nitty Gritty of Life’s Transitions

    Life is in a constant state of flux from cradle to grave. Acquiring mastery over adequate handling over these transitional points requires a comprehensive exploration of three factors: growth, maintaining equilibrium and effective handling of losses. As we pace across the different stages of life from childhood to adolescence to early and late adulthood, we observe a drastic shift in our priorities and roles in life.

    Embracing Life’s Transitions Head On: Experiencing a Brand New Beginning

    On every step of your life, many transitions seem insurmountable at first. Adolescence, for instance, is the most tenuous time of your life during which rapid and unforeseeable changes are experienced. Your personality, biology and psychology are constantly fluctuating, during the sensitive and tenacious period of adolescence. With high pressure and stakes involved in your uncomfortable transition from school to college and college to university, adolescence is an emotionally intense stage of your life. As a life coach, it is my utmost responsibility to support you in transforming your mind set and way of looking at life is various transitions.

    As humans, we tend to gravitate towards safety, reliability and predictability in all our daily regimes. Embracing life’s transitions can be quite disruptive at first, as they seem against our innate survival instincts. This is the biggest reason why humans fear jumping hoops from one life stage to another. You need to realize that all your dreams and future successes lie on the other side of transcending this rickety rackety bridge. It has been expected that after years of performing the same role can make us stagnant and halt our growth. Figuring out the conundrums of life transitions and arriving at an understanding that they will constantly sprout out of nowhere as soon as we become used to a particular stage of life and our role in it.

    How to Trudge On the Long and Arduous Transitional Journey of Life

    Engaging In Proactive Strategies to Deal With Life Transitions

    Life is a roller coaster ride, full of highs and lows, which we call Transitions. Although the first two decades of your life are the highlight of life transitions, constant changes await us around every nook and corner of our life road map. Transition Life Coaching focuses on adopting and executing useful approaches to handle these fragile moments in our lifetime. These transitional touchpoints could include school, university, career, relationships, change of power dynamics, residential switch. All types of transitions in life are heavily impacted by the social, cultural, financial and historical contexts they belong to. As humans, we are constantly changing and evolving. Digging deeper into these life changes, we come up with two influencing factors for life transitions. These include:

    Natural or Age-Related Life Transitions

    Highly Personalized Individual Life Transitions

    Natural or Age-Related Life Transitions

    These changes are normal and fit into particular age-related transitions. Normal or Age-related transitions arise from biological, social, cultural and economic contexts. Some of the most prevalent life transitions include puberty, school and college, university, entering into the workforce, switching jobs, retirement, and the mental and physical decline among others.

    Life Transitions Triggered By Individual Experiences /


    Life is not a bed of roses and unexpected events keep on heralding the beginning of a new transition. Obviously, these events create personalized experiences and they develop into unexpected transitions, they are not at all ready to deal with. Examples of un-natural life transitions include events associated with loss of a loved one, abuse, neglect, exposure to violence, landing on a jackpot, trauma due to accidents or events associated with career progression.

    Proactive Engagement in Gaining Mastery over Life Transitions

    After conducting thorough research in the arena, it is concluded that in order to prevent the burgeoning transitions in life from taking a toll on you, active involvement of mental health resources can provide all the help you need!

    Life Coaching

    Life coaches are professionals/ mentors/ motivational leaders/ crisis managers/ coaches who assist you in coping with all kinds of transitions in life efficiently and effectively. They tap into insights that help in shifting your mind gears towards achieving positive results. Through effective utilization of positive psychology approaches such as motivation, resilience, willpower, persistence and patience among others, life coaches are able to bring about a positive change in the behaviour of people and makes them capable of coping with life transitions head-on without much mental stress or duress.

    Seeking Help from Psychiatrists, Psychologists & Psychotherapists

    As crucial, as attaining assistance from a psychiatrist, Psychologists and Psychotherapists are much required when you are facing problematic situations in life. However, on the other hand, it is simultaneously important to be clear and vividly understand the over the benefit of seeking their assistance. This in the long run incredible helps so that you are aware of the significance and do not fall short if you have to face any social aspects. Since many people begin to add pressure due to the stereotype mentality that yet resides amongst numerous society even today. All kinds of questions are considered when one learns of the fact that you are availing help from either of the mental health professional. The moment you are able to aspire and understand that professional assistance is much required by you; most certainly, you will be able to avoid any sort of discouragement of not seeking help from them. Since based on the broader aspect it is you personally who will face the consequences of not attain help when it was required.

    The most common stressor that is faced of having to visit either a psychiatrist, Psychologists and Psychotherapists is the general fear of how people will view/ perceive you once they know of you dealing with some mental health issue. Even though today there is, high progress in trying to break this typical type of stereo mentality though yet the denial to healthily accepting help from either of the professional mental health assistance is widely ignored mainly due to the wrong perception that people still dwell. An individual certainly does not have to mentally retarded or mentally handicapped to visit a psychiatrist, Psychologists or Psychotherapists. They could simply be facing a sort of mental or challenging stress that requires help by a mental health professional who aids not only meds but also healthier ways to take on various life scenarios, situations and even challenges.

    In many cases, even life coaches and either of these professional mental health caregivers come of exceptional aid. There is gradual progress in how people are now recognising the aid of a psychiatrist, Psychologists or Psychotherapists, which is tremendous growth, indeed. Life coaches have contributed greatly to the progress as they have spoken and made people understand it is completely ok to avail help from a mental health professional. The best way to implement the practice in a viable manner. By making people realize that it is their need and that they should thrive to excel ahead and willing, accept their problem so that they are confident to avail help from a professional regardless of the occupation they belong to. So that they are able to help themselves in every manner and not take, any wrong life-altering steps. Life coaches have really begun to speak up with sureness since it has become much of a need in the present era that people can willingly, openly and rather much comfortably be able to seek help from a mental health professional, as per requirement.

    Truth is Transformational Transition

    It is always about the way you look at things that define how you deal with events in life. Experiencing mind-shifts that budge you in the direction towards self-improvement and growth lies at the heart of your Transformational journey. Whenever you arrive at a corner, while walking on the road of life, it is highly likely you consider it as a crisis and cry for help. The only way you can manage and transcend the transitional life throws is by adopting a proactive approach. Considering these life transitions as opportunities to test the limits of your emotional resilience and push them further,

    Transitioning Through Life from Loss

    Learning the universality of grief is pivotal to embrace the biggest transitions in life. To most people, grief feels like a cumbersome burden, difficult to manage. Grief takes a toll on your physical, mental and emotional health, in unimaginable ways. The ability to remain credulous with what life has to offer and to be mindful of the intense pain someone might be experiencing. Grief is like a snake that poisons your insides in ways, unfathomable. Transforming grief into an opportunity to grow and evolve in life gives you a paradigm shift.

    Every person experiences grieve in ways that are unlike the other. The biggest damage you could do to yourself is having your conscience prick and going on guilt trips for grieving the loss of a thing, life event and person. Coping strategies for conquering grief involve creating a safe haven to share your feelings. You need to realize that far from your external reality, your internal reality filled with your subjective feelings is more important than ever before. People who look at grief in an ugly and despicable way, experience intense grief, bordering on suicidal behaviour. Feelings of depression flood into your consciousness, leaving you berserk.

    Finding Meaning in the Face of Grief Seems Grotesque at First


    Presence is foundational in being able to deal with grief. Being able to stay unguarded and share your stories in raw form, embracing the harsh realities of life, developing courage goes a long way in embarking on a life-long journey to recovery. Being able to listen to others, emotional and facial understanding is pivotal.


    After deep soul searching you will realize life transitions are quite easy to address and manage. Life is full of galvanic changes and the only way to make it through is to keep yourself well prepared to deal with these inevitable challenges. The outcome is necessary but so is the process needed to arrive at that particular result.

    Embracing the grueling realities of life that everything will change and nothing stays the same, is the secret to acknowledgement and problem-solving. Restructuring your preconceived notions about the different transitions, life throws at you every now and then is the biggest favor you can do for yourself. Rethinking life transitions as challenges rather than obstacles is key to navigating across them without any trouble.

    Transitioning Across Careers

    Career Transitions are one of the riskiest and scary transitions you could ever make in life. When moving on to a new career, you need to clear out the pre-existing clutter at first before you make the next move. Nobody wants to be stuck in a dead-end career for a lifetime. Money is always a shiny incentive to entice you into working in an organization that does not align with your core values and passions.

    Starting as a junior and then climbing up the corporate is where all the fish go. However, you are well aware of the fact only dead fish go with the flow. Seek a career path that rewards you with more than just money, such as leaving a strong impact on the hearts and minds of people. Leaving a strong impact on the hearts and minds of people lies at the heart of leading a life worth living.

    Chapter 2: Seasons of Change: Types of Transition in Life

    Adolescence: When Complicated Is the Word of the Day

    With so many masks to put on, it can be hard to keep up with appearances. Adolescence is the age where extreme stressors can either transform you into a diamond or leave you coal. Parents need to realize that the only way they can keep their children grounded to stay with them, is by giving them a free hand to explore life on their own or in other words giving them wings to fly. Teenage is one of the biggest transitions you experience in life. This chapter focuses on exploring some of the major characteristics of this stage in intricate detail. Particular emphasis is laid on the social and emotional impacts of this age on teenage.

    Dealing with the Heavy Baggage of Adolescence

    By now, we are well aware that life flows in a smooth transition from infancy to adolescence to adulthood. Submerging in the deep waters of adolescence allows us to navigate the emotional and behavioural idiosyncrasies this age comprises of. Adolescence is marked by a transition filled with chaos, madness and wildness that leaves you holding on for sweet life. You need a lot of patience and stamina to be able to deal with the emotional turmoil of this age for yourself and someone you love.

    Life is all about moving from one point to another. This constant relocating can be disruptive in nature, particularly in the tenuous adolescent years. By constant reframing and rethinking your inner monologue can work magic in allowing you to cope and excel in this period. If as an adolescent, you take these constant identity and perception shifts as opportunities to learn, grow and explore the wonders of life. Loosening the strings and shackles that bound you to constant dependence on others as well as reclaiming your independence and freedom can drain out your emotional reserves excessively.

    Dealing with the Constant Dilemma of Who You Are?

    Cultivating your sense of self and fixating on a particular identity can be hard as it gets as adolescents. Adolescence is filled with a bundle of heavyhearted changes from high stakes academics, evolving relationships, losing family ties, fluctuating sexual orientation, dependence on people and substance, risky and impulsive behaviour. Dealing with a foot-load of decisions and increased proclivity towards impervious behaviour can take a toll on the hearts and minds of adolescence. Support and constant mentoring is the only channel for transcending the hidden challenges of adolescence.

    Self-Awareness: The Raging Waters of Emotional Turmoil Will Wane down With Time

    Teenage is the age when individuals tend to be highly self-obsessed and self-focused. The prime concern of teenagers is to make themselves happy, paying little to no heed towards how their actions might be hurting others. On this note, let us make it clear that focusing on yourself and your own needs is not a bad thing at all. The only despicable factor is when you are clueless about how your behaviour tends to impact or hurt other people.

    Constant Insecurities of Not Being Good Enough

    Teenagers are unable to come to terms with their underlying feelings of insecurities and inadequacies that leave them feeling the worst. They try to cover up these disturbing feelings by bullying others and constantly trying to project a false demeanour to the rest of the world. Relationships with close family members go on the back burner during these fragile years. Shallow things such as money, appearances, attention, fame, drugs and alcohol become the prime focus during these years. Along with this, when adolescence come out of their bubble and begin to see their minuscule presence in an infinite world, their identity crisis issues exacerbate further.

    This leads to feelings of anxiety, paranoia and unhappiness during adolescence. With emotional havoc running lose during adolescence, panic attacks, suicidality and severe depression can make teenagers berserk. For this purpose, it is of the essence to stop this precious potential from leaking out and perishing in dark clouds. Teenage is the most sensitive age and mentors, family members; parents or close friends should provide mental health support regularly during these years. The worst thing you could do to an adolescent has left them in the depths of depression to rot and self-destruct themselves, never to be healed again.

    How to Deal with the Challenges of Teenage

    The biggest challenges parents face in dealing with teenagers is how to communicate with them. It is quite difficult to communicate with teenagers and the parent-child conflicts reach an all-time high. Having a successful communication with teens requires using simple tips and tricks of the trait.

    How to Counsel Teenagers Effectively

    When it comes to effectively counselling teenagers, it is much better to steer clear from mental ruminations and focusing on the present. Practising mindfulness is one of the best ways to deal with the influx of uncomfortable emotions.

    Approach Burning Issues in a Subtle Way

    Regular visitations to mental health professionals and life coaches are the key to effectively transitioning from childhood to adolescence. For example, imparting knowledge to adolescents and focusing on the changes teenagers are going through, allow for a comprehensive understanding of what is happening with them.

    Changes You Go Through in Adolescence

    Relationships take a dramatic turn during the adolescent years. With an idealistic illusion of oneself and expectations, this age has been marked by a sound exploration of who you are, triggered by different feelings. During teenage, both parents and children are walking on eggshells, regarding their future prospects and the direction life will push them in.

    Always On Edge!

    Adolescence is a time of constant flux in emotions and feelings. Conflicts with authority figures and mood-swings are beyond comprehension for most people. According to research, over 73 percent of adolescents are emotionally and socially happy all over the world.

    Talk about Stuff in a Non-Judgemental Manner

    One of the biggest help, adolescents need and seek is some to understand and support their emotional needs. Once they start rebelling, things become hard to manage and go downhill. Listening, accepting and acknowledging the whirlwind of complexities, adolescents go through is key. Parents, mentors and caregivers can make it their priority to support adolescents in their

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