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I Can Even Dance
I Can Even Dance
I Can Even Dance
Ebook34 pages19 minutes

I Can Even Dance

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Many women are trapped in abuse, or sadly, some don't even realize that they are being abused. Beth Johnstone tells her story in hopes that women can be set free and walk in their God-given destinies.

Release dateAug 15, 2020
I Can Even Dance

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    I Can Even Dance - Beth Johnstone

    I Can Even


    Beth Johnstone


    First and foremost, to the Lord, Jesus Christ, who saved my life both physically and spiritually.

    Secondly, to my amazing family who has always supported and encouraged me.

    Thirdly, to my pastor, who challenged me to let my past help others and inspired me to finish what God told me to do to help other women get free from abuse.


    How do I begin to share with you what the Lord has done? Why do I delve into the recesses of my heart and dig up the memories, failures, hurts, and pains? I do so, to bring God glory, to show that through Him there is hope and a new life, and to show that abuse is not the will of the Father. Names have been omitted. It is not my goal to defame anyone. Through the precious Holy Spirit, the people in this story have been forgiven. Granted, trust and forgiveness are two separate things, so while there is no relationship, there is no desire to slander nor hurt.

    The gunshot rang in my ears. While disbelief raced through my mind, I thought, I can’t believe he actually fired that gun. Then I asked myself, Why am I lying on the floor? And finally, it occurred to me, My leg hurts. Yet through my deafening pain, I heard him call the EMS and our closest friends to come and pick up our girls. I could hardly comprehend what had happened, but as I felt the warm blood pooling beneath my leg, my thoughts traveled back in time to what had brought me to this point. How had it happened

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