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Sister Lucy
Sister Lucy
Sister Lucy
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Sister Lucy

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Contemporary Adult Fiction


Men and women of the cloth struggle with love, lust and faith

illicit affairs, spiritual crises, and lies


Release dateJun 1, 2020
Sister Lucy

Lurma Swinney

Dr. Lurma Swinney is a native of Florence, SC. Her passion is writing. She has published three novels. Dr. Swinney is the daughter of Mrs. Bertha Davis. She has one sister, Audrey Davis and one son, Jay Swinney. She holds a BA from Francis Marion University; a MA from Lesley University; and a PhD from Capella University. Dr. Swinney is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Dr. Swinney has a pending utility patent with the United States Patent and Trade Office. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and helping young people to succeed. Among Dr. Swinney’s accomplishments the one that she is most proud of is that she is a born again Christian who strives to please God in everything that she does.

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    Sister Lucy - Lurma Swinney

    Sister Lucy


    Lurma Swinney

    A Novel of Love, Lust, Temptation  and Faith

    Sister Lucy

    A novel published by SD Publishing House

    ISBN 978-1-64871-977-6

    © 2020 by Lurma Swinney

    All rights reserved. The reproduction, transmission or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopy and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without written permission. For permission please contact SD Publishing House Post Office Box 7676 Florence, SC 29502 U.S.A.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in U.S.A.

    Cover designed by Jay Swinney

    Editor: Jeanette O’Dell

    To real Christians everywhere. God bless you.


    I give God all the praise and honor that is due to his Holy Name. Thank you to everyone for supporting me by purchasing my books over the years.

    Part One

    Chapter 1

    A gunshot rang out in the cold, still night. Lucy clutched her chest, feeling the burning sensation of the bullet penetrating her body. Tears trickled down her cheek, and her lamed body collapsed on the cold, hard ground. Her purse and a small box she was carrying tumbled to the ground. As she looked up to see who was near, Lucy knew she was dying.

    Why had her life come to this? She wasn’t a bad person. She was a church going, Christian woman, who had always reached out to help anyone she could. Her whole life began to flash before her sad, tear-filled eyes, as her numb body shivered on the cold, hard pavement. Lucy could only wonder why her life had come to this! Why?

    Part Two

    Three Years Earlier

    Chapter 2

    A-a-ma---zing grace, how sweet-t-t the sound, that sa---ved a-a wretch like meeeeeeee! I-I-I once wa-a-a-s lost, but now, I’m found. Was blind, bu-t now, I seeeeee! Sister Lucy Davis sang in front of the choir, who backed her, in blue and gold robes. SJCFC was emblazoned on the front of the robes representing Saint John Community Fellowship Church. The people in the church congregation were mesmerized by the anointing sound of Sister Lucy’s beautiful, well-trained, deep alto-pitched voice. The men in the church were equally seduced by her soft pecan-tanned skin; rounded, slightly protruding behind; full D-cupped breasts; and smooth, silky legs; supporting a one-hundred-forty pound, five foot, six-inch frame in a stylist two-piece, navy-blue suit. She wore neither facial make-up nor jewelry. Her hair was secured by a barrette, making a neat rounded French roll in the back of her head. By the time Sister Lucy and the choir were finished, almost everyone in the congregation was on his or her feet, worshipping and praising God, with wails of tears streaming down their God-fearing faces. Suddenly, Sister Lucy jerked and exploded into a bouncing, thrifty, rambunctious holy dance, seizing other choir members’ positions, as she galloped around, stomping completely out of her three-inch pumps. The ushers immediately jumped to Sister Lucy’s aid to avoid her from physically harming herself. Then as if on command, from a chain reaction, person after person exploded into his or her own rendition of a holy dance for the Lord. The organist and the drummer changed their tunes to a stomping, marching, dancing rhythm of praise. The teenagers expressed their own method of excitement, by giggling at the explosive commotion and taking bets on who would dance next. After a good thirty-minute explosion of praise, the congregation finally settled down, and the church regain its sovereignty. Sister Lucy took her seat on the pulpit, next to the other Ministers.

    When the Reverend Clyde Mitchell stood to deliver his sermon for the morning; he had little work to do, for Jesus had already arrived in Saint John today. Reverend Mitchell stood at six-feet, two inches, with a small mustache, low-cut hair on a light brown, good-looking face, even behind wire-framed reading eyeglasses. He had the body of an athlete; strong, muscular, and lean, and if it weren’t for the admiring young women in the church, his congregation would probably be almost nonexistent. Reverend Mitchell preached a well-rehearsed sermon entitled Changing Your Attitude, in which he pointed out that it is a Christian’s duty to help others, not just a good idea. By the time he ended with loud, whooping and hollowing screams, the people in the congregation were on their feet again. Then when he had raised the emotions of the people to an uncontrollable high, he quietly took his seat, allowing the people to continue to praise God in their own way. First Lady Maxine Mitchell sat very quiet and still as she witnessed the uproar her husband had managed to brew into the five-thousand-seat congregation. She was a milk-chocolate-tanned lady, with beautiful black hair, that flowed almost to her shoulders in a stylist, silky wrap. Her one hundred fifty pounds complimented her five-foot four inches, in a beaded, sequined navy-blue suit. Maxine’s ten-year-old daughter, Joannie, sat next to her, filing her fingernails, oblivious to all the praising church folks around her. Shoulder-length braids surrounded her cute, little almond-tanned face. As Reverend Mitchell wiped the beads of perspiration from his face, his glance caught his wife’s. He smiled lovingly at her, but she solemnly turned away.

    Chapter 3

    Hello, Lucy, a tall glamorous lady whined, with a strong southern drawl, entering Lucy’s Boutique.

    Hi, Maevis, Lucy returned sweetly, walking towards the lady. Lucy was the picture of innocence and purity with her hair in a neat, shoulder-length ponytail extending from the back of her head. She was wearing a straight, blue and white sundress with matching sandals. What can I get for you today?

    I need a hat, Lucy, Maevis replied, tugging at her very short, showing-all-her-curves dress.

    Oh! I just got a shipment of hats in, Maevis! I’m sure you’ll be able to find something!


    Have a seat, Lucy suggested, pointing to a vanity table and chair. She brought over three boxes and placed them on the vanity table, where the lady was sitting. Try this one, Maevis. Lucy placed the hat on the lady’s weaved, shoulder-length, honey-blonde straight hair, hoping that Maevis’s overly accentuated makeup wouldn’t find its way on her beautiful new hats, as the front door opened. Lucy turned and focused on Mrs. Mitchell, her preacher’s wife. Hi, Sister Maxine!

    Hi, Sister Lucy ... Sister Maevis, she replied in a stern, sophisticated, Bronx accent.

    Hi, Mrs. Mitchell, Maevis answered weakly.

    Look around, Sister Maxine. I’ll be right with you, Lucy smiled.

    Take your time, Sister Lucy, Maxine replied, looking around the boutique, while Maevis and Lucy continued to find the perfect hat.

    Maevis had to have just the right hat. Some towns had their town drunks. Some had their town fools. Cornerstone, on the other hand, had its town whore. Maevis entertained more men than the family YMCA, and just like the workout at the YMCA, they left her workout highly exhausted but satisfied to the utmost. Maevis didn’t care if they were tall or short; fat or skinny; black or white; married or single; rich or poor. She serviced them all…for a price. Maevis was generous though. Much of the time she would do freebies. She just loved men…all men! Finally, Maevis chose the right hat for herself, and she wasted no time in buying it and leaving. She wasn’t one to waste time, talking nonsense with the girls. Besides, she knew what everyone thought of her in this town anyway, but she didn’t care. Those gossiping biddies didn’t pay her bills. And besides, she had a hot date tonight…again!

    Moving on to Maxine, Lucy asked, Did you find anything, Sister Maxine?

    Yes, I think I’ll try on this dress.

    Okay, fine. That’s a pretty dress, Lucy admired, escorting her into the dressing room.

    Lucy’s Boutique was very elegant, with only the finest ladies’ clothes, hats, shoes and accessories. Women liked it because when they bought something from Lucy’s, they didn’t see it on everybody else in town. Lucy was particular about getting only one of everything. Does it fit? Lucy called at the dressing room door to the lady.

    It’s a little tight.

    Let me see, Lucy coaxed, and Maxine stepped out in the dress with no shoes.

    See what I mean?

    Let me see something, Lucy pondered, moving to the back of the lady. She looked in the dress and noticed a triple, double seam down each side. Lucy took a small thread ripper and ripped the extra seam from each side. How does it feel now?

    Great! What did you do?!

    Just made a little minor adjustment.

    You’re a genius! Maxine exploded, grabbing Lucy in a big hug.

    Not really a genius, Lucy laughed.

    I’ll take it! Maxine chuckled, as she ran back into the dressing room to change.

    Lucy, I’m sorry I’m late! a teenaged girl exploded into the store.

    "Shanda, you’re always late!" Lucy laughed.

    I’ll do better, Sis. I promise!

    Yeah, right! Lucy sarcastically replied. Well, now you have me late for another church board meeting.

    I’m sorry,  Shanda cooed, pushing her long braids behind her ears. Run along. I’m here now.

    Sister Maxine is in the dressing room. Take good care of her, Lucy insisted, as two other ladies entered. Hi, Sister Henrietta and Sister Cathy. The ladies greeted her back. Then Lucy moved to the dressing room door. Sister Maxine, I have to leave. Shanda will take care of you. Take your time.

    Thank you, Sister Lucy, she called back.

    Chapter 4

    Lucy walked into the back of the huge church. She opened a door labeled Conference Room and was surprised to see that the room was empty. She moved on to the Pastor’s study and knocked on the door. Come in! Reverend Mitchell called. Lucy opened the door and walked in. He was seated behind his huge oak desk but stood immediately when she entered. Lucy, hello!

    Clyde, I thought we had a meeting.

    We did, he smiled.

    It’s over?!

    Looking at his watch, he continued to smile, exposing his beautiful white teeth, and replied, Fifteen minutes ago.

    I’m sorry. Shanda was late again.

    "Lucy, you’ve got to stop babying Shanda and treat her like an employee! She’s working for you!"

    I know I need to be a little tougher on Shanda, but what can I do? She’s my baby sister! Lucy pouted. And besides, she’ll go running to mom and dad, and I just don’t want to deal with that hassle.

    This is business! Your parents will understand!

    Maybe, Lucy compromised. He knew she was feeling a little sad, so Reverend Mitchell walked in front of her and held her head up with his finger.

    It’ll be all right, he smiled sweetly. I promise.

    Was dad at the meeting? she asked, and he nodded. Then I guess I’ll get it when I get home.

    You are so nice, he cooed, and their eyes locked.

    I left your wife in the store.

    With widen eyes, he asked, Maxi?

    She laughed, How many wives do you have? He laughed with her. Then suddenly, their eyes locked again, and their laughter ceased. He took her in his arms, and they ended the moment in a long passionate kiss. Their soft kiss escalated into a wild, groping embrace, and he was picking her up and sitting her on his desk. He began unbuttoning his shirt, and she helped him remove it. Suddenly, Lucy focused on the door. Clyde, the door! He reluctantly broke away, rushed to the door and locked it. Then he dropped his pants on the way back to her. As she sat on the edge of his desk, with her dress pulled up to her waist, he made sensuous, passionate love to her, standing up.

    Chapter 5

    Janice! a six-feet-three-inch, milk-chocolate-tanned, muscular young man called, walking into an average-looking apartment.

    In the kitchen, honey! a woman’s soft voice called back. He took off his badge, gun, and bulletproof vest, put them in a large metal box and locked it. He then placed the box on a high shelf in a closet. He walked into the kitchen, and a five-foot-seven-inch, extremely skinny, caramel-tanned lady stood at the sink, washing vegetables. She was wearing Daisy Dukes and a leave-little-to-the-imagination halter-top. He walked up behind her, put his arms around her eighteen-inch waist and kissed the back of her neck. Hi, she cooed, enjoying the gentle affection.

    Hi, he moaned back, as she dried her hands then turned to face him. They kissed long and hard. Umm, where are the children?

    In their rooms, playing, she replied softly, as her hand slid on the bulge in his crotch.

    Come on, he guided, taking her hand.

    Where’re we going? she teased.

    "To the mall! he sarcastically chuckled. Where do you think?"

    Kip Mitchell, I do believe you’re horny! she laughed. What on earth would Sister Maxine say?

    Shhh, he laughed also, swishing her up in his arms. My mother is a very liberated woman.

    She instinctly began to smother his neck and face with kisses, as he carried her out of the kitchen and right into the path of a gazing, little five-year-old boy.

    Mommy, I want some water, spoke the child, and Janice jumped down, along with Kip’s hard-on.

    Okay, sweetie, she giggled, exiting into the kitchen again.

    Kip took a long and frustrated breath, then smiled and said, Hi, Jihad.

    Hi, Kip, the child smiled. Where were you taking mommy?

    We were just playing a little game, Kip smiled slightly.

    Can I play?

    Taking a moment to regain composure, Kip replied smoothly, stroking his low-cut, neatly trimmed mustache, I don’t think so, Jihad.

    Changing the subject, the little boy exploded, Mommy’s taking us to see my daddy this weekend!

    That’s great, Jihad, Kip smiled, and then the little boy ran into the kitchen. Kip poked his head in the kitchen door and announced, Janice, I’m going to take a shower.

    Okay, sweetheart. Dinner is almost ready.

    As Kip walked down the hallway, he passed a room where a little seven-year-old little girl sat on her canopy bed, playing with dolls. Hi, Tyneshia, he greeted her.

    Hi, Kip, she smiled back. Did you bring me anything?

    Entering her room, he said, "I brought you me."

    You’re not a present, she laughed.

    Yes, but New York City streets are dangerous for a striving young detective.

    You can take care of yourself.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, he laughed with her.

    And you’re not that young! she continued to giggle.

    Oh, no you didn’t! Kip laughed with her. Hey, I hear you’re going to see your dad this weekend.

    "My dad! she exploded. That jailbird ain’t my daddy. That’s Jihad’s criminal pop!"

    Well, he’s the only dad you’ve ever known.

    Sad ain’t it? she stated so seriously grown-up, Kip had to smile.

    Poking her head in the door, Janice pushed her long braids out of her thin face and said, Dinner is ready, you two.

    I haven’t taken my shower yet, Kip replied. As he left the child’s room, he planted a quick kiss on Janice’s lips.

    Mommy, do I have to go with you and Jihad to see Barry this weekend? Tyneshia wanted to know.

    Don’t you want to see Barry, honey? Janice asked, entering the Barbie-doll decorated room.

    No, the child stated matter-of-factly. I don’t want to go to no prison!

    Then, where would you stay?

    Here, with Kip.

    Honey, I wouldn’t want to put that on Kip.

    Put what, Mommy? I’ll be good.

    I don’t know, Tyneshia.

    Will you ask him?

    No, Tyneshia! Kip is always on call. He couldn’t possibly keep you all weekend. Let’s try to think of something else, okay? The child nodded slowly, as her mother exited.

    It was nothing personal against Kip, but Janice just didn’t feel comfortable leaving her little girl with a man, any man, for an entire weekend. Maybe she was just an over-protective mother, but she had to follow her own mind. Anyway, she felt it was better not to tell Tyneshia how she felt. The child would probably become afraid of Kip. She didn’t want that kind of stress in her home.

    Kip hummed in the shower as he lathered his strong, muscular body with thick suds, right up to his shaved, baldhead. Suddenly, the shower door opened, and Janice was stepping in with him. Any room for me, Detective? she cooed. Kip was so excited he pulled her in his arms quickly, and she began to lather the silky, black hair in his strong, ribbed chest. It wasn’t long before they were making soft, tender love, as the warm water massaged their clinging, heat-filled bodies.

    Chapter 6

    Hello, Lucy greeted her family, entering the dining room.

    Late customer, honey? her father asked in his deep, baritone voice, sitting at the head of the table. He stood at five feet eleven inches tall, with a deep receding hairline on each side of his coffee-tanned face. His thick lips were the most dominating features on his round, clean-shaven face.

    Yeah, Lucy replied, sitting beside Shanda.

    Shanda, why didn’t you stay and help Lucy? their mother asked in a strong South Carolinian drawl. She was short at four-foot-eleven-inches and round, weighing a little less than two hundred pounds, with a cute little puffy, almond-tanned face.

    I let her go, Mom. I was fine, Lucy spoke up.

    So, business is good, Lucy? her light-brown, older sister Lisa asked, with her beautiful, long, straight hair hanging two inches below her shoulders, and enough make-up on her face to loan to three people. The fact of the matter was that she really didn’t need it. She was Miss Cornerstone, Miss Apple Blossom, Miss Merry Christmas, Miss This and Miss That. Even Lucy had to admit that at thirty-two, her sister was still a very beautiful woman. Lisa had once moved to California and tried her luck at modeling but bombed out. So, she came back home, went to college, and settled for teaching kindergarten. She married her high school sweetheart, who was waiting for her with open arms when she returned.

    Yeah, Lisa. Business is great!

    The Porter girl doesn’t help you anymore? Roger Wilson, Lisa’s husband of three months asked, pushing his eyeglasses on his face.

    Myra? Lucy asked, and he nodded. Yes, but she was off today. Myra is hardly a girl, Roger. She’s married with three kids! Lucy focused on her sister and added very smugly, She graduated with you, didn’t she, Lisa?

    Yes, I think she did, Lisa nonchalantly replied, as if it was of no interest to her.

    I didn’t mean anything by it, Lucy, Roger added with a slight smile.

    "I know. I was just letting you know that Myra is an old woman, hitting her prime, just like your wife." Lucy gloated and received a nasty stare from her sister. Lucy loved to tease Lisa about aging. She knew getting old frightened Lisa. She had always been so beautiful, and if that beauty ever faded, God help her. Lucy did feel sorry for hen-pecked Roger though; because, Lisa had that man tied around her little finger. He had no balls to stand up to her. He thought Lisa was the most beautiful woman in Cornerstone, South Carolina, he treated her like a queen. She had even talked him into living there in the house with her family, although he could afford to buy them a house. He even called her mother, Mama Estelle and her father, Daddy Bob. Roger was a pathetic human being. He never thought he was good enough for Lisa, because he wasn’t what you might call handsome, with his thick eyeglasses and bad, blotchy, high-yellow skin. But, if truth be told, he really wasn’t a bad looking man. If he would just get contact lenses and start seeing a dermatologist, he could be right up there with the best-looking guys in town. He made a decent enough living in his own business as a Certified Public Accountant. It was too bad that Lisa didn’t appreciate him. She used his love for her to get him to do anything she wanted. Roger, what a jerk!

    Lucy, Ruby said to call her. She wants you to order her a dress or something, her mother said.

    What kind of dress does she want? Lucy asked.

    She didn’t say.

    All right, I’ll call her later, Lucy concurred, thinking about her oldest sister, Ruby. Ruby was so wrapped up in her Pentecostal Holiness religion that she felt nobody would get to Heaven but her, her husband, Kyle Lacy, and her two perfect kids, Michael, twelve and Dorian, eleven. Lucy had to hand it to her big sister, though. Ruby was intelligent. She was a Math professor at the local college. When she went to college, she barreled straight ahead until she received her PhD, which is where she met her husband. He taught English at the same college as her. At forty, Ruby really had her life together, except for being shot out over Kyle. Because Kyle was the Pastor of their church, she worshipped him. They left St. John to start their own ministry. They have about five members now, but they’re all saved…according to big sister Ruby. Kyle is a good man, Lucy mused, but he isn’t God! Lord, help her if she ever caught him doing anything wrong! It would kill her!

    Lucy admired her father. He had done well, to say he was a man who barely finished high school. He sent all his girls to college so far and has enough saved up to send Shanda next year. Bob and Estelle had spaced their children out well, so they could treat each one special. Bob retired from the railroad last year, and at a healthy sixty-six, he still worked part time when they needed him. He serves as the head Deacon at St. John, and in the community, the name Mr. Robert (Bob) Davis stood for something. He was the kind of man who didn’t mind backing up his words, and he would never back down from any one or any situation.

    Lucy’s mother, Estelle, was a different story. She was soft spoken and easy going. Although Estelle was a high school graduate and eight years her husband’s junior, she never worked. Estelle often remarked that she should have worked, to give her something to do, but she was always available to help Lucy at the boutique when Lucy needed her. Estelle got pregnant with Ruby on their honeymoon and Shanda on her change. And after forty years of marriage Bob and Estelle still seemed to be very happy.

    Lisa turned to Shanda, Shanda, I want you to help me decorate my classroom next week.

    If I can get off, Shanda smiled, looking at Lucy.

    No, you can not! Lucy insisted.

    Come on, Lucy, it’s just one day, Lisa retaliated.

    Lisa, I can’t spare Shanda right now! This is a very busy time, just before school starts back!

    Then, what’re you going to do when Shanda goes back to school? Lisa charged.

    She’s a senior. She can get early dismissal, Lucy stood her ground.

    Okay, you two, enough, their father interjected with his mouth full of food as the family sat around the dinner table. No arguments over dinner.

    Lucy, I saw Sister Maxine today, Estelle attempted to change their focus. She said she bought the most darling dress yesterday in your shop.

    She did, Lucy mumbled, without looking up.

    First Lady Maxine looks great, added Lisa. She lost some weight.

    And she’s nice too, Shanda joined in. Lucy concentrated on her food and wished they would change the subject. She didn’t want to talk about Maxine while she was eating, especially since she was having an affair with the woman’s husband. But then again, she better keep herself up, with that fine husband she got! Shanda laughingly added. The group exploded into laughter with her, as Lucy’s cell phone began to ring.

    Miss Business Lady, Lisa joked.

    Nothing wrong with that, defended their father.

    Lucy looked down and saw that it was Clyde Mitchell’s cell, and she thought, Speak of the devil. Standing, she said, Excuse me. Then she said into the receiver as she walked out, Hello?

    Hi, baby, Clyde cooed, stretched out on a king-sized bed with forest-green, satin sheets.


    Can you get away?


    Yes, now!

    We’re having dinner.

    I’ll bring the dessert, he finalized very seductively.

    Give me one hour. I need to shower and change.

    Come now. We can shower together.

    All right. At the usual, the Town’s River?

    Yes. If you get there first, go ahead and get the room. I’ll reimburse you.

    All right, she agreed. See you soon.

    I’m leaving now, he concluded, hanging up, as his wife entered the bedroom.

    Going somewhere, Clyde?

    Yes. I’m meeting with...ah...Brother Paul to... ah... discuss the…ah…ah... financial statement.

    Smiling, she replied, Then, you must be going to Detroit. His wife told me he left last night.

    He did?! he exploded. I wonder why he didn’t tell me.

    I don’t know, she smiled, as she thought, You lying bastard! Caught in your own lies! What lie will you make up now to meet your little bimbo? Then she added, Maybe he forgot about your meeting.

    Maybe so, he settled, looking at his watch, and thinking, How can I get out of here now? Paul had to be out of town today! He added, Honey, how about some ice cream? I could run down to the store and get some.

    We have ice cream in the freezer, she nonchalantly countered, with a slight smile, as she thought, Okay, Preacher Man, what’s next?

    Okay, he weakly whispered, while thinking, I’ve got to get out of here! My beautiful, young Lucy is waiting!

    Oh, honey, Joannie wants you to help her change her room around.



    Chapter 7

    Lucy took a nice, hot bath, then stretched out across the bed to wait for her lover. She knew it was wrong to sleep around with a married man, but she couldn’t help it. She loved him. God said we could have our heart’s desire, and she desired Clyde. She fell in love with him the first moment she saw him. He was so handsome and so charming, and over the years, he grew more and more handsome. When he touched her, she grew goose bumps. Maxine was such a nice person. She would never want to hurt her, but she loved Clyde. How do you fall out of love with someone just because you know it’s wrong? And what made matters worse, they were both ambassadors of God. They were supposed to be stronger than average people, weren’t they? She turned over and looked at the clock. It was after nine o’clock. She wondered why Clyde wasn’t there yet.

    Chapter 8

    Honey, it looks fine! Clyde insisted, looking at his watch, and thinking how badly he wanted to be with Lucy right now and not changing the room of a ten-year-old, indecisive little girl.

    Maybe if we put the stereo over by the door, Daddy.

    Not tonight, Honey. I’m beat!


    Heading for the door, he held, Good night, Joannie! He left, while she pouted. Clyde ducked into the kitchen to call Lucy.

    Hello? Lucy said on the other end of the telephone.

    Honey, I’m sorry. I couldn’t get away.

    Clyde, you’re still home?

    Yes. I was going to use Paul as an excuse to leave, but he’s out of town.

    So, you can’t come?

    I don’t know what else to say to get out, baby. You know I want to be with you. I just finished moving Joannie’s whole room around. I’m exhausted. I need you to massage my body from head to toe, he cooed.

    Lucy couldn’t believe how aroused he made her over the telephone, so she smiled and came back with, Well, come on, big boy. I’ll do whatever you want.

    I’ll try, baby, but I can’t promise, he responded. I really blew it tonight.

    Well, don’t take too long. Even though I’m grown, my father still waits up until I’m home. And he’ll have a fit if I’m out past midnight.

    I know, honey. I’ll try.

    Clyde trotted back upstairs and into their bedroom, and his wife was extended across the bed, totally nude. Maxine?! he gasped.

    I still have a little fire left, Clyde, she seduced then winked at him. He had forgotten how beautiful she was. Although she was fifty-five, her body was still gorgeous. His arousal grew, as he focused on his voluptuous wife, and he slowly walked to the bed and joined her. They grabbed each other in a cuddly, hypnotizing embrace.

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