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The Last Call: To the Jewish People First, and also to the Gentiles
The Last Call: To the Jewish People First, and also to the Gentiles
The Last Call: To the Jewish People First, and also to the Gentiles
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The Last Call: To the Jewish People First, and also to the Gentiles

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Release dateMay 19, 2020
The Last Call: To the Jewish People First, and also to the Gentiles

Gloria Losi-Koellhoffer

For many years I have been anxious to inform the Jewish people about their Messiah, Jesus Christ. I’ve studied the Bible avidly, and when I started writing a letter to a rabbi, I found that I was writing this book instead. I have six adult children, and I am originally from Newark, New Jersey, and I now reside in Bradenton, Florida. I am currently retired from working for the Sarasota Herald Tribune.

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    The Last Call - Gloria Losi-Koellhoffer



    God’s Love for all of us will always be my reason for writing this book. But instrumental to this writing was a Rabbi who appeared on Christian TV’s Action Sixties. He invited anyone to try to explain how Yeshua/Jesus fits into God’s Plan. He said that if anyone could convince him, he might be able to believe in him as his own Messiah. It was May of 1988 that I began a letter to that Rabbi and found that I was writing a book.

    Writing was the opening God gave me to lift my voice to proclaim His Great Love. Before this I had been praying for the whole Jewish Family of God. I have known for many years that I am His voice, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and I was locked in and did not know anything else to do except pray. I want to share my knowledge of God with you, knowledge I believe God has given to me for you.

    I had one big problem. I could not find a publisher who would accept my manuscript and, after 43 attempts, I gave up. I guess it just was not the right time for this book. I have now edited this work, deleting many chapters, then adding or deleting a word (very few) here or there; except for Luke 19:41-44 on page 34, and Isaiah 30:25-26 on page 51. I believe the whole book is relevant to today and so today is the right time.

    This book is not something that has been dictated to me from another dimension, nor by a spiritual being of some sort. I do believe that God has been teaching and inspiring me. I have struggled, and have tried hard to understand what I have been learning in order to pass it on, intelligibly, to all who wish to know God as I know Him, the God of the Jewish People, the God of Christians and all true believers, and the unknown" God of all peoples everywhere. If what is written here is offensive to anyone, for that I am sorry, but I am not sorry for writing the truth as I believe it.

    I am writing with the hope that somewhere in these pages you will understand our Wondrous God, His exquisite Love for us, what He has done, our purpose for living, or that you will see life and love in all the right places. I know His Love for all His people, His Jewish Family, His Christian Family and all the hurting or rebellious, those with no real knowledge of Him who have not yet turned to Him. His Love for all His people builds in me the strong desire to do something about their lack of knowledge of His Revelation in His Son, the Messiah/Christ.

    This book is addressed first and foremost to God’s Jewish People. Thereafter, it is also for anyone who will rest awhile and read and listen. I want to tell you everything I know, and I’m feeling very inadequate to the task. It is written But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished. Rev 10:7. I believe God is uncovering that mystery now, in our times. If you are not going to read this book or another like it, then read your bible.


    When I write about sin and evil, it is not really what is uppermost in my heart and mind. What is uppermost in my heart and mind is the invitation to each of you to Come! to enter into the Kingdom of God. But I see sin and evil so prevalent in our world, in our country, that I find I have no choice but to write of it.

    Please know that much of what I have written are my own conclusions after having studied and pondered His Word, which I read insatiably and listened to in my soul. I listened to the Evening News and read all I could about the happenings in the world today. I know that God has been with me through all these years, and I am trusting in Him and the intelligence he gave me, and I praise Him for His Love.

    I have predominantly used Hebrew Scriptures when quoting biblical verses, and have used the King James Version when quoting the New Testament due to the fact that it is in large print and easier for me to read.

    I do want to share with you the knowledge that God has given to me. Also, I want to pass on to you the knowledge that I have acquired, or discerned, with the help of His Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit or, sometimes, on my own. But I am not your teacher, His Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit is the teacher. It is God who leads me; may I always follow.

    Part Two of this book is some of my thoughts over the years, which I wrote down. Hopefully, you will find something there, which was not in Part One, that will lead you to the desire to find out more about who Yeshua/Jesus really is and what he did 2000 years ago.

    Praising God and His Messiah/Christ in song is one of the most joyful ways I know. Hallelujah – Hosanna in the Highest! Sos Asis! I will greatly rejoice! Read your bible. There is so much there for you to learn, so many mysteries still to be uncovered and revealed. God’s word shall not return unto Me void, except it accomplish that which I please. (Isa 55:11).



    So much Love!!! There is so much love in the LORD God that it overflows and so He created the world in order that He could create other beings whom He could Love and who would reciprocate that Love. He knew from the Beginning that this would not be enough because we would not be able to love Him with Real Love but only as creatures. In order to accomplish the impossible God recognized that He Himself would have to die and be reborn in His creatures. This too was an impossibility, since God cannot die. Not only that, human flesh cannot join with the Spirit that is the LORD God.

    God could have a Son, born from His creatures, who would be truly His own natural Son, having His own Being. But then, how would His creatures (human-kind) know and recognize him? How would he be remembered and made known to everyone down through the centuries until all human-kind was as ready as it would ever be to share God’s Love and Life? What conditions had to be established in order to bring them to Himself, to His Love?

    In order that we would recognize what He was doing, God, in His infinite Wisdom and Love, prepared for Himself a people whom He chose. He communicated with the man, Abram, whose name He changed to Abraham. Through Moses He gave them His Law & Ordinances to hasten the process of preparation for His Kingdom. To instill in them a foretaste of what was to come, and would be accomplished through the shedding of blood and dying of His Son, He taught them sacrifice. They had to recognize His Sacrifice and realize that they could now be empowered to Love Him and Live with and for Him in reality. He worked through His prophets to teach them His ways, and to further prepare them.

    He chose a place set apart for His purpose, the mountain of the skull, the symbol of death, in order that we would recognize His Death in His Son, and His Sacrifice in the shedding of His Son’s most precious blood upon the world. He prepared His People in the one way that would guarantee it would be noticed and pondered. We still ponder. Yes! That’s right! The shedding of blood was so that we would realize a sacrifice had taken place. The shedding of the blood expresses the pouring out of the life to God. The blood could cover the sins of His people for the purpose of atonement. For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the life. (Lev 17:11).

    It had to be in a spectacular and memorable manner. It was required that His Son and what He was doing through him would surely be recognized and remembered. So down through the many centuries He prepared His chosen people for this blessed and glorious event. In His unfathomable Mercy, God designed it so. With His overflowing Love, He willed it to be. Through His Holiest of names, YEHOSHUA in Yeshua/Jesus, He brought it to pass.


    See Br’it Chadashah/New Testament for John 3:16 which tells us: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

    The Great God Almighty,z YAHVE/YEHOSHUA, (that has forever been His Name), the All-knowing, All-powerful, Ever- and Everywhere-present God, the God-Who-Is-Love did not require that His Son suffer and hang on the cross to be sacrificed to Him. It was all for you! So you would recognize and remember how much He loves you, and make it known to everyone. O God, How Great Thou Art!

    On a certain day (Tabernacles), celebrated by all who are Jewish, wine is poured into one vessel from which it flows out and water is poured into another from which it also flows out. This is significant of the pouring out of the blood of God’s Son, Yeshua/Jesus and the pouring out of God’s own Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit. The blood He is using for our cleansing and forgiveness from sin, and the Spirit for our sanctification and union with Himself. Blood and water issued forth from the crucified body of the only begotten Son of God on that duly designated hill outside the walls of Jerusalem. See John 19:34.

    So, you see, God is the cause of His Love for us, and we are the cause of His Son’s suffering and dying for us. Oh, the Glory that is God’s can be recognized by those who love Him in, with and through His Son, by those who love Yeshua/Jesus, His only-Begotten-Son, the Sent One.

    To know His Love, to share His Love and His Life, is the hope of all ages. We are no different today. Yet, today, it seems as though that hope is gone, for we love to love only ourselves and to live only the life we can see and have only temporarily, until death claims its just due. It is God’s wish that no man should perish and He has designed His means for Salvation around his Holy Name YEHOSHUA, He-Who-Saves. In the Name of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus Christ, God saves and will sanctify all who come to Him through him. I pray you come.

    The Last Day may be here before we know it. From his story I echo: "In the last day, that great day of the feast (Tabernacles) Jesus stood and cried, saying, ‘If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’ (But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified." (John 7:37-39). First parentheses, mine

    Yeshua/Jesus is in my heart through my love for him. Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit is in the heart of my being through God’s love for me and mine for Him. My joy words cannot express. Selah! Pause I must.


    Hear the Sounds Of the Call


    Read Your Bible

    The purpose of writing for you, the Jewish brothers and sisters of God’s family, is to impart to you what God has given me and to encourage you, entreat you, to read the Word He has given you, your Hebrew Scriptures. It tells you His history and your history. More than that, it tells you of His Love and of His Faithfulness to you, and it tells of His Promised Messiah in whom you will find His Mercy and Love. Your Messiah came and was recognized by only a few. The Promise of redemption has been fulfilled. It was extended to include all His children. I write in the hope that you now will understand and finally believe.

    You will not understand until you decide to, choose to and ask His Gift of the Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit. Faith begets knowledge. Knowledge begets love. Love begets trust. And it’s all reciprocal. God will not only know and love you, He will trust you. If he cannot trust you, you have failed, not He.

    When you finally have the faith that begets, then you will ask Him and God will send you His Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit and you will be born again. You will be the same person, but a new person. A new dimension will have been added to your life — the dimension of the Kingdom of God. God’s Love will be your love, and your love will be His Love. His Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit gives you the promise of His Life which you will have for all eternity upon the return of the Messiah/the Christ to his Jewish family.

    If the way I express ideas contained herein annoys you, then chalk it up to my human frailty. You will not be disappointed if you overlook my failings and continue reading while there is the possibility that God is really calling you. I know that He is and, perhaps, by the end of this book, you will know it, too. Please, read it to the end. When you read the Bible, the Hebrew Scriptures/ Old Testament and also the Br’it Chadashah/New Testament, (NT) you will begin to know God. When you really know God, love Him and trust Him, and ask Him, He will touch you with His Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit and you will recognize Him in His Son. You will see God, your God, in His Son, Yeshua, who is named after Him in His Name, YEHOSHUA. You will understand what he did for you, and us, through His only Son. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself (2Cor 5:19 NT).

    You will read the Bible with understanding, remember what you’ve read, and come to know your God. You will

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