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The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue
The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue
The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue
Ebook121 pages1 hour

The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue

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"No man is an island." I am sure you have heard of it. It means that people do badly when separated from others and need to be part of a group to survive.

Accordingly, each of the marketing and sales segments on its own will not provide the result for

PublisherMarclie Media
Release dateJun 9, 2020
The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue

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    The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue - Kristijan Bruck

    Kristijan & Eduard Bruck

    The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue

    How to set up an automated system, create an irresistible offer, write a compelling copy, generate valuable leads and close high-paying clients

    First published by Marclie Media, j.d.o.o. in Zagreb, Croatia 2020

    Copyright © 2020 by Kristijan & Eduard Bruck

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Book title: The 5 Pillars to 5X Your Revenue

    Book subtitle: How to set up an automated system, create an irresistible offer, write a compelling copy, generate valuable leads and close high-paying clients

    Book authors: Kristijan Bruck, Eduard Bruck

    ISBN 978-953-49053-0-2 paperback

    ISBN 978-953-49053-1-9 eBook

    ISBN 978-953-49053-2-6 audiobook

    The CIP record is available in the computer catalog of the National and University Library in Zagreb under number 001063556.

    Ebook and audiobook can be found on

    Printed by Lightning Source LLC from La Vergne,

    Tennessee, United States

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    To all our mentors, who helped us get where we are today.



    I. Automated sales system, a.k.a. sales funnel

    A website is a thing of the past

    What is a sales funnel?

    Anatomy of a sales funnel

    Two things every business is built on: frontend & backend

    The lifeblood of your business is the frontend

    Operating at break-even means you’re acquiring customers for free

    Average order value (AOV)

    It is easier to increase AOV than it is to increase sales conversion rate

    Funnel hacking

    II. Offer

    Choose Your Niche

    Qualify Yourself First

    Listen what the market is telling you

    The Offer Stack

    III. How to write a copy that sells

    What exactly is copywriting?

    How to trigger an emotional response?

    Sell the result, not the product

    In order to sell, you need to seduce first

    The structure of persuasive copy

    Advertising back in the days

    The Golden Age of Advertising

    Old way of advertising is dead; long live the king!

    IV. Facebook advertising

    Advertising nowadays

    You can potentially reach 20% of the human population

    Where advertisers fail

    Two forms of investment

    Keys to Facebook advertising success

    Targeting as a big piece of a puzzle

    So, how would you start from scratch?

    Find what’s working and scale your way to greatness

    What makes Facebook Ads so powerful?

    V. Sell like a pro

    What is sales?

    Don’t sell. Instead, offer a solution.

    Is it important to be liked?

    Be a listener rather than a talker

    The Question, Answer, Comment sequence

    Four types of people and how to approach them?

    Features tell, benefits sell

    How to handle objections?

    The Feel, Felt, Found strategy

    How to close the deal? Use the right words…


    What’s next?


    What if I told you that you could make millions of dollars with advertising doing nothing but sitting on a beach?

    Mojitos, little pink umbrellas, endless sand – sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?

    Well, there are two possible scenarios for that. One in which it’s probably going to take you a couple of years and, the other one, in which you could achieve that almost immediately.

    What route you choose depends on you, dear reader. What depends on me is to explain you both routes.

    In the first route… well, you will have to learn it all on your own and become an experienced advertiser. I, personally, prefer this route because it’s more exciting but also requires a lot of commitment – a commitment of time. At the end of the day, that is the route I chose and where I became an expert.

    The other one is much quicker. Hire an expert to do this for you so that you could keep your focus where you think it is most needed – and that is your business. This other route requires another type of commitment – a commitment of money.

    Before I even started writing this book, a lot of questions crossed my mind… How to give my readers actionable tips? How to make it valuable and, at the same time, interesting? What should I even write about?

    As the old saying goes, "You think you have nothing to say until you start speaking."

    And then, I have decided…

    Let’s go backward and let me tell you what I’m NOT going to give you in this book.

    In this book, I am NOT going to give you everything we know. Because that would have a counter effect. I see a lot of gurus and false mentors collecting everything they can, thinking that would impress YOU – the reader. But this can’t be further from the truth.

    Too much information can easily get you overwhelmed.

    So, instead of trying to impress you with our knowledge and big words, I am rather going to teach you something and give you real, actionable steps that you can easily implement in YOUR business. That’s right, any type of business – whether you’re in the consulting industry, online coaching, service providing, eCommerce, or any other.

    Advertising is why small and middle-sized businesses are able to compete with big companies – and win.

    The ability to advertise profitably is the only skill set that can allow you to wake up in the morning with more opportunities than you had the night before.

    Without further ado, let’s dive right in, shall we?

    I. Automated sales system, a.k.a. sales funnel

    A website is a thing of the past

    Let me ask you a question…

    Do you have a website?

    That’s a dumb question, of course you have – every serious business or professional has one.

    Let me rephrase it, though…

    How many sales and/or leads have come directly from your website?

    … [the birds are singing in the background] …

    If you’re like most businesses, the answer is probably none!

    Twenty years ago, websites were a big deal. Those were the days when you could put up a simple website to sell your product or promote your service, tell a few people about it, and sales would just start pouring in.

    Alright, I might’ve oversimplified it, but, nevertheless, I miss those days.

    Unfortunately, competition has

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