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The Bride of Time
The Bride of Time
The Bride of Time
Ebook54 pages44 minutes

The Bride of Time

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About this ebook

Time travel has been found! Unfortunately, it is much too complicated to explain. It resides in the heart of a ship, which offers its services to anyone lucky enough to get their flier. From vampires and shamans, to demons and artificial intelligence, the Bride of Time, handled by a pair of pirates and their crew, weaves its way through the temporal dimension.

Release dateMay 7, 2021
The Bride of Time

Dusan Pirkovic

My name is Dusan. Hello. I am a writer, translator, part-time magician, gamer, board game enthusiast, a knight of Sealand, and an English teacher from Serbia. I never know what to write in these sections, so here are some random things: I never had a pet, my heroes are Conan and Batman, I love Rammstein and Sabaton, and I wish I had more free time for writing.

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    The Bride of Time - Dusan Pirkovic

    The Bride of Time

    By Dusan Pirkovic

    Copyright 2021 Dusan Pirkovic

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-soldor given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and didnot purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to yourfavorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hardwork of this author.

    Chapter 0

    The bright full moon looked down from the cold sky into the desert, at the majestic dunes in their lonely songs, wonderful oases offering refuge to the tired and the lost, and the great city of Aswan, built in the sand.

    It also looked down on dung beetles that did their dirty work under moonlight since time immemorial.

    Apart from the guards patrolling the fire lit walls, it seemed the whole city was asleep. But it was not so. The assassins, whores, thieves, and dung beetles, active in the cities, were joined by another man, whose work did not involve the cover of the night. His task tonight was to escape death, which at this point seemed impossible.

    From the moon’s point of view, the man ran left and right, through narrow streets of Aswan, jumping over pots and carpets. However cunning and fast he was, though, the horseman was on him, giving chase. Which wasn’t that difficult, as he haid an extra pair of legs, and the man running away was neither cunning nor fast.

    The fugitive sprinted among short, stocky houses, constantly muttering strange words. The horseman could hear him, but did not pay too much attention to what he assumed to be incoherent rambling before an imminent death.

    The running man burst into the square and finally stopped at the city well, breathing hard. The horsemen smiled. There was nowhere to run. He rode slowly to the man and unsheathed his nimcha.

    The next moment, a large wooden brigantine appeared in the air and remained there, defying gravity and common sense. A rope ladder came down from it, and the thankful man climbed up them and disappeared inside.

    The ship then disappeared with a loud BOOM and a flurry of purple bubbles, dancing around the now muttering horseman.

    His horse flinched at the explosion, but remained in place. The man had his eyes wide open for a while, but then he put the nimcha back in the scabbard, turned his mount around and went back to where he came from, never to visit Aswan again.

    Later he used his strange encounter to form a new religion.

    Chapter 1

    Willy Woodenhead was extremely pleased with his new line of work. He often thought of old times, when Davy suggested founding a spacetime rent-a-ship company. He wasn’t sure what he was getting into, nor what a rent-a-ship even meant. After a few years, however, he felt much more confident and jovial, which was a big thing for him.

    It all began when Vlad Lotron, a French-Romanian scientist, found a complex and genius way of harnessing light to travel through time. The way it worked… will not be described here. It would be too long and tedious. The important thing was it worked.

    Vlad tried to change his present, and the future, by traveling into the past. However, he made a tiny mistake in his calculations and ended up hundreds of years further in the past than he had hoped, as well as

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