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Moonie World III
Moonie World III
Moonie World III
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Moonie World III

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Dear Reader,

I am writing on behalf of Robitty Bob who is out of action now for some time after recent event.

I am extremely sorry to reader and adults for sudden unexpected stop to last story and to collection. During process of interviews I was not aware that he was becoming more and more unwell.

In the end he did suffer what

Release dateJul 3, 2020
Moonie World III

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    Moonie World III - Robert E. Bob

    Copyright © 2020 by Robert E. Bob

    All right reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodies in critical article and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The reviews expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    © Robert E. Bob 2020

    © the author.

    - and a warning to parents; there may be one or two instances of swearing but it’s not very bad and you can easily choose to leave it out when you’re reading.

    In memory of Oscar

    Chur wee fella



    - in which we are enlightened regarding the purpose of this collection.


    - in which we meet two key Moonies central to the Grand Plan and remarkable transformations with the intention of learning more.


    - in which we learn something about the importance of laughing in some playforms.


    - in which we are treated to an impromptu performance of the poet’s self-as-art playform.


    - in which we are helped to understand how it is possible for the mind to inhabit the body of another.


    - in which we become unwittingly involved in furthering the evolution of the Chi-kong playform.


    - in which we become involved in a philosophical discussion about things the reader may consider personally relevant, or not.


    - in which we witness a frightening de-compensation in the mental state of one of the authors.


    - in which the assistant is called on to wrap up the collection due to an unforseen event.


    - in which we are treated to a few extra goodies like a glossary and a song.


    Such gladness and joyfulness, oh Reader dear we are back; and you are so glad; we can tell.

    Another collection of Moonie-ness is here in your hands, oh great joy indeed, hee hee.

    Perhaps too soon for self-disclosure RB.

    - keep lid on.

    Princess Lubachenka don’t be such a wet blanky; say hello to the Reader.

    Hello Reader and wee kids.

    How nice.

    - So; you are wondering, what fantastic tales of heroism and daring skills on display by our dashing figmental protagonists will be here contained within; oh! break our suspenders we hear you cry out.

    Well just hold on a mo;

    - Princess Lubachenka; for tradition’s sake let me take this moment to welcome you properly; my royal Russian friend and ultra-necessary accessorrarry;

    - this is our shared mission is it not Princess?

    It is RB, pray;

    if I may, I would like to say a special HEY

    to the parent, or adult reader today for it is they

    who play the crucial part in our plot would not

    you say what? So yay for them RB, hurray;

    without their kindly way, not read might be what

    we got may.

    Well golly; thank you Princess; and so aptly put; something poetic has come upon thee;

    - and as our friend Meatloaf says, you took the words right out of my moup.

    So much has harpooned chillibeans; and we are not referring to the plight of our sea-giant mammal friends or tinned foo;

    - so be ready to be pleasant-afied and beddi-bized, or even perhaps for torch-reading under your blanki-fy.

    Your beloved moon-fairies, of whom you first became acquainted at the soothing voice of your parent or other kindly adult, ride again.

    Hi-ho silver spacerocket.

    You said it Princess;

    - Gosh; it strikes me that there may be some wee kiddywinks out there hearing their very first Moonie story. If that’s the case, then I would say hang on there Reader; just a mo;

    - that wee chillibean might be better off hearing one of the first two collections;

    - just saying; not that we have to go in order, and it is your choice, but this here collection will be slightly different from what you are used to and might have expected. You’ll see.

    Let’s hope it isn’t any less enjoyable; but we will be trying something a little different for this here lot.

    Let us hope Princess, that our adult and bedtime story readers have their best accents and actor-guises at the ready. We can assure them that this collection will present them with their best challenges yet.

    We wish you all the best dear Reader and co-reader. Will we be seeing whole teams put together for group readings of these interviews? These are exciting times.

    But enough about all that; we are nearly onto page four; we must prevail and push on; the story is about to unfold; our formalities now most humbly have been made. Thank you for your patience.

    Here is our Moonie leader, the great and noble Bigaboo; we see him at his monitor. Look at him; the Big cahoona.

    We feel safe from harm with him around. Bigaboo is watching over us; as gloriously big-tummied as ever.

    - Hmm; makes me wonder if he followed through on that Grand Plan of his own; berember Princess; the Moonies all were all supposed to follow through with their Grand Plans.

    Of course I remember RB;

    - was last book you kozel.

    There were two, Princess; two Moonie stories devoted to the Grand Plans; and many challenges were brought to the table by Bigaboo for his young team of whipper-snappers to grapple with;

    - should we expect that major change has taken place?

    Let us find out RB; we should avoid too many rhetorical questions prior to even starting story.

    Yes of course, but Princess; think about it; the Moonies were intent on making some serious changes. What happens if we don’t recognize them anymore?

    - What if they have lost their appeal?

    RB this is silly and I was not aware Moonies had made appeal or were under indictment.

    Princess are you making fun of them? Your humour is charming. Take it away why doncha.

    RB; I am not making fun of Moonies; it is you that takes Mickey-mouw.

    Cute, Princess; tres mignonne; but enough.

    So erstwhile one, and I do mean you Reader;

    - let us read on and see just how much groovier and niftier it is possible for Moonies to become.

    As we all know, and are even reminded often about by people of apparent wisdom; it is not how one looks on the outside that matters, but how one is on the inside; so we understand that appearances do not count for much, or are not supposed to; but we know they do right?

    However; it cannot be denied; towards the close of the last book, the Moonies were a little worried by the notion that they appeared chubby; fat even.

    And if you can remember; way back to the very first book of stories Princess, where Dingbat and Poindexta brought the Moonies face to face with a very important issue they had been avoiding as a species.

    - Yes indeed; a species of space fairie.

    This moment of insight was important, because that most central and deep issue was one of greed.

    For it was obvious back then the Moonies were fat and had become binge eaters; something we have alluded to in humour before, perhaps unfairly.

    But it has to be said, because it is unhealthy; their binge eating was a behaviour pattern; a behaviour pattern of greed; this behaviour pattern of greed had become a problem, and was of much greater concern to the Moonies than how they looked.

    Let me explain from a psychological point of view, if I can just put that hat on for a very brief moment; behaviours become patterns when there is reward and consequence.

    For the Moonies, a primal greed behaviour algorithim had emerged something along the lines of;

    I li to feel goo

    foo may me feel goo

    it tas goo

    it feel goo to ea

    to feel goo I nee to ea

    I nee to ea to feel goo

    the rewarbus is very goo

    and foo is easy to ge

    uzzawayza feeling goo

    are nozzazz rewarbus

    to feel goo from eating foo

    to feel goo if I eat foo more fas I can fit more foo in and I will feel goo longer

    and to ea foo is easy so no nee to fi

    uzzawayza feel goo because foo is always

    there and I can’t imagine not ea foo so

    I am motivay to keep eating pretty much all the ti

    li with wee snackeroo betwee meals

    or jus more meals with snackeroo whenever I can

    I notice that even during my work and actions

    I be look-abow fo my nex foo ea all the ti,

    so when the ti co I am ready to go har

    I shou be worry but I be li foo too ma

    - most fundamental and subjecktive-speak like.

    Do you notice there are some themes evident here Princess; firstly, the idea that eating foo is a reward, and secondly a disturbing trend towards laziness.

    I didn’t really pick that up RB.

    Hmm; well this second theme in particular is a worry; the emerging notion that laziness is somehow involved with greed; could we say with speculation at this early stage, that laziness seems to be a key part of greed?

    Princess; are we to surmise that our beloved moonfairies are lazy as well? They don’t act lazy when we see them on their Moonie Missions.

    For sake of Pete, RB; how many questions will you be asking at once? This is tendency that you have; over-reaction and then bombardment with questions.

    - Allow me to give you perspective here RB, of what is like to hear such exaggerated utterances followed with bombardment, all at once; your annoying questions, one after another; raining down like bombs, each of which, undoubtedly requiring answer; leaving Reader helpless, and then you will annoyingly start to answer them in all-knowing way.

    - You see, RB; it has effect of creating stress; disorganises the cognitions; almost unbearable, which has potential to push people away.

    - Why keep reading stressful book. Yuck.

    - Stick to story RB. Deal with one question at time.

    Gosh. Yuck.

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