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The Weed Day Massacre
The Weed Day Massacre
The Weed Day Massacre
Ebook236 pages3 hours

The Weed Day Massacre

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Every year on April 20 marijuana smokers worldwide celebrate a day of fun, all done in the spirit of peace, but this year millions of Americans simultaneously fell dead for unknown reasons. They thank God for the gift of marijuana to humanity. But the order of magnitude for such a widespread killing spree pointed to a man-made event, as Mother N

PublisherNew Wave
Release dateMay 8, 2020
The Weed Day Massacre

John F Whalen

Leaving my hometown for college was a dive from all I'd known into a sea of unfamiliarity. Gone were the sports I loved that kept me healthy, my friends who taught me about life via fun and games, and the experiences only found in a small town. I also left a home that I later discovered was dysfunctional. Although I earned an AA and BS degrees, college life showed me a freedom I didn't manage well. My freedom changed me. I married my college sweetheart the week after graduation, which was a month before the Woodstock music festival and three months before our "love child" was born. Full of ambition, I changed IT jobs every few years, staying on the "fast track - high potential" lists from start-up companies to mega-corporations. We started poor but built an American Dream in a few short years. On the outside, we had it all, on the inside I was dying. Drugs and alcohol finally brought me down after decades of hard-partying. In spring 1982, I returned from a long assignment in Singapore, where I stayed clean and sober. I could be myself and loved it. I moved my family out of suburbia to clean up our lives. While I attended A.A., my wife slid into the world of IV drug use. We helped her fight her demons, but that lifestyle claimed her. She chose life in a drug den several miles from us. We were in pain. My single parenting skills were inadequate, but the extra effort by each of us proved enough to get the kids' college degrees. Much of this story is about recovery from lost love, dreams of a better life, and my struggles to conquer my addictions. The evidence shows sobriety is a way of life - not an event.

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    Book preview

    The Weed Day Massacre - John F Whalen

    Chapter 1 ~|~ Hell as I See It

    The bodies and personal possessions of thousands lay scattered throughout the sloping venue. The lawn was littered with humanity forcing coordinators to abort the concert. The enormity of such a bizarre scene forced the investigators to accept the obvious.

    But the magnitude of the dead was difficult to comprehend. The only certainties were this case would be difficult to solve and the related emotional pain would be extensive.

    The bodies and personal possessions of thousands lay scattered throughout the sloping venue. The lawn was littered with humanity forcing coordinators to abort the concert. The enormity of such a bizarre scene forced the investigators to accept the obvious.

    The death was so widespread each person’s vision went from one body to the next to the next. Minutes earlier this giant lawn was full of laughter, loving, and music like thousands of parties from coast to coast.

    Now the silence was deafening, surreal.

    The band gradually stopped playing, as a few concert attendees strolled among the bodies, and passers-by stopped in their tracks to survey the landscape that was transformed into a killing field.

    Everyone stared in disbelief at the snapshot of death. No one understood how minutes earlier the place was filled with people having fun.

    Some began weeping over a fear of the unknown, while others cried and fell to their knees, as though they were having a religious experience.

    Individuals were unable to believe this life had stopped, momentarily, for a strange new life.

    Maybe it wasn’t all of those bodies, who made the passed away transition. Maybe it was the on-lookers. The number of people on the lawn or on other people forced some to briefly consider maybe it was them who were dead.

    Especially the fearful who lived full of fear with memories of past events. High anxiety people had learned fear from people in their past whose persistent phobias kept others feeling anxious.

    Either by example or teaching, exposure to enough of the unknown with promises of danger can build anxiety in an associated person. Is this what life’s like on the other side?

    The place was one of people in a trance until the screech of sirens arrived with the First Responders. While the noise shook them back to their senses, the Responders passed through their trance if only for a few seconds.

    Their minds were stalled with a fearful view of what needed to be done.

    Although no one had ever seen such a display of death, each was full of fear in what they might find with each body. Plus, there was too much to be done.

    Each Responder cycled through his options, but many were scared stiff over what to do next.

    However, Responders had to exhibit less fear. Every pedestrian viewed them as fearless. Although they feared less, it was OK for them to take a minute to digest the scene.

    One advantage they called on was a view of the future or what life would it be like when the dead were removed, and it was over. They’d lived through disaster more than once.

    They knew life would go on albeit never the same for millions. They relied on what worked in the past – this too shall pass.

    The first question on everyone’s lips was - are they all dead? It seemed no one wanted to take control of all that had to be done. The experienced guys knew of all the pain and crying friends and relatives would go through before this recovery was completed.

    In retrospect, most overthought what it meant.


    What the fuck is this? asked a Responder.

    Beats me. I just got here, was the only answer.

    It was a sight no one had ever seen, so everyone had to ask what happened. That was one of many sites around the country that looked eerily similar.

    But for those who discovered and managed the clean-up, their lives would never be the same. Death, up and close, gave it a sense of a personal relationship. As they worked their way through the bodies, and help arrived a wall of detachment replaced the personal attachment.

    Other than their clenched teeth and drops of facial blood most looked normal.

    They looked so real like their life wasn’t really over they were just on pause. Maybe it was an alien shower of some unknown substance?

    Our world changed forever in the next 24 hours. It was the beginning of an apocalypse.

    The death toll continued to stream into the Washington offices of the CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security for days after the April 20 murders. No one had enough time to study the summary data from the killings to breakdown categories for the dead.

    It seemed the randomness of victims made it a reckless mass murder. But how could anyone kill that many so quickly? Nobody had noticed anything out of the ordinary.

    As bodies were discovered in locked condos, cars at the beach, any place where a person could get away for a few minutes, each batch of data complicated the problem definition. So far, all the theories had too many exceptions to lock one down.

    I believed it was no coincidence that the massacre was scheduled for April 20. The only question was whether the killing on the worldwide annual weed Smoke In was a diversion or a planned event to kill as many smokers possible?

    In past years, the events had made for a peaceful day, though illegal, it was a harmless party. Nothing official recorded the number of participants just that it was growing into a national event with each state’s new legalization policy.

    Assuming there is an even distribution of pot smokers across the country, the only possible controls the killers could have used were targets to saturate - geographical areas or concentrations of people.


    Before all the numbers were recorded the Cabinet appointed a new task force to determine the cause of death. Since no terrorist group claimed the murders and it was too soon to expect much from an investigation the only alternative was to list categories of people who would benefit from all the killing.

    At the time it seemed like the only advantage anyone would have is that there were a lot fewer Americans alive.

    The leader for the government’s combined task force wanted to start work with a hand-picked group who would follow his lead.

    First, he had to clear the air and start with everyone on the same page.

    "OK, I’ll start with what everyone is asking themselves. What happened, why, and who is behind it?

    "These are some of my thoughts that I’ll share to get you thinking about the possibilities.

    "Very little of this is a fact as we are still sifting through evidence and interviewing witnesses.

    "Second, I have to look to Mexico as an active participant in the massacre because of their proximity to us and hidden motives. Some resentments have never healed about border crossing incidents and their ongoing drug traffic has increased.

    "I believe the killers were after males between 18 and 40. They would view that demographic as having a high number of contributors to our society, especially as prime meat for our military.

    "If they plan on attacking us from inside our population, they have a long-term plan. We’ll need a sophisticated dragnet to monitor changes in our everyday life.

    Remember they weren’t overly concerned about killing non-target people, so be careful."

    Don’t forget the females in that age group contribute to our quality of life. Plus, they can fight, shoot, and kill a person without hesitation, came a comment from the front row.

    "Exactly, and that scope includes every nationality that has American males and females.

    "So, they’ve diminished our fighting force, not wiped it out, just weakened it by targeting some of the most effective fighters.

    "If they went after geographical areas, I haven’t seen that pattern yet.

    "Possibly this date was the rallying point assuming they could kill the most with one action to reduce the number of people in our country. It would make room for a large migration of their people for unknown reasons.

    Most likely, they intend to overthrow our democracy, again for unknown reasons. Probably, the only way to take over a people without causing injury or death to your side is via some form of chemical warfare.


    It follows that the conspiracy had been growing against the U.S. had gained momentum with Russia entering the group and immediately taking charge.

    Each member of the 7NC had ideas on the chemicals to use, but no one, including Russia, had a plan of action to dispense the chemical.

    It’s likely the goal was to destroy the U.S. from within by using our people to spread the evil element, which at first was a killer strain of the flu.

    It took months to create the flu virus and as long to package it for distribution.

    Americans at airports became the primary carriers, although all Americans traveling abroad were prone to be intentionally infected. Foreigners entered America with vials and syringes full of the flu virus.

    Once applied, the incubation period was days; from there, a terrible flu sickness made people bedridden. However, an alert CDC produced a weak vaccine within a few short weeks. A few thousand died, but the rest lived through the course of all the symptoms.

    The 7NC grew impatient after waiting months and only causing thousands to suffer from their weak virus and poor distribution plan.

    Their failure discouraged a variety of other ideas like the classic airplane spraying, chemical bombing, and poison food.

    They decided to kill off Americans in a piecemeal approach, perhaps thousands in multiple events. But every event was high risk with the opportunity to fail.

    Not only were the possibilities of killing Americans by the thousand on their soil a zany idea, but the real likelihood of being captured, injured, or killed was a higher probability.

    Chapter 2 ~|~ Assume the Position

    The 7NC think-tank individuals believed to gain control; they had to cut off the head of the beast - the President and his Cabinet for starters.

    Projects started to study how the Americans ran their government. Not being naive, they studied our Constitution, learning how the government structured their relationships among each position.

    In a parallel study, they found every writing they could that identified ways the government doesn’t work well, who is currently in power, and their reliance on the 1776 history books. They compared the functional groundwork with what is actually being

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