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Our American Republic: God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands": God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands"
Our American Republic: God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands": God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands"
Our American Republic: God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands": God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands"
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Our American Republic: God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands": God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands"

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YOU EVER WONDER? Where did the original Inhabitants of America come from? Who named them Indians? Why the Pilgrims left their homes in Europe to come to America? How did America get its name? What is a Republic, or a Democracy? Why did our Founders begin the Preamble to the Constitution with "We the People...?" Why did the South secede from the

Release dateJul 22, 2020
Our American Republic: God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands": God Blessed America "... a land choice above all other lands"

William Burmer

When Mr. Burmer came home from the Vietnam Conflict in 1967, he was upset that the war was continuing. Barely 23 years old, many of the principles, and ideals taught to him by his parents, school, and church with regards to the country, flag, and religion burned within his heart. As the body count in this far away land continued to rise on a daily basis, William pursued a college education; simultaneously Graduating from Santa Monica College in CA, and from X-ray School in June 1972. By the end of March 1975, eleven years after the war in Vietnam began, it finally ended- In his own words, "not the way the American soldier wanted, but at least the blood bath was over." After losing his position as Chief Xray Technician at Delano Hospital CA in the fall of 1977 he found himself wondering what course he should pursue. He considered becoming a Plumber. Seriously, he was let go for doing his job. In order to comply with the "Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, he was required to ask a Doctor employed by the Hospital to show compliance with a certain mandate. Taking offense the Doctor complained to Administration. What could he say? POLITICS! At this same time In early 1978, a new diagnostic procedure was coming of age called Ultrasonography. So after serious thought he and his spouse sold all their possessions and their home, to start over again in pursuit of a new profession. After twelve years' time, he was able to start his own Ultrasound service. After many years of hard work, and with all of these experiences, Mr. Burmer began to seriously question contemporary government at all levels, their law, and their taxing authority. There is nothing so revealing than to go into business for yourself and discover the real amounts of money that are confiscated by different government entities. Truly, the ideals taught during his youth about the "American dream" were contrary to what he was actually experiencing. After compiling vast amounts of information, and with careful documentation, it was ready to be put into written form. He discovered some startling truths about history, and taxation not commonly known, and certainly not taught in our schools. Our American Republic is nothing if it is not at the very least enlightening. Mr. Burmer initially had no intention of writing a book, however, it took shape as a result of his attempt to make sense out of all the controversial materials he had accumulated. Materials and truth not normally seen or taught in schools, even the ones he attended during his lifetime.

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    Our American Republic - William Burmer

    Our American Republic

    Copyright © 2020 by William G. Burmer. All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States of America

    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-951775-75-9

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-951775-76-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

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    Chapter One: Our American Republic

    Chapter Two: The European Colonization of America

    Chapter Three: Our Republic The American Experiment

    Chapter Four: Have We the People Lost our Sovereignty?

    Chapter Five: Post-Colonial Taxation 1789 to 1895

    Chapter Six: Banking and Currency Reforms

    Chapter Seven: The Case for and Against the Sixteenth Amendment

    Chapter Eight: ?Ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment?

    Chapter Nine: Education in America or Indoctrination?

    Chapter Ten: Socialism in America

    Chapter Eleven: The Source of Our Problems American Commerce

    Chapter Twelve: The Road to Civil War Was Paved with Tax Assessments.

    Chapter Thirteen: Rome Begins to Crumble

    Chapter Fourteen: Thomas Woodrow Wilson and Foreign Diplomacy


    About the Author

    Let Your Voice Be Heard



    This Thesis is not to be considered inclusive of all that could and has been written about America, its history or government. Its intent is to briefly remind many of you, and spark a greater interest in others, who have not seriously thought of our heritage and our legacy as Americans’ to do so. Additionally I wish to inform every reader about certain laws which are not generally known, laws which have changed our freedoms as guaranteed in the Constitution.

    America for all its greatness has become less that its full potential as a great leader of men and nations. It is my intent to explain why this has occurred; Hence the title chosen for my book is, OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC, God Blessed America … a land choice above all other lands.

    It is not generally understood that the American Citizen was expected to be the guardian of their own liberties. We have forgotten Our Founders designed a Government where the People ruled first, then the state and finally the Government. Today it is the Government who rules, then the state, and lastly, the People. Why are things upside down? Because We the People have allowed there to be too much government, too many laws, and too much dependence upon government. Our natural independent character are being challenged by and ever encroaching collectivistic cancer. When our founders created our nations laws (contained within the Constitution) they did so using principles written in holy scripture, and common sense. This was termed natural law because it was attributed to God. Sadly, Natural Law and Common Sense have been replaced by a plethora of vapid codes, and Statutes which are entirely void of comprehension by the average citizen. Such conditioning has led to indifference, and a total disinterest in government. Citizens, in general, as well as officials in government have sadly subscribed to collectivistic thought and actions; such actions are diametrically contrary to natural law and a Republican form of government.

    Today most sources of employment come from the government: Federal, State, County, City, and Municipal. Much of what we have become dependent upon from each of them could very well be administered by the private sector for less expense, and with much more efficiency, as needed. Capitalism does work. As you will discover when reading this thesis government must spend our money in order to keep inflation down. As a result waste becomes a necessary evil in our current monetary system. State and Federal Taxes are sapping the energy and soul from those who work hard to pay them.

    Mr. Bernard Baruch, at the age of 93, upon presenting his papers to Princeton University, as printed in The New York Times on May 11, 1964 wrote: "the role of government and its relationship with the individual has been changed so radically that today government is involved in almost every aspect of our lives. Said he: Political, economic and racial forces have developed which we have not yet learned to understand or control. If we are ever to master these forces, make certain that government will belong to the people, not the people to the government, and provide for the future better than the past, we must somehow learn from the experiences of the past.

    It is a fact of life that we have become numb to the reality that government is a consumer of wealth; government produces no wealth. When anyone, in or out of government, can convince the people they can get money free by asking for it you just have to ask, Where is that money coming from? So, when you hear a government official (no matter what level) say, we need to spend a million dollars here, or a billion dollars there, remember it is coming out of your tax dollars, your sweat, and your labor. It may be helpful to think of government as the local welfare slug to help you remember this truth.

    Again we must become, a united STATES of AMERICA(N) Electors. Citizens with greater community involvement in government affairs. On a local level, we can encourage our leaders to make those changes that will rid government of their involvement in our ability to best provide for ourselves. One person can do much; however, the united force of many can do much more.

    I am hopeful that most all Americans can and will stand behind a specific cause or list of righteous goals. With faith in God, a true understanding of our heritage, armed with knowledge and a united effort, we can make America greater than ever before in our history. Let our lives be filled with this desire! We can leave a legacy that will really mean something. Properly informed and taught in our schools, our children will bless us and reverence our courage. We must lift ourselves out of ignorance as the apostle Paul instructed the Athenians on Mars’ Hill. See Acts 17:22–34. The right each of us have to the Pursuit of Happiness is ours individually. Our founders spoke of the right to the pursuit of, not the right of Happiness. It means that we have the right to take actions necessary to achieve happiness; it does not mean that others, including Government must make us happy.

    Far too many social organizations today, in and out of government are devoted to a life of prescribing what is the collective best for an entire society. They fail to recognize individuality, and perhaps most importantly our Free Agency given us by God to do for ourselves. When man becomes a conformist, he gives up his ability to see, or use his own potentials or, Agency. He essentially surrenders his Agency and becomes a Feudal Serf, doing the bidding of another, for lack of a better word, more enlightened power.

    Using principles learned from a lifetime of experience and faith in God our founders constructed our Constitution. This single instrument guarantees us the opportunity to explore our own potentials and to legislate our lives to the benefit of ourselves and others. Read carefully the Constitutions Preamble. It Begins We the People.

    This was done without regard to ethnicity, personal religious convictions, or the color of your skin. America set a standard for the world to follow during and after the revolution with Great Britain. As its Citizens we must insist that high moral standards of excellence and character are never substituted for mediocrity or tyranny in all of its forms. Common sense should not be replaced by nonsense.

    Our schools should be a place where scholastic excellence is strived for and expected. Math, English, reading and writing skills along with the sciences are currently being replaced with a how to in sex education. We then wonder why teen pregnancy is so high in or society, why a study in the experimentation in alternate lifestyles, drugs, aids and Gay Rights, replace reading, writing, and Arithmetic in a Teacher’s curriculum vitae.

    Little to nothing is taught with regards to our Constitution or of our heritage as a Nation. I have talked to several educators about this. American history begins in the early 1900s’ emphasizing diversity, empathy, respect and understanding for others who may not think the way you do. This should be a more alarming revelation than it is, to all of us.

    The Boy Scouts of America ought to be a place where young men can learn skills that build character and prepare them for manhood. It ought not be a place where a young woman in today’s world, needs to feel discriminated against because she cannot join. Nonsense, does she not have the Girls Scouting program to fill her needs? The traditions and values originally taught in the scouting programs are timeless. Homosexuality never used to be an issue. Remember this? Part of the Scout Oath—A Scout is Morally Straight. Not anymore!

    Should we be requiring our schools to concentrate and entire month each year to the study of Black and Hispanic history? More nonsense! The more emphasis we put upon our ethnic differences the farther apart we become as a nation. What about just teaching American History? How many young people know who the Father of our country is? Do you? We take religion, and all its elements out of the school system, and wonder why violence occurs. Where there is no moral foundation for students or a society to hold to, evil will prevail. There are equal and opposites in life; this is a truth that cannot be ignored. A better part of the legacy left to us as Americans are contained in the Holy Scriptures.

    Darwin’s theories about human evolution helped to weaken the religious hold on the average American. He stopped reading the Bible and his character began to suffer. Let not this be our final lot as a free nation. It is not right to blame Darwin entirely for our moral decline, but he certainly contributed to it. We must somehow recreate the fires of faith and cry out for freedom of religious thought and expression in all venues of life. We should never feel a need to apologize for America being historically a Christian Nation first. Today we welcome many people of many different faiths. We should respect their individual beliefs, we welcome them to embrace America, love America, and be American Citizens.

    One additional thought before you pursue this thesis further. You will wonder if there is a true conspiracy to take over our country, its citizens and the government? The answer is yes. It has been carefully crafted and executed by Presidents, Lawyers, Bankers, and many politicians since the beginning of our Republic. We should be righteously alarmed! However, We the People still have our Constitution and our God. We can turn the tide on those who would enslave us. Knowledge is key to restoring our Government. Make this reading your first step in that goal.

    This thesis is designed to make you think and become more informed. If you should desire to do your own research, so much the better. You are the true beneficiary of your efforts. You can share your knowledge, but you cannot hope but to change a mind. True education is achieved individually and should produce a character filled with a genuine sense of self, loyalty to God and country.

    You will notice that certain laws discussed, Constitutional principles, and certain subject matter are repeated several times or seem to show a certain redundancy. This is so because of the diversity of subject matter, as they pertain to a particular chapter in the thesis, and its unique content. Enjoy!

    Chapter One

    Our American Republic

    Richard Bach wrote a book called Jonathan Livingston Seagull , (1.) a novel about a seagull that believed he could do more with his talent than just fly and catch food. He said: We can lift our selves out of ignora nce, we can find our selves as creatures of excellence, intel ligence and skill. W e can be free! Certainly, we are not seagulls, however, as a metaphor, much of what Jonathan had to say bears significance to our own human existence.

    How many of us are caught up in the same mundane schedule every day, paying little or no attention to what our politicians are scheming day to day? This introduction is meant only to persuade you to think about the expectations our founders envisioned for America. In America we can be a free people if we will discover and apply the principles embodied in our constitution.

    Woven throughout the fabric of our history, religious faith played a role in the discovery of our country and the establishment of our Republic. They go hand in hand. Setting aside any preconceived bias you may harbor concerning religion and politics, you will discover our true legacy. To remove religion from American history would require that we push aside its foundation and its cornerstone as well. Without religion in our government, it would become as sterile as most socialist governments. Such are the goals of our self-proclaimed Progressives movements of today within our government.

    Allow me now, to reach back in time to the origins of this great country and how we became such a choice nation above all nations. It is said by many scholars that nothing of any real certainty is recorded with regards to the origin of man in America. Many contemporary historians assume that man came from Central Asia and migrated to the Americas’ at the Bering Strait between America and Asia; or that a land bridge between Africa and Brazil may have once existed several thousand years bc. Others contend that man may have migrated to the Americas during the Ice Age. One does not have to review more than a few historical accounts to see that most all Historians share some or all the same conclusions, or assumptions. Is it not interesting that any of the scholars mention bc as part of their theories regarding colonization of the western hemisphere.?

    There is in truth another more plausible answer to this question contained in the Holy Bible and other scripture. They contain a supposition more authoritative and depending upon the reader a more sound explanation about the origin of man in America. At the very least it challenges present day contemporary and scientific wisdom. I would challenge you to thoughtfully consider the following.

    I would hope that the reader would allow me to share a little history not normally encountered in so many other texts. As I mentioned in my introduction, American history usually begins in the year 1900 in our young people’s education today. Essentially, they are missing out on the real history that led to the formation of our country.

    (1.) Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a story by Richard Bach Macmillan Co. pp. 30–31. © 1970.

    Written History today is something like having mouthwatering cake set before you but eliminating the frosting. One taste and you can instantly determine, something is missing!

    What follows are some of my own thoughts mixed with contemporary thinking. I do not wish to distract the reader from the object of learning more about our Republic, but intend to add a greater interest in those elements which make our country unique within the World; those elements which actually led to the establishment of our Constitution and created our Republican form of government.

    I believe like many who were born prior to WW2 and Korean wars, that America occupies a special place on the globe based upon our individual and collective Beliefs, that our country was blessed by God for a special purpose. America’s origins are all the more important to consider as we pursue our goal to restore our Freedoms; Freedoms, I might add which make us different from any other nation or country in the world.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints proclaims to have the answer to the origin of man in the Americas’ within their Book of Mormon–Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

    The answer was written on golden plates in the Hebrew and reformed Egyptian languages, centuries before Columbus discovered the Western Hemisphere. Said plates, or book, was discovered in the early 19th century, and then translated into English, then published in book form in the year 1833 ad. it was titled The Book of Mormon. The plates had been protected and preserved by a civilization, or tribe, called Nephites. A descendent of these people, named Moroni, deposited these plates for safekeeping in a hill called Cumorah located in Manchester New York before his death about 421 ad. (See the Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 1–5.) In the Book of Mormon, chapter’s 6–8, and 1st Nephi tells a history of two groups of people who occupied this land. They were each directed by God to come to this land we now call America.

    First, let us begin within the Holy Bible to see what transpired. In the 11th chapter of Genesis versus 1–9, (Circa, 2300 years bc) tells the story of the Lord coming down to see the tower and the city that became known as Babel. … because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. In the Book of Mormon the story continues in Ether 1: Verse 33 to chapter 6 verse 12, which tells the story of a man named Jared, his family, his brother’s family, and several friends who were at the tower at the time the language was confounded. Apparently, the brother of Jared had found special favor with the Lord and this group of people were spared the confounding of their language. He, the brother of Jared (as he was repeatedly called in the narrative asked the Lord where they should travel. He was instructed to gather the afore mentioned families along with their possessions and that they would be led to a land (Ether 1:42) choice above all the lands of the earth… In this land they would be blessed to be a great nation of people. See Book Title.

    The account further attests that the people of Jared built barges according to the dictates of the Lord and sailed in them to this new land. Jared and the friends and families of Jared landed upon the shore of the promised land, which, after a time, would become known as America.

    There was another group of people who journeyed from Jerusalem to the Promised Land, 600 Years bc. As recorded in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi Chapters 17 through 19. Nephi, and his Father Lehi, the leader of these people, escaped Jerusalem before its’ destruction. He is then instructed by the Lord to write upon plates of ore that a record of his people may be kept. Nephi acquired and preserved the more ancient account, and then continued to record his family’s history for us in the Book of Mormon account after leaving Jerusalem.

    All contemporary historians attests there were people here when an Italian explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas on October 12, 1492. Whether from the Bering Strait, a land bridge from Africa to the South American tip of Brazil, during the Ice Age, or ancient Jerusalem or the Tower of Babel is left for the reader to decide.) History records that Columbus, named the inhabitants Indians.

    Columbus believed he had found a sea route to India. No body during Columbus’s time believed there would be any large landmass between Portugal, Spain, and the Indies, because they were sure the world was a flat surface and he would fall off the edge. To spite his critics, Columbus was sure he could sail west directly to India, because he believed the world was a globe; and not flat. . He was also certain God meant him to do it; his name meant Christ Bearer," so he felt destined to carry the Christian banner to these other lands.

    Columbus had a solid faith in God and his mission. He made four separate voyages to the new world and after, returning to Spain for the last time, he died despised; but before he died exclaimed, By the Divine will I have placed under the sovereignty of the King (Ferdinand) and Queen (Isabelle) another world, whereby Spain which was reckoned poor, is to become the richest of all countries. "The New World became known as America because of the writings of a man named Amerigo Vespucci. It is recorded that he sailed with one of Columbus’ captains during his 4th voyage. Amerigo apparently recorded an account of these voyages which were printed in Florence Italy. He was the first North American explorer to recognize North and South America as two different continents.

    At this time also, there was a new map of the world being printed by a man by the name of Waldseemuller at the college of Saint Die. He was fascinated with these Vespucci letters, and he wrote in his book, "Cosmographica Introductio (1507) Since Americus Vespucci’s has discovered a fourth part of the world, it should be called after him … America. Columbus’ voyages actually came to land on and explore what is now known as San Salvador in the Caribbean Sea And not the mainland North America. In addition, his explorations touched on the islands of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, Honduras, and Trinidad, an island off the northeastern coast of Venezuela.

    Spain and Portugal both, eventually arranged explorations that surveyed the entire Coast of what we now call, South America. It was later that France and England explored and claimed lands in North America. John Cabot, an Italian navigator and explorer was commissioned by King Henry the VII in 1496 and made his first of two voyages to the new world in 1497, claiming land in Canada for England. In France, another explorer, Jacques Cartier, he too eventually claimed the northern parts of Canada for France. For almost one hundred years, Europeans believed there was a short route through the new land to India. Eventually it was Portugal who found the correct passage to the Indies around the Cape of Good Hope.

    Spain remained the more dominant European force exploring and exploiting the new world. Beginning with early settlements in Mexico, Spain was welcomed by the native Indian as if they were sent from the Gods. This belief or trust was to be the South American peoples eventual undoing. The native people of Mexico and South America were easily defeated militarily by the conquistadors’ superior equipment and techniques of warfare. Sheathed in steel, and riding on horses, which in some cases were as well shielded as their riders, the Spanish soldier slaughtered their hosts who were armed only with a bow and arrow and draped in a loincloth.

    Taking advantage of the Aztec belief in the return of their God known to them as Quetzalcoatl; believing that the Spanish leader, Cortez, was this incarnation, he took advantage and pillaged the Aztec gold, land, and other treasures. Hernando Cortez was also known as Fernando 1485-1547). Vasco Balboa (1475-1519) is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean in 1513.

    Francisco Pizarro, and Gonzalo de Quesada collectively subjugated the major empires of South America. Cortez conquered the twin cities of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco and founded Mexico City between the years 1519 and 1521. The ruin of the Aztec empire was thus made complete. Between 1531 and 1533. Balboa and Quesada were responsible for the murder of Atahualpa, the Incan Emperor in Peru, and the annihilation of the empire of Chibcha in Bogotá.

    These early explorers not only conquered the land of the native Indian but also plundered their material wealth. Gold was easily found and mined. This became their primary objective after their discoveries. Thereafter, they made slaves of their captors and, in addition, were the first to import African labor to work the mines and the land as well. European explorers went to the new countries to get rich, and many did, and by 1600 Spain had conquered almost the whole of the coastal South America and much of the interior.

    Moving rather quickly on in history, England and France eventually, obtained a firm hold on much of the land in North America meaning, Canada. Spain had claimed possession of all the territories between the Mississippi River and the Rockies since 1769; known as the Louisiana Territory, it was ceded by Spain to France in 1801. Napoleon, in order to avoid a conflict with Briton and the United States sold the Territory to the United States for 12 million dollars, and was called, historically, the Louisiana Purchase. By 1810 all but the eastern fringes of Florida had been annexed from Spain; that is until U.S. troops moved into eastern Florida in 1818. Spain wisely sold the last of its holdings in the Eastern provinces to the U.S. in exchange for payment of a 5-million-dollar debt. It was also during this time that the Monroe Doctrine was embraced. An important declaration of American Sovereignty, it will be presented in chapter Two of this thesis. Indeed, all of these accounts will be discussed in greater detail in other chapters of this thesis.

    In 1939, two years before Pearl Harbor, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) laid the framework for world government, which has dominated the Executive Branch of our federal government since. To spite the Senate’s rejection of the League of Nations Covenant after World War I it is the nearest (the CFR) thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States today. Currently the CFR is the most visible part of an international Power Elite, including past Presidents, who are bent upon incremental invasion of the United States via such organizations as the EPA, Educational Unions, Child Welfare organizations, Law Enforcement agencies, National and Civil disarmament via gun control, even religion, and small protracted wars on a global level are being used to accomplish their nefarious deeds.

    By slowly sapping our nations sovereignty globalists can achieve their objective of empowering the United Nations to act as a world government without attracting a great deal of public opposition. They feed upon our fears and frustrations, knowing that these emotions will require us to give up some or all our liberties in exchange for a little security. A security, I might add, which can never be guaranteed nor enforced; until eventually the UN has won complete control. Thus, we will become subject to a reign of tyranny and terror unlike none that King George III ever envisioned in 1774 over the colonist.

    The UN is the nucleus containing a new version of The Intolerable1 Acts. a) Historians’ History of the United States, A Berky & J.P. Shenton (1966) V 2 p 1055–56 b) J. Reuben Clark, the public years, Frank W. Fox Brigham Young University Press (1980) pp 588–89, and 605. c) Taken from a personal study of United Nations tactics over a period of two years. See Chapter Ten of this thesis. * See also Coercive Acts. All of these acts were answered in our Declaration of Independence.

    Chapter Two

    The European Colonization of America

    It was almost a century and a half after Christopher Columbus came to the Americas before the British established their own settlements at James town Virginia in 1607. British rules of discovery ordained that the Indians retained their right of occupancy but forfeited their right to dominance as a conquered people of the Crown. The original settlers of Jamestown were not just poor farmers; many were skilled craftsmen and laborers, people who had little interest in growing their own food or providing for themselves. For a time, the British supplied the settlers with material needs until Captain John Smith (An English Governor appointed by the Crown) arrived and took command. He established a rule that the settlers would receive compensation in direct proportion to the work they produced; this requirement coupled with trade with the Indian peoples created a degree of individual capitalism and wealth for those who would take advantage of it.

    For the first time the Englishman was feeling the personal rewards that came from their personal labors. However, while some took advantage of free enterprise, it was not until the Puritan Separatist began to arrive that British hopes of expanding their possessions began to seem possible.

    Many of the original settlers, those who were here because of their conscript, went back to England rather than struggle to establish new territories for the King. Puritanism arose during the reign of Elizabeth 1st. Religious feelings were in a stage of transformation when Elizabeth took the throne in 1558. The Church of England had changed from Catholic to Protestant under Henry VIII, her father. However, when Elizabeth took her throne, Catholicism was restored, and Protestants were compelled to conform or go into exile. Many Englishmen and their families escaped to Holland because there they would have the freedom to practice their religion as they pleased. In time, however, because their children were acting more Dutch than English, the parents decided that they would rather practice their beliefs in a British colony rather than to surrender their children to another culture.

    Queen Elizabeth 1st, died in 1603 and was succeeded by James the 1st. He took a more liberal approach to religious faith. His aim was that of having religious tolerance within England’s boarders. He held discussions with Anglican puritans and Bishops to try to affect some reforms in the state church. The results of the conference were the commissioning of the English Language Bible known as the King James Version. In England the religion of the head of state was the official religion of the nation. To disagree was regarded as an act of treason.

    On November 9, 1620, a group of separatist Puritans, who called themselves Pilgrims; settled in what is now Cape Cod … Cape Cod is a peninsula projecting from the southern coast of Massachusetts like a bent upraised arm. 1. Owing to a

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