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Little Horror Stories
Little Horror Stories
Little Horror Stories
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Little Horror Stories

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The Little Horror Stories book is now available!

This collection of short horror stories draws from the inspiration of five of the newest creative voices in literature. Little Horror stories comes with five short stories ranging from 3k-5k words each. If you are a horror fan, an advocate for fre

Release dateJul 15, 2020
Little Horror Stories

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    Book preview

    Little Horror Stories - Alexandra Cruz

    Little Horror Stories


    Published by


    A Limited Liability Company



    Copyright © 2020 by Alexandra Cruz as LITTLE HORROR STORIES

    Copyright 2020 by CON Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, website, or newspaper. Manufactured in the United States of America. Distributed in the United States of America by CON Publishing.



    I | Senses…….…………….………….………………………….………………....9

    II | Dark Water………………….………………………….……………………...26

    III | Parasite…….………………………………………………………………….41

    IV | Extermination Day ……………………………….…………….…………….54

    V | Temptations…….….…………………………………………………….…….67

    About the Author ……………………………….……….…….………………….83

    Upcoming……………… ……...……………….……….…….………………….84

    Illustrated by

    Sam Hype Waltz

    Inspired by

    Antigonie Woods

    Abbie Sartori

    Kaitlyn Foerster

    Aisling McNary-Hickey

    Fayth Long

    S E N S E S

    The heat from the stove made Judy’s face blush and sweat. Her morning had gone similarly to how most of her mornings did. She woke up at exactly seven o’clock, showered, caught up with social media, walked downstairs, turned on the morning news and prepared breakfast for Jake. But this morning was slightly different. Jake had just applied to the University of Nebraska and was looking forward to finally being out of the house. He made that very clear.

    Judy, however, could not shake the feeling in her gut that something horrible was about to happen. How can a boy survive without his mother? He can’t even wash his own clothes for gods’ sakes. Much less cook his own food. I still have to wake him up every morning…

    Three bodies were found dead this morning in the Missouri River, said a tall, dark-haired anchorman. Two of the victims are identified as female and the other victim has been identified as a male. Nebraska police have yet to discern whether the bodies originated from here or somewhere else. The police have, however, ruled the deaths as homicides since all three of the victims seem to have been skinned alive. More news on that at ten. Stacy, back to you.

    Jake! Judy yelled. Breakfast is ready!

    Coming! Jake replied.

    She caught herself frowning and slapped on a smile. According to her ex-husband, a smile is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear. At least that’s what he would tell her every morning as she prepared his meals. Things were much less complicated before the divorce; although she did get a hefty chunk of money in the split. She handled the divorce well, and indulged in free time that she never had before. But now that Jake was on his way out, her restless nature began to bubble to the surface. What would she do? Who would she talk to?

    The bacon and eggs popped in the pan, and with it; her reality. Jake ran down the stairs, opened the door to the refrigerator, poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat at the table. He was a handsome young man much like his father; most would say a carbon cut out. But just like every eighteen-year-old boy, he had his oddities. Judy walked over to him with a pan in hand, and slid the bacon and eggs onto his plate.

    He picked up his utensils ready to eat and Judy flashed him a bittersweet smile.

    What’s wrong? he said as he placed his fork back down on the table.

    Nothing. Why would anything be wrong? she asked.

    You’re smiling that weird smile again.

    Your mother can’t smile in her own house?

    Okay, Jake chuckled and began to bite away at his bacon.

    I just think most other kids are starting college a little later. You know? Taking time off. Some are staying with their parents, even. It’s much less expensive than living in a dorm.

    Mom. No one is staying with their parents. They’re all out traveling and having fun or living in the dorms.

    You can have fun here.

    You’re insane, he said as he shook his head. Have you checked the mail to see if my acceptance letter came?

    You’re confident today. The mail is over there, she gestured to the counter with her spatula. I haven’t looked through it yet, but I doubt you’ll receive anything until next week; possibly even next month.

    Jake jumped out of his seat, hurried over to the counter, and sifted through the stack of envelopes. Aha! Would you look at that.

    Judy removed her apron and finished stirring her coffee before sitting at the table with him. She pinched her lips with her fingers and waited for him to open the letter. Here. I’ll do it.

    Mom! he exclaimed. I’ve got it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic letter opener.

    Well that’s not safe.

    Jake spliced open the envelope and pulled out the letter. A smile crossed his face and he handed the letter over to his mother. What did I tell you?

    Judy read the letter over and stood up in excitement, clapping her hands as she attempted to hold in her tears. Jake smiled and wrapped his arms around her. She squeezed him tight. It felt nice to be held by her. Judy began to cry. Jake ran his hands over her knitted shirt and rubbed her back. He closed his eyes and felt her soft blonde hair fall over the skin of his hands. It was soft as silk. He slid his hands over her shoulders, looked her in her eyes and brushed her hair to the front.

    This doesn’t change anything. I’m still going to be here for you. You know that?

    Of course, honey, she sniffed and wiped her eyes. I just want the best for you. I can’t explain how proud of you I am. She grabbed his hands and eyed the webbing between his fingers. We have to get that fixed soon. I’ve already set the doctor’s appointment like you asked.

    Thanks. But it’s not just my hands anymore. My feet are starting to get it too. It looks gross.

    "It’s not gross. You’re just… skinny. It’s perfectly natural. It happens all the time."

    To who?

    Everyone. Look around. I’m sure one out of five people experience some type of skin condition in their lives.

    Yeah. It’s called acne.

    Not just acne. All sorts of things.

    Well you and dad never had webbing on your hands and feet.

    "That’s because dad is an idiot."

    And you?

    "Jake. Eat your food. Besides, you’ve always had this problem. Like when you were a baby and the skin on your you-know-what grew back. It was your father’s idea to have it removed anyway. I personally think it’s barbaric."

    Mom! Can you not talk about this while we’re eating?

    Fine. I just mean to say there’s nothing wrong with you. You are perfect just the way you are.


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