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Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny
Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny
Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny
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Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny

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What a blessing to walk in divine favor all the days of your life. This book will cause you to explore the blessedness of uncommon favor for uncommon lifestyle. The favored will always be distinguished in life: for there will be a manifestation of goodness and uncommon kindness in times of need. You will smile in perilous times and you will

Release dateJul 30, 2020
Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny

Dr. Bonnie Etta

Dr. Bonnie Etta is the president of World Mission International School of Ministry. He is the founder and bishop of the World Mission International Worship Center in Maryland, USA. He has been on short-term missionary projects to Germany, Spain, Italy, South Africa, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. He is an international conference speaker and has authored several Christian books. He has yearly church growth conferences in Africa, Europe, and the United States. Dr. Bonnie Etta is happily married to the first lady, Pastor Estella, and are blessed to be the parents of four sons who are very committed to the ministry. He holds a Master Degree in ministry and PhD in theology and philosophy. Bishop Bonnie Etta has been in active ministry for almost three decades. He is worth listening to. - Dr. Nojang Evelyn

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    Divine Favor for Uncommon Destiny - Dr. Bonnie Etta

    Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Bonnie Etta.

    ISBN 978-1-952835-60-5 (softcover)

    ISBN 978-1-953699-02-2 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-952835-61-2 (ebook)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Book Vine Press

    2516 Highland Dr.

    Palatine, IL 60067


    I humbly dedicate this timely book to Dr Morris Corullo, through whom God connected me to His divine favor for life and ministry: to Pastor Fred and Laura for their love and concern and to all our partners in ministry around the world.




    Favor Made the Difference

    He Lifted Me Up

    Loved and Accepted

    Success Positive

    Uncommon Grace for Wealth

    Supernatural Victories

    Connections for Excellence

    Divine Health

    Divine Increase and Abundance

    Divine Security and Insurance

    Divine Joy and Peace

    Divine Stability

    Divine Opportunities and Privileges

    Divine Intelligence and Wisdom



    Your life is like a seed and your future depends greatly on the nature of the soil on which your seed is planted. Jesus spoke of a sower who sowed seeds: and as he sowed some seeds fell by the way side, some on stony ground; some fell on thorns and others on good ground. The seeds that fell on good ground were not different from all the other seeds, they did not struggle nor had any power of their own to determine where to fall; but they were favored. Favor caused the seeds to fall on good ground and to be distinguished from the rest of the other seeds and to end up abundantly fruitful.

    I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecl 9:11

    I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Eccl 10:7.

    Many are strong and hard working; but not favored. Consequently all they do ends up in pain, disappointments and even great loses. There are so many nice and handsome gentlemen out there who can not keep a home or secure their marriage; they always stumble in the ‘wrong relationship’ and over the years they have gone through several separations even against their will and they wonder why they always attract the wrong kind of persons. And there are so many beautiful, hard working, well instructed and honest single ladies with no one to love them or marry them. So many are suffering from, favor deficiency.

    Have you tried and failed even though you did put in all your best? Have you prayed, fasted, studied and even sowed seeds yet nothing seemed to work out for your good? This book is just for you. You will connect into uncommon divine favor and your story will never remain the same again.

    My life today is a miracle to all my friends and family. I lost my dad at the age of twelve and my mum was unemployed. There seemed to be no hope for my life and future, and even for my education. But today as I look back I see how the favor of God has beautified my life and have taken me to places and positions in life that no one could have ever imagined.

    My life is a miracle of divine favor. It’s not by might or by any financial or material ability but the favor of God. Today my books, tapes and conferences have changed millions of people around the world and God has been so good to me. Only the favor of God can give you the grace to see your dreams and the longing of your soul come true for His glory.

    Many mighty men have been slain in battle; so many intellectuals and professors have failed to produce answers to the questions and issues concerning their personal lives and happiness. Many preachers, men and women of faith and good bible scholars have failed to experience the things they believe and so many rich folks are struggling with deadly diseases. Without the favor of God upon your life there would be no hope for a secured and comfortable future.

    The life of real peace, joy and true happiness is only the product of the favor of God to those who open up to His grace. It is time to look up to God for divine favor for all that concerns your life here on earth. Your destiny will either be fulfilled or deformed and distorted based upon your relationship to the grace of God. The favor of God upon your life will guarantee a blessed, cherished and well planned end. My prayer for you today and always is to see you walking in divine favor all through your journey here on earth.


    Favor Made the Difference

    The person whose doors I enter with the most pleasure, and quit with most regret, never did me the smallest favor

    William Hazlitt.

    Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.

    Ps 102:1

    Favor Made the Difference

    Favor, God’s favor; you have no reasonable and significant future without God’s favor on you. It will take divine favor for the weak to come our victorious in the fight and the battles of life. It will take divine favor for the ‘Josephs’ of our day to experience breakthrough and success even in perilous times. When favor comes, it comes with a way out of every negative and oppressive situation.

    When favor comes, it comes with solutions and answers to life’s questions. When favor comes, it brings with it all the blessings and fulfills the longing of your heart. Whenever a man is favored by God, goodness and mercy surrounds that person and series of unusual breakthroughs and testimonies begin to become the normal way of life.

    There are several people in the Bible that had no favor upon their lives and the account of their lives ended up with negative tone. When a person lack divine favor, there seem to be a negative spiritual force that is commissioned to hinder the opportunities, the good things and the blessings that were supposed to be his or hers in life. It is sad to find out that you were qualified but not appointed, you were not chosen even though you know you could perform great and better. You work hard and faithful but always have to lose your privileges. The lack of favor keeps people from that which they really deserve and from that which they are really qualified for.

    They are so many husbands who put in all in their power to live in harmony with their wives and children but surprisingly things always fall apart and they all turn to walk away with hate and enmity. You work hard to abide by the rules but the least mistake you make becomes a great problem and with great and terrible consequences. You do all to avoid trouble but trouble will always locate you and implicate you. You wonder why on earth you put in all your best just to end up always with poor and unexpected results.

    The Bible records that, Cain decided to give God a sacrifice; from his heart he did the best that he knew how to: but the events that followed caused him to become a murderer, fugitive and a cursed person. His good intension resulted to all the troubles you could never imagine in the world. Cain ended up cursed and driven from the presence of the Lord to continue a sad and painful lifestyle. He had no favor before God. Divine favor will keep and refrain you from being a victim and will keep you from deadly consequences from the mistakes of your life.

    Lot’s wife lacked divine

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