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Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future
Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future
Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future

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As a kid, what were your dreams? Have you been able to manifest your divine dreams? If not, what may be holding you back? Is it rejection, divorce, joblessness, betrayal, molestation, an addiction, or negative relationships? Could it also be an ancestral family "strongman," or an ancestral or current satanic altar(s) or covenant(s) that may be s

Release dateSep 19, 2020
Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future

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    Cheer Up, Arise, & Fight for Your Amazing Divine Future - Mirabel L. Weriwoh


    This book is dedicated to my lovely late grandmom, Mrs. Martha Lembisi Tangyie, for all of her spiritual support, and also to an amazing woman, my mother, Sally Tangyie Epse Weriwoh. These ladies’ tenacious spirits, courage, generosity, kindness, motherly love, humility, and above all, their faith in Jesus Christ inspire all those who surround them. I am so proud of them. I praise God for giving them the strength and the grace to experience His faithfulness, deliverance, and goodness in the land of the living.


    "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God indeed is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" (2 Corinthians 1:3–4 nlt). First and foremost, I would like to seize this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and give praise, honor, and glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the God of second chances.

    Special thanks to all the professionals who helped to put this book together for me from the TBN Publishing department; they are Mark Mingle, Angela Simms, Christy Phillippe, Josh Crow, and Kaycee Tattershall.

    I am grateful also to Dr. Chirwa Sanika and Dr. Yusef L. and Ms. Fuzie Ashley Tangyie for encouraging me to write this book. They believed my testimonies will be a blessing to you.

    I offer special thanks to my lovely parents, Dr. Colonel Godfred Weriwoh and Sally Tangyie Epse Weriwoh, for shaping my life in such a way that led me to the loving arms of Jesus Christ. I am very appreciative of the love and support of my siblings: Gerard Weriwoh, Annette Weriwoh, Jacky Weriwoh, and the prayers of my nephews, Ean and Terrence.

    Thank you to my Late Professor Bame Bame Michael for all his memorable amazing prophetic and spiritual support towards my family and I.

    Special thanks to Dr. Riley Wayne, Mrs. Deborah Tangyie, Dr. Ujjal Singah, the late Dr. Ifeanyi J. Arinze, Dr. Alfred Nyanda, Dr. David Padgett, Dr. Vincent Agboto, Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali, Dr. Shu Tangyie and his wife, the late Mrs. Emmons Pamela, and all the relatives (Dr. Tahyie Tangyie, Mr. Eric Tah and his wife ) and friends who did their best to be a blessing to me! Thanks to all the employers that gave me a chance to serve them; above all, special thanks to all the leaders and the individuals who gave me the opportunity to serve at Philips.

    I praise God for the life of the late Dr. Paul Crouch and the late Mrs. Jan Crouch for being obedient to the voice of God to establish the Christian television network TBN. This platform was very instrumental for my spiritual growth, because the following preachers fed my spirit man during the stormy days of my life: Mr. Joel and Mrs. Victoria Osteen, Pastor Steven Furtick, Pastor Paul Daugherty, Pastor Jimmy Evans, Dr. Caroline Leaf, Mr. Sid Roth, Pastor John Gray, Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor Ron Carpenter, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor Gregory Dickow, Mrs. Joyce Meyer, Mrs. Beth Moore, Mr. James Robison and his wife, Pastor Joseph Prince, Mr. Bobby Schuller, among many others, including the Hillsong Channel. Special thanks to my online pastor, Bishop Joseph W. Walker III of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nashville; thanks for amazing sermons that gave me hope in the midst of the storm!

    I am grateful to Mr. Matthew Crouch and his wife, Laurie Crouch, and Rev. Samuel Rodriquez for the founding of TBN SALSA. This faith-and-family network really blessed my life; the preachers on this network—Pastor Josiah Silva, Pastor David Diga Hernandez, and Rev. Obed Martinez, among others—were used by God to give me hope for the best in my life. Thank you very much. Special thanks to Pastor Rick Warren, Pastor Michael Lebeau, Evangelist John Ramirez, Apostle Joshua Selman, Pastor Jeremy Sourdril, Rev. Raoul Wafo, Pastor Marcello Tunasi, Dr. D. K. Olukoya, Pastor Moise Mbiye, Rev. Lucy Natasha, Pastor Jonas, Prophet Francis Ngawala. and Pastor RC Blakes Jr. for their amazing teachings on YouTube that helped with my personal development and spiritual growth in Christ!

    And last but not the least, I will eternally be indebted to Mrs. Helen Dale and especially her lovely son, Mr. Jeff Dale, for they were God’s heart of love and Jesus’ hands and feet to me when I needed the warmth of a lovely family during the stormy days of my life overseas. May God bless you both immensely. Above all, I wish to thank God for using Dr. Ezekakpu J., Brother Kwaku B., Pastor Blaise Tanue, Pastor Jerry, Prophet Brewster T., and Pastor Mathias Nsemya for exposing and teaching us how to defeat all satanic agents, strongholds, and marine spirits that have been subtly stealing the blessings of my family and me!

    Finally, I wish to thank Pastor Tim Storey and Pastor Craig Groeschel for their amazing uplifting sermons via YouTube. It is amazing how God can use His servants to give hope to His children, when in need of divine direction and clarity! May God reward both of you and everyone who walks in the obedience of the Holy Spirit as He leads, including the Stephen Ministers who trained me, as well!


    "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17 esv). I am honored to testify about the goodness and mercy of God during the three years of joblessness I experienced overseas and to encourage everyone, especially those who are currently facing challenges in their lives, never to give up, for God is faithful and trustworthy!

    I know and understand how it feels to be molested, used, abused, rejected, betrayed, broken, sick, oppressed, and under the influence of witchcraft, especially household witchcraft manipulation. I understand how it feels to be unemployed for more than two years while overseas and watch fake friends disappear into thin air. I can definitely relate to children who were raised up in a broken home or by a single parent.

    In spite of the aforementioned problems, I learned to depend on the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, through a lifestyle of walking in love, forgiveness, repentance, fasting, and prayer! This lifestyle was only made possible with the daily help of the Holy Spirit, via the Word of God, which renewed my mind.

    How could the Holy Spirit be so close to me that He knew I was unemployed for almost three years, and He made a way to supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory? How could His presence expose, disgrace, defeat, and deliver me from the oppression of the marine spirits? How could this amazing Holy Spirit use me to write this book from a place of unemployment in order to be a blessing to others?

    I am humbled by the love of God; that is why I share with you how His presence has always been with me, even though I never really knew Him.

    As you read this book, you will see for yourself how God delivered my family and me during the seasons of drought and fire in our lives. I hope my story will increase your faith and hope in God, for Jesus is alive and closer to us even during the darkest moments of our lives!

    My prayer is that, when we feel tempted to give up in the midst of a storm, we will continue to humble ourselves, pray, and seek God’s face with respect to whatever difficulty comes our way. The Holy Spirit has promised to hear us from heaven and to deliver us, when we humble ourselves and cry out to Him for help (see 2 Chronicles 7:14). I strongly believe that God is able to finish what He has started in us (see Philippians 1:6), for He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ever ask, think, or imagine (see Ephesians 3:20), especially when we cast our burdens on Him for sustenance (see 1 Peter 5:7).

    So, cheer up, and don’t give up! If Unselfish Love, Jesus Christ, could stoop so low to save a wretch like me, He will never leave you nor forsake you (see Hebrews 13:5). For I know that God is always at work in us, giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases Him (see Philippians 2:13)



    Never Give Up - Press on!

    By the time you are reading this book, you might think that the challenges you are facing are just common to you, right? I remember losing my job as an immigrant overseas, and I thought my work permit was still valid for me to apply for another job within the country. But then I realized that my work permit was only tied to my academic institution. What a shock!

    What do we do when we find ourselves in the midst of the Red Sea? We have to choose to be courageous by trusting the hand of God to lead us, for He has promised to complete everything He has started in our lives (see Philippians 1:6).

    Nothing we have been through in our lives shall be wasted, indeed! God specializes in taking broken pieces and transforming them into something wholesome and beautiful. What really matters in life is not how we start, but how we finish. I have come to realize that tough times reveal the greatness and the gifts hidden within each person.

    Have you ever been through a tough time and wondered later how you survived it? It is because there is a survivor within you! You are a victor and not a victim of your circumstances. We have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God our Creator, and you know what? He is madly in love with you. Beholding the love of our sweet heavenly Father has the ability to break every chain and shackle off of our lives, either instantly or progressively. God’s love is amazing! His love in our hearts through our intimate relationship with Him gives us the ability to love those who have hurt us. His love also sets us free from the bondage of unforgiveness. Being aware of His love for us and receiving it by faith will turn every dark cloud within and around us into light, thereby enabling us to arise and fulfill our God-given destiny. Yes, indeed, if God is for you, who can be against you? Can anything or anybody separate you from His love? The answer is no—unless we allow it. Walking in love in the midst of any given circumstance is a choice.

    My prayer for each of us is that we will continue to choose to preserve the joy, peace, and faith that invades our lives as a result of our daily fellowship with our sweet and lovely Abba Father. As we journey through this life, may we always remember our past victories in order to stay hopeful and expect the best for our lives. For those who are facing a tough time now, be encouraged that God is for you. Remember that He did not bring you this far to abandon you; keep on pressing on, for Jesus never fails (see Psalm 33:4; 2 Corinthians 1:20)!

    As we embrace the love of God, may we continue to stay thankful, so that the joy of the Lord will be our strength. Currently, for what can we be thankful? I pray that we will seize this opportunity to thank God for our lives and the divine helper (s) with whom He has surrounded us. May He also bless those who have stolen from us, for we know that God will give us double for all our troubles (see Zechariah 9:12) and He will continue to give us beauty for ashes (see Isaiah 61:3). As we stay connected to His divine love, may our joy be full, and may we keep standing for His glory alone. May He continue to send us anointed helpers (not users) to help us fulfill our destiny for His glory. May the joy of the Lord continue to be our strength as we wait on Him for total restoration and restitution. Amen!



    The Strength of Love - I See Strength in You

    The friend who sticks closer than a brother, His name is Love. There is nothing more amazing than the power of Love residing in us, that is made complete in us (see 1 John 4:12). Isn't it wonderful that Love sees us through when all types of trials come our way? During my years of joblessness, what encouraged me to expect the best was God’s love. He supplied all my needs (my rent, my food, etc.) according to His riches in glory through faith.

    Love gives us hope for the best even in the midst of the trial. Love has a way of opening our eyes to count our blessings and naming them one by one. Love enables us to know that we are victors and not victims, even when the evil one tries to increase the heat of the furnace. The power of love residing in us always turns things around in our favor. He is the best Friend to have.

    Love has the ability to break every chain of oppression and make us whole again. During my years of unemployment, the presence of God became so real to me and His presence filled my heart with

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