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You Are Intuitive: Trust Your Truth. Take Back Your Power.
You Are Intuitive: Trust Your Truth. Take Back Your Power.
You Are Intuitive: Trust Your Truth. Take Back Your Power.
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You Are Intuitive: Trust Your Truth. Take Back Your Power.

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How would it feel to trust that you are on the right path, no matter what? To feel fully empowered to make the choices you know are right for you? The truth is, we all possess the intuitive abilities to live like this-but in a world where we're told the answers lie outside

Release dateSep 29, 2020
You Are Intuitive: Trust Your Truth. Take Back Your Power.

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    Book preview

    You Are Intuitive - Natalie Miles


    The Spiritual Reactivation

    You’re probably itching to dive straight into the practical steps to connect to your intuition. But before we get there, it’s important to acknowledge the journey that most people experience when they are ready to reconnect to their intuitive gifts. I call it the Spiritual Reactivation. Please don’t freak out about me using the word spiritual here. I’m not going to reference anything religious. Rather, the Spiritual Reactivation heralds a return to our inner power, a deeper connection to the meaning of our life, and our relationship to who we are in the world.

    As you read through the following pages, notice which themes you most identify with or relate to. The stories that make your tummy clench up and cause your skin to prickle. At the end of this chapter and every chapter in this book you will also find an INTUITION IN ACTION section—which is where you will find practical tools, steps and practices to guide you to unlock the learning from each chapter. Don’t feel like you need to rush this first step (or any part of this process). Take your time to reflect on all you have experienced in your life so far, and to feel into what comes up for you personally.


    You might have heard people in the Spiritual or New Age community talk about going through a spiritual awakening. This awakening can happen following a health crisis, the ending of a relationship, the loss of a job, or any time you undergo a traumatic life experience that challenges your worldview. At the time, you feel a loss of control as your life seems to crumble around you. But there is also a sense that this chaos is waking you up, and a feeling of being more connected to Illustration , your gifts, and the world around you. To use the word awakening for these kinds of experiences, suggests this is the first time you’ve felt connected to the spiritual side of life. That all of a sudden, you’ve been gifted with a new way of being. But when it comes to intuition, this isn’t the case. Your gifts have always been there, and now external circumstances have triggered a reactivation of what has been lying dormant in you all along.

    We also think about a spiritual awakening as an aha moment: when the clouds part, the light shines down from heaven, and suddenly you feel aligned, connected, and grounded. Now everything makes sense, and you see that there is a spiritual solution to all your earthly problems. But what we rarely hear about is the often confusing and messy process of coming back into alignment with your gifts. It’s not all love and light. A spiritual reactivation can be challenging, as it forces you to look at your shadow, to go inwards, and get real about what’s not working in your life.

    It’s not something you can plan or force to happen either. It’s not like you can call Illustration up and be like: Okay yeah, I’d like to apply for my next big life shake-up please. I want to experience this awakening people are talking about, and ideally before I turn 30. Your reactivation will happen when your soul is good and ready—and usually not on your preferred schedule. If you’ve picked up this book it’s probably a good sign that you’re going through a reactivation right now, have experienced one recently but didn’t realize what was happening, or have been through a reactivation and are still on the journey of processing and integrating it. I went through my own reactivation in my late twenties, but it can happen in your teens, twenties, thirties, forties and even later in life. When it happens is personal to you. And it means your soul is ready to graduate from whichever part of your personal curriculum you’ve been working through.


    As described above, a Spiritual Reactivation is usually triggered when we’re faced with a period of difficulty or uncertainty. A health crisis. Family troubles. The end of a relationship. The loss of a job. We typically experience just one main reactivation event in our lives, and it occurs when we think we’ve lost something, when something gets taken away from us, or when we experience a monumental, unprecedented challenge. No human being is immune to these circumstances, which show up to lead us into the depths of the shadow of our hidden emotional life and to confront our deepest fears.

    For example, faced with the perceived loss of self that can follow any kind of ending, we may find ourselves asking: Who am I without X? What really lights me up? What is life all about anyway? Seeking the answers to questions like these is a cathartic and mystical process. This becomes a Spiritual Reactivation when it forces us to acknowledge what we know to be true in the deepest, most essential part of ourselves, beyond logic and social conditioning. It is powerful, it is life changing, but by no means is it all rainbows and unicorn magic.


    If this sounds daunting, remember:

    You are ready to reactivate your gifts.

    You are ready to connect to your truth.

    You are being called to return to a part of yourself,

    That has always been there.

    Your Soul is ready to evolve.

    My reactivation happened in my late twenties and was triggered by a series of losses. It began at age 28 when my parents got divorced after over 30 years of marriage. Not something I ever thought would happen. For some reason I thought that once I was out of my teens we were in the clear, a happy family forever. So when my mum called to let me know what was happening, suddenly everything I thought I valued and wanted for my own future was brought into question. I was in a long-term relationship at the time, and had dreams of marriage and babies in the not too distant future. But did I even want to get married? What if you dedicated your life to someone and it ended? Was marriage worth the risk?

    The next shockwave hit not long after the divorce was finalized. As I approached the big 3-0, my own five-year relationship imploded. He ended it, telling me he loved me but didn’t see a long-term future with me anymore. I’d been pressuring him to commit to the marriage and the babies, as I’d always assumed I’d be settled down by age 30. I wanted that commitment from him so badly, but he didn’t feel the same way. I was devastated, and again found myself questioning everything. We’d created a life together. Now our dreams and visions of the future we wanted to create were gone. At the time, it felt as if nothing made sense, but looking back, none of this was coming from out of the blue. I’d actually been receiving messages and signs from Illustration that the relationship was over, which I’d been choosing to ignore for a really long time.

    I like to say that Illustration will throw mini pebbles in your path to let you know if you’ve veered off course. But if you’re not listening, they’ll throw you larger rocks to get your attention and help you course correct. If you’re still not listening, in come the crushing life boulders to stop you in your tracks. And in this relationship, the road had already been bumpy.

    It began when my basement bedroom in a shared apartment in South West London was completely flooded by a freak storm on a hot, summer’s day. That same week I was also robbed walking home from the station. Two days later he broke it off. I should have listened to my intuition—this was a sign that he didn’t really care about my well-being. To make things worse, I also found out he’d been cheating on me, something I’d suspected and had been ignoring, simply because I didn’t want it to be true.

    You’d have thought these were large enough rocks to make me start off down a different path. But we got back together eight months later. We had a few more happy years together, and life was good. We were both expanding in our careers, enjoying life, and making plans. But I knew in my heart something still wasn’t right. He would feel cold and distant at times, pulling away as I drew closer. I held onto any brief moments of connection, hoping these would outweigh the times where I felt the rift between us. I saw the potential for deep love in his heart space. But he kept it so protected. Looking back, I can see that the healer in me had made it my mission to try and crack his heart open. Did it work? No. I knew I deserved more, and felt I’d become someone else to fit into the relationship. I’d even started to put leave dates in my calendar on my phone; as in, if it’s not better by this date . . . then I’ll leave. But these dates came and went and I stayed put.

    Time for Illustration to roll out the boulders, in the form of two major random accidents in our home that triggered the process of us finally breaking up for good. The first was another flooding! Our basement flat in London flooded from heavy rain, with sewer water everywhere. Our flat needed new floors and had to be repainted, the inconvenience putting the relationship under strain as we began to bicker and turn on each other. At the time I found myself asking, Why do I keep getting flooded? What is this trying to say to me? I can now see that the flooding symbolized the washing away of what was stopping me from being my authentic self: in this case a deadend relationship. Since I had ignored previous signs, Illustration brought in destruction and chaos to kick-start my reactivation and my connection back to my inner truth.

    But still I didn’t leave. Which meant Illustration had to throw a final boulder to get our attention. This time it literally woke us up. We were fast asleep when a car crashed into our apartment at 6am in the morning. I’ll never forget the noise of brick caving in and the smell of burnt rubber; the dread seeping in as I pictured somebody dead at the wheel in our living room. Luckily the car hadn’t gone all the way into the apartment, but there was extensive damage (the driver fled the scene). The tension and arguments following the crash, as we dealt with insurers and managed the extensive repairs, led to the end of the relationship. I was an emotional wreck trying to keep it all together, literally crying on the bathroom floor, questioning why this was happening to me. Moving back in with my Mum, both of us single, was not what I’d envisioned to mark the beginning of my

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