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Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar
Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar
Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar
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Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar

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All is well in the Blackwoods Coven until news of mysterious killings in Lakeshore reach Redwater. To ensure the safety of the covens, Claire, Naomi, Dex and Aiden journey north to face a this new threat. In Everton, the stakes are higher than ever as political tensions rise and Malik is left to deal with th

Release dateNov 21, 2020
Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar

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    Book preview

    Blackwoods the Outcast of Azmar - Teressa J Martin

    The Blackwoods Series

    Blackwoods: The Beginning

    Blackwoods: The Blades of Redwater

    Blackwoods: The Outcast of Azmar

    Other Books by Teressa J. Martin



    Teressa J. Martin


    Adaline McMillan

    Copyright © 2020 Teressa J. Martin and Adaline McMillan

    The right of Teressa J. Martin and Adaline McMillan to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    Names: Martin, Teressa J.; McMillan, Adaline, author

    Title: Blackwoods: The Outcast of Azmar / Teressa J. Martin and Adaline McMillan

    Identifiers: ISBN 978-1-950277-15-5

    Cover design by Teressa J. Martin

    Map design by Teressa J. Martin

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events herein are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.

    All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

    —As you like it, Act 2, Scene 7


    Part One





























    Part Two













    Part Three


























    About the Authors

    Part One


    Dear Reader,

    The timeline in Blackwoods: The Outcast of Azmar gets fairly… complicated. Up until now, the year system has not been entirely relevant, but time plays a very important role in this book. At the end of The Blades of Redwater, our two main locations, Blackwoods and Everton, are not congruent in the timeline. Because of this, we have put the current month and year under each chapter heading.

    Here is a list of the months in order:

    Celestial Moons

    Ethereal Moons

    Green Moons

    Flowering Moons

    Garden Moons

    Oasis Moons

    Sapphire Moons

    Blazing Moons

    Crystal Moons

    Sacred Moons

    Dark Moons

    Cobalt Moons

    At the start of our series in The Beginning, it is the year 4567, and we end that book in 4574. We start The Blades of Redwater in 4577. By the end of that book, our cast in Blackwoods is in the Flowering Moons, while Everton is in the Celestial Moons. Both are in the year 4577.

    We regret that we cannot put all the maps in this book, but rest assured that the maps, timeline, and a list of the months will always be available—for your convenience—at

    For those of you that have been waiting a year for this book and need a quick refresher on what’s happened so far, here is a brief catch up.

    Claire joined the Blackwoods Coven at sixteen after living in an orphanage in Everton following the mysterious death of her parents. She had visions of the coven for years before Vincent, the leader of the Blackwoods Coven, found her. She is now twenty-five.

    Naomi, Vincent’s daughter and an empath, entered the Blackwood’s Coven seven years after it was founded resulting in the first trial and Blayne’s death. Naomi is now twenty-three, and Vincent is forty-eight.

    Claire and Vlad were in a romantic relationship.

    Dex is a beast master who once had a pack of five wolves under his command. His first familiar, Fen, was killed by Claire when he attacked Vlad and turned on Claire. The incident left Vlad’s leg permanently injured. Dex is now twenty-five.

    Claire and Dex were best friends before Fen’s death, but their friendship ended in the aftermath of the attack. As of the end of The Blades of Redwater, their friendship has been repaired.

    Dex’s little brothers, twins named Greg and Jorgen, joined the coven before Naomi’s arrival in The Beginning. They are now sixteen.

    Aiden, gifted with the power of astral projection, is now a member of the Blackwoods Coven. He is now twenty-eight.

    Claire, guilt-ridden over Fen’s death and the possibility of Vlad dying in a trial, convinced Vlad to escape the coven. In his attempt to escape, Vlad died.

    Claire, as a result of her aid in getting Vlad to escape the trial, has no powers for the next year.

    When our Core Four plus Sam fought and won against the Healers of the King (the heart-eating cult that was making its home in Redwater), they did not kill all of the remaining members in Easthaven. Sam is now twenty-nine.

    Aiden and Naomi have mated.

    Malik is the leader of the Carrion Coven, the oldest coven in Easthaven. It is 404 years old and resides in Everton, and Malik himself is 439.

    The relationship between Easthaven and the neighboring country of Atrana is currently strained.

    Giles is now the Minister of Easthaven as a result of the recent assassination of Mattias, the previous Minister.

    In Everton, Delia has been kidnapped by the Delegate Piers, who was suspiciously murdered while holding her captive. Our culprit has now taken custody of Delia and her whereabouts are unknown. Delia is 421 years old.

    Luke, a member of Dawn (an 800-year-old coven in Azmar), is still in Everton helping Malik and other Carrion members find her.


    Ethereal Moons, 4604

    Kasto exited the vehicular unit and laid a tentative hand on Tony’s shoulder, and Tony arched an eyebrow at him. Come on, I’ll walk you home, Kasto said.

    Tony nodded as they walked together to the front of the building, and Kasto untied Kramer from his post. Just as he did every day, he grabbed the reins of his horse and walked Tony back to the orphanage. He walked much slower than usual, taking a moment to think about his words before he said them. He couldn’t remember the last time he thought so carefully about what he was going to say to someone. Tony stared down at his feet as they walked, as if the grains of sand that gathered on the roads of Arkukkari were the most intriguing thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

    You remember yesterday when I told you to not be rude to the contractors? Kasto asked.

    Tony looked up at the sound of his voice, his eyes a little wistful.

    I know, I understand, he said. And he did understand, abstractly. But Kasto was not in a position to tell him to control himself at work.

    No. One day, Tony, you’re going to be above them. And on that day, you can be as rude as you please. But until then, you have to be level with them.

    Tony glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. He was considering his words, Kasto could see that. No matter how much the boy liked to argue, Tony wasn’t stupid.

    They’ll fire you if you don’t. Trust me.

    Tony snorted. Oh, I know your history. I am fully aware, believe me. But my idea was good, you said so yourself.

    I know, and I want to fight him, too. You just have to wait until you’re his boss to fight him. Then, and only then, you can make all the calls.

    It’s unfair, Tony said, kicking the ground and making a cloud of sand fly into the air. I should be able to tell him when he’s being ignorant. I shouldn’t have to wait.

    Kasto stopped walking, and Kramer neighed at the sudden halt. You leave that to your mentor for now.

    Then you’ll get fired, and I really don’t want to have to get used to another one of you.

    Kasto rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, pain coating his face. You will be great, Tony. Just don’t ruin it while you’re young.

    Tony’s brow furrowed. When did Kasto start talking like this? You really think so?

    Yes. And I have lived a long life, so you can trust that I’m being honest.

    Tony nodded, looking back down at the ground as he started to walk again, expecting Kasto to start tugging Kramer along with them.

    Hey, what do you think about— he started, but when he looked back, no one was standing there. There was only Kramer, his reins hanging loose, swaying back and forth in the wind.


    Flowering Moons, 4577

    Naomi’s dress was Paralian in every sense of the word, regal yet simple. It was made of all-white fabric—something that Naomi requested because her mother’s wedding gown had been white—and it had an elegant train. Intricate patterns of lace covered the corseted bodice, and the long, flowing sleeves were translucent against her pale skin. She was standing in Farrah’s cabin in front of a full-length mirror, and she hadn’t moved from that spot all morning.

    As she stared at herself, all she could see was her mother staring back at her. Everything from her auburn hair to her icy blue eyes reminded Naomi of her, and for the first time in a long time, she was only drawn to the memories of when her mother was alive. 

    Claire came up behind her and smiled, placing her hands on Naomi’s shoulders. Farrah had worked tirelessly over the past few weeks on Naomi’s dress for the ceremony, and Naomi couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful gown she’d ever seen. Farrah watched as Claire finished lacing up the dress with a proud smile on her face, and Naomi took a deep breath as she smoothed out the front of her dress.

    You look amazing, Farrah said, her thick Paralian accent covering every word.

    Naomi turned to look at her. Her smile hadn’t left her face since she woke up that morning. With all the events that transpired just a month before, this ceremony was a welcome and happy distraction to liven up the coven yet again. They had all been buzzing about it since Naomi and Aiden mated.

    Everyone except Vincent, of course. Naomi couldn’t help her widening grin as she thought back to his reaction. Yes, her father had known there was a possibility she’d be mated one day, but he had not anticipated it happening this soon. Also, she was his daughter.

    Thank you, Naomi replied, meeting Farrah’s bright green eyes in the mirror.

    Claire took a step back to ensure that the dress was laced correctly. Once she nodded, Naomi turned to face her, a half-grin resting on her face.

    Honestly, how do you think Aiden is doing right now? Naomi asked. Naomi hadn’t been in love with Aiden when they mated, and she knew he hadn’t been in love with her, either. In a way, matings were almost like arranged marriages. Even so, given what mating required, you at least had to like someone before it happened.

    With all that had happened with the Healers of the King and helping Aiden become accustomed to coven life over the past four months, she couldn’t help but fall in love with him. They were going to be together for potentially a thousand years and more, and yes, that was insane for even Naomi to even think about. She’d been only twenty-two when she arrived, but at the time, she hadn’t understood what being frozen in time would really be like. She’d been part of her coven for almost four years, but she didn’t look any older. Sometimes—even with the warmth of the magic wrapping around her like a blanket on the coldest of winter days—the reality of being here still caught her off guard. 

    At least we’ll always be pretty, Aiden had said when they talked about their impending millennia. Claire had said the exact same thing once, which had only made Naomi laugh hysterically. She couldn’t help it; she was nervous. Every time she worried about whether or not mating so soon had been the right thing for them, all she had to do was look into Aiden’s eyes. He could reassure her without words, and he settled something inside her. He was her other half, and as the magic danced in the air around her, she knew that was true.   

    A throat cleared behind the three women, and they all spun around to see Vincent standing in the doorway. His eyes were locked onto his daughter, and he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. Looking at her brought tears to his eyes as the rest of the room fell away. Claire purposefully averted her gaze to give them privacy, but Farrah watched as Vincent pulled his daughter into his arms.

    You look beautiful, he whispered. Your mother would be over the moons seeing you.

    She hugged him back, hoping he was right. She would have given anything to have her mother with her today. It was ironic, however. That being at the coven—with her father, Claire, Aiden, and everyone else she loved so dearly –– was the result of her mother’s death. There were days when she wondered if she would be here if it hadn’t happened, and that wondering made her stomach churn with guilt. She also knew that if the coven was going to call her no matter what, she would have had to abandon her mother, and maybe that would have been worse. Whatever the circumstances, she was here, and she couldn’t change what had happened as much as she wanted to. 

    Thank you, Dad, she whispered, willing herself not to cry. Naomi finally smiled tightly and stepped back to look at her father. He was usually dressed in nicer clothing that resembled what elites wore in Everton, but even this was over the top, and that made her smile grow. His shirt was cream-colored, but it was barely visible under his cream and gold wrap that went around his shoulders and hung off the right side of his body. His pants matched with gold embellishments that were tucked into brown, knee-high boots. 

    Vincent cleared his throat, composing himself. She looked so much like Kate, especially now. He looked to Farrah and Claire before nodding at them. It’s almost time, he said.

    Naomi looked to the two other women in the room. Farrah had outdone herself with their dresses. Farrah was dressed in her favorite gown from Paralia. It was a forest green to beige gradient dress that sat just off her shoulders, and the strips of fabric around her upper arms had long, flowing pieces of cloth hanging down. The cool beige stood in stark contrast to Farrah’s lightly warmed skin, and the green almost matched her eyes. 

    She had also made Claire a dress, and even though Claire had grumbled about it, she didn’t look so upset now. Farrah made it in more of a traditional Easthaven style since Paralian dresses were often rather extravagant. Claire’s dress was a dark, matte grey that was tight-fitting on the top with thin straps and only slightly flared past the waist. It was a grey that managed not to clash with her light olive skin and violet toned hair, which had been an impressive feat in and of itself.

    Claire glanced down at herself, which had Naomi releasing a very Claire-like snort. 

    Well, Claire said with a shrug. If we’re done primping, I suppose it’s time to get you officially mated. 

    To Aiden, Sam said, lifting his glass.

    To Aiden, Dex repeated, lifting his own and drinking all the amber liquid that sat inside.

    Aiden followed suit, but he set his glass down in the kitchen while the other two men refilled their own. Sam raised an eyebrow at him, but Aiden only smiled back. 

    Vincent said it was almost time, we should get ready to head out there, Aiden said, answering Sam’s questioning glance.

    Yes, Dex said. Enough time for one more drink. He’s going to get the girls, and you know that’ll take longer than he expects. 

    Aiden sighed and grabbed his glass from the counter before rejoining them. Dex smirked as he filled Aiden’s glass to the brim with more whiskey.

    What are we toasting to this time? Aiden asked.

    Sam chuckled before saying, To Aiden forever being on trial because he’s mated with Vincent’s daughter. 

    And to the fact that he can’t escape Vincent’s wrath with the sweet release of death, Dex added.

    They ignored Aiden’s harsh glare as the three of them downed their drinks. 

    There was a scratching at the front door, and Scout entered the cabin at Dex’s low whistle. He walked up to his master first before pushing his head against Aiden’s shoulder. Aiden jumped a little before slowly reaching up to awkwardly pat Scout on the head. Aiden was surprised, still, that he was friends with Dex. Not because Dex was someone he could never see himself normally being friends with, but because this meant he got attention from ginormous, terrifying wolves. 

    He says, ‘congratulations’, Dex said.

    Thanks, buddy, Aiden said hesitantly, wondering if he’d ever get used to Dex’s familiars. He still suspected that the answer was a resounding absolutely not, but maybe one day. If I’m blackout drunk, he thought wryly. 

    We should get out there, Sam said. The other two men—and Scout—nodded and followed him out of Dex’s cabin and into the courtyard. The table in the center was already turned into a stage, but Vincent wasn’t outside yet. No one actually knew what the protocol was for this, but Aiden knew he had to stand on the stage.

    His heart stuttered a little in his chest, considering what that stage was usually made for. He looked back at Sam, who shrugged. The rest of the coven members were already outside and dressed in formalwear. Sam and Dex stood at the front, on the left side of the stage, as Aiden settled in front of them, wringing his hands. Seeing everyone out here, Aiden suddenly realized this was really happening. His heart stuttered again, but for the right reasons this time.

    Claire and Farrah stepped out of Farrah’s cabin. They stood at the front of the crowd on the right side of the stage. As Claire stopped beside Dex, he looked over at her and smiled. He never imagined that he’d see her in a gown, but he wasn’t surprised that it had taken something like this to make it happen. He suspected that if this ceremony had been for anyone but Naomi, it wouldn’t have. He let out a high-pitched whistle, and the rest of his familiars came running. Copper and Dru stood between Dex and Claire, while the rest of Dru’s children stood on the outskirts of the coven members. Dru’s massive head dipped down to nuzzle Claire’s shoulder. Smiling, Claire reached up and scratched behind Dru’s ear until Dex bumped Dru to get her to behave. With an annoyed sniff, she shook out her fur and stood upright while Claire shot Dex an irritated glance out of the corner of her eye.

    Dex looked around his wolves to speak to Claire. How much longer do we have to wait?

    Claire shrugged and gave him a light smile. Vincent’s in there with her. They deserved a moment together before coming out here.

    Do you know what we should be expecting?

    The smile fell from her face as she shook her head. Vincent doesn’t even know what mating ceremonies are like. Only May knows what’s about to happen.

    Dex sighed, watching Farrah’s cabin doors. He was pretty certain Vincent had some idea what they were like, but that he simply hadn’t divulged the information.

    Everyone’s heads turned in unison, almost like they weren’t in control. Dex could feel the pull of magic in the air, and it was different from anything he’d ever felt before. It was sparkling and shimmering all around the courtyard, sending shivers up and down his spine. Vincent opened the doors and offered his arm to his daughter. She took it and followed him onto the stage before Vincent found his place in the middle, and she stood toward the right. She looked at Claire, beaming. As Naomi settled in her spot across from Aiden, the bright smile that had been on her face when she’d met his glimmering eyes fell away, replaced by the blank expression shared by everyone around her.

    Claire couldn’t imagine being in her position. Sure, this was exciting. She was spending the rest of her life with someone she loved, but there was so much attention on Naomi. She had enjoyed planning all of this, but Claire would do her best to avoid this ceremony at all costs if she ever mated. Her eyes moved to Vincent as he closed his eyes. When he opened them, they were glowing white. 

    Naomi looked only at Aiden, though she wanted to look out on the crowd to see where the mass of bright light was coming from. Aiden was in the same trance. He looked at her with his brows pressed together. He wanted to ask her what was happening, but he couldn’t speak.

    The magic of the coven influences everything in our lives, Vincent said, but it wasn’t Vincent. That was his voice during trials. Naomi’s heart began to race as her palms became slick with sweat. Why was he talking like that? Why were there many voices leaving her father’s mouth? This wasn’t a trial. He wouldn’t hurt her. He wouldn’t let the magic do that to her. Still, she couldn’t look at anything or anyone but Aiden, and really, she didn’t want to. All she could focus on between one breath and the next was him and the magic sparking around them. 

    Who we spend our lives with is no different, Vincent and his voices continued. The coven has chosen each of you to be here, but they only choose some of us to remain forever. The magic has chosen Naomi and Aiden to remain as long as the coven survives. He paused, his chin jerking up to face the members in front of him. He wouldn’t remember this until it was over; but everyone’s eyes were glowing a pure, bright white, even the wolves’.

    The magic was still holding Aiden and Naomi in place, but they were aware of everything happening. The magic didn’t take hold of them exactly as it did with everyone else. It was like it wanted them to remember this—and only them.

    You are meant to spend the rest of your days together, the coven members said in unison, joining the chorus of Vincent’s many voices. You are meant to make it. You will achieve true happiness together, for one thousand years and more.

    Naomi and Aiden stepped toward each other, forced together by the magic. Aiden reached out to hold her hand. Finally, it let him speak. We’re okay, he said, though he sounded like he was still trying to convince himself of that.

    We are, Naomi said slowly. This is just very odd.

    Aiden chuckled. I love you, he said.

    I love you, too.

    He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. While the magic was influencing him to do it, he wanted nothing more in that moment. He squeezed her hand, and that same mix of yellow and blue light erupted from them as it had when they mated. Unlike then, this light was far more intense and all-consuming. It felt like it was powering all the energy surrounding them—like it was giving something back to the coven. They didn’t feel any weaker, though. They only felt empowered by the light that was radiating from them. That was when everyone came back to consciousness, the magic releasing its hold. 

    Claire didn’t exactly remember what happened, and she wondered if it was the same for everyone else. All she could remember was the moment before she blacked out and now this moment in front of her. Their kiss, the lights, and the magic. Claire had been told what the mating process was like, but seeing those bright lights emanating from two of her closest friends was very different from being told what it looked like. She looked to her left to see Dex looking at her with a raised eyebrow. 

    She only smiled at him and looked back at her best friend. Her forehead was resting against Aiden’s, huge smiles overtaking both of their faces. Vincent couldn’t help but smile at them as well. 

    He cleared his throat, his eyes no longer glowing and his normal voice returning, and said, Congratulations. I assume, normally, it isn’t customary for me to speak after the ceremony is over; but, for you, Naomi, I must. When you came here many years ago, it was one of the happiest days of my life, only outranked by the day you were born. I never thought I could see you again, let alone have the opportunity to see you grow up into the amazing woman you have become. I love you, my daughter. He paused, his smile growing sad. Your mother smiles down on you today. She would be even more proud of you than I am.

    Naomi wrapped her arms around her father’s shoulders, a single tear falling down her face. Sometimes she forgot that he was more than just her coven leader. Sometimes everyone forgot that Vincent was human, at the end of the day. His normally stoic demeanor was enough to fool anyone, but it was always nice for Naomi to see the man she’d grown up knowing. He squeezed her once before stepping away to smile down at her. 

    Now that that’s over, Vincent said, let the festivities begin. As he said it, the stage went flush with the rest of the courtyard, slowly enough so those standing on it could hold their balance. The suns were setting past the horizon, and the torches lit up the courtyard. Vincent gestured for Naomi’s cabin doors to open. He walked to it and called out to Jorgen and Sam. Together, the three of them pushed Naomi’s piano out into the courtyard. Vincent leaned down to press a button on the underside of it, and it started to play music automatically. 

    Vincent turned to see Naomi staring at him, her mouth agape. Didn’t know it could do that? he asked.

    Naomi shook her head. That’s incredible.

    It is.

    Not long after, various members started to pair off to dance. Naomi joined her group of friends on the other side of the courtyard. 

    That was just beautiful, Abby said. You and Aiden are just so cute together! I can’t stand it. I’m also a little jealous. You get to spend forever with him now! That’s just so exciting.

    Claire, Sam, and Aiden all snickered at her. Dex just looked at her with an eyebrow raised. Thank you, Abby, Naomi said sweetly.

    I hope I get one of those someday. No one could miss the glance she gave Greg, Dex’s little brother. Greg and his twin, Jorgen, were standing with Farrah, Cornelia, May, and Eulick. 

    Go talk to him, Claire said, nudging Abby’s side, because, in all honesty, she thought it was cute. 

    Abby’s cheeks grew red, but she nodded and headed over to Greg. 

    Naomi looked at Aiden quickly before focusing on the rest of the people around her. What was that ceremony, anyway? I thought Aiden and I were doomed there for a moment.

    What do you mean? You guys just kissed and glowed excessively, Dex said, raising his drink to his lips.

    Aiden frowned at Dex. No. Vincent—the magic, whatever—gave a whole spiel about how we’re meant to be here. Then all of your eyes went white, and you talked with him.

    You must not remember, Naomi said. Dad said he didn’t remember his first trial, so that could be it. Taking in their troubled looks, she almost wanted to project her power, but she resisted the urge when Claire just shook her head.

    "Of course the coven just has to make everything creepy," Claire muttered. 

    Naomi smiled. We’re going to ignore it, aren’t we?

    Sam nodded, raising his glass. At least until tomorrow.

    The men walked away from the group to the drink table that Vincent had just finished setting up with Cornelia and Marcus. Claire watched as Vincent smiled at Aiden, placing a hand on his shoulder before turning back to Marcus. Marcus was Dex’s roommate. 

    The next hour passed with Naomi and Aiden speaking to everyone in the coven. They all congratulated them, and it kind of confused Naomi. Sure, this was essentially a wedding, but it wasn’t. They didn’t have anything else to base this event on, though, so everyone went with the customs of the normal world. 

    The ceremony paralleled the beauty of my own, May said, her pitch changing with every word. Her Solarian accent was still strong, but it was now much easier to understand than when she first arrived. Farrah had made her dress, too, but it was a Solarian summer dress rather than a gown with influences from Easthaven or Paralia. The teal in the dress matched her one teal eye, and the color stood in vivid contrast to her bright red hair.

    Eulick was standing close to May, nodding quickly. I’ve never seen anything like it! Eulick was one of the oddest members at Blackwoods. He had what had been a rapidly receding hairline with red eyes that seemed to bore right through you. If his skin hadn’t been so pale he was almost see-through, the effect wouldn’t have been so severe.

    Are the ceremonies always like that? Aiden asked.

    Ah, yes, it was very different as a bystander this time. I remember what it was like in your position. I was simply terrified! But I loved my mate more than anything.

    Aiden looked at Naomi and smiled. Excuse us, May, Eulick, he said, nodding to both of them and grabbing Naomi’s hand, leading her in between two cabins.

    What is it? she asked.

    Aiden reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out two simple rings. I know these don’t mean a lot in this circumstance, but…

    She smiled widely and reached out to grab the smaller of the two rings. They were golden, simple bands that were perfectly matching. They’re wonderful, she said.

    My mom gave them to me when I told her. She then threw a fit when I told her that we ‘wanted to elope in Paralia,’ but she was very happy to hear I was finally settling down. They were originally my mom and dad’s rings before they, uh, upgraded. Gold wasn’t terribly uncommon in Easthaven, but once Aiden’s parents started to make money, his father replaced their original rings with Solarian metals. Solaris was known for having the rarest and most beautiful metals in the world. Aiden took the ring back from Naomi and slid it onto her ring finger on her left hand, and Naomi did the same for him. He kissed her softly, placing his left hand on the side of her face.

    Pulling back, he gave her a crooked smile. If you’ll excuse me, it is time for us to get drunk and dance now.

    Naomi laughed sweetly, nodding. After getting a couple of drinks and dancing to a few songs, Naomi parted from her mate and approached Dex. He was standing off to the side by the drink table. Where his familiars were, she had no idea. 

    How’s it going? he asked.

    Very well, she said, doing her best not to slur.

    He laughed. It appears so. She noticed Dex look up and glance at Claire, who was standing across the courtyard talking to Abby. Rather, she was listening to Abby talk. She also noticed that many people had already gone inside. There were probably only twelve people left dancing or talking.

    You should dance with her, Naomi said.

    Dex’s eyes widened and all the color drained from his face, making him just about as pale as Eulick. What? Who? Abby’s too young for me, Dex said a little too quickly.

    Claire. You’d be doing her a favor. Abby’s the sweetest, but you know she talks way too much for Claire’s liking.

    Everyone talks too much for Claire’s liking.

    Naomi only stared back at him, the most innocent of looks plastered on her face.

    Dex looked down at her, furrowing his brow. You could always go rescue her.

    You see, I could, but I have a mate to dance with. She moved to join Aiden at the center of the courtyard before Dex could protest any further. He watched as Aiden snaked his arm around her waist, using his other hand to take hers. They swayed back and forth to the lively music. Dex looked down at his glass full of whiskey, thinking about what Naomi said. He cursed under his breath before downing the rest of its contents, setting it down on the nearest table and striding across the courtyard. 

    Dex! Abby exclaimed. Isn’t this the most fun you’ve had in a while?

    Dex smiled at her. It is, but I was hoping I could talk to Claire for a second.

    Claire arched an eyebrow at him. Abby only nodded and skipped off to Farrah and Cornelia. Claire said, Thanks, but I can handle enthusiastic teenagers on my own.

    Do you want to dance? Dex asked, cutting off whatever Claire was about to say next. It sounded sharper than he intended and slightly more like a demand than he’d meant it to.

    Claire couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her mouth as her eyes roamed over him. She forced her gaze back to his face before he noticed what she was doing, but by the way his dark blue eyes had grown even darker, she thought he might have already noticed. 

    How drunk are you? she asked, resting a hand on her hip.

    He shrugged as if his cool appraisal of her wasn’t heating her cheeks. Not very. I figured we won’t get another one of these for a long time. Might as well enjoy it.

    She couldn’t argue with that, but by the look on Dex’s face, it didn’t look like dancing was his idea of a good time. However, she was feeling the alcohol much more than she’d let on and even though she’d never have admitted it out loud, she wanted to dance. She jerked her head toward the center of the courtyard. He followed her to the center, next to Naomi. The pace of the music slowed down, and Naomi just nodded at Claire. Dex extended his hand, and Claire took it. He gripped her low on her waist, and she placed her other hand on his shoulder. 

    Claire couldn’t help but glance at Naomi. She looked so happy. Aiden leaned in to kiss her as she wrapped both her arms him. 

    As they danced, her mind started to wander, and she let herself notice just how right it felt to be in Dex’s arms. But she ignored that, choosing to focus on how good he smelled instead, which was another mistake. She needed to think about something else, and it took everything in her not to think about their proximity. She didn’t want to feel awkward—or maybe she did, because that meant… something. She didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she smiled, and tried to focus on the alcohol that was swimming through her veins or the faint smell of earth that she knew so well.

    They seem almost too happy, Dex whispered, leaning in close to Claire’s ear.

    The sudden closeness almost made her jump. His lips quirked, which only made her heart beat like an angry drum against her ribs. 

    Yeah, I just have a feeling I’m going to need to make myself very scarce this evening, she whispered back, letting their cheeks brush as she pulled back to face him. He pulled her closer, and she thought that might have been yet another mistake as her cheeks flushed.

    Dex took a moment to glance to his left, being as discreet as possible. I think you’re right.

    Alcohol and newlyweds are an interesting combination.

    Dex returned to his full height and smiled down at her. Well, my couch is always an option, if you want.

    She smiled. Thanks. I might take you up on that, depending on when they go inside.

    It is getting late.

    Claire looked to their left. The music was shutting down, and Sam pushed the piano back inside Naomi and Claire’s cabin. It looked like Sam was struggling, and Claire guessed his enhanced strength was diminished when he was drunk. Even more people began going inside.

    Sam saluted Aiden and Naomi. Well, you two look amazing, but it is time for bed, he slurred. 

    Aiden chuckled at his best friend. Goodnight, bud.

    Goodnight, happy couple! Sam yelled into the sky as he closed his front door. The only people left were Vincent, Claire, Dex, Naomi, and Aiden.

    This place is a mess, Dex said. 

    I’ll clean it. You lot go to bed, Vincent said.

    Naomi strolled up to her father and gave him a strong hug and kissed him on the cheek. Thanks, Dad.

    Anything for you, he whispered.

    Naomi pulled Claire into a hug next. I’ll let you have the cabin to yourself tonight, Claire whispered, making sure Vincent couldn’t hear. I know it might be a long one for you.

    Naomi scoffed, pulling away. "Please. I am exhausted."

    Claire lightly clapped Naomi’s shoulder. Sure, honey. Go get some rest.

    Dex and Aiden nodded at each other. Aiden took Naomi’s hand and led her into her cabin. 

    Today was amazing, she said, leaning into him. 

    He gave her a peck on the cheek. It was. I’m happy. He moved away from her and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. He filled them both with water and handed one to her.

    She took a couple of sips from it before looking back up at him. He was standing a foot or two away from her, and it was starting to make her feel awkward. She’d been alone with him, even spent the night with him many times since they mated; but something about tonight felt odd. Maybe it was the fact that everything was so real now, or that the entire coven was aware specifically of what was going to happen behind closed doors that night. 

    Hey, Aiden said slowly, setting his glass down and wrapping both arms around her. He smirked at her and kissed her forehead. Get that scared look off your face.

    She laughed, craning her neck up to look at him. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    I know it’s awkward, but it’s only me.

    You’re right. It’s just… weird.

    Weirdly official?


    It’s not like this night is any different from the many we’ve had before. He smirked. Come on. That dress looks like it’s hard to breathe in.

    She nodded. You’d be right.

    He led her into her bedroom. She looked down at her bed and back up at Aiden. She turned her back toward him, moving her auburn hair over her shoulder to expose the corset backing of her gown.

    With careful fingers, Aiden unlaced the ribbons holding her dress together. Once he was finished, the dress pooled around her feet. He stifled a gasp when he saw that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She turned around, all awkwardness leaving her and a wave of confidence taking over, and pulled him down to kiss her. His heart jumped as he placed his hands on her sides and moved them slowly down her body. She would always be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen or touched. She made him want to be the best man he could. For her, he would be. He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved her toward her bed, slowly laying her down.

    He broke their kiss as he took off his jacket and discarded it. She untucked his shirt and ran her hands up his sculpted body. He leaned back down and kissed her hard as one of his hands tangled itself into her hair and pulled. She responded in kind, taking her hands out of his shirt and pulling him down closer to her. He tore himself away from her lips and stood above her, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it by his jacket. Using one hand to unbutton his pants, he moved his other hand between her legs and rocked it against her. 

    She sighed happily as he continued to move his hand. After successfully removing his pants, his free hand roamed her body before settling on her chest. He pressed his mouth against hers again, grazing her bottom lip with his tongue. She opened her mouth and kissed him harder, her arms circling his neck as she moved her hips upward. Both of his hands moved to her hips to line them up with his. He pushed forward, and she sighed as he entered. 

    He moved against her, quickly finding his pace. She raised her hips to meet his with every stroke, and they relished in the feeling of their bodies joined together. The air started to stir around them, and the smell of fresh water permeated the moving air. Her hands moved up to his shoulders before grating down his back, causing him to let out a moan. 

    He leaned down to meet her lips in a fervent kiss. She wrapped her hands around his neck before running one hand through his hair. I love you, she whispered against his lips.

    I love you, he whispered back.

    The pressure built between them, and Naomi’s gaze locked with his. The pressure was almost too much to stand before they both finally let it wash over them. 

    Lying together afterward, Aiden ran his fingers slowly through Naomi’s hair. 

    You’re right, you know, he said softly.

    I know, she whispered back. But about what?

    It is weirdly official. He lifted her left hand and absently rubbed his thumb over the ring on her finger.

    I like it, though. Even if this was an arranged marriage.

    She heard the rumble of laughter erupt in his chest. You like it. Don’t lie. Even if things were different.

    She shrugged. I don’t know, you’re a little too sarcastic for my taste.

    He opened his mouth as if he were offended. That’s hurtful, Naomi. I am hurt.

    She laughed softly before placing a light kiss on his lips. The kiss quickly turned into more, and she moved slowly on top of him as she whispered, I love you.

    Looks like it’s just you and me, Dex said to Claire as Aiden closed the doors to Naomi and Claire’s cabin.

    Well, and Vincent, Claire said quietly. 

    Dex smirked. Do you want to get out of here?

    Claire laughed. Where to? It’s almost midnight.

    I know a place that happens to look great at midnight. Giant pool of water, rushing waterfall, a brand new rock staircase that yours truly formed with his own powers?

    Staircase? When’d you put that in?

    When the rope ladder finally broke last week.

    Claire sucked air in through her teeth. Yeah, that will do it.

    Dex smiled. So, what do you say? Midnight lagoon trip?

    That actually sounds nice, she said. As she looked back to her cabin, she let out a short laugh. Dex only smiled and started to lead her toward their favorite place in the world. Here recently, they started going back to the lagoon at least once a week. They both stumbled through the woods with full glasses of alcohol, tripping and laughing together as the wolves escorted them the rest of the way there. As they reached the staircase, Dex let out a low whistle. The pack receded into the woods, but Claire knew they wouldn’t stray too far from their master. 

    She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t impressed with the new staircase Dex had built. If only they’d been able to do that ten years ago, then they wouldn’t have had to worry that the ladder would break every time they’d come down there. It was truly expertly made, but she’d never tell him that so easily. 

    They settled down on the side of the riverbank. It was approaching early spring, but the water was still too cold to swim in. Plus, they were in formalwear. She wouldn’t even consider getting into it anyway, even if the water sparkled like nothing she’d ever seen before. Her heart fluttered as she thought about the first time she saw it in person after having visions about it for so many years. She smiled at the thought as she looked over to Dex to find his eyes already on her.

    Creep, she muttered, trying to ignore the blush growing on her cheeks.

    He smirked at her. Tonight was fun, he said. His cheeks were flushed with alcohol, and Claire realized how close he was sitting next to her. If she moved just a little, their shoulders would brush.

    I agree. It’s a nice reprieve from everything too, she said softly.

    Yeah, I wonder whatever happened to the Healers of the King.

    Claire shrugged. I’m just glad they’re not our problem anymore.


    A blanket of silence fell over them as they sat comfortably, just staring out onto the water. Dex made a small movement to the right so their shoulders were pressed together. Claire’s instinct was to move away, but she quickly settled and leaned into him a little. She turned her head up to look at him and smiled, quickly trying to hide it as he turned his eyes to meet hers. Her vision was blurry, and she could feel herself swaying a bit. Leaning against Dex steadied and calmed her, and even made her feel a little more sober. As she realized that they were still staring into each other’s eyes, slowly moving toward each other, she heard a loud exhale come from behind them. 

    As if they’d been caught, they jumped apart from each other to see Blue sitting with her head cocked to the side and one ear up in the air. Dex and Claire breathed out a laugh, looking awkwardly at each other before looking back at Blue. She stood slowly and laid down so her head and front paws were in between them. Claire smiled warmly and scratched Blue behind the ear until her tongue lolled out, and Blue moved so her belly was exposed. Dex petted the wolf’s belly with a wide smile on his face.

    I guess the stairs mean that the wolves can get down here now, Claire said without moving her eyes away from Blue, simply because she felt something needed to be said. She tried not to think about what almost happened—they were drunk, and they had just left a party that was notorious for rash decision making by its guests.

    Dex cleared his throat. I did not think of that, he said, also not moving his eyes away from Blue. 

    Slowly, their eyes did meet again. His eyes were the color of the water next to them—a deep, sparkling blue that glowed at her. They were so kind and so familiar. He gave her a warm smile, a smile that she loved and had missed so much. It was the smile of her teenage best friend, and as she looked at him, she almost saw the lanky boy that she met all those years ago materialize in front of her. Her heart jumped as she tore her eyes away from his, forcing herself to look back down at Blue. She could feel Dex’s gaze still on her, but after a moment, they both just stared down at Blue with the wolf gazing back up at them. 


    Celestial Moons, 4577

    Who are you? Malik asked as Luke, Curtis, and Evelyn settled into his office. Luke had heard of Malik. He remembered John’s trepidation when the Carrion Coven was founded four hundred years ago. At the time, a coven had never been founded in the Broken Kingdoms, and the continent had been a place plagued by war and strife. Many of the older coven leaders hadn’t expected it to last, and yet, it had. 

    Something about Malik –– with his golden eyes and terra-cotta skin –– was oddly familiar. It could be that he looked like

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