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Goodbye Mandeville: A Conspiracy Theory
Goodbye Mandeville: A Conspiracy Theory
Goodbye Mandeville: A Conspiracy Theory
Ebook46 pages31 minutes

Goodbye Mandeville: A Conspiracy Theory

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Elaine, being skeptical and often demanding, was the leading scientist of a Level-4 lab in a faraway country, where their team of highly educated international scientists had secretly created and engineered the novel Coronavirus.
Release dateSep 27, 2020
Goodbye Mandeville: A Conspiracy Theory

Eliana Mason

I am very happy to help introducing my daughter's first book. Eliana (pen name) is very interested in cats, and has been volunteering with cat charity / adoption agencies locally in Los Angeles, California. She has adopted her first cat last year, and found that cats are such great companions and friends to add colors and dimensions to people's lives! By writing this book, she would like to introduce cat's behaviors and different breeds to young kids, and hope it can help convince the readers that cats are amazing... thus, perhaps more cats can be adopted and given their forever homes !!! - tyin

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    Goodbye Mandeville - Eliana Mason

    Goodbye Mandeville

    Goodbye Mandeville

    Goodbye Mandeville

    A Conspiracy Theory

    Eliana Mason

    EarthSciEdit LLC

    Goodbye Mandeville

    (A Conspiracy Theory)

    Eliana Mason

    w ith Daniel Yin

    This book is a combined work of realistic fiction and conspiracy theory of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. Names of characters, places, and incidents are being used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Percentage of proceeds goes to combating the wildfires in California.

    Copyright © 2020 by EarthSciEdit LLC

    All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (For example, electronic, photocopy, recording, etc.) without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

    First Paperback Edition: September 2020

    Mason, Eliana (Pen name)

    Goodbye Mandeville / by Eliana Mason. 1 st edition.

    Summary: Elaine was the leading scientist of a Level-4 lab in a faraway country, where their team of highly educated international scientists had secretly created the novel Coronavirus.

    ISBN 978-0-578-77096-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-0-578-77104-5 (Ebook)

    [1. Realistic fiction. 2. Scientific fiction. 3. Conspiracy theory. 4. Coronavirus. 5. COVID-19.]

    Book designed by EarthSciEdit LLC

    Printed in the United States of America

    TO -

    My two teachers from the Humanities class whom had encouraged the publication of this book.

    All the heroes battling the wildfires in California, in addition to facing challenges under the concurrent Coronavirus pandemic.


    Elaine, I need some young blood to help me carry these microscopes over to my work area. Could you help? Asked an out of breath Nick.

    Okay, but you better make me a cup of black tea in the meantime. I don’t work in this BSL-4 lab just to do your work you know. I told Nick in an annoyed tone.

    Sorry, I will get your tea quickly. He said quickly as he scurried off. Right now, we were working on a project to threaten Mandeville. We were finally making progress on this project. All of us had our own reasons for trying to wipe out Mandeville. But I was doing it because I had a personal grudge against their government. The government had robbed me of living a normal life, so I was going to punish them by taking away what they had have taken from me.

    * * *

    The project we were working on was secretly being funded by the Igan government. They were paying us billions to

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