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A Year in His Presence
A Year in His Presence
A Year in His Presence
Ebook169 pages2 hours

A Year in His Presence

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About this ebook

The purpose of writing this children's biblical training manual is twofold. First, to make available at an affordable price (for teacher and learner) a year of compiled foundational Christian character training information. Second, to simplify instruction for non-professional teachers (church school, Christian school, parents, home sch

PublisherGo To Publish
Release dateSep 29, 2020
A Year in His Presence

Audrey D. McCoy

Audrey is an experienced teacher in both public and Christian education and also is the founder, administrator, and teacher in New Generation Training for Adults, Youths, and Children (NGT-AYC), a training school for children, and weekly training sessions for youths and adults. Her experiences in teaching and ministering to the body of Christ spans over forty years. She has a passion for training people in Christlike character, Christian family building (focusing on marriage, the home and raising children), and maturing the body of Christ to be able to do the work of the ministry.

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    A Year in His Presence - Audrey D. McCoy


    A Year in His Presence

    Copyright © 2020 by Audrey D. McCoy


    ISBN: 978-1-64749-198-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher or author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    Printed in the United States of America

    GoToPublish LLC


    A Year in



    "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

    Deuteronomy 6:6-7

    Audrey D. McCoy

    Scriptures used are taken from King James Version (KJV)

    Copyright 2007 By B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc. Used by permission and Living Bible (LB)

    Copyright 1971 used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois 60189


    Part 1 The Story of Me

    Week 1: All About Me

    Week 2: My Family

    Week 3: My Pet(s)

    Week 4: Foods I Like

    Week 5: My Favorite Toy

    Week 6: My Friends

    Week 7 – My Feelings

    Week 8 – Things I like to Do

    Week 9 – My Home

    Week 10 – My Neighbors

    Week 11 – My Church

    Week 12 – I Like the Me God Made

    Part 2 God Made the World

    Week 13 –Creation, Day 1 and 2

    Week 14 – Creation, day 3 and 4

    Week 15 – Creation, Day 5 and 6

    Week 16 – Creation, Day 7

    Week 17 – How God made Man, birds, and animals

    Week 18 – Man’s Special Job

    Week 19 – The Making of Adam’s Wife

    Part 3 God Made Us All

    Week 20 – Children Are God’s Gift

    Week 21 – God Made Different People

    Week 22 – Beginning of God’s Family

    Week 23 – People Living in God’s World

    Week 24 – Duty of Children

    Part 4 Sin

    Week 25 – Adam and Eve sin

    Week 26 – A World of Sinners

    Week 26 – We were born in Sin

    Week 28 – Understanding the Sin in Me

    Week 29 – Jesus, God’s cure for Sin

    Week 30 – The Holy Spirit My Helper

    Part 5 Getting to know the One True God

    Week 31 – The One True God

    Week 32 – God the Father

    Week 33 – God the Son

    Week 34 – God the Holy Spirit


    About the lessons

    This manual is for Christian Bible Study for children in primary grades (Kindergarten-3rd grade). Each bible truth is in weekly increments.

    Day One is Instruction. The Objective spans one week of teaching, which is logical to a child. The Set is the lesson’s beginning, which is a relevant and exciting way to get the child’s attention.

    Day Two is Application. Scripture memorization is a useful tool in enhancing bible truths.

    Day Three is Review. A second chance to hear Bible truths allow the children to participate in the lesson by sharing personal life experiences.

    Day Four is Activation. Workbook activities reinforce learning and show the relationship between the bible truth and the world of a child.

    Day Five is Reflection. The week’s learning culminates in self-discovery.

    Needed Supplies

    For Teachers:

    Pens, Pencils, Markers

    Display boards

    Erasable boards

    Attendance Sheets, Award charts (for scripture memorization)

    Stickers (student rewards)

    Magazine with a variety of pictures

    Songbook: Sing Unto the Lord! Hymns and Choruses ages 5-12. (Abeka Book, a Christian Textbook Ministry, affiliated with Pensacola Christian College) Abeka Book also carries music CDs of the same title.


    Part One – Pictures of school-age children, families, pets, toys, houses, churches, Pastors, church workers (mission workers, evangelist), food groups

    Part Two – Seven Days of Creation

    Part Three – Variety of people from around the world

    Part Four – Pictures of people doing wrong, hurtful, destructive things, etc.

    Part Five – Fruit that has skin, flesh, and seed within, Pictures of mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters in various roles

    For Children:

    Pencils, crayons, markers, modeling clay

    Magazines with a variety of pictures in them

    Paste or glue sticks

    Blank page storybooks, plain paper (These will be the children’s workbooks.)


    All About Me


    Birthdate: Age:

    Boy or Girl Nationality:

    Hair color: Eye color:

    Height: Weight:


    Family Profile for





    Grandparents (Father’s parents):

    Grandparents (Mother’s parents):






    Week 1 All About Me

    Week 2 My Family

    Week 3 My Pet(s)

    Week 4 Foods I like

    Week 5 My Favorite Toy

    Week 6 My Friend(s)

    Week 7 Feelings

    Week 8 Things I like to do

    Week 9 My Home

    Week 10 My Neighbors

    Week 11 My Church

    Week 12 I like the Me God Made

    Part 1 The Story of Me

    Part 1- The Story of Me

    Weeks 1-12

    Five - day lesson Plan

    Day 1 – Instruction

    Lesson background (scriptures for teacher preparation)

    Objective: the goal of the lesson

    Set: The restating of the lesson objective in relevant story form to spark the child’s attention.

    Lesson: Bible scripture explanation or story

    Day 2 –Application: Memory verse recitation

    Day 3 – Review

    Day 4 –Activation: Work in activity books

    Day 5 – Reflection: Think about the truths learned from this week. Students should be able to restate in their own words. Do it!

    Daily lesson outline (25 minutes)

    Worship songs (5 minutes)

    Prayer (2-3 minutes)

    Memory verse recitation (5 minutes)

    Instruction, Application, Review, Activation, and Reflection (10-15 minutes)

    Closing Prayer (2-3 minutes)

    Scripture background and Objective for

    Lessons 1-12

    Scripture background: Psalms 139:14-16

    Objective: Through guided discussion of God-given physical attributes and other things that make up a child’s life, the children will dictate one or two sentences and draw an illustration of their physical characteristics and unique elements that make up their lives.

    Week 1: All About Me

    Worship songs: Jesus Loves Me; God Made Me; The B-I-B-L-E

    Use this pattern of prayer at the beginning of each session, or you can use the one included in the day one outline of each week.

    Prayer – Pray a short prayer, in which you thank God for this day, the children, and this training session. Ask God for his grace and mercy to be extended to the children as they learn and to you, the teacher, as you teach in simplicity. Thank him for the moms and dads who lovingly bring their children here to learn about Jesus. Bless each child (call them by name, if you can), and if you know of any personal needs concerning the children, include these at this time. In Jesus name, Amen

    Memory Verse recitation: This will begin on day 2 of this week.

    Instruction: (Ps. 139:14-16)

    Set: Each one of us, we’re made to be like God. We are all to love one another, help one another, be kind, share, pray for one another, etc. We will spend some time talking about you. You get to tell me your story. Let’s begin your account by talking about a few things that describe how you look.


    How do you look? Color of your skin, eyes, hair

    What else is unique about how you look?

    What is your name? What name does your family use when

    they want to get your attention?

    How old are you? When is your birthday?

    Looking at the children here, are you taller or shorter

    than they are?

    Are you a boy or a girl?

    Note to teacher: Using the template provided, allow each child to answer as you fill in the information on their All About Me profile sheets. Include data from files or parents to expedite time. You can have children bring in a picture for their workbooks (or they can draw a picture of themselves) for use on day 4.

    Closing Prayer: (Use this pattern of prayer at the end of every session)

    The teacher should pray, giving thanks for the meeting and the student’s participation. Ask for the Father’s protection over them and their families. Pray blessings over them for the rest of the day. We pray in Jesus, Amen.

    Day 2 – Application

    Scripture background: Psalms 139:14-16

    Objective: The student will be able to repeat orally (without aide from the teacher) a portion of the memory verse.

    See day one and repeat the format for worship, prayer

    Set: How many of you know how to put on your clothes by yourself? Feed yourself? Wash up? We should learn God’s word so we can live for him and grow up to do things as Jesus did. We will start with a verse from the bible, which is all about you, God’s best work.

    Read verses to children (Ps. 139:14-16)

    Verse explanation: God is the creator. God as Creator means He is the one who makes things without the help of anyone else. The bible says he made the world and everything in it. God made each of us. He is awesome! This verse tells us that God-shaped us in our mother’s stomach. He knows what he put on the inside (heart, lungs, kidney, stomach, liver, bones, blood, etc.) and what he put on the outside of us (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs, arms, etc.). He knows all about us because he made us. We should not be sad or unhappy because of how we look. We should be thankful.

    Have children repeat the first portion of the verse until they can say without help.

    Psalms 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

    Explanation: fearfully and wonderfully = God took care (he made no mistakes) and did his very best job making us.

    Note to teacher: Complete the All About Me profile sheet for new students or those you were unable to complete yesterday. Remind children to bring a picture of him or her.

    Closing Prayer (see the example on day 1)

    Day 3 – Review

    Worship, prayer, and instruction see and follow the same procedure on Day

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