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Victorious: A Journey to 40
Victorious: A Journey to 40
Victorious: A Journey to 40
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Victorious: A Journey to 40

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How does a girl who started life with the short end of the stick grow into a woman who is filled with favor? How does a victim of abuse and trauma turn the hopeless situation into victory.

Release dateOct 20, 2020
Victorious: A Journey to 40

Manisha Holiday

Manisha Holiday is an award winning community activist, style tastemaker, and founder of a public relations and event planning company, The Holiday Firm. Each year she impacts the lives of entertainers, entrepreneurs, and business women in Atlanta, Georgia through public relations and personal development coaching. Her new book, Victorious: A Journey to Forty chronicles her personal story of heart-wrenching childhood to victorious new beginnings.

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    Victorious - Manisha Holiday




    A Journey to 40

    Manisha Holiday

    Holiday Firm Publishing









    6 MY JOY





    About The Author

    Also by Manisha Holiday

    Copyright © 2020 by Manisha Holiday

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2020



    This book is dedicated to the strongest person I know…ME!

    I also dedicate this book to my mom Jackie Richard, as the devotion and love she has shown over the years has been a  tremendous strength I could always count on in my life.

    I want to thank my husband and best friend, Andre, for his  constant love and support.

    To my grandfather Charles Holiday, Sr. you will always be the coolest grandfather in the world and will live on forever in my heart. (9-29-34 to 8-25-2020 Rest in Heaven)

    To my children, Tikoilya, Martrise, and Elijah, who are my why and they inspire me every day. Thank you for your patience and love as we journey together.

    To my brother and sister, thank you for believing in me, loving me unconditionally and supporting me every day of my life!

    To My Brother Tyrele,  I appreciate your love, kindness, support, and generosity to me and my children over the years. Thank you!

    To my late Great Grandmother Ruth Washington, and  Grandfather Henry. My praying grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins, it has been a blessing to be a part of this family, and thank you all for supporting me in different phases of my life.

    I have the best family in the world!

    To my bonus family Charles and Rita (Rest In Heaven).

    Adrian I love you forever Brother!

    Thank you My sister Lakesha Green for being there for me and my children at a time in my life when no one else was there.

    To Samantha Gregory, I tell you this all the time and I will say it over and over again I truly appreciate you.

    To Kimberly Sharkey and Lynnette Brashear my editors Thank you for helping me find the words to tell my story.

    Lastly, I have to thank Dr.Tonia Phanor, my coach and sister in Christ, for holding me accountable to release and tell my story.



    My life’s journey has presented overwhelming challenges but my endurance and steadfast faith brought about a blessing with a lesson learned that was mastered for my future. Even though my life brought about unique and daunting trials, I had to push through and there is nothing in my 40 years of life that I regret. I am not ashamed or embarrassed about anything I have done to push my way through the madness because through my efforts, by the grace of God, I found my blessing on the other side of the trials. I want to prompt my readers to live their lives according to their purpose and tell their own stories because gossip and hearsay will distort their truths.

    I wrote this book to encourage others that may be hurting inside to push their way to heal their hearts and strive to live in their full purpose. Your trials are not a surprise to God, and your choice to live a life according to His Word rarely equates to easy. That’s where your story begins. Allow Him to have His way in your life and I promise that your life will never be the same. Many of you are going through the biggest storms of your lives and I want you to know you can trust God. I’m not telling you something that I haven’t experienced. I want you to know that I’ve failed, I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve been disappointed many times. If you have a broken heart, I want you to know that I know how it feels to be brokenhearted. If you are going through situations where your name is being slandered, I’ve also experienced that pain. I’ve been through the fire but God has been faithful in one situation after another in my life.

    There has not been one time when God didn’t provide for me. I mean He has never, ever, ever failed me! Even situations that took some time to end, or when I felt like a relief from the trial would never happen for me, I determined that He was building in me a faith unlike any other. In my hardest times, God was working for me. Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand. I encourage you to get into God’s word because you will find your answers, purpose, and unconditional love. Isaiah: 54:4 states, Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more.

    Each chapter in my book is named after an inspirational song, or the chapter title defines who I was once upon a time in my life. The music, quotes, and words helped push me through in life, encouraging and reminding me to trust God’s timing. I’ve never looked for help anywhere else because I learned at a very young age how powerful God is and that same power also lives within me. With the help of God, music, scriptures, inspirational books, mentors, my children, and a lot of praying I can honestly say I’m ready for this next chapter in my life, experiencing life at the age of 40.



    I have gone through many challenges and not one day has gone by that I have not thought about my father and why he left me in this cruel world alone. My mother worked at our neighborhood Currency exchange. One evening, when I was 23 years old, my father entered the exchange to handle some personal business and my mother was totally shocked to see him. She couldn’t believe that after 20 years of absence he was actually standing before her. It had to seem awkward for them both as there wasn’t much of a conversation and apparently my dad didn’t have much to say. He simply asked how I was doing, and that was that! My mother immediately called me on my cell phone and I was so excited when she told me what happened. I was asking questions like what did he say? Did he ask about me? Did you get his phone number? I instantly felt that God had finally led my father to me. Unfortunately, my father did not give my mother much information at all and I found that very strange and heartbreaking. My mother did have the information of where he worked part-time. My father worked at Murray’s Auto Parts Store, which was approximately one block away from my mother’s place of employment.

    That was more than enough information for me. I immediately looked up the store’s phone number and called. He wasn’t in at the time but I was told that he would be returning the next day. The next day I was prepared to visit him at the store with my two daughters. As I walked in the store I was scared because I didn’t know how he would react to my impromptu appearance with my children. I didn’t know if he would reject me, or if I would be leaving happy or sad. I asked the customer service representative if he was in and she directed me to go to the parts department, which was the area he worked in. I went to the service desk in the parts department and asked for him. One of his co-workers went into the back of the store to let him know someone was there to see him. After a short wait, a tall brown skinned man approached me and asked, Can I help you? I was frozen and could not move as I stared into his eyes while I was shaking my head indicating no. I then said, I am your daughter Manisha. His eyes widened and his hands began to shake as he asked my daughters and me to move over to the side. I stared at him for a good minute because I couldn’t believe I had finally found my dad.

    For years, I earnestly prayed for this moment and I realized God had my answered prayers. He began to say hello to my daughters, while expressing how beautiful we all were. We talked, and he asked me questions about us for about four minutes before asking me to leave so he could get back to work. I understood his need to return to work but I was so excited to finally see him again that I was anxious for more. I asked him to exchange phone numbers with me and he gave me his work number. He stated he didn’t have a home, or cell phone number. I then asked him the next day he would be working so we could talk more and he gave me his schedule for that week, I gave him my cell phone number and told him he could call me anytime. I was so excited for his next work day to come; I was just happy for the opportunity to build our relationship. I didn’t even care about the past. I just wanted to have my dad, and I wanted my children to have their grandfather. I called him after a couple of days and we talked for about 30 minutes. I asked my dad why he stayed away from me and why he never came to visit me at my family house. He replied he came over to visit me once when I was born and my uncle loosened his bike handles. This vindictive act caused my father to fall off the bike and as a result he lost his front teeth. He stated he never came back to see me again after that incident.

    I was devastated to hear about my uncle’s insensitive actions, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t feel that accident should have kept him away from his child. That fall should never have been a reason to avoid me. I felt it was a rash and insensitive decision made in his emotional state in that moment, on that day, that resulted in

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