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A Dragon of Summer
A Dragon of Summer
A Dragon of Summer
Ebook59 pages40 minutes

A Dragon of Summer

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About this ebook

Lila and friends have baked up a dragon...

Lila, Mason, and Dar have hit it big in Butterpond and they're selling cupcakes like their hotcakes, Dar's tenth birthday is coming up, a

Release dateOct 12, 2020
A Dragon of Summer

Emmie B.

Emmie B. has spent half of her life living on the island of Guam. She went to high school at Southern Christian Academy and graduated from the University of Guam in May 2018. She decided that she wanted to be a writer at age 8 and still gets a thrill when she tells people that she is an author.Emmie B. was reading from a young age (she comes from a family of readers) and sees writing as her way to give back to something that gave her so much joy. Many of the books that influenced Emmie B's perspective on life were the stories she read in her late elementary and early middle school years. Books like the Secrets of Droon, Magic Treehouse, the Spiderwick Chronicles, and the Harry Potter Series all played important roles in Emmie B's life, and still influence her writing today.If you are interested in following her on social media, just look for @emmieb.books. She updates both her Instagram and Facebook at least once a week.

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    A Dragon of Summer - Emmie B.


    The oven dinged and the three-baking friends turned from their drawing of the cupcakes they were creating, and let loose a sigh.

    It was the moment of truth. The first batch of their biggest order to date. The first batch of many more to come.

    Mason, ten-years-old and the reason they were baking three hundred cupcakes, put on his gray and black oven mitts.

    And so the baking frenzy begins! Let’s get cracking! He said walking over to the oven. Lila, would you mind making the next batch of batter? Dar, could you set up the cooling racks? We’ll move them from the counter to the rolling racks when we can touch them, they’re too hot right now. Mason continued. He was standing in front of the oven now, setting up the next batch of trays to go in.

    Tap, tap, tap.

    Mason stopped. So did the girls.

    Lila did you just tap the bowl or the counter or something?

    Lila shook her head. Mason turned to Dar, who also shook her head.

    Tap, tap, tap.

    They all looked at the oven. There was a sinking, queasy feeling in Lila’s stomach. It was a feeling she’d come to understand as her magical instincts recognizing other magic.

    Tap, tap, tap.

    The kids looked at each other, eyes wide.

    Hey! Tap, tap, tap. Would someone let me out of here? It’s too warm for my liking. Tap, tap, tap.

    Mason stood frozen, and so did Lila, but Dar walked over to the oven and whipped the door open. Heat whooshed out, and in the middle of three empty muffin tins stood a small green…

    Is that a dragon? Lila whispered stepping closer to the oven.

    Yes, yes, it is. The little green dragon said walking out onto the oven door and stretching its wings. His wings were about 2 feet across when he stretched them out all the way and he was about 3 feet tall with golden yellow eyes. He had a cute little snout with little rings of smoke shooting from it every couple of seconds.

    Whoa, Dar said, taking a step back from the oven.

    Mason stood where he was with his mouth hanging open. Then he seemed to collect himself enough to ask, How did we do this? I thought we were just supposed to be adding a bit of joy, not creating creatures out of lemon funfetti cupcakes! My dad is going to kill me… Why did I insist on using the shop?

    I don’t know, but in my opinion, this is the coolest thing we’ve done. Lila said. She took another step forward.

    The dragon was really cool, his scales catching light and throwing beautiful designs on the walls.

    Yeah, sure. As long as he doesn’t burn down the shop or set us on fire. Mason said, pacing back and forth in front of the sink. Besides, we don’t know why the magic worked this way. We’re supposed to be baking cupcakes for the Founders Festival, not dragons.

    For your information, the green dragon said, squaring off with Mason. I am a civilized dragon. I have a name and manners and everything. My grand-dragon raised me right, you know.

    Oh, what’s your name sir? Lila asked, walking closer and offering her arm to him.

    Bartholomew Francis the Third, but you can call me Mew. He said, standing tall on Lila’s arm. "And you didn’t create

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