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Soulfall: Felisha Chronicles Book Two
Soulfall: Felisha Chronicles Book Two
Soulfall: Felisha Chronicles Book Two
Ebook266 pages4 hours

Soulfall: Felisha Chronicles Book Two

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In book two of the Felisha Chronicles the world is expanding as the threat of war grows stronger. Felisha leads the armies of Somwis and prepares them for battle. The Queen has sent out emissaries to nearby realms to search for allies to help strengthen her hold on the area. Through use of magic and other means her numbers grow. The land around

Release dateNov 1, 2020
Soulfall: Felisha Chronicles Book Two

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    Soulfall - Samuel L Milton


    Winters cold was just setting in, the mountains were already topped with a deep blanket of snow. That snow was already covering all the way down into the plains. From their farm house that night Adam and his wife Gena could see the fires in the sky. What drew them to brave the outdoors in this cold weather was the sound of a dragon’s roar. When they stepped out, they could see a battle taking place in the distance. It was a few miles away but on the cold night air the sounds traveled far. From where they were, they could not see the details of the fight, just the flames in the air and then in was followed by darkness as the flames faded away to nothing, leaving the night to feel darker than it was before.

    Once they were sure the fight was done, Adam decided he needed to do something. He stepped back inside his house and changed. He donned his britches and a shirt. He layered on a few furs and was sliding a worn hand axe into his belt when his wife asked him,

    What are you doing? You can’t be thinking of going out there.

    Gena, I have to go look. Someone could be in need of help. We have to see what happened. I will go and see, then we can figure out what to do. He smiled at her as he said these words. She knew he would not rest till he could go help. It was part of what made her love him, the fact that he always wanted to help people.

    Just be safe you fool. I love you. She said as she kissed him.

    He smiled at her and kissed her again, he then turned and walked to the door. He paused before he walked through and looked back at her.

    I love you too. He said then stepped out and closed the door.

    Adam knew the layout of the land around here as well as he knew the layout of his house. The fire he could still see on the ground also guided him to the spot where the battle took place. He had also been a hunter for most of his life, so neither the sight of dead bodies nor the smell bothered him too much. But he was not prepared what he came across first.

    The sight of the headless dragon’s body caught him off guard. The body was blackened on one side and the wing on that side was burned off and all the scales where it attached were gone, the exposed flesh was burned away or charred and burnt. The dragon's belly was also ripped open exposing its innards. Looking at her neck it looked as though the head had been bitten and burned off. Dragons were more common in this part of the world than almost any other nearby realm, every child learned about them and how tough they were and how their scales were stronger than the greatest armor, but it looked like the scales on this poor beast never stood a chance. Not far from the body of the beast he found the remains of a knight. He recognized the symbol on the armor this was a Dragonknight.

    He knew then what he had to do. With the sun already rising he made his way back to his house. He wanted to find one of the patrols from the king and let them know so they could tell the knights. This could mean trouble was coming. He saw the other smoldering fire a way off and decided he wanted to go and check that one too.

    With the rising sun it was faster going and he soon approached the second fire to find it was the remains of another dragon. This one had been fully burned and looking at the way it was on the ground it looked as though the crash landing was more of what killed this one. He looked around and could find no sign of the rider here.

    He decided it was time to head back and let someone know what he had found.

    Once back at home, he told his wife about what he had found and the two of them set off to find a patrol to let them know. King Roland had patrols that roamed the roads of his Kingdom to help keep the peace. It did not take long before Adam and Gena found one. Adam then guided them to the dead dragons. Once there, the patrol leader sent a runner with a message back to his commander, and they set up a guard around the bodies to prevent anything from happening to them.

    Messages were quickly set out and within a day the Dragonknights were informed. They sent out a squad to check out the scene. It was a forced high speed flight, but within two days Commander Treal arrived.

    She immediately recognized Fabriel from the sky. She knew that Sir Torrend was on a mission to bring in Felisha to answer for the possible decimation at the town of Linden, her home, and the murder of almost all of the citizens. She looked around the area and saw the other dragon’s corpse and after surveying the area a second time she landed and walked over to the guards.

    I am Commander Treal from the Dragonknights. Who among you is in charge? She was very calm in her manner but it was just to hide the anger she felt inside.

    A middle-aged man in the armor of the kingdom stepped forward.

    I am, Commander. My men and I have guarded the spot from the time we were informed of what happened.

    And who informed you?

    A local farmer saw the fight at night and came to investigate it. He then came and found a patrol to pass on the information.

    Bring him to me. Her voice and tone left no question. The guard went and quickly dispatched 3 of his men to retrieve the farmer.

    Her squad had landed and were setting up a perimeter. She walked over to the body of Sir Torrend. She knew of the relationship between Sir Torrend and Fabriel. It was not one she would have chosen but she understood. It brought her a little peace to see the two had died together, as they would have wanted. She knelt next to his body and pulled the gauntlet off her left hand. Placing the hand on his head she said,

    I am sorry old friend, but I must know the truth of what happened here. Commander Treal was a trained sorceress as well as a Dragonknight. She attended the school of magic just a few years before Berlinda. She summoned up the magical energy and reached into Sir Torrend’s mind to see what he saw and to relive the last bit of his life.

    Memories like this faded quickly but she was able to reach back to just before he landed at the Hold, she saw and heard the conversation with Felisha and Benatra, she heard the confessions of Felisha as she claimed it was all done for justice. She also heard the conversation between Fabriel and Sir Torrend about the cursed sword. Just like how it had with Sir Torrend a lot fell into place at that moment as to how Felisha had been acting. She saw the fight and how Aden and Ruby had intervened. She saw the final fight between Sir Torrend and Felisha and then saw no more. The magic was complete, she removed her hand from her old friend’s head.

    She understood there was some type of curse on Felisha, she would have to go to the school to see what type of curse could be so strong as this one. She still had some friends there. She wanted to see if she could find out what type of curse this may be. She had a few clues but nothing that stood out. She was a trained sorceress but she was a warrior first and only really dabbled in magic anymore. She would find a way to free her from the curse or kill her. At this point she really didn’t care which.

    She stood and called a few of her men over.

    Gaither some wood. We will burn the dragons here, they are already starting to rot and we don’t want to spread disease. I will have Sir Torrend froze and we will bring him home. The three men quickly set about their work.

    Trislar, please come and freeze Sir Torrend. We will need to take him home. Trislar was her dragon and he was a rare one from the far northern reaches. He could breathe fire like all dragons but also could breathe a freezing breath. Breath so cold it could freeze a living creature solid in seconds. Trislar walked forward his scales a mixture of white and silver. He stood over the fallen knight and gently breathed on him freezing him solid.

    "What of Fabreil, do you want to take her back with us as well?" His voice was soft and smooth, quiet and reserved.

    I do not think that we can. Even if you freeze her we do not have a way to get her back to the Lair. We will burn her so nothing can defile the body.

    We can at least take her head. That foul dragon she rides at least made that part easy.

    You are correct there and that is good thinking. Freeze the head so at least her head can rest in honor with her love.

    Trislar froze the head then asked,

    How long are we to remain here? We will want to get to the Lair and then start the hunt. She will pay for what she has done.

    Commander Treal knew that would be the sentiment of everyone at the Lair. They would all want Felisha’s blood. And if her suspicions were correct Felisha would not be alone and it would be war.

    "I want to hear what the witness has to say then we will be on our way. I will be leaving a few behind to tend to clean up and to search the area. I want them to confirm what we already know.

    A short while passed and Commander Treal was talking with a few of her men handing out orders of what to do next and receiving updated reports when a local guard followed by what had to be the farmer approached.

    Commander, this is the farmer we told you about. The guardsman stepped back to allow Adam a chance to step forward. She looked at him, He was shaken that was for certain. She used just a small touch of magic to calm him. She also smiled when she spoke and kept her tone calm and welcoming.

    Hello, I am Commander Treal, what is your name? She could see that her friendly manner was having the right effect as she could see the man relax.

    I am Adam. his voice was still nervous and he kept looking around at all the others standing nearby.

    It is a pleasure to meet with you Adam. Would you care to walk with me and tell me your tale? Tell me what you saw that night.

    Yes ma'am. The two walked off from the camp and away from everyone. Adam relayed his story and answered all of her questions. Their walk circled the camp, as they talked it was becoming clear to Treal that Adam really didn’t have any more to add to the investigation. His farm was too far away.

    Thank you so much for sharing all this with me. I want you to know you did the right thing. Here please take this for your troubles. She handed him a coin purse, it contained about fifty gold coins which she knew was more than he would see in a year.

    Thank you, Ma’am, thank you so kindly. He headed off in the direction of his farm.

    Commander Treal returned to the camp. She made her rounds to her men and finished giving orders as to what she needed each of them to do before they returned to the Lair. She was going to be heading back to the Lair with the remains and the information she had gathered. She knew it would lead to a conflict with Queen Berlinda and Felisha but she hoped she could convince them to give her a little time to learn more about this curse. She wanted to know what they would be up against.

    She walked over to Trislar and climbed up his back. He took to the air and made a quick circle to swoop back and grab the net that held the remains that were now two blocks of ice and headed for the Lair.

    A few days later there was a brief ceremony at the Lair to lay Sir Torrend to rest along with Fabriel. The Knight Commander had already authorized Lady Treal to go and see what she could find about this curse. But he did tell her not to take too long for he truly felt Felisha needed to be dealt with quickly. In truth he had heard rumors of a growing army in the Queendom of Somwis. He had not given it much thought until the recent events.

    Commander Triel left for the school of sorcery later that day. She had mixed feelings now about Felisha. The wound of laying her friend to rest was too fresh. She had hoped at the end the Knight Commander would have said no and sent her off to deal with Felisha right away. But during the two-day flight to the school she gotten those feelings back under control. She knew the right thing to do would be to finish what her friend had died trying to do. Free Felisha from this curse. Felisha was a good woman and a great warrior. If there was any way to save her they needed to try.

    She arrived at the school and decided it would be better to land outside of the city. There was room at the school to land but bringing a dragon there would be very disruptive and she had the feeling she wanted to go as unnoticed as possible.

    She was the commander of the special operations side of the Dragonknights, all the men and women that served under her had some special training of some sort and worked as a team.

    Then there was the secret Shadow Talon. That was the squad she was directly in charge of. This was an elite group of fighters. They were highly trained in not just combat of all sorts but also stealth, and espionage. Each member had some magical training. Commander Treal used some of that magic here and changed her armor into the robes and items of a traveler.

    I will head into the city and head to the school, once I am sure I am not being followed. If you want to join me you can or you can stay out here and be ready if I need you. It is your choice.

    I do not think a snow elf would blend in here. I will wait here for your call. Even though this land was much closer to the elven realms and seeing elves was much more common here, the sudden appearance of a snow elf would stand out and Trislar could only seem to shape shift to one of those or…

    You could do a dwarf.

    You could forget that ever happened, that’s what you could do. he snapped back at her. Years ago, the two of them had to infiltrate a dwarf kingdom to root out a group of smiths that were selling weapons and armor to the Dark Talon. The dwarves would not allow a dragon or an elf into their kingdom so Commander Treal transformed Trislar into a dwarf. There were some unforeseen complications and the spell took over a week to correct once it was done. It was over a month before the beard stopped growing back.

    Just don’t be seen. Commander Treal replied with a smile.

    Just don’t get into trouble and there will be less chance of me being seen. This time it was Trislar’s turn to get a jab in. Years ago, on a mission where Lady Treal was searching for information in one of the towns to the south where the Dark Talon used to be strong. She had gone under cover but was discovered. Before she went into town, she had a talk with Trislar about staying out of sight. When she called for aid, he quickly responded by flying into town to her side to help her fight her way out.

    In response to his comments she just looked at him and pointed a finger and gave him a sour look. She watched as he faded away under his invisibility spell.

    She headed into the city and wandered for a while. She did not want to go directly to the school she wanted to be certain she was not followed. She stopped at a few shops and then had lunch at a tavern. After watching for a few hours, she was sure she was not followed and went to the school.

    She walked into the school and approached one of the first masters she could find.

    Hello, I need to speak with Master Holtler please. Can you tell me where to find him?

    The Master she spoke to looked at her a moment as if he was trying to decide if he should help this one. Master Holtler was one of three senior masters at the school and also one of the very oldest. He spent most of his time in study. When the young master did not answer after a few moments, Lady Treal decided to add to her request.

    I was one of his students long ago, whenever I am in this area I stop in and share tea with him. It would really mean a lot if you could direct me to where he is.

    He is up in the library. He spends most of his days in study now. If you were a student of his I trust you know the way.

    Thank you master. I will find him.

    She wandered the halls of the school, lost in memories for a few moments. It was a happy time in her life here. Her parents had died a few years before when a plague ravaged her city. Once she was deemed clean by a local cleric and healer she was sent to live on her own. The cleric and the church did offer to take her in but she did not see that as the life for her. So, she made her way to the Lair. After joining the knights she was chosen by them to come here and attend the school. She had shown some aptitude for magic and the knights paid for her training. It was not something they did often so she knew it was something to take advantage of.

    Once she arrived at the library she looked around at the tables. It was easy to spot Master Holtler, he was always a tall and powerfully built man, even now with the fact that he had to be almost seventy years of age he was still an imposing figure. She had stopped at the school at least every three years or so, and her stops were just to visit her old friend. Not only was he one of her favorite teachers, he had also become a good friend, one who had given her much guidance through the years. She approached his table and spoke to get his attention.

    Master Holtler, do you mind if I join you?

    He looked up to see who was addressing him. When he took in Lady Treal, he couldn't help but recognize her beauty and grace. Even without her armor on he knew just who she was but he was also quick enough to notice she was not dressed in her normal fashion.

    Of course, my dear, please sit down. Is there anything I can help you with? His voice stayed calm but his eyes showed her that he fully recognized her and that he understood she was wanting to not be noticed.

    She looked around to note that no one was nearby and no one had taken notice of her arrival.

    Master I have a friend and a fellow knight who has fallen under a curse. I need to know how to break it and, if we can break it, if the friend can be saved.

    He looked more serious and pulled out a scroll and started taking notes.

    "I know this is no simple curse or anything like that as you would not come here in such a manner. He pulled forth a small glass ball from a pouch that looked to be filled with smoke and dropped it on the floor when it shattered the smoke escaped and dissipated into the air around them. When it was gone, he continued.

    A simple illusion, all anyone will see is the two of us here in study. None will disturb us and we can talk openly. It is good to see you, but I know if you went through all this trouble, then something more than just a simple curse has brought you here. Tell me all you know.

    The cursed item is a sword. From what we can tell, it seems to heal the person who wields it but it has cursed her as well. She is totally under the will of, for lack of a better phrase, an evil Queen. A dragon and rider who I knew well and trusted figured that the sword was created by this Queen. And that she is using it to manipulate this young knight. So far, the knight has killed almost an entire city and one of our greatest knights. And it seems she may be raising an army all sworn to her.

    You said the sword heals her how do you know this? And where did she get the sword? All the while the old Master was jotting down notes.

    From her story and the armor she had on, it looked as though when the sword first somehow came to her, she had a hole in her side from a war hammer. Her armor completely failed and the whole side was caved in. When she got back to the Hold a few hours later she was fully healed. The only explanation is the sword healed her.

    And you think this Queen crafted the sword? And cursed it?

    Yes. She is the one who sent the young knight to the place where the bandits and the sword were.

    And this knight, she now serves this Queen? Who is she anyway?

    Yes, she serves her. The sorrow could be heard in her voice. A sorrow that changed to anger in the anger in the next sentence. Queen Berlinda of Somwis. She somehow saved the city and got herself appointed Queen. The memory of Felisha’s first day on the mountain when she returned came to her.

    At the mention of the name his quill stopped.

    Did you say Berlinda? Red hair, green eyes, middle aged?

    Yes Berlinda, I have never met her but from what I have been told yes.

    He sighed and set his quill in the ink jar.

    "This could be worse than I thought. I am most certain it is. Berlinda was once a student here. She was very skilled, most of it was natural. Her skill with charm spells could not be matched and she charmed most of the students here at the time she was attending. Nothing harmful, I think she just liked to have followers. Many of the senior masters like myself were taking notice of her and her skills. We knew that she was going to go far but she had a tendency to be a little too self-motivated with her

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