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The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth
The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth
The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth
Ebook229 pages2 hours

The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth

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If the world is a stage for humans to learn lessons each incarnation towards soul development, enlightenment and mastery, what can the planet Earth teach us?


While our life experiences may shape us a

Release dateNov 14, 2020
The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth

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    The Book of Life - Victoria Margaret Cochrane


    The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth

    Author: Victoria Cochrane

    Copyright © 2020 Victoria Cochrane

    Tasmania, Australia

    ABN: 58 759 564 318

    Category: New Age Publications; Ascension; Mother Earth; Spirituality

    All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part. stored or posted without express permission from the author and publisher of this book.

    Cover by Renea Stubbs.

    Editing and Foreword by Kelli Parker.

    Recorded meditation formatting by Gary Martin.

    Meditation Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Enlightened Audio.

    Book formatted and published by Synk Media.

    Printed by Synk Media and on demand in Australia, United States and United Kingdom.

    Victoria Cochrane, 1960 ̶



    ISBN: 978-0-646-81915-0 (e-book)

    978-0-646-81916-7 (print)


    To all who are struggling

    to find joy in your lives,

    may this book re-inspire,

    re-invigorate and re-new you.

    May it raise your vibrations,

    and thus your consciousness, to a higher frequency

    and, above all, help you

    to see life as a gift.


    Victoria xx

    To beautiful Bobbie Mae,

    May the world be your oyster

    and your life full of joy, laughter and endless love.

    Nanna ‘Tor



    About this Book


    Grounding & Connecting: Stay Safe While Meditating

    Awakening to Your Divine Blueprint

    The Journey to Oneness

    Connect to the Light of Creation

    The Violet Flame of Transmutation: The Greatest Gift to the World

    Invoke the Violet Flame of Transmutation

    The Escalating Energies of Ascension

    Lightbody Ascension Activation

    The Art of Waking Consciousness

    Connect to Your Higher Mind

    Unlocking the Codes of Creation

    Create a Positive Belief System Around Abundance

    Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom

    Connect to Your Psychic Gifts

    Karmic and Soul Family Contracts

    Clear the Soul of Past Life Trauma and Resolve Karmic Debt

    The Spirit of God

    Connect to the Unconditional Love of Source

    The Human Collective Consciousness

    Heal Your Bodies and Energy Fields

    The Gift of Life on Earth: Connecting to the Elements of Nature

    The Love of Mother Earth

    Healing for Mother Earth

    The Magic of Life

    Connect to Nature

    The Patterns of Life

    Transmute Pollutants and Greenhouse Gasses

    Trees: Earth’s Natural Protectors

    Ground to Mother Earth

    Water: The Flow of Life

    Connect to the River of Life

    Mountains: The Stillpoint of Creation

    Stillpoint Meditation

    Crystals: Energy Healers

    Crystal Healing Meditations

    The Insect Kingdom: Bees – Working Together for the Greater Good of All

    Reharmonize the Body Using a Pendulum

    The Animal Kingdom: Mammals – Unconditional Love

    The Sacred Breath

    As Free as a Bird

    Rebuild Self-Love and Feelings of Worthiness

    A Bird’s Eye View of Climate Change

    Send Healing Energy to the Planet and Humanity

    Part 3

    Embodying Your Spirituality

    The Attack on the World

    Absolve Fear Stemming from the Third Dimension

    Regaining Your Voice

    Meditate for Inner Peace

    The 11:11 Ascension Portal

    Enter the Ascension Portal

    The Colours of the Ascension of Humanity

    Align to the Rays of Ascension

    The Power of Meditation

    A Warm Hug Meditation

    Take Back Your Power and Embrace Your Mastery

    A Final Word


    About the Author


    Victoria and I met in 2007 at an Australian Literacy Educators Association Conference. She was an experienced teacher and I a student almost finished my teaching degree. We shared a conversation as we ate our lunch. A few weeks later I was door knocking for the Heart Foundation in my street and knocked on her door. She invited me in and we again had another conversation. Living in the same street, teaching and sharing a passion for literacy education saw us become fast friends. We were even lucky enough to work together in the same school for a year before she decided to move back to the North West of Tasmania.

    I have watched her gifts grow in strength and her confidence in her own psychic abilities grow along with them. I feel truly blessed to have her in my life and to be able to call her my friend. She crossed my path for a reason and I have learned many things from her. Her gifts have helped me make sense of happenings in my life many times. She loves unconditionally, is loved unconditionally and I am so proud of her.

    This, her fourth book, is one I see myself returning to over and over. There is so much knowledge in here to absorb and learn from. I love the meditations at the end of each chapter and how they will assist the reader to assimilate the knowledge into action and their lives. Tor has cleared me, healed me, lifted past trauma, taught me to trust my own intuition, how to meditate, protect myself and given me the greatest gift, her friendship for which I thank her.

    She has much to teach us all and seeks to help others live their best lives while on the road to mastery. Love is always the way.

    Kelli Parker, 2020

    About this Book

    This book began as a gift to me from the Creator. While I was in a Theta state in the Seventh Plane, one day in 2017, the Creator handed me a book called The Book of Life. It was like one of those 3D children’s books where the images have several levels and are kind of holographic, but the really special thing about this ethereal book was that I could enter into it and be a part of the beautiful pictures.

    The first chapter contained a picture of trees, the next, oceans and the next was mountains. I spent a few months exploring each one when I had the time. After about a year, however, I expanded my channellings beyond the book and created my own Book of Life, spring-boarding off the original ideas presented by the Creator and incorporating many of the channellings I had stored on my computer that were a good fit for the theme of this book. Some of the topics are similar to those in my other three books, but the messages are now deeper and more expansive; it seemed important for me to include them. It also seemed a logical idea to include a meditation with each chapter to assist readers to experience the beauty of each chapter, or to clear blockages that may have become apparent whilst reading.

    I want to thank the Creator and the masters of the Cosmic Council for assisting me to bring the information and meditations through. Although the messages do not come from me persay, they resonate so much with my soul and I totally trust the truths held within them.

    I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you.

    Victoria Cochrane, 2020


    Grounding & Connecting: Stay Safe While Meditating

    Most meditations in this book start with a comprehensive guide to relaxing, grounding and connecting. It is important to me that people using my meditations have a beautiful experience, so please take the time to connect to the light and be protected during each meditation.

    The basic guide is outlined for you here:

    Sit or lie in a quiet place. Close your eyes and breathe your energy deep into Mother Earth, then bring it back up through your chakras and all the way to your crown. Sit your energy in your light at the top of your crown if you can, otherwise focus your attention on it. You will see a beam of light extending through your body and up above it; this light connects you to the Source of Creation, the Creator of All That Is and protects you from absorbing lower energies. Hold the intention that you are connected to the Creator’s light and protected throughout your meditation.



    Part 1

    Awakening to Your Divine Blueprint

    Chapter 1

    The Journey to Oneness

    The breath of life comes from all things, because everything on Earth is one with the Supreme Creator. Religions on Earth teach that man is separate from and lesser than the Creator, or God, but that is a fallacy and a myth. All living beings and non-living things are spokes of the Divine wheel and are therefore one with the Divine Source. Humans are co-creators, because they create their own reality with every thought, word, action and every decision that they make. Creation, Dear Hearts, is in every one of you and in every natural particle on Earth. God is you and you are God.

    Oneness means that all things in the Universe are connected by infinite threads and that there is no separation between them. The knowledge of oneness brings awareness of self as a spiritual, etheric being who is infinitely connected with and loved unconditionally by the Creator. When you know you are one with the Creator, you feel loved unconditionally in all areas of your life and will give it to others in equal measure; there is no judgement or condemnation, only love and light. To achieve Oneness you need do nothing, for it is already so! To live your life in full awareness of Oneness, however, is another matter.

    To live in Oneness is to live in a fifth-dimensional state at all times; in the denseness of third dimensional Earth, this is no mean feat and is difficult to sustain without continued awareness and vigilance. Only those who have managed to bring in their lightbodies and to raise their vibrations above the drama and chaos of life on Earth are able, for the most part, to stay in an ascended state and to help others to reach it.

    Any dimensional state is a vibrational frequency aligned to a certain consciousness. The higher the frequency the higher the dimension that the person will be operating consciously in. All dimensions are light infused, and if the frequency of light is low, the vibration will also be low, meaning that, at a conscious level, the person or being is likely to be egotistical and self-absorbed. The more light that one allows into their chakras through the clearing of blockages, such as past emotional abuse or trauma, the higher their consciousness will become, thus entering a higher dimensional state. This will result in the person being less in ego and more able to see things from another person’s point of view. The raising of one’s consciousness to a state of Oneness does not happen overnight, nor can one stay in the Fifth Dimension without concerted effort and awareness of one’s thoughts, perceptions and attitudes towards self and others. Ascension is always a work in progress and is also not a linear process.

    The light of the Creator is of the highest frequency because it is that of unconditional love; there is no higher state than this. To connect to the Creator as a matter of course is to bring oneself into alignment with his light and the fifth dimensional state of Oneness. As one practices connection to Source and revels in the unconditional loving energy, one will begin to release the traumas of the past and to become one with his breath, his soul, his essence and his light. When one knows how this energy feels, the urge to continue the journey of reconnection to one’s own divinity will be self-perpetuating, continuing the awakening until the person themselves becomes the light for others who are still finding their way. This is the way of Ascension, coming in waves of awakening until all humans who choose this path will determine the vibration of humanity, rising above the Third Dimension and bringing the Earth fully into the New Age.

    Bring in the light of the Creator, Dear Hearts, into your heart space, into your breath and into your being. Hold his light as love and feel it as your love, for the love of the Creator is also your own. Know that the love of the Creator lives and breathes in all things and there is nothing that is separate from him or that is not loved by him. When you know the unconditional love of the Creator and live within His light, you will also see everything from a place of love. One cannot judge others when one lives in the light and love of the Creator, nor can one judge oneself, because the Creator knows no such state.

    Love is all there is, and that is all.

    And so it is.

    Meditation One

    Connect to the Light of Creation

    Sit quietly in your body until your breathing is slow and regular and you feel calm and relaxed. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus your attention on your heartspace and fill the area with light. When the energy is a beautiful ball of light in the centre of your chest, take a breath and send it as a beam of light down through your chakras, through your legs and down through your feet to ground into Mother Earth. See, feel or imagine light roots anchoring you into the earth then, on several inbreaths, bring the beam of energy back up through your body until it is rotating

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