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The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: True Self Perception
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: True Self Perception
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: True Self Perception
Ebook218 pages3 hours

The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: True Self Perception

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About this ebook

This volume of The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness focuses on

transcending the limits of perception, releasing all those preconceived

patterns and identifications that prevent you from detaching from the ego and

becoming the original persona or true self.

The original persona is the is the blueprint of your highe

Release dateOct 25, 2020
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: True Self Perception

Johanna Bassols

Johanna Bassols is a specialist in the semantics of consciousness. She brings her knowledge of 25 years of research about the subconscious mind, consciousness, and holistic healing methods from around the world in practical and inspiring books, classes, and products that take readers in a journey of self-discovery. Johanna is a law graduate and entrepreneur who found her life purpose after an intense and transformational experience of awareness, which led her to write books and create classes explaining the ramifications of experiencing awareness in an intense or frequent manner, a process known as elevation of consciousness. She is also the founder of the Healers of the Light, an alternative healing academy, and an author of non-fiction.

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    Book preview

    The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness - Johanna Bassols




    Chapter 1: Finding Your Authentic Self

    Chapter 2: You Are an Expression of Consciousness

    Chapter 3: Internalizing the Original Persona

    Chapter 4: Awareness: A Multidimensional Portal


    Chapter 5: The Process of Elevation of Consciousness

    Chapter 6: The Awareness of Your Original Persona

    Chapter 7: An Imminent Change in Perception

    Chapter 8: Manifesting Your Reality


    Chapter 9: Stimulating Your Body Consciousness

    Chapter 10: You Are What You Eat

    Chapter 11: Cellular Patterns

    Chapter 12: Creating New Physical Patterns

    Chapter 13: Embodying Consciousness


    Chapter 14: Energetic Communication and Awareness

    Chapter 15: Sources of Energetic Communication

    Chapter 16: Communicating to Your Inner-Self Through Breathing


    Chapter 17: Awareness is the Way

    Chapter 18: Experiencing Awareness

    Chapter 19: Keys to Activate Awareness

    Chapter 20: Living in Awareness


    Chapter 21: Changing Identities

    Chapter 22: Changing Your Perception

    Chapter 23: Expanding Your Perception of Time and Space

    Chapter 24: Responding to Your Inner Questions

    Chapter 25: Expanding Your Perception of Present, Past, and Future


    Chapter 26: Awakening Oneness

    Chapter 27: Light Body Activation

    Chapter 28: Mental Awareness



    This volume of The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness focuses on transcending the limits of perception, releasing all those preconceived patterns and identifications that prevent you from becoming the original persona or true self.

    The original persona is the is the blueprint of your highest expression of self, which contains the awareness of your optimal functioning and expression of your authenticity.

    Becoming the original persona in mind and body and experiencing perception from that level of awareness is the goal of the process of elevation of consciousness.

    Perception is the lens through which you experience reality. This lens is made from the sum of all of your patterns, which include your thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and emotions.

    The more patterns you add to this lens, the more you separate from the pure experience, giving you only a partial view of reality.

    A limited perception can prevent you not only from experiencing external reality in its fullness, it also can prevent you from experiencing yourself in a more expansive way.

    Limits of perception restrict the intensity of all your experiences according to what fear dictates. And one of those experiences is the experience of self-awareness.

    In this book you will learn specific ways to release the limits of perception, such as:

    Guided meditations and visualizations to reach the state of awareness

    How to release limitations about time and space

    How to transfer your consciousness to expand your perception

    How to experience the perception of oneness

    Learning to recognize what experiences bring about expanded levels of the mind

    These practical exercises can easily be implemented in your daily routine and with them you can continue developing a more increased awareness and expanded perception.

    By releasing the limits of your perception, you will:

    Experience reality in its full expression

    Reach and maintain a state of awareness that triggers the process of elevation of consciousness

    Develop a stronger inner awareness and communication

    Connect to higher levels of the mind, which go hand in hand with higher levels of consciousness

    Detach from limited thinking

    Detach from the ego-self

    The source of the limits of perception is no other than fear. Fear creates boundaries between people, it separates nations, and it darkens the awareness of our humanity.

    When you identify with fear, you deny your true self, you restrict your ability to express your essence and authenticity as you become unconscious of this essential nature.

    Fear limits your life experience; and in doing so, it influences your entire body and mind creating patterns that interfere with your full expression as a physical being.

    Some people never know they have identified with fear; they just see their reality as absolute, and they live within their boundaries in complete dismissal of any other possible experience beyond these boundaries.

    Others go through extensive justification and self-convincing to stop wondering about what can exist beyond their boundaries, but there’s always doubt, a feeling of what their life can be if they had the courage to go beyond those limits.

    Once you become aware of these boundaries, this internal voice becomes unbearable, your patterns are no longer subconscious, they are now conscious choices.

    The state of awareness is the way to bring to the forefront of your consciousness these limiting patterns, allowing you to choose a more expansive way of perceiving your experiences.

    Expanding your perception

    Can you imagine living your entire life wondering whether you can have experienced life more fully when the answer is obviously yes?

    Consider yourself lucky if you even have this kind of curiosity because it means that you are doing something that has sparked your awareness. This is a giant step in the right direction.

    Instinctually, you know that you are more expansive than what you can perceive. You simply know it, but the reality that you are experiencing right now doesn’t match that expansiveness. Why?

    The answer is simple: fear.

    Fear limits you in ways that you don’t necessarily understand, but this doesn’t mean that you are powerless and can’t break your identification with fear instead.

    If fear is the result of the detachment from the original persona or true self, then by returning to the awareness of the original persona, you can detach from fear.

    And after you experience awareness, you will no longer be subject to these limiting perceptions, you will become an expression of higher consciousness.

    This state of awareness is the first step in the process of elevation of consciousness, a process in which you not only recognize, but also embody the original persona. It’s a process of self-discovery and return to your authenticity.

    Elevation of consciousness could cause the restructuring of your human systems, allowing you to experience enhanced body and brain functions; improved health; the ability to reach higher levels of the mind, in which you can access creativity and develop spiritual abilities; the ability to be a co-creator by manifesting your own reality; and more. 

    In True Self Perception, you will learn how to destroy your self-imposed limits of perception by experiencing self-awareness and transforming your most basic perceptions, such as time and space, your self-identity, the relationship between past, present, and future, and more.

    This book gives you a series of practical exercises and invites you to deep critical thinking with the intention of walking you to the other side of your boundaries, experiencing the state of awareness, and reprogramming your perception.

    You can always choose awareness over fear; you just need to learn how. The entire series of The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness will give you tools of self-awareness to defeat your own limitations.

    Volume 1: Soul Restructuring, brings to you a series of practical exercises to increase your inner awareness by activating the identity of the true self.

    Volume 2: Cellular Activation, explains the process of becoming the true self identity in the physical body by activating the awareness of your cellular patterns.

    And now in this third volume of the series, you get to experience reality as the true self with the expansion of your perception.

    Growing in perception is not only a consequence of activating your awareness, it’s also a decision that you make when you initiate your journey of self-discovery.

    Enjoy your reading.

    PART I

    Initiation Into Self Discovery

    Chapter 1

    Finding Your Authentic Self

    We all are in some way searching for meaning. Even if our perception makes us think that we are living an external circumstance, every experience points us in the direction of finding ourselves.

    The ironic thing is that the more we search for meaning in the external experiences themselves, the more we separate from what we are really looking for, creating what we know as ego, or parallel identity.

    Our true nature is not made of external experiences, genes, personality, or of anything that we could have learned, our true nature or original persona is an inner experience, inherent to us and only waiting for us to become aware of it to start showing us the path to living more fulfilling lives.

    By becoming aware of your authenticity that lies in the awareness of the original persona, you internalize all the information that is necessary for you to live at your fullest. But not only that, your body and all your systems also become aware of this uniqueness and restructure themselves to represent the highest expression of yourself.

    The original persona is the blueprint that guides that process of restructuring, and all it requires is that you recognize it to start making changes.

    We all have a unique blueprint; there is no one like you or me, but we are not always fully aware of it, and we often choose to identify with role models that don’t correspond to this highest expression of ourselves.

    And although not all role models are necessarily bad examples, they aren’t the true expression of our authenticity.

    When you follow role models or stereotypes, at first you might feel confident and happy to be doing so, but, soon enough, when the novelty is over, you will go back to feeling empty and purposeless.

    You probably have already experienced this a few times, no matter how extraordinary these experiences promised to be.

    To understand how the true self is formed, think about your own process of forming an idea. To form a defined idea about something or someone, you gather elements from your mind that are already defined, such as colors, feelings, sounds, and other sensorial expressions and concepts to finally originate your idea of the perfect day, the ideal relationship, the best friend, etc.

    Your entire mind participates in the process of creating each idea. Every element in your mind, in some way, influences the totality of each idea. Each idea is absolutely unique and has only one blueprint of creation.

    What happens is that our perspective is mainly based on exterior experiences that change constantly by nature. And because of our capacity to observe and learn, many times we identify with those circumstances instead of observing their meaning and using them to create more self-awareness.

    For example, if your parents were critical of you when you were growing up, and you heard constantly how you were falling below their expectations, then most likely you developed an identity about this experience, and now you believe that, in fact, you are underperforming.

    However, many people also go through transformative experiences that show them their self-worth instead, it all depends how the experience is internalized. If, perhaps, you were able to use these criticisms as encouragement to find your power, then your awareness was not of the external experience itself but of your inner self.

    If you were able to observe yourself or your experiences in awareness of the present moment, your perception would be more objective and not dependent on circumstances. I will go over ways in which you can reach this awareness in the next chapters.

    Now think about how much the idea of the true self has changed in your own perception because of how much you have allowed your environment rather than your self-awareness to determine your experience. This identification with circumstances is what you mainly know as ego.

    The original persona precedes the formation of the ego. However, the fact that you believe the ego is who you are is the very reason you can’t perceive the original persona. You can only have one identity at a time.

    The process of activating the original persona involves deactivating your ego. You will have to accept your true identity regardless the circumstances you are in, or those in your past, that you allowed to define your present.

    When you detach from the ego, you naturally start allowing the original persona to be expressed.

    The original persona is latent within you and awaits patiently to be recognized, but it never imposes itself, nor does it ever coerce you to recognize it. You have total freedom to choose your identity; that’s your free will in full action.

    To recognize yourself, you have to return to a state of consciousness much closer to your origin, detaching from the false identifications and assimilations of your circumstances. This state is called the state of awareness.

    But why would nature bother to give us a unique blueprint, for us to disregard it and follow a trend, or to simply ignore it and be influenced by our immediate circumstances?

    Simple! Because we are not aware of this inner nature; we are aware of our sensorial experiences, and in this state, we are ignoring the original persona, its plan, and the purpose that we are here to fulfill.

    It’s imperative that we find within

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