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A Slice of Competition
A Slice of Competition
A Slice of Competition
Ebook62 pages43 minutes

A Slice of Competition

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The Baking Trio is back and this time they're competing...

It's time for the Butterpond Summer Lights Festival, a festival that visits Butterpond towards the end of the

Release dateOct 26, 2020
A Slice of Competition

Emmie B.

Emmie B. has spent half of her life living on the island of Guam. She went to high school at Southern Christian Academy and graduated from the University of Guam in May 2018. She decided that she wanted to be a writer at age 8 and still gets a thrill when she tells people that she is an author.Emmie B. was reading from a young age (she comes from a family of readers) and sees writing as her way to give back to something that gave her so much joy. Many of the books that influenced Emmie B's perspective on life were the stories she read in her late elementary and early middle school years. Books like the Secrets of Droon, Magic Treehouse, the Spiderwick Chronicles, and the Harry Potter Series all played important roles in Emmie B's life, and still influence her writing today.If you are interested in following her on social media, just look for @emmieb.books. She updates both her Instagram and Facebook at least once a week.

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    A Slice of Competition - Emmie B.


    Lila Teafeather let her head fall under the cool lake water and pulled the hair tie from her bun, releasing her long purple hair. The water felt great after the heat of the August air on her skin. August in Connecticut was the only time, in Lila’s opinion, it got hot enough to swim in Butterpond Lake. Her friends swam in the lake from May until October, but that was not how Lila wanted to live her life. Semi-warm water and superheated air was the only way she would be poking a toe in.

    Water splashed her face and she spluttered up from her floating position to see Molly, her friend Ruby’s familiar, running up and down the bank of the lake. She bounded into the water and crashed next to Kirby’s relaxed face peeking out from where she was floating.

    Lila started laughing. She had never seen Molly so active. When she and Kirby visited Ruby at her house, Molly was usually sleeping. And when she went to Grandmum’s to practice with Ruby, Molly always seemed shy, sticking close to Ruby’s legs until she warmed up to the other familiars.

    What’s gotten into her? Lila asked Ruby, swiping away the water Molly had splashed on her.

    Oh, Molly loves the lake. It took some time for her to get comfortable with it, but she loves to splash people. Ruby said, laughing as Molly zoomed up and down on the bank before taking aim and bounding into the water at Ruby.

    Well, it’s disturbing my zen. Kirby grumped. Kirby’s hair, which was usually bouncing around her head like a halo, was now sunk down to around her shoulder blades from the water.

    Wow, Lila breathed, I didn’t know your hair was so long Kirb.

    She looked down, surprised. Oh, yeah. It just doesn't look like it when it’s dry because it’s sooooooooooo curly. She shrugged. I don’t mind it though. I love my curls.

    Me too, Lila laughed, I just haven’t seen you with your hair wet in a while.

    Kirby was probably going to say something, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Molly did another drive-by splashing and left Kirby’s hair even wetter than before. Lila couldn’t help it, she laughed.

    Guys! A familiar voice called.

    Lila turned to see her friends Mason and Dar on the bank waving a piece of paper around. Lila moved closer.

    Hey guys, what’s up? Lila asked, trying to dry her eyes. It did not help. She only managed to smear more water across her face. At least it wasn’t saltwater.

    The Summer Light Festival Bake-off! Mason said, waving the flyer again. We’re old enough to enter this year.

    Dar nodded emphatically. And we talked to the event organizers, cus you know how they only choose three baking teams for each age group?

    Lila nodded. Her belly getting knotted up.

    Well, they said that if you said you wanted to do it then we were in. Apparently we are the best baking trio of our age category in Butterpond.

    How many other kids bake as obsessively as you three do? Kirby asked. Ruby laughed.

    Good point. Dar admitted. But it still means that we will get the chance to bring home the victory. I can’t wait to beat the socks off of Taylor Brown.

    They nodded.

    Just then Molly bounded into the water again splashing Dar.

    Ewww, I’ve got Butterpond Lake water on me. She exclaimed. She wiped at her jeans, then stopped. Why is our town called Butterpond instead of Butterlake?

    Lila laughed, I actually know the answer. She told her friends.


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