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The Shadow Crawler: The Motherland Chronicles
The Shadow Crawler: The Motherland Chronicles
The Shadow Crawler: The Motherland Chronicles
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The Shadow Crawler: The Motherland Chronicles

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The Shadow Crawler starts by Anodia The Great One speaking into existance four elite spirits out of the heavenly places. Brothers Xing, Takoda, Kyrious and Menus all battle for the right to have first rule over the entire world. During battle, it was like something came over the sons of Anodia, each different on how they combat. Menus who alread

Release dateOct 30, 2020
The Shadow Crawler: The Motherland Chronicles

Conray Tyler

Story telling has always been a passion of mines since I was a young child. I would lie in bed and create stories to tell my siblings, that would leave them wanting to know what happens next each night. I am a California native but now reside in Colorado. I am married, I have one child. My son has taken an interest in creative writing, and imagining stories. My currently employment is that am a social worker for the Department of Human Services. I do consider myself to be a very spiritual man who believes that there is only one power source that we as spiritual being will have to get back to.

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    The Shadow Crawler - Conray Tyler


    Hell Awaits

    "Y ou have displeased me and disobeyed me, for you had all the glory in your sight with great abundance. Pride of yourselves have placed yourselves to shame, and an example must be made for none of you are greater than I! Unconditional love had been placed upon you all, and you have shown me pride cannot be intact to a boastful spirit. For this, you’ll be placed in a hell, a dark place never-ending with fiery lakes of stones. Adonai broke off all of their wings, and the prideful spirits were surrounded by darkness. The law that was broken in the luscious abyss was so unforgivable that Adonai had to punish these angels, for they thought themselves much greater than him. Out of the clouds of nothingness, a stir of energy called into existence four brothers. A greater being was superior to them, for he had plans for their earthly beings. They were another family of existence that were placed in the darkness but was given another chance to prove themselves and overcome the conceitedness in themselves. Blowing from the extended hand before his breath, Adonai made this realm of energy blow into four lives a spirit from the Abyss, and he called them sons—all alike and perfectly made in the beginning. But this was something that was soon to change, for the free will given to these children would overcome the sons of Adonai. My sons, I am your lord and the creator of all for which I want you to proclaim me as, The Great One. I am the past, the present, and the future of all of your lives."

    Adonai was a great energy, as a bright-voiced light that none of the sons had the privilege to fix their eyes on, for his radiance would blind them from the sight. Whenever The Great One reveled himself, he spoke through the trees to hide his radiance, for his children would have to look away with his presence. I will be with you now and forever until I say otherwise, my sons, for I have an unconditional love for you, but you all need to be tested. During your stay here, you will not be able to fix your eyes upon me because I am from a different place, and your earthly essence cannot withstand me. Sons, I will reveal myself when I return to you, but in time, for I need to see if you will demonstrate your love for me and see if you’re worthy to be with I. There will be much doubt and many questions that will come up. However, you will in time know the truth.

    These knowledgeable men had on fine garments radiant as the sun’s glow all placed in a small circle around each other. Sons, your authority will be genuine also guaranteed, and you will have power over all except I. A large metal staff stuck in the ground was affixed upon the children of Adonai. Thinking, the voiced light wanted everything distinct about each child he created and proclaimed his masterpiece. Son I have facing the North, I shall call you Kyrious. Take a step back, child. As his skin began to fade to a light color distinct from the brothers, Kyrious looked down at his hands in awe.

    Kyrious gracefully looked up at the circle with the staff and spoke the first words, Thank you, Father. Kyrious looked at his brothers still in their garments and different from him at that moment. Kyrious had a soft, flowing blonde strings that shined like the sun coming from his head and eyes as blue as the turquoise ocean. I am satisfied with you, son, the voice from the sky exclaimed. Take a step backward, my child, and reveal what wonders I have for my people to the East. I will call you Xing, for which you will have eyes as sleek as a cat and skin as remarkable as the peach tree from the garden upon you. Then his hair became as black as the darkest night.

    Looking at his brother and examining the difference, he said, Wow, brother, you are not like I, but I still see you spiritually and beneath this flesh suite as my brother. The moment you are finished, we shall call this day one, and the one I want to document this day is Takoda. Step back, son, and I proclaim you my glorious people of the West, very passionate to the earths and sky. Takoda was a little distinct from Xing in which his eyes was not so slant and skin as red as though he blazed in the sun, very polite to the earth as though the earth was speaking to him, very wise from his brothers yet conservative in his actions, and very keen like and smart in wisdom. Examining his hands and observing his differences from Kyrious and Xing, Takoda had nothing to say, for he was amazed with the power. My last son, I shall call him Menus. Menus’s land is particularly in the middle of all the lands, so I will select Menus to divide the land. Menus was a special breed of man, distinctly made. Step back, son, and show the wonders of the South. As Menus stepped back, his skin began to fade as dark as night, and he had hair like cloth wool. His eyes was as almond as the darkest roasted nuts; however, what was so special about Menus was that he was able to withstand the sun longer and blend in the darkest night, giving him the advantage over his brothers in battle with a surprise attack at night. Menus looked at his brothers without a comment on his mind. The glance Menus gave to his brothers intimidated them as though he pierced into their souls.

    My son from the South, pick up the staff and divide the lands and spread out the earth. A golden rod was affixed upon Menus’s eyes as he was ordered to divide the lands, gripping the rod and snatching it from the ground. Kyrious, Xing, and Takoda watched as Menus jumped with a powerful leap and punctured the spot that Adonai ordered him to do so. The lands began to cry with a rumble and separate, putting twenty-five feet of river between each of their lands. Although the river was not deep, each brother agreed to always be there for one another if they needed anything and never turn their back on one another.

    My sons, you have seen that no matter what, all honors me, even the rocks beneath your feet. I shall place treasures to trade among each other and differences of the lands to explore. This should allow fellowship and bondage to each other, for you are brothers, and you should never forget this reality, the voiced light stated. Takoda of the land to the West was absorbed in a wide jungle of tall trees, which clouded the sun from its high canopy trees. The land had food for the plants provided to Takoda, and he had unseen treasure within his land. Xing’s land to the East was full of grassy mountains that kissed the sky and shown a blanket of clouds, which Xing thought in his mind to call it The Great One’s Nest. Kyrious to the North land was full of snow and waters that sing from every splash. The land to the South was full of hot sand and rushing winds that whistled throughout the day. Each direction—North, South, East, and West—all had massive beauty to fix one’s eyes on. Each river that was separately pointed in every kingdom’s direction. The magnificent trees, lakes, and flowers overshadowed the mountains that’s engulf this bowl-like paradise that all pleased Adonai from the sight. This glorious land was a haven to the sons who made their land home; although, the intent for this land was to prove one’s love and get back to the power source—Adonai, The Great One.

    That night, pallets of soft sand and roses were placed around the circle for a rest point for the sons; the voice from the sky called the brothers together to give direction on their lives. I will give you free rein over one’s own spirit, but this free will would divide you brothers even more than this river that separates you. Laws and rules will come up when each of you are at rule, and this will create hostility and anger between your kinship. For one thousand years, each of you will have rule over your brothers, on the four-thousandth-year reign of the last son’s rule, I shall return. This will test your faith of me and will demonstrate patience, which pleases me. My sons, rest for I will select who start to rule first at daybreak. Then the light faded.


    Battle for the Great Staff of Adonai

    The winds whispered across the ground as each man began to wonder what they would do with such powers of control over all for one thousand years. Menus, Xing said curiously, looking at his brother, do you still have the golden staff?

    I do, why?

    You know you have to free it from your grasp when The Great One selects who will have the honor of first rule for be in charge for one thousand years first?

    Yes, I figure he will order that of me, so I have hidden it in my land until The Great One ordered who starts first rule. I know I will rule first, so I do not intend to free the staff. Silence broke the conversation as all four sons gathered around together sleeping in a flowering bed of soft roses in Kyrious’ land. Splendor of beauty and insect freely and lavishly rested the sons of Adonai awaiting and bathing in beauty that surrounded them. Thundering clouds formed over the men as the voice came from the sky again and covered the huge full moon. "Sons, I will commence a contest to see who will rule first. I want this person to teach his brothers and land dwellers how to live life prosperous, patiently, and generously. This community of the first kind will be the model civilization that will demonstrate love, peace, and happiness that is what I want forever. Give faith and your lives to me, and I will give back overflow of abundance and power. Do this for it is my law, an important law. Rest well, my sons, for the contest will commence at the break of the light above those mountains to the East.

    Whosoever wins will be proclaimed my people and the first kind. The Great One already knew who was going to win however didn’t mention anything to his sons because the idea of how the brothers battling against each other, as well as who will show faith to demonstrate their worthiness of first rule. The sun kissed the mountain as Kyrious was the first to wake; he stood stretching and impatiently waiting to see how he would be victor in the end.

    Everyone, awake so I can take what’s mine and proclaim victory.

    Springing to his feet, Xing ready for the challenge answered him back, brother this is my time for I will rule first.

    Menus, looking at his brothers, said, We will see who’s victorious in the end of this competition. Should we all take a moment to speak to The Great One?

    Why when he speaks to us? Takoda answered.

    Well, brothers, give me a moment alone so I can take the time to speak to The Great One alone even if he does not say anything back. Quietly and alone, Menus laid his knees against the ground and headed toward the gravel pressed against his knees in front of the circle where he punctured and separated the lands in the beginning. My precious father, I have no desire to do nothing but serve you, and I want to rule first and prove to you that I deserve this rule. Thank you for listening to me, and give me the strength to win. May my will be your will, not of my own actions. Please help me! If this talk is selfish, forgive me. I just want to say thank you, for I feel in my chest I will be victorious in the end.

    Because he prayed before the contest started, already demonstrating faith, this pleased The Great One, and he set himself aside from his brother at that moment. The first task was a footrace from the East river to the West. Takoda looked left to right, viewing all in position to run. Adonai spoke through the mountains hundreds of miles away, Ready, set, and go! None of the sons was aware of the strength of the praying son, for he surprised them with his sheer quickness and vast skills. All four sons took off in the valley of soft sands; first Takoda looked as if he was going to win the race until the last quarter mile. Menus vastly took the lead and built enough momentum to leave his brothers in a distance.

    Kyrious stored evil in his heart, very disgusted on the idea of not being victorious over his brothers. Doubt clouded Kyrious’ mind as war struck his soul. A huge pterodactyl came roaring in at the sons at the West river and said, Those of you whom have lost this first competition, you feel hurt and envy in your hearts. Let it be known that I am the creator of these feelings you have. You fight against nothing but the shell you’re living in and the spirit within you. To please I, overcome those feeling you have, and offer love and happiness for the person who has won. Kyrious, Xing, and Takoda looked at one another.

    I should have won this race I had all of you beaten, Takoda exclaimed.

    Your mistake was that you used all your energy in the beginning of the race instead of using in on the last spurt of the race. I already knew in my head that if I was to keep up with all of you during most of the race, I’d win if I picked up the pace in the end, Menus was telling his strategy to his brothers.

    Wait till next task, I have much more in stored for you all. The strange bird offered a resting period for his sons. Ten minutes was like a week’s time.

    My sons, I want to hold a hand-to-hand combat tournament. Whenever the other calls for mercy, the battles are over. Don’t forget the fact that these are your brothers, not a stranger to you.

    Takoda and Kyrious, you’re up first, Adonai called.

    Great, let me show my strength to you fools so I can get a step closer to being your ruler. The brother of the West awaited attack as Kyrious threw the first punch. Takoda showed some of his skills as well, throwing punches to keep off his attacker. Blow by blow, Kyrious dominated the fight as Takoda fell to his knees saying he surrenders to defeat.

    Next, it will be Menus against Xing. Menus outsmarted Xing, his swift tricks by his own quickness. Moments after Menus defeats Xing. Kyrious stood up ready to face Menus as he stood sharply eyes pierced on Menus. Menus knew all he had to do was to outsmart Kyrious by using his own strength against him. Kyrious threw the first punch as Menus stood still awaiting Kyrious’ strong fist flying at him. Menus vastly roundhouse Kyrious to the midsection before Kyrious could land a punch, and Kyrious fell to his four legs as he fell gasping with air. Menus looked down at him chuckling as if he studied Kyrious’ every move from the previous fights.

    Surrender or we shall go at this all day. You cannot beat me, brother. I have studied you, and I will dominate you if this continues.

    Adonai stood watching, still as a huge pterodactyl. "My sons, I have one final task I would like to see accomplished. Whosoever builds the best building will be proclaimed the winner, no matter what happen in previous competitions. I just want to see if faith will overcome the doubt some of you are grasping onto now that Menus has won both events so far.

    I would like to see how clever my children are as well. I will like to see how creative you all can be, but the faith you have in your hearts is the key to my satisfaction unlike a structure you build, Adonai said.

    The four walked away from the competition in their own directions: North, West, East, and South. Adonai flew off into the clouds and disappeared.

    Xing overlooked his sky-high mountains speaking aloud, none of those fools have the linens I have. I think The Great One would like a huge wall that leads straight to The Great One’s Nest. Oh, and I think it would be a great idea to arch the rooftop on the house atop of the wall and silk windows that had shade to trap the warm air from the high altitude this temple shall please The Great One, I hope. Xing knew he had a magnificent home that would please Adonai; his linens of walls hid a silhouette of shadows if invaders decided to spy, and he could see if he was interrupted in his sleep at night under the moonlight.

    I know The Great One would love this if I build my building with huge beams like a huge table with lovely plants around it right at the top of that mountain over the ocean. I know nothing would be more pleasing for The Great One to see my building.

    This gold maze leading to a huge pyramid would be catchy. I don’t think anything else would be more pleasant or he has ever imagined. These huge rocks are very fine, and they dazzle the eye. I shall place these atop of my home.

    This sand is very unpleasant, but if I can build a sight beyond my brothers, it will last forever. I will build a lion’s body with my face as the head would show my creativity. I am tired, and I am in need of rest. That took me all day to do, and I really am anticipating The Great One to see this, Menus thought, knowing he had a masterpiece.

    A complete year went by in those days was equivalent to one thousand years. Adonai spoke again as a huge pterodactyl that his sons remembered.

    My sons, I am pleased with all of your work. Let everyone gather first in the East. When the day is gone and began again, show yourselves in the land of the East, and let my son present his work, then go North, West, and last to the South. Since Menus was chosen to pull the staff, I have selected him to go last.

    Aw refreshing air, I sense my rule awaiting soon, for I have a masterpiece, and I know my brothers cannot be as clever as I, Kyrious thought.

    A sense of doubt clouded Menus’s mind as he walked across his desert and toward Xing’s land. It is time to see what’s the outcome soon enough. I think it would be a great idea that before I get to Xing’s land, I should talk aloud to myself, and maybe The Great One would hear me, Menus said. Master of all, please give me the calmness if I lose this competition, for I feel I have the greatest work, but if I don’t, thank you for giving me the opportunity to try. I’ll make my way toward the East, and whatsoever comes of what my brothers build, I hope mine is more pleasing. Thank you for the land you’ve provided for my lord, you have helped me build a masterpiece pleasing to you, Father. Menus prayed again faithfully hoping he would win favor. I know this work along with what you have provided has given me a chance at first rule. While making his way toward the Eastern land taking a detoured route through the Northern part of his land, Takoda jogged to catch up to his brothers, once he seen them within his sight.

    The Great One heard of Takoda’s worship of the land, and not once did he give thanks to, he, who created it. Adonai also was a jealous source of power; this mistake from Takoda would rule him out for the chance to be elected as The Great Ones first people. Wow, Xing, wow, wow! All brothers were examining Xing’s work. Brother, you have done a fantastic job on your building. I am not sure what to think. Evil stirred the heart of Kyrious again for he knew even Xing’s building was far more appealing than his. I like what you have done with your talents Xing, Takoda and Menus offering a compliment.

    Thank you, brothers. Xing smiled, still admiring his work of art.

    Brother of the East, I hate be the bearer of bad new, but your building still is not greater than mine, Menus boasted with confidence."

    Brother, your land has been great to you. It provided the high trees and stones that help build the wall and silks to keep you warm in the cold nights. Your land is good to you, Takoda explained the features to Xing’s paradise."

    A large snake that walked upright appeared before the sons. Well, my sons, let us go to the North. I will be awaiting inside of Kyrious’ structure, and when you all arrive, we will talk again. This time, I will be in a different form unlike I am now, for I know you all will not be able to fix your eyes on me.

    How can these fools outdo me, Kyrious stood there, thinking.

    Kyrious stood with his hands on his hips, gazing at what he has built. Behold, brothers, my palace, my kingdom. A stone wall surrounded a huge building with high beams and a table atop of them. This is my palace made of the soft stones of the river and balance of the earth to hold it.

    A huge thirty-foot polar bear as white as snow came up slowly walking up and talking to his sons.

    Sons, this palace is amazing, I am very pleased with Kyrious’ work. I have already done my assessment of this place. Let us move on to the West and see what Takoda has done with his craft.

    Brother, I really do like what you have done, Takoda pleaded with Kyrious. Your work is as great as Xing’s, Takoda still speaking and evaluating the works he has seen so far.

    I am not sure who’s is far greater, but let us bath in the beauty of my land until our answers are met, Takoda stated. The four brothers made their way westward.

    Your land is really a piece of work, for all these trees and flatlands, we can get lost. My land will show me the way. We must follow the pathway affixed upon us, Takoda knowing his land like a map.

    Menus, do you see this path? Xing asked. I do not, brother.

    Well, it is great, for you all will not know my secret place, for I want this to remain my secret.

    Wow, Takoda, you have surprised me. Your place is more splendid than both Xing’s and mine, Kyrious exclaimed to his brother.

    Along with this maze that was very tricky to even get here, what do you call that, a pyramid, Xing asks?

    We think alike, brother. I too have built a pyramid, but mine is far greater than yours, Kyrious said looking at Menus brag about his work of art, again claiming victory.

    What do you mean your palace is greater, Takoda asking Menus upset about the comment?

    You will see.

    A huge mountain lion came up. Sons, this by far is the greatest work yet. The streets are crafted well and lined with gold to a triangular paradise. One final sight to see. The day will break soon. Get rest and enjoy food here in this land and relax for my sons with the greatest temple will be unveiled at daybreak.

    Eat, brothers, there is plenty that the trees will provide for you, and drink from the waters of the lake with the huge water stream surrounding the maze.

    This is great Takoda, for I have been awed by your sheer talent and craftsmanship Xing said.

    Thank you, brother, I really do feel that no work is greater, if I am presented with the opportunity to rule first, brother, nothing but peace shall be of the land, and we shall all live in peace until my rule is up, Takoda said.

    Well, no one has been chosen yet, so please, brother, keep your kindness and prepare a sleep’s nest, for I no longer want to sit with you all. I want to be alone. Kyrious was still jealous about this palace. The Great One wanted nothing more than for the brothers to show their faith by simply calling onto him and having faith. The building was of no importance to Adonai, but Kyrious didn’t test this notion for the devil of doubt clouded his mind. You can have my chambers, brother, for I shall rest with my brother and talk over a meal.

    My vision is that we all are going to have to support each other if we are not ruling first. Takoda presented fruits and peanuts to his brothers that he rounded up from his trees that surrounded the puzzling pyramid.

    I agree, Takoda, but you do know once you know who gains power, he will not be so pleasant during his rule, Xing commenting to Takoda.

    I will be ready for anything and any of you all. Try to do anything against my rule, Menus eagerly stated.

    The borders of my land will be enclosed securing my sandbox, and the only way in would be through the water. Imagine a place with the pyramid is as sharp as an arrow and is guarded by a large beast signifying strength and royalty. Brothers, I tell you, your palaces are great, and I wish Kyrious was here to hear this. My land is more radiant than yours. This is why I would be the ruler of you all first.

    When I am your ruler, I shall have my customs across the world, and I will have peace as well, but honor is very important to me, for I want to please The Great One and control my rule with discipline and honor. Troubled with thought, Kyrious laid back on the canapé in Takoda’s chambers.

    I really need to rule first. I don’t know what I will do if I lose, Kyrious said, clouded by thoughts and evil mixing and stirring his mind. Chuckling came over his brothers as Kyrious watched and angrily thought of the idea of killing his brother to rule all four thousand years.

    The Mountain Lion arrived again. Awake, my sons, for Menus’s land are the last land to view. After the structure is examined, my decision will be revealed. Menus was still astonished by the shade. "This canopy of trees does not last long in my land as it does in Takoda’s land.

    The sands of doom will destroy anyone who comes to my palace without me. I am the only one who knows the way. Now follow me, and we will get to my fortress soon. Behold, my palace.

    Brother, your land is greater than the all. How did you make your pyramid that remains a secret?

    I will never reveal, for this secret will last forever. I will say that those diamonds on top of that pyramid is a jewel that will never be tarnished.

    The beast that you have carved is great. How long did that take? Takoda asked.

    Well, that took me about four hours of chiseling, and the pyramid took me the rest of the day to complete. Stirs and thoughts of evil again clouded the mind of Kyrious as he got aggressive with his brothers.

    My son, I am pleased with your work. However, you have given thanks to the land and not to me. Walking around the huge pyramid that Menus built was a huge lizard very mysterious to the sons of Adonai. Sons, behold this is the beast that roamed before I placed you here.

    "Let us talk about what’s at hand. I am a jealous master, and I want all the glory and praise, for this you will not rule first. Sorry, my son to the West. The son who has done well, not only pleasing me with his structure but he has given me the glory in this, and he is worthy of being called my first people.

    Menus, step forward with the staff and walk with me, for you have easily beat your brothers as well as pleased me with your faith in your work. You have been chosen to be called The Great One’s first people.

    "Sons, your people are now dwelling in your lands, for now are the time to populate the land. There will be sixty-five men and three hundred women in your lands. This would represent a full year that Takoda and his people would document on a calendar. These men will build armies and defense units and have multitudes of generations. They would live long lives and demonstrate loyalty and take instructions from my sons.

    If living long lives becomes an issue, I will cut down the life span. Sons, have children and have them cover the earth in your own lands. Stay among your own, for if you mingle with one another, this evil you are trapped in will start to like itself more than the desire to get back to me. Stay among your own for creating a new culture would jealous the flesh. Thus, place the flesh before I.

    Looking up toward the sky, Menus said, Thank you Lord, for I have awaited this, and I believed I would have victory over my brother, even though they all possess a certain skill.

    Well, son, I want you to rule well. However, you will battle with yourself in due time. Remember you are not of the earth. Just the being within you is of me. Adonia was still in the form of a large lizard. My sons, I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of each of your rein. Live well, and earn yourselves back to me. This is your purpose. Adonai walked around the huge pyramid and vanished in the light.

    Looking at their brother with disappointment of defeat Takoda, Kyrious, and Xing all talked among one another about what was life going to be like as Menus’s rein began. How did we let this tyrant beat us? You know he is going to take this power and abuse us, Kyrious exclaimed.

    Why do you say that? Takoda questioned back. It’s not as if he cheated?

    Well, I would do that to you guys if I was in power, for I have no equal if I was in rule. Sorry, but power is everything to me.

    I understand.

    Xing overheard the conversation while looking at Menus stare into the trees at the huge lizard that they thought had vanished. I wonder what he is doin’, Xing asked his brothers. Looking at a large light coming from the alpine trees to his left, Menus was awed by the sight. A bright light almost blinding Menus came toward the new king.

    My son, I have summoned you again to speak with you alone. None of your brothers will be able to hear me. My sons, take a walk with me, for I have a task for you. Adonai was not a huge beast as before but a smaller reptile still in disguise of himself. "I want you and your brothers to rule these lands for the next four thousand years. You will be the first to rule for a thousand years and then pass the staff I place before you to whomever you choose and so forth.

    "I do know how all this is going to play out. However, I want you all to have full rein of one’s own life. There will be false deities and statues of Gods that will be unpleasing to me. However, I will not intervene. Remember, I know all, so I expect you to rule with peace and guidance, for you are accountable.

    One more thing, I have for you. Within you is your spirit and soul. Your brothers will not have access to their soul or spirit but only access to power of their choosing when they have the staff. The reason I don’t want your brothers to have their own spirit and soul is because you are unique, and your soul and spirit have a purpose. Remember, I know all. Your soul is the courage in you, your spirit is the backbone of you and your wife. Your wife will be the only wife to come from you. Your brother’s wife and spirit will not because this is a special privilege to my first kind. Please lead your courage and backbone wisely, for you cannot exist without one or another. No one will know when I will return, but I will, so rule well, and I will be with you if you call. Then the reptilian lizard was gone.

    Menus didn’t know but his brothers were following him as they thought he was talking to himself. Little did they know he was not able to get off a single word for the lizard spoke to Menus; the intruding brothers had deaf ears on the conversation. Menus looked as if he was in a daze as he fixed his eyes on his brothers, while they still eagerly approached him. Something came over the king as he stood there in a calm still. He closed his eyes and his chin almost grazed his chest. When Menus opened his eyes, the earth shook as separation and singleness came over Menus’s mind. So, what are you going to do now? Xing asked as the rocks began to scream, and defiance came over the earth?

    Your land is my land now, the king told his brothers still sadden by defeat. Anger and jealousy filled the hearts of the victoriousless siblings. Anyone who has something to say about this will be my personal slave for all time, any dispute? Menus asked. Unconfident but creating a plan in his mind, Kyrious wisely said no, as well as Xing and Takoda. Menus made his way toward his empire, turning his back to his brothers and formulating plans of his own. Not knowing what to do and still astonished by what was in stored for them, Menus’s brothers separated and went their way awaiting orders of Menus.


    Menus the Shadow

    At this point in time, the world was fit for the sons of Adonai. Beauty was among the first kings and queens of The Great Lands without evil. The Great One made the world for the sons to work in divine love and peace. The earth mesmerized the sons for its beast and air animals that not only they had dominion over, but they can communicate with them as well. Each brother had three hundred women and sixty-five men among their people, all placed there to not only populate their own land, but this process brought down the spirits from the abyss awaiting birth. Lying with another woman or mingling with someone else’s wife is forbidden. If you do this, pain and suffering will come over the land, Adonia quickly exclaimed through the clouds to Menus looking over his balcony of glamour. Son, quickly discuss this with your brothers, for if they mingle, this would be displeasing to me. Once again, stay among your own, and bring love and peace to the lands. Remember, son, this earthly being is temporary and is for the purpose to get back to. Son, the staff is a great tool. Use it for your benefit, and rule, for this staff can be changed into any device or form given. My son, use this power well. I feel deeply for you and your brothers. Please honor your purpose here, and pass the staff on after your thousand years are up. After Adonia was done talking to Menus, the king quickly made his way toward his brothers to explain the rules of the land dwellers. Placing the staff to the ground Menus commanded the staff to change into two platinum gold gloves.

    Menus looked to the shadows outlined, and leading to the West, he quickly leaped from his balcony and into the shadows and started West as a shadow in the night testing his new powers. "Brother of the West, these women and men are here for your guidance and dominion over them. There is no mingling with those of the North or East, especially the women in the South. My ally of the West, brother, I come to let you know that the women are here to bring in the spirits from the abyss where we came from. They must be blessed by you first, for you will bless them with a husband and a family in due time. I was told to do this, for women are to have a husband and lay with him only. The men in your land will place values on these women, so it is your duty to bless them with love and guidance and protection. This is the will of Adonai. Brother, tell your men, they are to have four wives for themselves, have plenty of children, and answer only to you and I.

    Marriage is a very important rule of Adonai’s. I want all to know this, Takoda. With your presence with the women first, they will have children swiftly, without pain. When this rule is broken, Adonai will place pain on the women, for a great law would be broken. Only the three hundred women must see you first. Then their children’s children must wed before they have children. I repeat myself, for this is a very important law.

    Okay, brother, I hear you. Right away I will have the women come to me and discuss their purpose. Thank you, brother, Takoda said, coming to terms that he had a ruler over him other than The Great One. Right before Takoda’s eyes, Menus changed into shadow form and raced to the North.

    Takoda gathered his people to unveil the news. Men, I know these women are beautiful, but they have to be given as a reward to you, Takoda was speaking among his men in a circle, as the women mingled in tents awaiting their task. The women will have children within a week, I was told. They will raise huge families and help organize these lands. Men, I do not want you lying with no other’s wife. Once you have four wives, this is all. Be grateful and multiply. Walking back to his pyramid, Takoda ordered all the women to his chambers, and no men can enter.

    He thought, Adonai, my men are not going to be able to behave themselves with such beauty in their presence.

    A thought came to mind, for it was The Great One, Son, some of the men will have four wives for their flesh cannot handle being with only one or two women. Some will be made into special task as animals. I will present you a demonstration. Takoda took a young, beautiful woman as all the women watched him handle her with care as well as he looked deep within her eyes caressing her mind and unlocking the reasoning and emotional side of her essence. All excited to get their turn, the women lined up and walked out meeting a man they would fall in love with. The women were not choosy, for they did not have many men to choose from, but with four women, the men could have the women cook, nurture, clean, and even bare children.

    After Takoda looked deep in their eyes speaking to their minds and showing them a suitable mate for them and the women that they will get along with, Takoda awakened their spirit. The women, he noticed, they had an inner glow walking out as radiant and mesmerizing to the men. One of the men sat awaiting a woman he fell in love with the moment he laid his eyes on her. I would be happy when the women of my dreams come out, for I’ve spiritually felt her and she I, one of the men said.

    The women came out, and the man was sitting still as a log. Look at her, he said, I need no other.

    Takoda, Adonai spoke to him intellectually, one of your men doesn’t want another wife, so I will bless him with abundance in land and substance, for he will be the father of marriage in your land. The other three women are free to choose a family. Embracing the fruit; Takoda a beast in the night, taste the fruit and given the women away as gifts to the men. The nearly naked flesh of the women had men eagerly awaiting their fruit.

    The day broke, and all the women were blessed with a family. Men and women, do not fight or lay with another. Once you are of a family, you are done. The women can be traded, and after the children are grown, the woman can get a much younger man if you like. Even trades are allowed, but once again, do not come against your brother’s trust by trying to have his wives. Unless she is traded for evenly. You are now within the bloodline of Adonai, for you will bring forth his children. My children, have fun and live free. All the women were very please for their caress of men they chose and ready to bare children. None of the women fought over the attention of the men, for the men found great pleasure in kissing each of their women over and over, giving them equal attention and telling them they all were so beautiful and they were lucky to have them. In this time land, stones, wood, knives, and other hunter gatherer tools were just as important as a mate. After a few day’s journey, Menus found himself up North. Brother. Menus quickly made his way up to Kyrious in the shadow. The women are here for your pleasure first that they may bear children after they are awarded to your men. We are not allowed to mingle with one another, so stay among your own of the North, for The Great One says this will cause fleshly lust over the purpose of us being here. Make wives first of the women, and then your men can have them. The same as Takoda, Kyrious ordered the women to his place to receive their inner glow. Kyrious, pick yourself a wife and have plenty of children, but your men get four wives so they may not be tempted of the flesh.

    Will the men fight over the women if the women are not the one they want?

    You make the laws. If it was up to me, I would say they can trade among themselves.

    No, my men will love their women and never disrespect them.

    Great brother, as I told Takoda a few days ago, have fun and enjoy. Menus was overlooking the very light completion of the Northern beauties. The men awaited outside of Kyrious’ chambers awaiting four wives of their own. The men were arguing outside of Kyrious’ palace. After he was done, he came out. Men, you are no longer able to trade. Pick a beauty, and let the women decide if they want to share you! This is my order. The women watched and picked of the sixty-five men. All the men had a wife. Some of the women were willing to share; some didn’t want to share, so they chose to be single and aid in the palace. Kyrious told the women that they can have a child of any man they want; none was worthy of his bloodline, for he was the son of The Great One. I don’t mean to disrespect you all, my ladies, but my woman will come during my reign as king. Rather than being alone, most of the women found a man of their choosing and made a home. Still angry from Menus having all the power, Kyrious ordered the men to stay alert and ready, for they will be going to battle soon.

    Just as Menus did a few days prior, Menus made his way eastward to Xing’s land.

    My brother Xing, I have come to you to let you know that the women are here to bare a blessing of you first, for they are gifts for your men from The Great One. We are not allowed to mingle outside of our own kind, for were all our different. This is the will of Adonai, for the flesh mingling is too tempting, so stay among your own kind. Enjoy yourself, brother, and take your time with the women first. Then your soldiers can have them. I believe my night is up, and I will make my way to my own kind, and let them know the news from Adonai.

    Xing, just like his brothers, ordered the women to all line up to receive a glow of special power within them during child bearing. He lined up the men as well. Outside of the chambers, every four came out. Whoever chooses them, they are yours. No fighting, arguing, or being of any trouble over the women, for if you do this, I would ban them—off limits. Take care of them and have plenty of children after the will of Adonai is done. Remember, my soldiers, there is no trading women, for they will come out ready for you taking. Go and make a place for them among the walls and trees of the land.

    Yes, Emperor. The sixty-five men stood, awaiting the women. Xing wasted no time as he began to speak life in the women and gave them to the men awaiting them.

    Getting back to the palace, Menus quickly gathered his people around the pyramid. Menus called his people the Congurians, who were shadow people of the south. Men and women, chose a mate and have children. I don’t care who has what woman, just as long as you stay among your own people, for there is no mingling outside of this land. Some of the men talked among themselves after Menus’s announcement.

    "I think we should all have our way with each woman and keep going that way. Some of the men were displeased by this, for they took wives and depleted the options. Some of the women didn’t like the idea of sharing their husbands. These women were very pleasant in deed but not interesting to Menus, for he was told his wife is within him. Eagerly awaiting his own queen, Menus left his women standing husbandless and purposeless, thinking of his own queen. Throughout the process of populating the Southern land, some of the women took a man and started Southwest, Southeast, and South, away from a king they were disgusted with, for they had to be their own leaders. All the women ranged from very light complexion to very dark complexion. The men thought of their women as Nubian queens, but queens awaiting men without purpose.

    The night broke out in many fights and brokenhearted women. Without order, all the women were with child. After that, the women somehow placed order of the men. This special glow was not given to the women of the South there, for

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