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Beyond the Quantum Fringe: The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang
Beyond the Quantum Fringe: The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang
Beyond the Quantum Fringe: The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang
Ebook215 pages2 hours

Beyond the Quantum Fringe: The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang

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The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang

"Science is about exploring the possibility of everything, to discover and learn about the probability of anything"

From the theoretical reality of Time Travel and harnessing and producing clean renewable perpe

Release dateDec 12, 2020
Beyond the Quantum Fringe: The collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bang

Chris Daniels

Professor Chris Daniels is a scientist, science communicator, and the CEO of the organisation Koala Life. He is focused on conserving Australian wildlife and connecting people with nature.

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    Beyond the Quantum Fringe - Chris Daniels

    Intellectual Property Copyright agreement

    While the work presented and disclosed in this book is offered under a Creative Commons License, this manuscript/book, ‘Beyond the Quantum Fringe’ in concept, story, content and product is the sole creative and intellectual property of Chris Daniels, of Narre Warren, Victoria Australia 3805

    © Chris Daniels 2020 - Commercial in Confidence

    This includes any part thereof or re-written adaptation for any other or alternate performance presentation, print publication in whole or in part, Cinema, Television, Multi Media, or radio program production or reproduction.

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    You accept the terms of Confidentiality and Copyright Agreement bound to this manuscript.


    You acknowledge with intention to uphold that this document\manuscript titled ‘Beyond the Quantum Fringe’, concept and story is the original and sole intellectual and creative property of the owner Chris Daniels, and cannot be copied, distributed, plagiarised, detailed, briefed or discussed with the purpose of copying, in any form for commercial sale or exploitation without the express and written permission of the owner, Chris Daniels, who holds the exclusive reserved right-of-copy.

    Any act or intention to do so is a breach of the copyright laws that protect this property and will result in civi litigation and possibly criminal charges.

    Contact: Chris Daniels,

    An Explanation of Fringe Science

    Science is about exploring the possibility of anything, to discover and learn about the probability of everything

    Fringe sciences are, essentially, fields of scientific study, exploration or inquiry that represent a significant departure from orthodox theories or bodies of work. Sometimes Fringe Sciences are accepted and become mainstream. However, sometimes Fringe Science, while valid science, is not yet considered mainstream. Or, it may be a questionable scientific approach to a field of study or an approach whose status as scientific is speculative, even questionable. Regardless, in contrast to Pseudo-Science, Fringe Science is an inquiry in a more respected or established field of study which either departs or expounds beyond the mainstream theory and exploration in that field, often significantly.

    Fringe sciences include, but are certainly not limited to, fields like advanced brain/mind function and the superconscious, the God Particle - Higgs Boson, cybernetics, synthetic A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and the propensity to become self-aware, black holes, teleportation, time travel, quantum theory, Gem-Ion theory and believe it or not, even ‘Relativity’ is still considered a fringe science path by many.

    Generally, people working in fields of Fringe Sciences are usually looking to expand our current knowledge and understanding of our world, our universe and the eternal Omniverse beyond, how it all works and our place in it, for the benefit of comprehensive advancement.

    Quantum is an unknown measure

    Today people use the word quantum for all sorts of inappropriate terms and descriptions. From quantum leaping to quantum spiritualism, and describing Quantum as meaning the very small, smallest or the very big, biggest. The actual meaning of the word is far less ambiguous.

    Quantum comes from the Latin word ‘Quantus’, which literally means How - how much, how great, which is essentially asking the question to which the answer is Unknown. The Latin term ‘Quantus Mensio’ literally means what is the amount, the measure, the quantity? So Quantum basically means the measure of something at an unknown quantity. The smallest and the biggest are essentially unknown, but Quantum physics seeks the answers, while Quantum dynamics continues to bewilder and perplex.

    About this book

    For those of us curious and passionate about exploring and unravelling the more mysterious and foreboding depths of our world, universe and the never ending Omniverse through a perspective or platform of science, then this book could be another tool for you. However, for those who may not be so passionate about the science, but ponder and ask about the why’s and how’s and concerns for the current state of our world, and don’t mind a healthy dose of philosophy, you may find some topics intriguing and filled with solutions and answers, as well as more questions to ponder. But even those who view life, our world and existence from a theological, pantheist or deist perspective may find the philosophies and subjects interesting and thought-provoking. Exploring out on the fringe of science can be exciting, adventurous, and even dangerous. From the theoretical realities of time-travel, harnessing and producing clean, sustainable perpetual mass-energy, to the building blocks and dark energy of the Omniverse that open doorways to multiple dimensions and alternate realities. The topics and issues present an exploration into some of our more sound theoretical thinking and philosophies beyond the fringe of conventional science, offering new strings to assist in progressive developments, and also open discussion for new ideas and debate, while offering valid alternate theoretically plausible solutions. But mostly, this book intends to provoke and stimulate your creative mind and inventive imagination, to open your mind and encourage you to explore the possibilities of anything, hoping to find, uncover and discover those things beyond the edge of the known that will promote, assist and support our greater evolution and meaningful existence.

    The subjects and issues are based on over thirty years of condensed accumulated works by the author, a writer, designer, producer and physics theorist, in a collection of articles, studies, observations, thesis and dissertations, philosophies, constructs and propositions, based on theoretical and applied science and philosophy that dances on the fringe of the accepted known, with potential to open windows and doors for expeditions to discovery into the unknown.

    It’s the nature of some people to question with a closed and cynical mind, while others with an open mind and genuine curiosity, wanting to explore the possibilities. Who are you! some will question. Well, I’m just another proletarian student of life and science, and seeker of knowledge, with a burning passion to know and uncover the real ‘why and how’ things in our world, universe and omniverse work’, exploring beyond the fringe into the foreboding deep, to discover and learn, with an intent to help create, develop and build on what we know, for genuine human understanding and advancement. I, like many of you, am by nature a relentless, adventurous, creative and inquisitive mind, with a propensity for looking beyond the veil, trying to look from all angles while pondering the perplexities of things from all sides, and looking for answers and solutions to those things we struggle to understand. In my endeavours, I hope to open hidden doorways to greater progressive thought and understanding, so others can take up the torch and illuminate the path to uncovering the truth and facts that allow real advanced applications.

    However, it should be fully understood that in no way am I claiming any of the theories or works in this book as absolute, proven fact, or even evidence of guarantee. However, I consider that the theories and concepts presented are sufficient to invite genuine exploration and study into their potentials, for practical advancements and extended applications through such endeavours.

    I believe everyone should have the opportunity to understand and enjoy the mechanics of science exploration beyond the basics, without being confounded by too much overwhelming terminology, explanation, calculation or ‘science jargon’, especially in those vast and complex ‘big picture’ subjects that will ultimately open the way to our greater future, and have profound effects on all of us, even those unaware of it. So, while some subjects in this book might get a bit sciency here and there, and others maybe a little socially philosophical, I’ve attempted to present the work in popular plain language... common every-day language that anyone who isn’t fluent in the complex and perplexing intricacies of science language, can get a reasonable understanding of the subjects and concepts presented.

    If we all have the opportunity to understand and engage in non-biased constructive conversation, examination and exploration of these fields of progressive thinking, regardless of academic qualifications, together we’ll uncover knowledge and understanding to open the doors to all those unconquered phenomena that inhibit our ability to expand our physical horizons beyond the reach of Earth, vastly improving and enhancing the condition of humanity, intellectually, physically, psychologically and emotionally, for our creatively focused evolution.

    A cautionary Tale

    I’ll forewarn you now, to fully understand the crux (the essence) of the journey in this book, which I will ultimately get to, you will firstly be presented with chapters explaining other factors that all lead to that destination. So, although it may at times seem a little repetitive or tedious, stick with it, because, when you finally get to that destination, you’ll realise that all the preliminary chapters make more sense and have provided better understanding, and I’ll be surprised if you’re not interested, excited and fascinated, or intrigued, at the least, when you reach the beginning the real journey.

    A Founding Philosophy

    explore, discover and learn, to ultimately create

    I’ve been asked more than once how I know all the stuff I know, where did I learn all that… No one could possibly know all that stuff!

    Yes you can, anyone can, if you just choose to open your eyes and ears anywhere and everywhere... listening to people with real world experience, our elders and experts in the field, reading books of modern and ancient knowledge, at lectures and seminars, school, college, Uni, the library, at home, travelling the world outside your door or around the globe, in the country or out in the wilderness, in a busy subway or city street watching people going about their day, walking through a desert, trekking through a jungle, sailing across or diving in the ocean, wandering through rocks and sand on a beach, watching a colony of ants building a monolith in the middle of the desert, standing on the edge of a volcano, sitting on a hill gazing at the stars… anywhere and everywhere! Learning is a perpetual process of exploration and discovery, with a desire and purpose to ultimately create from what we learn. Creating is the broadest brush of existence, with more forms of creation than most people imagine. It’s not a myth, we can create just about anything we can conceptualise and imagine. However, I always suggest to people that we should explore, discover and learn as much as will fill a thousand galaxies, and only then will we have the knowledge, experience, skills, ability and wisdom to create a perfect acorn. And don’t misinterpret the analogy, think what an acorn can become!

    What is it that sets us aside or makes us different to all other creatures we know of? One of the primary factors that sets us apart is our power of ‘complex creative imagination’. Many other creatures can imagine. A dog can look at a juicy steak and imagine eating it, but it doesn’t contemplate the biology of that steak, or even where it came from, because like most creatures, it’s limited by its primal imagination and instinctive responses.

    The power of our unique complex creative imagination gives us the ability to ponder, contemplate, postulate, hypothesis and theorise beyond the immediate. Even enhancing our responses, allowing us to consider multiples, and choosing the option we think will have the optimum outcome for us or others.

    We are the only creatures we know of that can, and do contemplate our physiology, existence and destiny. We can consider envisage and theorise about what may happen due to a series of events, or actions we make, or that happen as an act of nature or cosmic occurrence. We can consider or ponder the biology of ourselves or other creatures, or the physics of the cosmos or atomic energy. It’s the power of ‘complex creative imagination’ that allows us to ‘ultimately create’ from what we imagine.

    We truly can be amazing creators with the power of gods, if we commit and apply ourselves fully to that focus.

    But let’s not forget, as quoted by Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben, a character Stan Lee created in his Spiderman series...

    "With great power, comes great responsibility!"

    The Ambitious Missionary

    Two Worlds must come together...

    or we will just keep floundering around in the dark!

    As mentioned, my intention is to expand our thinking, inspire our imagination, and stimulate our minds, while encouraging and provoking exploration, deliberation and creative discussion.

    It’s an ambitious mission to search, recognise, uncover and acknowledge all practical, viable, plausible and inter-actable links and possibilities between ‘Physical science’ and Metaphysical philosophical science’, beyond known physical science (Quam corporalis nota scientiam), and Paraphysics, an unsanctioned branch of supportive and supplementary physics pursued by dedicated science-minded individuals who may or may not have the proper academic certification, and even stretching as far beyond as ‘Pataphysics’, the branch of philosophy that deals with the imaginary realm, additional to metaphysics... ‘imaginary’ meaning creatively imagining what might be possible, regardless of how extreme or remote, and working to uncover theoretical or practical realisations.

    Considering all possibilities in all fields of honest endeavour, I think this is paramount to support our evolutionary constructive understanding of our universe, and the omniverse beyond, and how to better react, interact, influence, operate and progressively exist in its many environments, for creative, scientific, physiological, technological and emotional human advancement and sustainability. Some of which includes renewable sustainable energies; considerate, wise and healthy ecological and environmental practices; plausible interstellar and inter-galactic space travel and deep space endeavours;

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