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Made Perfect
Made Perfect
Made Perfect
Ebook73 pages59 minutes

Made Perfect

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About this ebook

If you've ever felt incomplete - like something's missing - and that who you are is broken, bipolar, or something in between . . . then this book is for you. God will end the debate about who you are once and for all. You are perfect! "He has made you perfect forever through His blood" (Hebrews 10:14).

Prepare to hear the best news to eve

Release dateDec 25, 2020
Made Perfect

Dylan DeMarsico

Dylan is the co-founder of Elisha's Riddle as well as the author of The Happy Trinity and other works. He holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Liberty University. He and his wife Whitney focus on restoring indviduals and families through social work, children's ministry, and foster care. They currently live in Stockton, California.

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    Made Perfect - Dylan DeMarsico


    Once again, Dylan knocks it out of the park. His original sense of fun with his biblical words of wisdom make this book an easy read for all ages. 

    Dylan has taken a seemingly complex and risky topic and expressed it with such joy and simplicity. Reading and re-reading certain key points literally made me giggle with excitement. 

    This book will leave you more in love and captivated with who God is and who He’s called you to be—no longer living as orphans, afraid of sin, paralyzed by failure, or uncertain of the Father’s heart toward you. Instead, it reaffirms you as God’s child, adopted into His kingdom, and declares the reality that you have been co-crucified, co-buried, co-resurrected, co-seated, co-heired and brought into perfect union with the King of kings! 

    I pray this book blesses you, and reminds you that the Good News is actually Good. That your circumstances and hang-ups are not God’s reality. That you can have full assurance in faith that you are made clean and whole in Him. And that you are who God calls you—set apart, set free, loved, and made perfect in Him. 

    I love you Dylan DeMarsico. Thank you for championing me as a husband and being my best friend. You carry this message in every way and our marriage is a testimony of this Good News. 

    Love your Bride,

    Whitney DeMarsico


    This book has been written to set you free.

    In the beginning you were created in God’s image, holy and perfect. Nothing was wrong with you, and nothing was wrong with God. But an enemy came in and lied, and made you question both yourself and God.

    Jesus came to undo that lie.

    Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has restored you to your true identity. You are restored as God’s perfect image. You are His beloved child, and there is nothing wrong with you…or your Father.

    This original lie that we are flawed has led to wars, murder, and all kinds of horrifying things done by the human race. It’s time to undo the deception. Jesus didn’t die for us to continue living in sin. On the contrary, He became sin so that we would no longer have any sin in our lives (2 Corinthians 5:21).

    The cross—where Christ died for you—was the place where all the chaos and confusion of the enemy died. All the nonsense. All brokenness. Everything from that original lie in the Garden was put to death, once and for all.

    You no longer have to listen to the lies that have destroyed families and decimated civilizations. You are perfect. God created you. There is nothing wrong with you anymore. You can quit playing the identity crisis game. You are a child of God and you are totally complete and whole, in need of nothing.

    The world wants to give you a detailed system—something you have to do to find freedom and blessing. There are countless methods and formulas to accomplish this—doing this, doing that, thinking this way, thinking that way. However, at the heart of all of these techniques and philosophies is self. Or you could say self-effort. This is what the apostle Paul in the New Testament referred to as the way of the law.

    But we could not restore ourselves to God’s perfect image. Think about it. We couldn’t have created ourselves in the beginning. God single-handedly created us. In the same way, He is the only One who could single-handedly restore us.

    And this is exactly what He did. He fully accomplished this on the cross through the work of His Son. Any sense of I have to do this or that has been crucified with Christ. The life we live now is simply Christ living His promise through us (Galatians 2:20).

    Eat This Book

    In Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,¹ the main character, an impoverished boy named Charlie, finds a golden ticket granting him access to a wonderful candy factory. After the tour is over, the owner of the factory—Willie Wonka—ends up giving Charlie his entire chocolate enterprise. Charlie doesn’t just get a one-time visit to enjoy some candy on borrowed time. He gets to enjoy the entire factory and all its delights for the rest of his life, freely and effortlessly.

    In the same way, Christ’s work on the cross is your golden ticket to the entirety of God’s sweet and amazing promises. You are in the Chocolate Factory of the Father’s blessing. And in fact, you’ve been given the entire factory.

    "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32)

    … It’s all yours, Charlie.

    As we journey through this factory of blessing, there are some important words to ponder from contemporary theologian N.T. Wright. He said, When Jesus wanted to explain to His disciples what His death was all about, He didn’t give them a theory, He gave them a meal. ²

    My prayer is that

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