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King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover)
King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover)
King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover)
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King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover)

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Jewish and Christian scriptures in condensed format, science discoveries, safety and reminder tips, earth elements, music, art, cuisine, life discussion topics, worship verses, prayers, and bibliography.

Release dateJan 11, 2021
King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover)

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    King James Epiphany Bible (Khaki Cover) - Patricia H Bean

    King James



      The GOOD BOOK

          Copyright ©2011, 2020, 2022, 2023 Patricia H. Bean

            All rights reserved.Compiled by Patricia H. Bean with contributing editors

            Capt. Vinod Rastogi and Richard Tool and Miss Dee.

            This publication is simply the opinions of many contributors

            and the entity will not be held liable in any way for its contents.

            About 250 volunteer readers contributed to this publication.

            1st edition. October 2023.


            Many of the scriptures have been shortened due to page length

            of the book.

    This book is an attempt to provide a historical and religious

            perspective of faiths and lives, and how we treat each other.

    CE  means Current Era

    BCE  means Before Current Era

    King James Epiphany Bible


    History of Religions






    Jewish TORAH

    Christian GOSPELS





















            CHAPTER 1    The Spirit

    1.  Rejoice, O Follower of God, for there is none like the Lord, who has knowledge of all things.  Sing praises to the Lord, for the Lord has done excellent things; let this be known to all the Earth. The Lord is the Everlasting God who governs the universe and who leads the people in strength.  The Lord is Almighty and Powerful and will reign forever and ever.  God is perfect in wisdom and understanding.  Behold, the Great One!  All the people of the Earth recognize the hand of the Lord as mighty and will revere the Lord forever!  You are great, O Lord; there is none like you.  You have established yourself to your people forever.  Your name shall be magnified forever.

    2.  Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice; and let people say among themselves, the Lord reigns!  Let the sea roar, let the fields rejoice, and all things in it!  Let the lights of the universe brighten, let the trees of the woods sing out for joy before the Lord, for the Lord is the One who balances the clouds and shines the rainbows, makes the lightning for the rain, and brings forth the wind to cause the vapors to ascend to the ends of the Earth.  The Lord made the Universe by Holy Power. In the inner peace of the Lord, we find everlasting happiness.

    3. The Lord is the taste in water, the light in the moon and the sun, the syllables of love that we speak, the sound in air, the fragrance of the earth, the life in the living, good wisdom, the brilliance of the fire, the heat of the sun, and unselfishness. The Lord can hold back rain and release it. The Lord is life and death, and all that is and is not.

    The Lord is the father and mother of the universe, the essence and goal of all knowledge, the beginning and the end, origin and dissolution, refuge, home, true lover, womb and imperishable seed. The Author of Peace and Maker of All.

    4.  The Lord established the universe by divine understanding. God judges and governs the Earth. 

    The Lord reigns under the heavens to the ends of the universe, as far as the east is from the west, the north is from the south, and as far as all zenith above to all nadir below.

    5. Let us worship the Lord, Our Maker, for the Lord is our God and we are all God's people, for God shows no partiality. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; let the whole Earth stand in awe of Our Creator. We are believers and humble servants who hear your calling, O Lord, and we will follow You all the days of our lives with perfect faith. We pray for peace and guidance from the Spirit to fill our hearts and minds for our good and for the good of all people. Lord, fill us with Your Presence. You are our Living Home.  Praise be to God when your heart is engaged in commemoration of God and your soul is gladdened and absorbed in prayer, asking for the Lord’s guidance.                                         

        Let God’s beloved, each and every one, be the essence of purity, the very life of holiness and sanctified, humble before the Lord. This is the station of the sincere; this is the way of the loyal; this is the brightness that shines on the face of those near God. Prophets and saints are bridges to God.

      Wherefore must the friends of God, with utter sanctity, with one accord, rise up in spirit, in unity with one another to become one being and one soul to achieve one spiritual union.

        Let us dwell in unity and individually be bringers of joy, even as the angels and spirits. Have faith in God, in each other, and in yourself.

      Let not selfish motives drag you away from the Cause of the Holiness, to unite all people in peace and love. The center of love of all religions is a divine one. Be like a lighthouse of hope and healing to others. Hold peace and joy in your heart. Some think God is crying everyone's tears and rejoicing in our happiness.   

      As for the doers of mischief, their works are like the vapour in a desert which the thirsty dream to be water, a mirage until when they come unto it, they find nothing. O you loved ones of God! Be committed to holiness and serve the Lord, being servants even to each other.

    Save yourself and save poor lost souls and dedicate your life to follow the Lord.   

    Strive with your heart and soul to make this world a mirror-image of the Divine Realm. Friends of God should stand strong together to engage with love and joy to spread the good news of the Lord and hear the word of the Lord. Send love to the loveless.

      May divine teachings reach the peoples of the world and be set forth with brilliance and eloquence in the spiritual assemblages of humanity, for the good of the whole world. Spirit of God, Your presence is welcomed here.

    6. Meditate in Self, let go of conflict, and find the enlightenment of nirvana, where you embrace all of the universal energy as united and connected; then you will know the Creator in a state of balance. As a lamp sheltered from the wind does not flicker, compare this to a person of yoga when the mind has become serene and the unruly senses of the mind have been restrained, and the focus is on the Creator of the Cosmos and the elemental unity of all beings in the Akasha Realm of universal energy.

    7.  Be praised, adored, and thanked, O Lord, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness behind all power and glory and all victory and majesty. All that is in the heavens and earth is Yours. The universe is Your Realm, O Lord, and Yours it is to be exalted as Head Over All.

    8. The Lord is the Holy of Holies. I will rejoice in the divine wisdom of the Lord.

    9. Give thanks to the Lord, call on God's name; make known God's doings among the peoples. Let your decree cry out for the Spirit!  Believe with perfect faith that all creation reveals the Lord's Majesty! Come ye, thankful people, come to the Lord.

    10. Glory to The Holy Names; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

    11. Seek the eternal life-giving, honey-sweet ways of the Spirit; this Holy Ghost is the unseen God, the Spirit that is called by many names.   

    Humankind must renounce the own self of inordinate desires and selfish purposes, and seek the guidance of the Great Spirit, with thy heart fixed upon the Beauty of God.

    12. The clear signs of presence are shown to us from our Lord, that is the whole universe, and whatever has come to be, and the vital breaths of life and rhythms that are established in the space outside of a human and in the space inside of a human, and the light which shines beyond the heavens, and on to the back of all things, and every single thing, in the highest and most exalted worlds, that is indeed the same heat and light felt, seen or heard within all people and life.

    13. The UnSeen One is in my Self within the heart, smaller than a grain of rice or a mustard seed and yet in every cell of my body, and encompasses all scents, all tastes, all light and sound, all good works and desires, and all knowledge and matter of the universe and does not speak; when we depart from hence shall we merge into it.

    14. And when the end approaches, a life is something that cannot be destroyed and can never fall or fail, but is only quickened by the breath of life into the highest light and is given to the Plans of the UnSeen God. God is our beginning and our end.

    15. And the secret doctrine of the Holy Spirit never sets and it never rests but the truth is always in the midst, and faith continues through time.

    16. Praise the Lord our God, Who rules the Cosmos. The Lord has established

    the Holy Firmament forever. There is no Rock like our God Who is a strong Fortress and a shield for those who trust; the Lord is our refuge and rest. God is our Deliverer from hopelessness and despair, our Strength to show us the way. Bless the planet Earth.

    17. The scriptures and the world call the Holy Spirit the Ultimate Person, the highest Self. The Spirit is the source of all memory and knowledge and future, all life-giving power and all elements.

    18. Sing to the Lord, all the Earth; show forth from day to day the work of Holy Salvation.  Declare glorious and holy works among the people, for great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.

    19. The Lord is perfect and the Lord's ways are perfect. The Lord has perfect timing and has complete knowledge of all things seen and unseen.

    The Holy Spirit is the Divine Testament of the Messengers.   

        O sons and daughters of the Universe, thanks to the teachings and loving acts of  faithful ones who lived before us, Teachers of God who are now songsters in the meadows of truth and have soared beyond to the realm of glory and are now Angels and Saints of the Heavens, so let the breaths of the Spirit blow upon you; wherefore, with great gladness, engage in praise and glorification of the Lord at every moment, and pray a myriad of thanks for the Lord’s abounding favor, exceeding grace, and energy.

    All of the great Teachers of God are like Blessed Trees with arms of love and strength stretched forth from the Lord! So let yourself be a great teacher for the Blessed Beautiful Lord! 

    20.  You are the God Who does mysterious works; You are the Mysterious Wonder. You have demonstrated Your Power among the people.  You, O Lord, are enthroned forever; and the fame of Your Names endures to all generations.

            CHAPTER 2    Creation

    1. Even before the beginning of all time, Our Creator was the source of all origin and loving-kindness. The love of the Spirit can heal you and nurture you. God stands for love and goodness (righteousness, dharma, ren, yi, and li).

        The question of who God is is a very old question.No one knows if God is male, female, in human-form or another, or Spirit only. It may be that female characteristics of God exist in women, male characteristics of God exist in men, and other characteristics exist in other elements. People have different philosophies about the origin of the universe and humankind. What is the purpose of human existence?

      The story of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden, was told in religions originating from the Middle East around the Mediterranean Sea.  The Japanese Tenrikyo religion tells that the first two humans were created by God at a pillar called Jiba at Nihon in Japan. Hinduism teaches a Golden Embryo created all.

    From Divine Treasures of Mighty Power, God created the elements of the whole universe, but whether creation was commanded in silence, by divine syllable, or by a golden egg arising from a lotus flower in Asia - it is not known. 

    2.    The complexities in the design of the universe are beyond human knowledge. The order in which God created the universe is unknown, and only God of Infinite Wisdom knows the order of all origin.

        In the beginning God created the chemistry of atoms such as hydrogen, helium, lithium, gold, copper, iron, carbon, oxygen and others. Each of the basic elements of the universe have their own unique number of positively charged protons in the nucleus, negatively charged electrons around the nucleus, atomic weight, density, atomic radius, and crystal structure; these attributes give the elements or matter their own unique properties.

      The Lord also created the anti-matter; it is identical to matter except that it is composed of particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found in normal matter. But there is an asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the visible universe; this is a great unsolved problem in physics.

        God created light and darkness, sound, vacuum, gravity, the speed of light, the speed of sound and the totality of everything in existence including all space, time, matter, energy, planets, stars, comets, and galaxies. God created sound and silence.

    There are salty oceans and beaches, cool mountaintops with evergreen trees, rock formations, fruits, vegetables, nuts, creatures, and humans. Humans organized the beautiful gardens and walking trails.

    Spend a minute to look at the clouds and trees and ponder and relax. God created apples but we created good recipes like apple pie and apple sauce. God created bananas but we created good recipes like banana bread. There are those who are grateful and those that are constantly complaining. Why are you complaining about the food? Before cameras, which humans created, there were many sculptures of human faces and drawings and paintings, that humans made. Before mirrors, which humans created, reflections were seen in the bodies of water or on mica or glass.

        Most think God desires peace and happiness for all.

        The Lord created the breath of life, animal and plant divisions, mineral divisions, interrelationships, intellect, sounds of leaves rustling, birds tweeting, wind, big raindrops pelting the window pane, human voices. Humans invented cars, the whistling tea kettle, rubber shoes, door bell, books. Who sang the first song?

        The Lord created the calmness and stillness of a dormant time to sleep and rest. The bears hibernate through a winter season. The Lord created a springtime of renewal and energy.  The alternating forces of rest and energy are seen in humans, animals, and nature. Even while dormant, cells are alive, and this is a divine mystery and one of the holy laws. The Lord created butterflies from caterpillar cocoons. And tadpoles that morph into frogs. The moment of change is sublime.

        Some think Satan created poisons that are dangerous to humans.

    3.    Scientists believe the universe was created between 8 and 14 billion years ago. Our solar system with one star and planets was created 4 billion years ago. An exoplanet is a planet in another solar system.

    In the vastness of celestial universe, the Lord created many solar systems and galaxies. Outer space is not a perfect vacuum and contains charged particles, electromagnetic fields, stars and other matter; but there may be perfect vacuums between galaxies. Only the Lord knows the boundaries and shape of the universe and which direction is truly up, down or sideways.  The Lord knows all of the azimuth angle measurement degrees.                   

    We are living on a spinning ball in space the third rock from the sun.

    Cosmologists believe a Big Bang Theory could explain how our universe and even our solar system were formed from one point in a huge cloud of dust and gas. Gravity caused the cloud to collapse inward and begin to rotate. At the center, the temperature rose to a point where hydrogen fused to form helium and the Sun was born.

    The dust particles were drawn together by electrostatic forces, sunlight, and other forces, and gradually rocks were formed which collided together to form planets. The four planets nearest the Sun – Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are made up largely of solid rocky material. The planets farther away – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are made of gas. Pluto is the planet that is the ninth one out; it is a solitary ice ball.  Pluto is so far out that if you were on Pluto, the sun would appear in the sky as a tiny dot.  A rocket launched from Earth in 2006 CE current era reached Pluto in 2014 and then kept on going out further into the Universe.

    It takes sunlight 8 minutes to reach the earth and 5.5 years to reach Pluto. The equation used to calculate how long it takes sunlight to reach earth: sunlight travels 150,000,000 km divided by 300,000 km/sec = 500 seconds. 500 seconds divided by 60 seconds is approximately 8.333 minutes. Moonlight reaches the earth in 1.26 seconds.  It is -450 degrees Farenheit in space.

        Jupiter and Saturn appeared to be close together in the sky seen from Earth in the years 1226, 1623, and 2020 even though they were 450 million miles apart.

        You can start a fire by directing sunlight through a magnifying glass onto dry leaves. Sunlight reflecting off an apple or tomato; moonlight and coastal lights reflecting off waters at night are beautiful to see. 

      As the universe expanded, it created space; but it is not known if this space exists inside of another space. Some scientists thought the whole universe was created from one mass, but others think there was an inflationary reaction. Some scientists think the universe was created in 3 minutes. No one knows exactly how the universe was created, but people hope that one day the Lord will reveal the knowledge. It is believed that in recent centuries, fewer stars and galaxies are forming. There is much dark matter and dark energy that fill the void of space which are a type of anti-gravity. Will the anti-gravity overpower gravity, causing the universe to contract back in, causing a Big Crunch? Or will gravity win over anti-gravity and leave the universe intact? Or will the universe simply continue to expand forever after all the stars have died? Or will a Big Rip occur in the universe, shredding all galaxies and atoms? At the center of the galaxy is a black hole that emanates 511 keV gamma rays; the black hole totally annihilates incoming particles and nothing is left. All neutrons are crushed to nothing.

      Asteroid and comet belts exist between planets and such rocks may hit the earth once in a million years; such occurrences are hard to detect until six months in advance, which would not give people enough time on earth to prepare for a hit.

    Currently there are no rockets on earth or missiles ready in space that could destroy such asteroids well in advance before they may hit the earth. Scientists around the earth are uniting in space efforts to protect our planet from asteroid hits and other dangers to the global atmosphere. The gravity of Jupiter captured some asteroids that could have hit earth. Apophis Wormwood asteroid may hit the earth in 2029.

      Scientists believe most species on earth only survive for about 4 million years due to events that happen on earth. Scientists think  modern humans have existed for around 50,000 years but some religions teach that humans are 6000 years old.

    Cosmologists have heard sounds emitted by photons of cosmic radiation leftover from the Big Bang that can be seen 90 billion trillion miles away from the planet earth. The nearest star is called Proxima Centauri. The next nearest star is called Sirius. The average distance between stars is 20 million million miles. The Earth is part of the Milky Way galaxy. The next nearest galaxy is called Andromeda. The two galaxies are expected to collide because of gravitational attraction. Some scientists think our sun is getting hotter and hotter and in 500,000 million years animal and plant life will not exist on our planet.

      In the northern hemisphere, Polaris is the North Star.  The North Star is over the North Pole. To visually locate the North Star, find the Big Dipper Constellation which looks like a cup with a long handle. There are two stars that form the side of the cup not attached to the handle. Above those stars should be the bright North Star. In 5200 Gamma Cephei is projected to be the north star.

      God put two hydrogen atoms together with one oxygen atom and created water. There is also heavy water which is HDO, or Deuterium protium oxide. The Lord is the Master Scientist. Do not waste clean water. When you are brushing your teeth, turn off the water while brushing then turn back on when you need to rinse.

        When God created the universe and all processes of evolution with divine energy, the planets were made to spin and comets travel, the Earth was made to revolve around the sun, and the moon to revolve around the Earth, although no one is sure of the order.  Some cosmologists think the moon might have been an asteroid or another planet that hit the earth and either bounced off of the earth and ended up in the orbit of the earth or pieces of the earth’s crust broke up and orbited the earth and coalesced to form the Moon. The impact collision theory explains the 23-degree tilt angle of the earth from a perpendicular axis with the Sun which is the reason for the seasons. Without the tilt and no seasons, day length all over the world would be the same all year round, and scientists believe the poles would be much colder and extend farther, there would be no wet and dry seasons in subtropical regions, the deserts would be more extensive, and animals would not have a reason to migrate due to effects of seasonal changes like temperature and food availability.  Scientists believe the moon’s gravity stabilizes the tilt of the earth; without the moon the tilt of the earth might vary, which could cause the earth’s poles to tilt toward the sun, melting the ice caps or cause many tsunamis.

    Days in between seasons may be partially warm and partially cold.

        Scientists have been studying the moon for a long time, and with the help of laser instruments, they have determined that the moon is slowly moving away from the earth. With the aid of atomic clocks, scientists have determined that the rotation or spin of the earth is slowing down by a few nanoseconds each year.

    If the tides stopped, the top layer of the ocean could become stagnant; the results are uncertain. The tides of the oceans are key to understanding how the moon got out to where it is today and why the day is 24 hours long. Scientists believe the earth was closer to the sun millions of years ago and a day was 6 hours long because earth rotated faster. The Sun and the Moon are vital to life as we know it on Earth. 

      If someone struck a match on the moon in the year 2000CE, astronomers could see the flare with a telescope, such is the great progress that is being made in the world by good humans who are seeking knowledge. 

        Scientists believe there was no oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere in the beginning of the creation of the earth, but mostly only hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. Asteroids that were still hitting the earth may have brought the first primitive carbon compounds onto the surface of the earth. These earliest organisms may have emitted oxygen, which gradually formed a part of the atmosphere.

        Imagine the International Space Station built 1969-1998 where you can  see the earth and moon. The ISS rotates the Earth every 90-93 minutes. From our perspective on the ground on Earth, it appears that we see beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and moonsets towards the poles, but in actuality, the earth is rotating so the sun is not actually rising or setting. God also gave us rainbows, sunbeams, moonbeams, nighttime skies sparkling with stars, the crescent phases of the moon, the full moon, the new moon, the eclipses of the sun, the aurora borealis at the poles. In January 2037 a full moon will appear twice.  Some call it a blue moon or supermoon. During a solar eclipse, the pupils of your eyes dilate as the sky darkens, and it is dangerous to look at because solar rays could cause retinal damage. Wear dark glasses to prevent eye damage. Wear dark glasses after an optometrist dilates your eyes for an eye exam.

        A laser is a man-made rainbow and lasers can be dangerous.

        Upon the Earth, the Lord created the land, the sky, the wind, the gravity known as 10 to the 38 power, the waters, the weather of hot, cold, medium temps, rainy, torrential rains, drizzling rain, dry, windy, humid, misty, foggy, clear, cloudy, snow & ice, and the seasons.  God created the sound of the ocean surf, the swish of the wind, the sounds of animals, the boom of thunder, the cooling of rainfall, the heat of lightning and fire, echoes, reflection, reproduction of life, and the genetic evolution of all life and reproduction.

    Lightning causes thunder from sonic boom condition.

    Acid rain or poison rain is rain that is high in acid content caused emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

    4.    Scientists are still trying to classify organisms on earth. 3 classifications are bacteria, archaea, and eukaryote.

    Eukaryote are multicellular and include animals, humans, slime molds, fungi, plants, protozoa. Bacteria and Archaea are unicellular. Archaea do not form spores. Scientists have noted slime mold organisms have intelligence and can make decisions. Scientists are not sure where to classify viruses.

          The Lord created genetics and the Lord is the Master Geneticist.  Genetics is the complex code for each organism. If you are reading this, you are a miracle that you exist as a result of all genetic life that has evolved since the first protoplasmic primordial atomic globule millions of years ago; you are special.  Humans live about 650,000 hours or 74 years.  Chimera genetics changes the genes of God’s evolution and involves mixing human genes with the genes of animals; it is controversial. Sometimes a twin embryo will absorb into the other, leaving 2 sets of DNA in one embryo.

      Whales and turtles are being killed by eating plastic garbage in the ocean that they might have thought were jellyfish. The phytoplankton in the oceans are vital for the production of oxygen and reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    5.    All energy comes from the domain of the Divine Realm.  The universe was created from divine power that is unbeknownst.  The energy of Our Creator, angels, saints, and the energies of animals, plants, mineral rocks, matter, and humans are all part of universal energy. Many believe the celestial energy of the divine angels is all around us, doing the Lord’s work. No one knows for sure. With providence, the Spirit of the Lord rules the angels who are the heavenly beings, the saints who are the souls of the deceased, and animal spirits.

        The synergy of all human beings on the planet working together as a team is good for the planet. For as in one physical body, we have many parts and all the parts do not have the same function, such as ears, eyes, hands, and legs. So, numerous as we are, one with the Spirit, yet individually we are parts of another. We all have gifts, faculties, talents, and qualities that differ according to the grace given us. Humans need each other and we are all a part of the same synergy. We are all a part of universal energy that was created by the Divine UnSeen. And what we do in this life reverberates throughout the halls of heaven for all of eternity. Many believe that no one entity on earth should try to rule the world. Stay open-minded for new information to solve problems. Do not mistake kindness for weakness.

    6.    Nobody knows why humans have to experience natural disasters or personal disasters or bad things such as as microbursts (mini-tornados),  tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, hail storms, snow blizzards that some call snowmageddon or snowpocalypse, droughts, floods, dust storms, epidemics of diseases, personal illnesses, fires, mental breakdowns, abuse and hatred, self-hatred, divorces, or fraud and injustices but life goes on. We can seek help and help each other to make the world a better place. Some things can be rebuilt from nothing. Some things and broken hearts cannot be fixed but must be learned to cope with.

    7.    The Lord created life and universe for all generations past, present, and future.  I am on God’s side, not Satan’s.

    8.    Many believe the ways and purposes of the Lord are perfect.  The Lord has perfect timing (godspeed) and complete knowledge of all things.  The Spirit is the supreme judge and administrator of the universe. Our Creator Who is beyond  comprehension and imagination knows the true meaning of everything that was, is, and is yet to come. God is greater than great. The knowledge that God has of all things is supreme and perfect. The work of the Divine encompasses all dimensions of time, space, and matter and is unbeknownst to humanity. Many believe that the Lord gives humans divine knowledge or inspiration to create things. Birds create nests, bees create hives, and humans recreated fire and have invented much. Vanilla extract is natural but artificial vanilla flavor is a nice invention. Some computer drones look like bees and butterflies.

        Through eras of time, God's works have been for a divine purpose that only God knows, a reasoning that surpasses human logic.

            CHAPTER 3 Affirmations

    1.  The Lord is at the center of all religions. God knows the truth of all things. The beatific vision of God is the finest destiny that anyone can hope for.

        Humble servants seek the love and guidance of God, the divine unseen mysterious wonder.  We are subservient to the Lord, who is over us.  God is ultimately unique. God is reserved and set apart, different from everything else.

    We can do all things through the love of the Lord, who strengthens us! Religions are man-made philosophies but many feel the religions were inspired by God.  The Lord exists for all.It is acknowledged that peoples and cultures have created names, words of instructions, songs, and customs that have been passed from generation to generation for the glory of Our Creator and to establish images of the sacred. A purpose of religions is for healing, not hatred and destruction.

      At the end of prayers, words are said to verify the truths of religious beliefs.

    Gloria! is Latin and means Glory to you who has shown us the light.

    Kyrie eleison is Greek and means Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercy endures forever.

    Baruch ata Adonai is Hebrew and means Blessed are you Lord Our God, Creator of the Universe.

    Alleluia is Hebrew and means Praise God. Hosanna means God save or Help.

    Amen is a Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, and Christian meaning Truly or Verily or Let it be.

    Selah is a Hebrew word that means Listen and know it is forever.

    Shalom is Hebrew and means peace.

    Eema is the Yiddish Jewish word for mama or mother. Yiayia or yaya a Greek mother.

    Abba is a Jewish father. Pater is a Greek father.

    Namaste is a Hindu greeting that means I bow to the divine in you.

    Satyamev Jayate means Truth Always Wins in Sanskrit.

    Nam myo-ho renge kyo is a Buddhist mantra that means attain perfect and complete awakening, a devotion to the mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra.

    Om is Sanskrit and means that which is sounded loudly from everywhere in the Universe and in human hearts.

    Kasimira means Command for Peace in Czechoslovakian.

    Eckankar means co-worker with God.

    Siyahamba is South African Zulu language and means We are marching in the light of God.

    Bwana Awabariki is Swahili for May God grant you a blessing.

    Kumbaya is African for We join hands in agreement.

    Adebimpe means the crown is complete in Yoruba.

    Hehewuti in Native American Hopi means warrior mother spirit.

    Heammawihio means wise one above in Cheyenne. Wicapi means holy star. Kwanita means God is Gracious in Zuni.

    Dakota means friend.

    Chante Ishta is Cherokee for single eye of the heart.

    Pa Makha De Kha means May your journey be safe and happy in Pashtunwali language in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Darussalam means Abode of Peace in Arabic.

    Kuila i ka nu’u is a Hawaiian proverb that means Strive for the highest.

    Keurig means excellence in Dutch Netherlands.

    Chanting to drumbeats or singing hymns solo or by a choir (a chorus of people) accompanied by musical instruments such as stringed instruments, organs, and pianos has existed for thousands of years.

    Songs sung a capello or acapella means without music. A capello is an Italian term that means ‘in the style of the chapel’ without music.

    Southern gospel music consists of two to four people harmonizing melodies together with or without music. Modern religious music may be played by rock and roll bands, on electronic keyboards, and more. 

    2. The Lord is all things to all people. To those needing compassion, the Lord is compassionate. To those needing strength, the Lord is a strengthener. To those needing counseling, the Lord is listening.  To those needing love and security, the Lord is there for us. The Lord may not answer our prayers and concerns immediately, but in God’s time according to divine plans.   

    3. Bless the hearts of those who seek the Lord. Bless the hearts of those who are hurting or suffering. Bless the hearts of those who are trying to achieve and do good things. Bless the hearts of those who know not that they are being taken advantage of by evil ones. Bless the hearts of those who are trying their best but are being ridiculed.

    4. Faith is the assurance of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. By faith we understand that all creation is fashioned and equipped for their intended purposes of God.

    5. God is mysterious but many think the Lord works for good purposes only and could include the works of the spirits of angels, jinns, kami.

    In Judaism, angels were spirits doing God’s works.

    In Islam, Jinns were spirits that granted a person’s wish but may cause the wish to be gotten in evil ways.  In Shintoism, kami were elemental spirits of the universe that may have been ancestors.

    6. We should not have unrealistic expectations of God and expect miracles to happen all of the time, because only Our Unique Creator knows what is going on in the great master plan.   

    7. Inspired people who teach peace, goodness, and holiness are called by human-made titles such as shaman, patriarch, monk, friar, rabbi, priest, pope, nun, philaret, imam, ulama, caliph, sheikh, mullah, maulvi, guru, preacher, evangelist, revivalist, pentecostal, bishop, deacon, missionary, minister, elder, pastor, parson, cardinal, protopresbyter, monsignor, crusader, prophet, prophetess, messiah, oracle, disciple, apostle, reverend, sufi, cleric, vicar, rector, mu, kangshinmu, seseummu.

    8. Some people believe that everybody on earth is

    a prophet and we all have our own testimony to tell about our relationship with Our Creator. We never run out of things to talk about when we talk about Our Creator. We are trying to understand what the Lord has done up to this time.

    Ordinary people are filled with the inspiration of God to do good works and inspire others.

    Humans are working hard upon the earth; they are work-day heroes.

    9. People should not expect perfection from others who are trying to help. Humans are not perfect in things they do or say, but many people are trying to help, serve, and love others while living their own lives at the same time.   

    10. Religious rituals include:

    external signs of gestures such as kneeling, prostration,

    bowing down, lifting the hands up, looking up, laying of hands on, blessing yourself or another by indicating the four points of the cross

    missions to help others

    95 prayer beads (19X5) for Baha’i

    99 or 33 misbaha beads for Islam

    50 rosary beads (5X10), 54 + 4, 100, or 33 for Catholic

    108 japa mala beads (27X4) for Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh

    komboloi worry beads for Greek relaxation and enjoyment

    prayers, mantras, testimonies, chanting, speaking in tongues

    ceremony or prayer vigil, 24-hour prayer telephone line

    pilgrimages represent the soul’s journey to God

    declaring food or water to be holy



    singing, writing songs of devotion and praise, playing music with instruments, ringing hand bells, cathedral bells, playing morsing

    sprinkling with holy water

    individual worship

    giving thanks

    breaking bread together in communion   

    fellowship dinners

    creating holy symbols and emblems

    creating holy books

    creating holy statues and artifacts, and artwork

    creating holy buildings and cities

    burning incense, joss stick, candles

    anointing, dedicating, affirming, or christening with oils or water

    libation of pouring wine, oil, or ghee

    confessing bad actions and repenting

    asceticism such as fasting, austerity, and celibacy

    washing the body

    flower offerings

    rules about clothing, tattoos, jewelry, length of hair, head coverings, body piercing

    rules about medical care and medicine

    rules about tobacco inhalation 

    rules about food

    inhaling or ingesting herbs or opiates for a spiritual connection

    inducting a person into a religious organization

    taking a vow of silence in a monastery.

    11.  Holy dwellings or structures are:












    hospital inter-faith room,


    inter-faith worship center,






    prayer circles outdoors,

    prayer walls, prayer mat,




    tents and more.   

    12. Some worshippers think they must have the same chair, pew, seat, prayer mat, or table each week during worship service or the religious school, or the same parking spot in the parking lot, or the same bicycle slot in the bicycle rack, but be considerate of others and do not argue over this matter. And when the service has ended, be considerate of each other when leaving the worship hall or driving out of the parking lot, or the bicycle court.  Also, the music in worship services should not be so loud that it can damage eardrums.  Prayers of thanksgiving may be said before sharing fellowship dinners. Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue. Don’t just be nice during a worship service; be nice all week. 

    13.  There are many philosophies about God.

    Deists believe in a Divine Character by reason or nature without supernatural revelation. Atheists do not believe in a Divine Character.

      Many people just believe in good ethics and not religions.

        Gnostics shunned the material world and lived spiritually. Agnostics believe the existence of a Divine Character is unknown or unknowable.

        Theists believe in a god.

    Polytheists believe in many gods.  A demigod is a lesser god.

    Some people believe in a pantheon of gods such as a god of the sun, god of the earth, god of the sky, god of the dead, goddess of childbirth, goddess of love and beauty, goddess of wisdom and courage, god of harvest, gods of the universe.

          Many people just believe in spirituality and spirits.

          Martyrs are people who willingly sacrifice their own selfish needs to help others.     

    14.  Religious beliefs have been the basis of many wars and oppressions for thousands of years.

    A long time ago before modern civilization, empires fought for (1) power and control over lands, territories, food sources, and people (2) disagreements over the name of the Spirit and religious customs, and (3) disagreements about the belief of whether the earth was flat or round.

          Many human beings who were trying to make progress in the world were put to death as martyrs in their causes; for example, some astronomers and scientists were put to death just for teaching that the earth was round.  Some people were killed for saying the flaming chalice is for everyone to light and not just priests.

        Many human civil rights leaders were jailed. Prophets were killed or jailed for trying to teach against tyranny and oppression of human beings.

    15. Some religions shun or ostracize a person who leaves a religion and the person who left is labeled as an outcast and a heretic. A bigot is the person who will not tolerate any belief that is different from his own.    Heresy is speaking against the traditional doctrine. 

    16. Prophecy is the foretelling of the future in the present time.

    17. Iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction within a culture of the culture’s own religious icons.  Iconolatry is honor or veneration of religious symbols or images.

    18.  Apocalypse is the religious belief that there will be a world ending, but originally meant a revelation of God’s will.  Armageddon is also a term that means the end of the world and varies in interpretations.

    19.  Blasphemy is unholy words or action concerning God or sacred things.

    20.  Hypocrisy is the professing of publicly approved beliefs, qualities, or feelings that one does not really possess.     

    21. A cult is a group of people bound together by extremist ideologies that most people do not believe and members of the group are usually threatened emotionally or physically if they want to leave the group.

    22. A miracle is an event that creates faith. God’s mercy is forgiveness and withholds the punishment we often deserve, while God’s grace gives us gifts we often don’t deserve. Grace finds beauty and goodness in everything. Many believe if we stray from the path of God, we will be welcomed back with love. Some believe that God will test our faith or chasten us.

    23.  History has shown that humans have chosen good as the right way to go and the right thing to do through the dispensations (eras, epochs, or ages) of time. We should rebuke all evil.

      Good is to alleviate the suffering of others, to strive for peace, to nurture humans and animals so they can be at their best, to try to progress for the better, to achieve things we think are worthwhile, to educate ourselves to improve the world, to respect each other.

        If you fail to do good for others, you fail to do it for the Great Creator God. Love each other for the love of God. 

    24. Some think all humans are born with a spiritual debt or sin that is inherited from ancestors before us; some think not.

    25.  Humans have made all kinds of rules about religions, civilizations, and cultures.  It is a diverse world with many opinions. 

        Spirituality is the feelings of a person’s heart and soul, the core of our innermost being.

        If you take away the religions, clothing, and money, we are all the same naked; therefore make a choice for peace and friendship instead of fighting.

        Religions have helped to create order out of chaos, to fashion morals, to promote peace and love, to satisfy our questions about our origin, to remind us to be thankful for what we have, and to give us hope and guidance. There is always something to be thankful for.

      26. Some people have experienced sensations known as déjà-vu which is a feeling like you’ve done something before, or clairvoyant moments, as knowing something in advance. People have wondered if these instances are divine revelation of the akasha realm or heaven.

    27. People have had dreams or near-death experiences of the afterlife in paradise heaven which was known as a glorious place of light, or of nirvana which is perfect balance.

    28. Many believers praise a Divine Unseen, saying I believe in the Creator of the Universe.

    CHAPTER 4 Revelations

    1. Revelations are experiences where a human feels like they were revealed divine or worldly knowledge, when truths are realized.

    2. People have suddenly turned themselves to God and became a believer in the unseen Lord and their soul was saved, when previously they did not know a spiritual realm.

    3. Mathematicians realized that the number Pi has no ending.

    It is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter; it never ends and it never settles into a permanent repeating pattern.

    People usually express the Pi mathematical constant as 3.14.  In Berlin, Germany there is a mosaic representation of this mystery.

    4. People see miraculous changes. Miracles have occurred when people suddenly stop a bad habit and become strong with a new refreshed attitude and start over.   

    5. Some say that with God, it isn’t who you were that matters; it’s who you are becoming growing in the Spirit.

    6. People share testimonies to demonstrate the ‘before and after’ power of knowing the Lord. Stories of how God has changed lives aren’t intended to focus on the sins but are meant to glorify God’s saving grace; therefore, let go of labels that have defined people in the past and focus on who the person is now.   

    7. There have been mysterious instances reported such as stone statues have cried tears, doors have opened and no one knew who opened them, rocking chairs have started rocking by themselves, and images have been seen in mirrors; people believe such instances could have been caused by a spirit.

        The will of the Spirit has been witnessed in mysterious and unexplainable ways and actions. Angels may have been sent to do divine work.  No one knows what angels look like.  And there is nothing that God cannot do!

    8. People have believed their loved ones have revisited them in spirit.   

        Eva was a woman who was thinking about her mother while she was cooking in her kitchen. Suddenly she accidentally dropped a cooking utensil between the counter and the refrigerator and had to move the refrigerator to retrieve the cooking utensil. When she moved the refrigerator, she found one of her mother’s earrings that her sister was wearing at a holiday party and had lost a year earlier.

      There was a tale of a family in which several family members smelled the aroma of a freshly baked apple pie, although the oven had not even been turned on. The grandmother who had lived with them prior to her passing liked to bake apple pies. The family had reported the aromas at several different times at different occasions so all the family members assumed it could have only been the spirit of Grandma Ethel.

      Raymundo was a teen who was driving in his car and saw a vision in his rearview mirror of his cousin Jose sitting in the back seat of his car. Jose was a teen who had sadly lost his life to cancer.  Raymundo quietly said a prayer for his lost cousin, who was also his friend.

      9. Aamori was a beautiful African woman who taught children. The name ‘Aamori’ means good.  For an activity each year, she let the children make a colorful painted handprint of their hand or a footprint of their foot on a thick sheet of paper to give as a gift to their family.  Handprints or footprints between years revealed that the children’s bodies were growing strong and healthy.

      10. People all around the world experience unexplainable happenings that many attribute to God’s ‘blaze of glory’ or God’s glorious light. People have found lost wallets and letters that were returned to the rightful owners many years later.

        11. Boutros was a young adult who was sitting on his bicycle when a white dove ascended upon the handlebars. It brought him a peaceful feeling and near to God for the rest of his life.

      12. Yue Yue reached for a picture of her sister Sasha that was on her dresser when suddenly the telephone rang. It was her sister Sasha. ‘Hi, Yue Yue, would you like to meet for lunch?’ Was it telepathy, divine guidance, or just a coincidence?

    13. Some people have revelations about instances when they are being scammed. 

      A Ponzi scheme is when someone steals your money after you invest it with them. In 1920, Charles Ponzi was an Italian swindler in the USA and Canada who paid investment returns with new capital from new investors instead of legitimate profit or interest. Bernie Madoff was a swindler on Wall Street.

        Make sure a cashier gives you back your correct change when making a purchase.

        Do not buy real estate that does not exist or buy stolen property.

        Do not marry a person who says they are single but they are already married.

        Many think that huge lotteries could have better prizes. There are different theories about the payouts. In most lottos, if there is no ticket with 5 winning numbers, all of the money carries over to the next play. But some think that only a percentage of the money should be carried over to the next play and that would enable bigger payouts for tickets with 4 or 3 winning numbers. For example, when a person has to pick 5 numbers out of 50 numbers to be a winner, some think that picking 3 numbers out of 5 should return a payout of $1000 instead of $10.  For the hopeful people who invest $1 in a lottery play, a winning of $1000 could change their life! It might be the amount of money they need to pay off a tax lien, a downpayment for an item needed, an insurance payment, or payment to a dentist to have a tooth cavity or crown fixed.

            Footprints in the Sand

    14. One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes of his life. He noticed footprints in the sand, one for himself and one for the Lord. During some sad times in his life, he noticed only one set of footprints in the sand. He questioned the Lord about it – was God not with him during the sad times? The Lord said ‘My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of sadness, trials, and sufferings, when you saw only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I was carrying you. As I carried you, my people should carry each other and keep your souls alive.’

    15. Irony is like using a toothpick to remove food particles between your teeth and a piece of the toothpick breaks off and gets stuck in the teeth. Irony is like looking for a spoon but finding many forks instead.

    16. Fate is circumstances in life or things that happened that we cannot control. 

    17.  It is said he is a dangerous man who has money in his pocket.

    18. A revelation can be when you have a good time and you think it is the best time of your life.

    19. Agnes also called Inez lost her diamond ring in the sand at the beach and thankfully found the ring with a metal detector. She thought she had lost it forever and  cried tears of joy, felt giddy relief and was filled with amazement.

    20. Some wait for a moment or an event for all of their life; they may wait a lifetime.

    21. Do not say something to a person that you do not really mean or you may have to rescind it.

    22. Revelations can be realizing we made good or bad decisions.

    23.  A true moment can be known when one is on his or her deathbed and desires to see another, denies seeing another, confesses, makes a request.

    24.  Annabelle and Theodore were very happy with their life, married for 5 years and settled into their jobs and community, when came an unexpected surprise. Theodore learned that he was being transferred from New York to Oregon. The couple analyzed the move many ways. They decided to stay together and move to Oregon.

    A few years later they moved back to New York.

    25. Realizing you are a goldfish in a sea of sharks.

    26. Macy was in line purchasing groceries when she realized she lacked $2. Franco was a wealthy customer behind her who gave her $2 and she thanked him very much for his kindness.

    27. Realizing the human life is shorter than a sea turtle’s or some trees.

    28. Realizing you have to make a financial budget and live within your means.

    29. Realizing you are in a crowd of thousands of people, the crowd is out of control, and humans are getting trampled or crushed to death.

    30. Realizing that the earth’s human population is increasing each year; will there be enough food, energy, and clean water for everyone? 2000 years ago humans may have had only one name; now there are so many that we give ourselves a first, middle, and last name.

    31. Seeing a double rainbow in the sky or the moon in the daytime sky.

    32. When maple trees freeze, the sap will not flow. Gasoline does not freeze.

    33. Inclement weather can cause events or work to be cancelled. Natural disasters can be hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, mudslides, tsunamis. Nuclear disasters happened at Three-Mile Island 1979, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Daiichi. Mining disasters happened in Darvaza Turkmenistan in 1971, Siberia in Russia, Pennsylvania, and Chile. Oil spills happened in 1969 and 2010 at the Gulf of Mexico near the Americas, Kuwait, and off the coast of Africa. A chemical disaster was the Union Carbide pesticide leak in Bhopal, India in 1984. Wars are disasters causing death and destruction and many pictures have been published.

    34. Many countries bestow honor upon royals such as Kings and Queens, Sheikhs and Sheikhas, Sultan and Sultana, Emir and Princess, Duke and Duchess, Tsar, Tsaritsa,Emperor and Empress, Ras and Woyzero, political leaders, heroes, President and 1st Lady, celebrities, but there should be respect for untitled common people.

    35. No going back after a wrecking ball is released to demolish a building.

    36. Corruption due to identity theft, phishing, or spoofing scheme. You get tricked into a nightmare. A thief stole your mail.

    37. A baby spits up on your shoulder or lap and you do not have a cloth.

    38. You just bought your favorite grocery item and find out it was on sale at another store nearby.

    39. You just won money in the lottery. Your risk paid off.

    40. You poured too much detergent into the sink to do the dishes because you forgot it was a concentrated formula and there are too many bubbles.

    41. You did not know there were jalapenos in the chicken soup and it is too spicey for you. Many think it is not right to give infants jalapenos or to trick anyone into eating a food item that they do not realize what it is.

    42. Setting international accrediting standards for medical and dental care, cargo shipping, and food preparation in public restaurants is beneficial for all people.

    43.  Do not romanticize the dead; remember their faults also.

    44. You just lost your temper and said something harsh.

    45. You catch a bug but let it go.

    46. The police are behind your car with the police lights flashing. Make sure it is the police and not a trickster. Stop in a well lit place near people if you have any doubts it is not the police.

    47. Anne Frank was a Jewish female child in Germany who died in a war in1945. In her diary she wrote she still believed there were more good people than bad people. Anne Frank Museum is in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Phan Thi Kim Phuc OOnt was a female child in South Vietnam in 1963 who died in a war. Alan Kurdi of Syria was a 3-year old boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea fleeing a war in Syria in 2015. Millions of children have died in Africa due to civil wars and disease.

    48. Something happens or someone says something to you that leaves you discombobulated (dazed, stunned, and confused). Or you wake up with amnesia!

    49.  Brad was a man and Shannon was a woman who were neighbors in an apartment building for a year when suddenly a romance blossomed and they agreed to open a door to each other, letting each other into the other’s life and heart. A kiss was the absolution indicating their new relationship.

    50. A floorboard may rust and cause a hole in the floor of your car. You forget to fill your vehicle and you are out of gas. Someone’s car alarm is going off but they all sound similar.

    51. An old love wants to reunite.

    52.  You left the windows open and the rain came in.

    53. If you lived your life over, would you do everything the same?

    54. Do not torture yourself by thinking about the worst possible outcomes.

    55. Someone just gave you an ultimatum.

    56. Vera a woman and Dimitriv a man from Russia went to the grocery store when they realized they had left their shopping list on the table at home.

    57. The scent of popcorn is in the air.

    58. A cat and a dog were left alone at home. The dog started chasing the cat. The cat jumped up on the stove and accidentally turned on a burner by moving the knob. The JennAir oven started a fire.

    59. Put your toothbrush away so your cat or dog will not lick it if they jump on the counter.

                CHAPTER 5 Absolutes

    1. We will do good unto others as we would do good unto ourselves.

    2.  We will honor mothers, fathers, guardians, foster parents, counselors, family, friends, teachers, caregivers, those doing us a service, and respect our neighbors. 

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