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One Soul
One Soul
One Soul
Ebook40 pages32 minutes

One Soul

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About this ebook

Identity is key to discovering your true purpose and knowing why you are on this earth! 

"One Soul" will go deep within your heart of hearts and cause you to stop and smell the roses that life offers, propel you beyond average, and be the masterpiece that God has created you to be!

That is what Charlotte

Release dateMar 1, 2021
One Soul

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    Book preview

    One Soul - Veronica Brown


    Taking a Step

    Charlotte Maine is a vibrant lady who enjoys the simple things in life. She likes taking walks in the park no matter what the weather is. While at the park, Charlotte enjoys hearing the refreshing sound of the waterfall flowing from the middle of the lake. She enjoys seeing families out together having a fun time, and she especially likes to smell the hot dogs cooking from the small grills in the park.

    Most importantly, Charlotte loves to spend time in her Aunt Melva’s garden. She likes being in the sun and digging her hands through the dirt and soil. It makes her happy just to see the beautiful flowers grow each year. Blooming and blossoming from tulips, red roses, and lovely morning glories.

    Her Aunt Melva is a strong woman full of wisdom. However, that wisdom that she possessed didn’t happen overnight, but it came through many experiences of dos and don’ts. That’s why Charlotte couldn’t be more thankful for her Aunt Melva.

    Anyone would think that Charlotte had it all together. However, Charlotte had a tremendous fear that has been plaguing her for years. She became mentally frozen when she tried to meet new people. One could think what made this vibrant and caring lady so fearful.

    One day, Charlotte prayed and asked GOD for help to take this fear away.

    When Charlotte was younger, she was picked on a lot. Although she wanted to be accepted by her peers, she was unacceptable. She felt like the scum on the back of a shoe. She often wondered, Will anyone honestly want to be my friend? Or will I always be an outcast? Charlotte’s heart was hurting for connection and true friendships.

    Charlotte’s Aunt invited her to a community outreach and asked if she wouldn’t mind working at the popcorn machine. She was excited to do this because she loves the smell of fresh popcorn popping.

    All the volunteers huddle together at the community outreach to see where they would be stationed. The building was immaculate with windows all around it hosting the beautiful natural sunlight

    A 75-year-old lady by the name of Ms. Kingston owned this beautiful place. Sadly, she was a widow, but her heart finds joy in serving the community which she had done for decades

    Charlotte, I want you to be the greeter at the doors.

    The greeter? She asked as her face got flushed, and her hands began to sweat. Say something, she said to herself. Charlotte leaned over and whispered to Ms. Kingston. She was a little nervous about being upfront, and she would rather be in the background making popcorn as she was volunteered to

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