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The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna: Book 2
The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna: Book 2
The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna: Book 2
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The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna: Book 2

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About this ebook

Life is an adventure, and sometimes it needs to be seen through a puppy's point of view. Rut Roh, the scruffy brown stuffed puppy, definitely gives a unique perspective on everyday trials and triumphs. He and his four friends learn about how kind and unkind words and actions affect us all. Through everything

Release dateApr 16, 2021
The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna: Book 2

Kellie Jacobus

I am a retired schoolteacher. I was blessed to have taught second and third graders.Rut Roh enjoys playing Connect Four and eating oatmeal cookies. In fact, one afternoon, maybe he'll play with you! He's pretty smart, you know.

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    The Joyous Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna - Kellie Jacobus


    Rut Roh and I know we couldn’t have made it through the past few years without God. God is truly an amazing God, and He absolutely loves us. Thank you, God, for loving me despite my many faults. One of Rut Roh’s favorite things to say is GOD’S GOT THIS!

    Rut Roh and I want to say thank you to the many doctors and nurses who put up with us. We can be difficult patients. Dr. Bond told us every morning he wouldn’t give up on us. Thank you for not giving up. Your encouragement put a smile on Rut Roh’s puppy face.

    Thank you to Dad and Mom, who taught me to believe in the power of prayer. Thank you for praying for me! I know God heard your prayers, because I’m alive today. I miss you, Mama. I know you’re cheering for me alongside Jesus. Thank you to my sister Traci, who never doubted I could write and for visiting me in rehab.

    Finally, thank you to my husband Gary. God knew what He was doing when He picked you for me! Rut Roh and I love and appreciate you.

    Chapter One

    Rut Roh and Breonna Make Strawberry Cupcakes

    Yellow was Rut Roh’s favorite color, and on this cold January morning he was carefully using a dandelion yellow crayon to color in the body of a cartoon lion. Seated beside him was Starburst, and she had a picture of a tropical bird. Her tiny paw grasped a pink crayon and her tongue hung out just a bit in true kitten concentration. The third member of their coloring party was Ellie, and she was trying to choose between a bright green crayon or a much more subtle purple. She was staring down at a picture of a fish with a wide, friendly smile. The three stuffed animal friends were busy coloring pictures as they waited for Breonna. They were all going to make cupcakes for the church’s fundraiser. Rut Roh had seen strawberry cake mix and a sparkly frosting the last time they were at the store. It hadn’t taken much to convince Starburst to make strawberry cupcakes. After all, pink was her favorite color. Rut Roh loved strawberries. He’d been a little torn between strawberry cupcakes and his all-time favorite baked treat oatmeal cookies. He finally chose strawberry cupcakes, because Starburst loved pink.

    Do we know when Breonna will be home? Ellie asked.

    Rut Roh thought for a moment and then shook his head. He remembered Breonna getting up early that morning. She was going to a doctor’s appointment where Rut Roh would have to wait in a locker until she was done. Rut Roh had decided to stay home. He enjoyed going to doctor’s offices with Breonna, but he also liked to color. Sitting in a locker hadn’t sounded like too much fun.

    Ellie selected the bright green crayon and carefully traced the fish’s body. She then colored with tiny, circular strokes. Of the three stuffed animals, Ellie was the oldest. She was a faded yellow elephant that had seen many hugs, smiles, and tears. Rut Roh loved sitting beside her and listening to her read and tell stories. Ellie could describe what Breonna had been like long before he came. Those were his favorite stories. Ellie was also the better baker among the three friends. Rut Roh enjoyed baking, but Ellie had more experience. In fact, it had been her idea to put pink and red gumdrops on the cupcakes. She thought kids might enjoy cupcakes with candy.

    Taking a sip of her cranberry juice, Starburst studied her partially colored picture. She wasn’t quite sure what color to use for the feathers of her bird. Rut Roh smiled as she finally selected a pale purple. He had been certain she would choose another shade of pink. Starburst was the youngest of their coloring bunch. She was also the smallest. Rut Roh knew, however, that she had quite the desire to learn. Starburst had recently begun teaching herself to dance. She was learning The Electric Slide. Her little face would simply light up when the song would say ITS ELECTRIC! Starburst also enjoyed country music. Her current favorite artist was Glen Campbell. She seemed to like the song Rhinestone Cowboy the best. Rut Roh easily imagined himself riding a horse in a rodeo. He had a vivid puppy imagination.

    As the three friends were sitting and coloring, the back door opened, and Breonna came in. She smiled when she saw them at the table. She tweaked the bow on Starburst’s head, gently pulled Ellie’s ear, and kissed Rut Roh. He scrambled up from his chair to return the kiss. Breonna’s cheek was cold, and Rut Roh sneezed as he gave her a puppy kiss.

    It’s a mite cold outside, Breonna said, and she took off her jacket. She stumbled a bit as she went to hang it in the closet. Rut Roh closely watched her. Her footsteps seemed a little unsteady and she fumbled with the hanger. Rut Roh relaxed a little as Breonna walked back to him.

    Are we ready to bake? Breonna asked and Rut Roh gave a soft, happy yip. His stubby, little tail wagged as he trotted over to the cabinet and waited for Breonna to pull out the strawberry cake mix.

    Starburst raced over to them, the pink bow on her head bouncing in her excitement. Ellie, on the other hand, finished coloring the inside of her fish and carefully tucked away the crayons they had all been using before she carefully climbed off her chair and joined them.

    Thank you, Rut Roh said and hugged her.

    I’m sorry, Starburst squeaked, and she hugged Ellie’s knees.

    Ellie returned the hugs and they all waited expectantly for Breonna to open the cabinet. Breonna laughed and opened the door. She handed the box of cake mix to Ellie and then handed one beater each to Starburst and Rut Roh. They then danced their way over to the counter where Breonna lifted them. Rut Roh helped carry the mixer while Ellie helped carry the mixing bowl. Starburst carried the cupcake liners. Breonna brought over the cupcake trays, cooking oil, and eggs.

    It didn’t take long before Starburst was carefully placing the liners in the tray. Her tiny pink tongue was poked out in concentration. She might have been the youngest of the three, but she took cooking seriously. Beside her, Rut Roh tore open the box of cake mix and pulled out the bag inside. His puppy eyes gleamed with excitement. The kitchen soon smelled of strawberries as he helped Breonna open the bag and pour the contents into the mixing bowl. Ellie carefully cracked three eggs into the bowl. Breonna measured the oil.

    Rut Roh and Ellie both had a chance to help with mixing the cake, eggs, and oil. Ellie giggled as she watched Rut Roh hold the mixer with his two front, furry paws. He didn’t look much bigger than Starburst while he tried using the mixer. Fortunately, Breonna helped him hold it. Ellie needed a little help as well, and this time Rut Roh giggled. Breonna laughed at both.

    After a few minutes, the cupcake batter was ready to be poured. Starburst carefully ladled out a spoonful into the first of three liners. She was intent not to spill one drop.

    Good job, Breonna said when Starburst was done and kissed the top of her head.

    Rut Roh followed Starburst and, although he tried just as hard, he spilled a little. His puppy tail drooped, and he hung his head. Breonna tickled him beneath his chin. Rut Roh looked up, saw the love in her eyes, and his tail wagged. He felt better and he would try just as hard as before. The second and third liners he filled without any mistakes. Ellie filled hers without any mistakes.

    Breonna took the ladle to try and fill the remaining three. Rut Roh looked up at her in confusion when she seemed to hesitate. Breonna dipped the ladle into the mixing bowl and slowly poured it into what she thought was a cupcake liner. Rut Roh raised his brown eyes to meet Ellie’s blue eyes. Both noticed Breonna had left a streak of batter on the pan. Breonna didn’t appear to notice. She dipped the ladle again and this time she was more successful in filling the liner. Within a moment all three liners were filled.

    Breonna slid the cupcake tray into the oven and set the timer. Once that was done, she set out the frosting and three plastic knives. The three stuffed friends sat at the table to wait. Breonna put in a Kenny Rogers

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