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Sarah: A True Story
Sarah: A True Story
Sarah: A True Story
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Sarah: A True Story

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The book, Sarah starts out as being true, unconditional love between two women. Sarah and Deb met on a dating website and through many texts and a few phone calls, they fell deeply in love. There was one setback, Sarah keep asking Deb for money for her business shipment and Deb not thinking, because she was so much in love with her, kept sending

Release dateMar 21, 2021
Sarah: A True Story

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    Sarah - Deborah Randazzo


    This book is dedicated to my mom and dad, who showed me what true love is and how you accept your partner/spouse for who they truly are; and you are there for each other through good and bad times.

    This book is dedicated to all women and men who are looking for unconditional love, the fairy tale romance. Let love find you, don’t go searching for love. I have found out through this romance, if you can’t love yourself, you will never be able to love someone else.

    You will read many of my fantasies, which I had of Sarah, throughout my time with her. When you meet someone and fall in love with them, fantasies enter your mind of the two of you together, laughing and loving.

    Share your stories with others in hope you can save them from these criminals who play on your feelings. Only to make you feel good at the time and then when they can’t get any more money from you, disappear from site and you are left emptier than when you started. These people I found out are called "Social Engineers".

    NOTE: You will see the word NOTE come up throughout the story. These are important notes for you to remember, so you see how these Social Engineers try to make you fall in love with them. Make yourself strong through our relationship and this book, use it as an educational learning tool. I’m better off today as a person than I was 9 months ago because of what I learned about myself through all of this. I found out when I love myself and learn to love everything about myself, I don’t need to be with someone. When I meet my true love, my soul mate, we won’t take advantage of each other, we will just love each other, and share our life together. I know there is a woman out there for me, in this lifetime, I won’t look for her, but I’ll let her come to me.


    The story you are about to read is a true story about Deb and Sarah. Everything in context of the story was between January 3, 2020 to October 6, 2020. This story is about me, Deborah Randazzo, the author of this book. The last time I heard from Sarah was November 2, 2020, when she asked me for money, and I have not heard from her since. I let her know my father passed away a week later, but never heard from her again, this is our story!

    Deborah (Deb) is a product of true love, her parents. They fell in love with each other on their first date and her dad said to her mom that night, you are the woman of my dreams and I will marry you when I come back from the Navy. Deb was raised with unconditional love, which she saw in both of her parents, up to the day, 57 years later, her mom passed away. This is unconditional, true love!

    Deb searched her whole life for the same love. She married a man and he cheated on her and they divorced. Then, she found out she was attracted to women to this very day. Then Deb fell in love with Sheri, who was married and had two kids. Sheri left her husband for Deb, and Deb thought she had found the love of her life, but Sheri decided she needed to be with men, the lesbian life was not for her.

    Many dreams and fantasies, and a couple of relationships later, Deb was about to give up on love. Deb had lost her dog and cat, within one-year-time, and her life started to go downhill, she gained weight and was just existing. She thought, just one more time, I’ll try a dating site; a new one she never heard of. Within two weeks, many women answered her ad, but there was this one woman, who found her, and Deb became interested, the woman’s name was, Sarah!

    The past 9 months will tell the story, was this woman for Real or was Deb being Catfished? Deb was romanced by Sarah, she was beautiful, but Deb didn’t fall in love with her beauty, for she know, beauty is only skin deep, Deb fell in love with the words and phone calls from Sarah. Deb ended up giving Sarah a huge amount of money over the past 9 months, and she was embarrassed to tell her friends and family. Deb was not that kind of person to give up her money for someone she never met. When she finally did start to tell her family and friends, she lost a couple of her friends, one even called her stupid. Even Sheri, her ex, said, you of all people who is so careful of your money, why did you do this?

    NOTE: When you have reached the bottom of everything in your life and you just aren’t happy anymore and lonely, you begin to do things you never thought you would do. You react without thinking, because all you want is to be loved.

    So, the romance and story begin of Sarah and Deb…

    How To Use This Book

    It can be tempting to look forward toward the end of the book to see if Sarah and Deb become a couple or if Deb was being Catfish by Sarah. However reading the book from the beginning to the end is so important and you need to read day by day to understand how people such as Sarah can pull you into loving them and sending them, money.

    The structure of this book, day by day, quote by quote (which every quote is true and none of the words have been changed), vital information necessary, so you don’t become a victim to these Social Engineers. People give these Social Engineers over a million dollars a year, wishing and hoping they would love them. Don’t become one of those victims.

    This is my personal story and it can be embarrassing to admit to my audience exactly how much money I gave to a person, whom I never met. I need you to hear the exact words spoken between Sarah and myself, and then picture yourself texting, emailing and talking on the phone to someone who you feel is in love with you, and not using you. My intention is for you to recognize yourself in the same circumstance, so you realize you’re not alone and that you can create an extraordinary life filled with a healthy and happy relationship.

    My plans from the sale of my book is to start a 24/7, Hotline number for people who get to the point I had gotten to where I felt there was no hope. I want people to know you are not alone, there are thousands of people out there like you. You also can’t be embarrassed, and need to speak out, help yourself and others not to fall into this trap. I hope for you a life filled with joy, happiness, love and limitless possibilities.


    You are reading this book because you have an unquenchable thirst to be loved by another person, unconditionally – a lifestyle of living and growing old with your soul mate, where the two of you can fulfill each other’s dreams and desires. They say, once you find true love with another, you can conquer everything and anything, from building a life together, to building a family together, to building love, finances, dreams, vacations, plus many other things, so you can enjoy life and love together, forever.

    My life has been a personal quest to uncover the secrets and ways to acquire this never-ending quest. To find my soulmate and we share unconditional, true love.

    I never realized how many people are romanced to the brink of losing their life savings to someone they never met but was romanced and kick to the curb. The solution is clear, is for all of you to hear my true story, no matter how hard it is for me to tell it, and I am embarrassed by it, but it needs to be told and to educate others. I was CATFISH and scammed for money, but most of all, I was also reborn into finding myself through talking with Sarah. I do thank Sarah for helping me find myself again, through music, exercise, eating healthy, watching my money, knowing the kind of woman I am looking for and feeling ALIVE again!!!

    Chapter 1

    A blast from the past...

    I was born in 1953, Deborah Ann, and I was born with a birthmark on the upper part of my lip, in other words, my lip was all purple. I had beautiful big brown eyes and curly brown hair, with a pretty smile (so I’m even told to this day), but a purple, swollen lip. My parents were naturally very upset and asked how this happened, and the doctors mentioned, it could be a variety of reason, they said it was a birthmark. This was the beginning of having radiation done to my lip, four surgeries and many disappointments through my life.

    When I was in high school, no one asked me to prom or homecoming, all of my four years, they were scared if they kissed me, they would catch a disease. So, I started working at 14 to fill the void of not having a boyfriend; and also, I wanted to be a teacher and go to college, so I had to save for college. My goal was always to pay for college myself, my parents weren’t rich, and I wanted to prove to them, I can do it on my own. It wasn’t till my first year in college, that I met Greg, my only boyfriend, and he paid a lot of attention to me and I ended up marrying the first boy who ever loved and treated me nice. Then after the first year of marriage, he cheated on me, but I stayed married to him for another 7 years to try and make it work; and, it was the Catholic thing to do, said my mom. I filed for divorce and I also started to realize something else, I was attracted to women…

    I was a teacher and had to hide the fact, I liked women, it wasn’t accepted. I became involved with another teacher (who left her fiance for me), but after a couple of years, she decided to go back to men. Then I met a woman, who romanced me and lied to me, just to be able to move in with me and tried not to work and I had to cover all the bills, well that didn’t last long, I said good bye.

    I had two dogs and met a woman who also had dogs and we would bring them together for the weekends, and everyone had gotten along, until we moved into her house. I should have listened to my grandmother, you don’t bring two packs of dogs together. Her dogs were attacking my dogs when we weren’t home; and then, they started attacking my dogs right in front of us. I then took my dogs and moved out of that house, and I found out she only wanted to be in a relationship to help pay bills on her house and didn’t care about my dogs at all.

    I then met Sheri. Sheri was married with two children, but we ended up becoming friends. She came into my life when my mom was dying and helped me and my dad in many ways to get through this time. During all of this, we both fell in love with each other. Sheri divorced her husband for me, she had two daughters and we became a happy family. Sheri’s husband moved to Key West and we wanted her daughters to remain close with their father, so we moved to the Tampa area. I gave up my whole teaching career in Illinois for her children. Needless to say, after giving up my career, selling my home in Illinois, buying an expensive home in Florida and cutting my income 1/3, Sheri found out Florida wasn’t working out as it should and wanted to go back to Illinois. So, we moved back to Illinois, I lost $110,000 moving to Florida and in our home, all the money I lost in teaching and my teaching career went downhill in Illinois. I lost over $1.5 million dollars for retiring early from my teaching career; so, be careful when you give up your career for someone, think twice and weight it all out. To make it worst, Sheri decided to go back to men and left me, right after we moved back to Illinois. Sheri never reimbursed me for the loss of our home in Florida or anything else.

    I was devastated and had to start all over, was it worth it? I dated a couple of women, but as you know, the trust wasn’t there, because of the last relationship with Sheri. Also, there was something always missing, I couldn’t get a handle on it all. Then I had the chance to move to Arizona and I ended up buying a home. Then, this job offering came through for Florida and I thought I would be closer to my dad, who lived in Illinois and he was getting up in years, so I moved and took the job, only losing it within 3 months. Nine months later, I decided to move back to Illinois to be near my family.

    We finally made it back to Illinois with the help of my father, giving my inheritance to me for a down payment on my house and paying for the bills I acquired while I was unemployed and trying to move back to Illinois. So, my dog, cat and I made it back to Illinois and moved into a beautiful, attached home, which I live in this very day.

    There was something missing. The love of a woman and not being alone, even though I had my dog and cat. When I lost both of them, my world scattered, and I was more alone then ever!

    I knew I needed to bounce back, just one more time… What do I need? I wasn’t finding it in myself, for I lost myself and didn’t know where to look anymore. All I ever thought about was the negative, no positive! They say never look back at the past, but the past kept creeping up every day in my mind, I couldn’t let it go. I tried meditation, talking with friends, going to a therapist, maybe a new church, just driving to forget, watched TV, because it was a mind list thing to do, ate heavily and couldn’t sleep. Friends/family wanted me on depression pills, I refused it, I saw friends on depression pills and they were more depressed and drugged up.

    I then decided, in January, I needed to fly to Florida and help take care of my Aunt for 10 days and change my environment, maybe taking care of someone will get my mind off everything. In my mind I said, I would never get involved in another relationship. Then I decided before I left for Florida to try one more time and I joined a dating website.

    Two weeks before I left, I met Sarah...she found me… this is our story!

    This is a true story, the names are real, the text messages are for real, the fantasies are for real and most of all the love Deb had for Sarah was from the heart and soul. Little did Deb know all the text messages, talks on the phone and emails which were sent back and forth, was a lead into a romance scam, so she found out. Something Deb had heard about and was warned from the dating website, but overlooked it, because she thought it was true love and Sarah had her convinced it was.

    The woman Deb was texting and talking to, she still believes they fell in love, because of some of the things this woman said to her and always wanted her to be safe. The woman she was texting, also said, someday they will meet for dinner, she promised Deb this and Deb will hold her to it.

    Chapter 2

    How it all began

    January 3, 2020

    My dad’s birthday, a message on the dating website came from a woman who called herself, Cool My Time1. What caught my eye, there was two pictures, a woman with long blond hair and blue eyes, tall and wore white stretched pants, white tank top, with a blue jacket and high heels, (she was a knockout) and looked about 35. Then on there was a picture right next to the tall blond, of another woman with short blond hair, blue eyes, wearing shorts, white tank top and sandals, (who was also a knockout), she looked 52, like her website mentioned. She sent me a message saying, would like to get to know you. I was curious because of the two different pictures on her bio, one was young, and the other was older. Both women were beautiful, and I asked her, was she the older woman or the younger woman, she said the younger. She was confused and mentioned maybe her website was hacked. Sarah suggested to get off the website, so we exchanged emails and we both took our websites down. Her website didn’t say much, except wanted to be in a serious relationship and she lived in Fort Mill, South Carolina, but could move anywhere. So, I answered her, let’s go for it and see where it leads.

    Fantasy 1

    Sarah was quickly becoming the woman I had fantasized for my whole life. I was never in a relationship with a blond, let alone a blond with long hair. I used to fantasize of meeting a woman like Emma, in Once Upon A Time Series, or a woman like Gabrielle who was on the series Zena. Now, here she was, emailing and texting me, sending me pictures of herself. Wow, I never imagined this could happen to me and a woman like her would ever be attracted to me. Then my real-life fantasy began!

    Let me share a little about Sarah!

    Our emails are where we were able to learn about each other. Sarah owned her own business, she would travel overseas and buy up to 200 different kinds of machines, inexpensive, and ship them back to the states; then, sell them for a mark-up of 300% - 400%. She had her business for the past 20 years. She lived in California, but was willing to move anywhere in the country, loved to canoe, kayak, camp, dance, cook, loved nature, and many other things that I love to do. The cool part about it was, she told me these things first, I let her tell me about herself first so she wouldn’t play on my interests. Sarah ate healthy, exercised, down to earth, loves animals, helping people, and many other things, it was like I met my soul mate. Of course. she had to add, she loves dressing sexy for her partner!!

    Fantasy 2

    I would dream of meeting a woman with long blond flowing hair and blue eyes, which you can just melt into. When I would want to kiss my woman, my hand would gently move her hair to the side, so I can kiss her face all over, and take those kisses to the back of her neck and just make her melt within my arms, from just kisses, I wanted to let Sarah know I was a sensual, not sexual lover. My goal was always to please my partner first.

    January 11th

    We began with text messages, so we can talk to each other anytime during the day or night. I texted her saying I will get back to her within two hours and became overwhelmed with calls and work and didn’t get back to her in two hours. She became quite upset, and we had our first little upset, I found out if you tell her you text or call in a certain time, you better do it. She doesn’t like waiting, she mentioned she has little patience. I said I was sorry and in response to accept my apologies, she sent me a picture of her and her assistant, someone took at work and I nearly fell over. Beautiful wasn’t the word, professional sexy were the words.

    Fantasy 3

    Have you ever imagined going to a place of business and meeting up with someone you love? You slip into the back room, and start kissing, and touching, never taking your clothes off. Touching until you are the break of no return, but you must be quiet, so no one can hear you, which makes it more exciting. I have always fantasied about doing this with the woman I love, and I had fantasied about doing this with Sarah and I shared this fantasy with her and she was moved with love.

    I told her what happened between Sheri and I and she said she was sorry about my experience with my ex. I hoped you have moved on from that and willing to give love another try, just as I have also moved on and willing to try again. Sarah’s partner passed away after 12 years of their relationship. Her partner was 24 years older than her, I am12 years older.

    Now begins quotes from Sarah which are all word for word.

    Sarah: I am happy to hear this. Everyone has gone through one or two heartbreaks in their lifetime and I can understand how painful that can be. I have had my own share of heartbreaks to but I believe there’s someone here who’s gonna give me the love I deserve, I have always been loyal, that’s just who I am. I am a one woman, lady, faithful and honest. I know we’re humans and are meant to make mistakes but one thing I will never intentionally do is to break your heart.

    Fantasy 4

    I have been waiting for all my life, to meet a woman who would be faithful, honest, loyal, down to earth and loves things I love to do. Who does want to meet their soul mate? I would fantasize doing all these things with her, in such a short time knowing her. I was falling in love so fast and couldn’t stop the passion going on in my head. You dream of this special person to meet and I just met this person. Let’s make a fantasy come true, let’s begin to get to know each other, more and more.

    Sarah: You know if I wasn’t serious about you I wouldn’t show interest to you form the site. I really would like to know you and see what the future holds.

    I melted!! Sarah asked me to share a picture of myself and I did. Till this day, she compliments my smile. She said she was up in Illinois in October for business, wish we would have met then. I then decided to invite her to a woman’s dance we have twice a year in March, and she accepted and I bought her a ticket, little did I know she wouldn’t come; and the virus hit and the dance was canceled.

    Sarah: I truly hope you’re not just looking for hook up or one night stand. I want someone I can build a future with, probably leading to marriage. Someone I can spend eternity with. Someone I want to wake up next to every morning for the rest of my life.

    Deb: I believe romance should be treated very classy, warm and sensual not sexual. Every night we would never go to bed mad and I would give her a kiss and say, I’m In Love with You, and only you. We would never be a one-night stand, I promise you this."

    Sarah: Thank you for these words, you said the things I want to hear and I have confident that I can be protected around you.

    Deb: I will always protect you, this is who I am. Then we exchanged birthdays, hers is May 5, mine is March 12th.

    Sarah: "I’m putting my trust in you Deb. I’ve had series of people message me on the site which I had no interest in. Most of them wanted hooks up and one-night stand, some were sending annoying messages. I was left with no choice than to delete my profile from the site but I’m glad I found a serious-minded woman like you so I have no regret for deleting my profile".

    Deb: They see a beautiful woman such as yourself and they think oh let’s just take her to bed but that’s not what it all about, that’s not what life is about. This in not who I am, I’m different and caring.

    Sarah: You’re melting my heart with your romantic words, Deb. Never heard someone say these sweet things to me in a long time.

    Fantasy 5

    When someone says those words to you, you melt, and my dreams were holding this beautiful woman, with long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes in my arms every night. Wrapping my body around her with nothing on but undies and feeling her warm body next to mine and breathing together. We would fall asleep this way and I would hold her one breast in my hand as we fall asleep, and I would kiss the back of her neck, whispering in her ear, I Love You and we would fall asleep like this every night.

    I explained to Sarah and reminded her, I’m a short, polo shirt, gym shoe person, but I love getting dressed up for my partner. I’m what you call a soft butch, and she was 100% feminine. She mentioned she likes feminine and soft butch women, and I said we agree on something.

    Deb: What do you think, would you like to start traveling down the road of happiness with me.. Would you like to build something between us?

    Sarah: I am ready for this Deborah. I am.

    Fantasy 6

    Did you ever want to look the best for your partner, so when you stand next to her/him, others will grasp a breath, and say how amazing they look together. People would say, look at the love in their eyes, like two young children in love. This was the day, I started on a road to health and wellness, losing weight, fixing myself up again, I wanted to be everything for Sarah and myself. I wanted to dress sexy for her, make her melt when she sees me, want to touch me, every time she sees me, want to kiss me; every time we were in a room together, and proud to show me off to her friends and family. So, it began and even till this day, I’ve lost 21 lbs., only 12 to go, and I look great….

    January 12th

    I said I would be going to Florida from January 26 through February 6th to take care of my aunt. Sarah mentioned she must go to France to pick up a shipment of machines of hers around January 20th and she will be getting everything ready for her trip. I asked if she could stop by Chicago and fly out from here, she checked but said she was running out of time. Then, I said can we talk on the phone so I can hear her voice, so we started speaking every Sunday on phone and her voice had a big accent, I thought it was sexy and she mentioned she was French.

    Sarah: Sure, apart from the good profits I make from it, I enjoy it because it enables me travel round Europe and Asia often.

    Sarah also said, the next trip would be to Greece in October and it would be great if I could come with her, I said I would love it.

    Fantasy 7

    I have had the fantasy of being on an airplane with the woman I love, and it was night and we were on a long trip. We sat next to each other in first class and had blankets on ourselves. Our hands would slip under each other’s blankets and we would keep a straight face and start to finger each other under the blanket, until we would hit the point of no return. No one would know but us and we would go to sleep with smiles on our faces and cuddled next to each other.

    January 13th

    Only 10 days after we met, we had devoted our love to each other, I never experienced such love at such a great pace and I hardly knew her, but deep down inside of me, it’s like I’ve known her forever. It was a gut feeling, I’ve never had so deep, or was I so lonely, I kept asking myself over and over. The whole month of January we shared about each other. I shared I was a teacher, notary and trying to get a business started as an energy broker.

    I talked about how I am a product of true love and the deep love my parents had until the day my mom passed away, and I always wanted to have such a love. I talked about my brother and his family, and how my brother and I were close, but how my niece and nephews never call and check on me or my dad. How I would go spend one night a week by dad’s and Mary; so, I can share time with them, my dad being 91 years old and he was on hospice.

    I had friends I would do things with, but I mentioned something was always missing, I have been looking for the best friend and partner who would accept me for who I was, I was different and wanted unconditional love from a partner, I didn’t know I was the person I was looking for.

    Let’s get back to January and let me tell you about Sarah.

    Sarah was born in France, second child, her sister before her was adopted. I got the impression by how she spoke; mom loved her sister more and dad loved Sarah. Her parents traveled around because of her dad’s business; dad had gotten Sarah into the same business. So, for Sarah to feel stable, she lived with her grandmother at age 5, in Australia, until she decided to move to America at age 21. Sarah knew in her teens, she was a lesbian and never was with a man, but she kept it secret. Her stepsister lives in New Mexico, but they don’t talk, because Sarah is lesbian.

    Sarah lives in Apple Valley, California and works in Los Angeles. I live in a suburb of Chicago, but we were going to make it work. She has friends, but works hard, doesn’t go out much and never had a best friend. She said girls were jealous of her and her looks, so she says, until she met me and we became best friends.

    Sarah: How old really are you?

    Deb: I am 66, am I too old for you, I’m a young 66.

    Sarah: Wow, nobody would believe you’re 66.

    Deb: I can’t believe you’re 53.

    We spoke about our partners and shared so much, talking to her was so easy and carefree and we did it by text, which at first, I didn’t like, but then became use to it and I found I could talk to her more, than on the phone. I decided I was going to send her some beautiful romantic songs (since we both love romance), to keep her company on her trip. Little did I know a 3-week business trip of hers, she would still be there to this day, 8 months later.

    Fantasy 8

    Real to life fantasy! I started sending her songs, she made me so happy, it brought music back into my life, which I loved, but stopped listening to. I started sending her a song on her phone and would write romantic words with the song. Then in the morning, I would send her an upbeat song to wake up by and start her day with encouragement and excitement to see me every morning and look forward to the day together. I would search for the right songs every night, while I was in Florida and till this day, I still send her songs, but the last month, only night songs to help her sleep and let her know I will always be here for her.

    Sarah told me was alone after her partner’s death for 5 years, it was her choice, but she decided to try the dating scene online, for the first time.

    Sarah: You sound really nice and sweet. I believe you’re a lovable person and knows just the best way to treat your woman. Just know that I won’t break your heart, don’t break mine either.

    Deb: I said I will do my best to treat you like a lady should be treated.

    Fantasy 9

    Did you ever just want to sit and hold the person you love. Letting them know it’s going to be OK. I believe holding your partner makes them feel warm and secure, and making love to your partner is the ultimate of a relationship. This is when you give all of yourself and I never want to rush the ultimate. I like to make sure the woman I’m in love with, loves me as much as I love her. Loving someone means more to me than you could ever realize.

    I wanted to take Sarah in my arms and prove this to her, I want to show her and the meaning of true love.

    Sarah: Awwww you melt my heart Deb, I feel like I’m dreaming.

    Deb: I am actually feeling something I’ve not felt in a very long time too. This is why I said it feels like a dream and if this is a dream nobody should wake me up because this is such a beautiful dream. I said, I’m scared that I might fall in love with you and then you leave, but life is to short, this is not a dream, I’m here and your there and I want so much to take this journey with you.

    Sarah: I have no reason to leave, I am feeling something very strong for you right now and I’m sure I will wake up next morning feeling something even stronger.

    Deb: Walk alongside me, not behind me or in front of me, and let’s begin a new story, and so we did.. That night we talked for hours in text messages, I never wanted to go to sleep.

    I would wake up to a text from her every morning, since France is 7 hours ahead of the states and I would send her a text back right before I went to work. Wow I found someone who would give me the same attention and caring as I gave her. We would send pictures to each other, I would send more to her, I wanted her to get to know the real me; in case she wanted to back out now, before we would get to hot and heavy in a relationship.

    Fantasy 10

    Talking about the child like part of oneself with your partner. Have you ever dreamed about having a flour-fight with your partner while making cookies. We talked about this and then laughing while this is going on and getting turned on with the flour fight, and we started undressing each other until we were completely naked and rubbing flour all over each other. Then one of us would lead the other into the shower and take a romantic sensual shower together. Where we would lather up and down each other from the tip of our head to our feet. Rubbing soap over every inch of our bodies and letting the water rinse off the soap and our tongues lick away every drop of water on the other person’s body. Until we lick down in between each other legs, and the woman standing must just stand there, while her partner is eating her out to that point of no return, while warm water is dripping down your back and adding to the warm/hot feeling between your legs.

    We started to discuss about letting others know we have met someone special. I said I was sharing my happiness with two of my friends and they were so happy for me. Sarah mentioned she decided not to talk to anyone about us because not all of them would be genuinely happy about it. Someone might just start giving her some discouraging words that she doesn’t like to hear, she mentioned she doesn’t like drama. Her friends would know how we feel about each other when they see us together and its written all over our faces. Then we talked more about ourselves.

    Sarah lives in Apple Valley, California and I live in Huntley, Illinois. We both owned our own homes. She mentioned she could live anywhere with her business and asked would I ever think of moving to say South Carolina or we might even consider Arizona. Sarah said we would make this decision together and I melted. I’m open to anything, right now I’m living here, because my dad is still alive, and I want to be close to him.

    Fantasy 11

    I have often thought about going house hunting with the woman I’m in love with. In one of the houses, we would slip silently into one of the bedrooms and make out until we both became so excited, and we would cum together, because of being sneaky and it was exciting to do.

    Then came the big question:

    Sarah: By the way, what’s your net worth? Feel free to ask me anything too.

    I thought that was a strange question, but I lost over $1.5 million by retiring early for my ex and her children. I figured maybe I should find out what she is worth, so this woman isn’t

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