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Eskimo Kisses
Eskimo Kisses
Eskimo Kisses
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Eskimo Kisses

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Tammy is a courageous woman, who has dedicated her life for being a voice for animals. She is captivated by a life full of danger. Follow her on a rollercoaster of twists and turns. Surprises around every corner. Isabelle, her close friend and Luke, a skilled veterinarian, accompany her on heroic missions. She finds herself swept away in an erot

Release dateApr 9, 2021
Eskimo Kisses

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    Eskimo Kisses - Tammy Lee Joseph




    he sound was loud. It was a whimpering noise I was far too familiar with. As I ventured closer, the horror grew louder. Not only my ears, but my eyes could not believe the cruelty they were absorbing.

    There stood a woman about 5’5 and in her late fifties. Her hair was dangling down like ivory colored yarn. Her face was pale, embedded with dark spots, due to her aging. She was enraged, which made the wrinkles more pronounced. She looked like an old rotted pumpkin. You know the one, when you’re through with it, after Halloween? However, you leave it on your steps as it continues to rot away from the inside. That's exactly what she was, rotten.

    She wore a cream-colored robe, which was three sizes too big for her small bony frame. It had large pockets, which were deep and covered with small oddly shaped assorted colored patches. The patches appeared to be too shades lighter and were lifting at the edges. Her ratted worn tan-colored stockings were both slouched below her knees. One of the elastics on her stocking was broken. It was just hanging there, serving no purpose. She wore shoes that bore holes in them with the laces out of sorts. They were black in color like coal.

    I will never forget her eyes. The way they burned through me, reaching through to my soul, trying to devour my light. She had a brown maple colored cane in her hand. She was hitting something hiding underneath her oversized robe. I saw a little pink nose with frightened green eyes, peeking out attached to a small furry head.

    She was abusing a poor defenseless puppy. I leaned down and pick up this trembling ball of fur. The woman and I faced off, angel eyes to demon eyes. I scolded the woman. She should be ashamed of herself for beating an unprotected creature. I reminded her that she could be incarcerated for being so cruel towards an animal. She screamed at me. She tried to force me out of the yard. As I was leaving, I decided to report her to the authorities. I would make sure she paid for what she did.

    Tears streamed down my face, as this puppy was clinging to me tighter than a dryer sheet to a towel. I could feel the warmth from its lifeless body, as it now laid limp in my arms.

    I got back into the car. I lay the now trembling ball of fur in my lap and was relieved he was moving. I turned on the radio, to a soft music station, to try to calm and soothe the frightened puppy, who had just been through a traumatic experience.

    My heart was racing like a pure-bred running for the roses. I was now trying to relax, as I listened to the music, that was magically dancing away from my speakers. I concentrated on the road, as my body was feeling more and more relaxed.

    I had absolutely no intention of stopping until I reached my destination. This needed to be a place where myself and the pup could feel safe. There was such a place that existed. It was my Safe Haven. I picked up my cell, notifying my staff of what happened, so they could be fully prepared.

    Safe Haven was a No Kill Shelter, that I owned and managed. It is a place where animals can feel safe and loved. We became the voice of the animal. We worked to protect animals that have been abused from ignorant and cruel human beings. Just like the one I had encountered today.

    I pulled in and parked my car. I glanced down at my lap and spoke kindly to the puppy who had fallen asleep on it. He was curled up with his little head resting upon my thigh. I nudged him gently. He opened his eyes and yawned, then, looked at me. I picked him up gingerly. I still wasn’t sure if he suffered any internal injuries. I kissed his little pink noise and spoke to him softly as I carried him in.

    My staff was already there, prepared, waiting for me and my new friend. Luke took the puppy from my arms and brought him to the examining room, where he would perform a physical and routine bloodwork. I could tell the exam table was cold because the poor pup was trying to curl into a ball to conserve body heat. I motioned to Luke to grab a towel to place underneath the puppy's body, but Luke was way ahead of me.

    Luke always knew what I was thinking when it came to the needs of animals. He is my veterinarian. I have the utmost respect for him and everything he does. Since I laid my eyes upon him, I knew we were destined to accomplish great things together.

    It all started when we met at a rally. We were both there protesting cosmetic companies. They were using helpless animals to test their products on. Painful and unnecessary tests were conducted, while animals were tortured and left in cold metal cages, day after day. The animals were isolated and scared to endure the pain they experienced from the experiments. We were both arrested for fighting a cause we felt passionate about. We would do anything to be the voice for animals everywhere, even if that meant to be arrested.

    Hi, I’m Luke.

    Nice to meet you, Luke. I’m Tammy.

    It is unique. I haven’t heard that name a lot.

    My mom named me.

    Well, your mom has a lot of class.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome!

    Luke posted my bail along with his. He could tell I was cold, so he removed his coat and wrapped it around my shoulders. I knew from the acts of kindness shown towards me, this was a special man. The kind of man that would hold your hair as you were throwing up. One who would call you just to tell you he was thinking about all the ways he loved you and why you were so special in his heart. This was that man. The one you marry and have beautiful children with. Only, that didn’t happen between us however, we did hold dear in our hearts our most treasured bond…our friendship.

    He took me to the closest place to eat, which was a local diner. He apologized for taking me there instead of a nicer place. I told him, I didn’t care, I was starving and would eat anything. Being in jail can do that to a person.

    I asked him why he paid my bail and was now treating me to lunch. He told me he could see us doing great things together and making a difference.

    We ordered greasy double bacon cheeseburgers. The kind of sandwich with half cooked bacon. When you pick the sandwich up, the bun is soggy and the grease runs down your hands. The burgers were also serviced with seasoned curly fries, which were also salty and greasy. So much so, it left a residue upon my lips.

    We ordered dessert after our meals. Deep dish apple pie, topped off with a heaping scoop of strawberry ice cream, because we both hated vanilla. I remember what we ate and the conversation we shared like it was yesterday.

    We laughed, as we were trying to prevent our ice cream from melting down our pie. It was a dripping mess. Neither of use usually ate this bad, devouring all those calories and sodium.

    We exchanged our stories of animal rescue and bonded our friendship instantly.

    I’m sorry to say, no love connection ever formed or blossomed. We’ve experienced a solid bond that stood the test of time longer than any relationship would have lasted. I never wanted to jeopardize what we shared.

    So, he watched as I married and had a child. He was there for me through the loss of my husband, who died suddenly in a car accident. He gave me the strength I needed to make the arrangements and endured the funeral.

    Luke has always been there for me. All I have to do is pick up the phone and he’ll be standing beside me. My loyalty is to him. There were times that I dropped everything and ran to him in his hour of need.

    The woman he dated last, was all wrong for him. She didn’t understand when he needed to leave in the middle of the night, on one of our rescue missions. When he returned that same night, she was gone. Only the scent of her vanilla body spray remained upon his pillow. Finally, he let me throw it out after two weeks of sleeping with it. Once I removed the pillow, he moved on.

    My husband wasn’t understanding, either. He used to tell me to go back to bed and that I couldn’t save the world. My personal favorite was, have someone else do it!

    I never listened and always followed my heart. So, did Luke. We tend to put the animals first. We just can’t go back to bed, when there is an animal out there, cold, hurt, and hungry.

    After years passed of us being friends, I asked him to come work with me. I’ll never forget the look he wore upon his face and his reaction. I’ll always hold that day, dear in my heart. It was April 11th.

    I called him and told him we had an emergency rescue mission. No time for him to shower or dress, he needed to come as he was. I picked him up and he was wearing blue sweatpants along with a white cotton t-shirt. He looked good and for not being able to shower, he smelled good.

    I drove him to a large facility and handed him a small black box topped with a teal blue bow. He looked at me with those puppy dog brown eyes and remained puzzled. I instructed him to open the box that had him so inquisitive. In the box nestled in teal blue tissue paper was a silver key.

    I asked him if he would like to continue making a difference with me. He was so happy. Tears fell from his eyes as he jumped out of my car. He hustled around to my door, opened it, and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt like a doll breaking from his embrace. We discussed all the ways we would make a difference and to this day, side by side, we are still making miracles.


    Luke gave the puppy his vaccination shots, even though Luke was gentle, the puppy still whimpered. Luke and I talked sweetly to him to calm him.

    Tammy, I have one more needle to administer.

    Alright, I’ll make sure he doesn’t move.

    He shaved the puppy's leg, that was being held in my hand. He then, took out a syringe and placed it gently into the puppy's delicate skin. We watched as the crimson-colored blood filled the syringe.

    All done pup. Sorry, to put you through all of that.

    Through the puppy's physical, Luke and I discovered he was infested with microscopic blood sucking vampires. They were trying to suck the life out of him, feasting on him, like a family at Thanksgiving dinner. I’m talking about fleas. Those nasty bugs that bite. Enough of them accompanied by ticks can drain a dog dry, lead to diseases, or worse, death.

    We filled up one of our large sinks with warm water and placed the puppy in, wetting his fur. Luke used a special puppy flea shampoo. He lathered the puppy up with his strong hands touching mine on occasion. We rinsed the pup and dried him in a warm towel. I wrapped him up and held him close to my body. Luke always looked right through me with his caring eyes.

    Your place or mine? He inquired.

    Now, to any normal person, this meant you would be getting lucky. To Luke and I, it clearly meant, which one of us was taking the puppy home. After its tragic day, there was no way either of us would let it spend the first night alone and scared.

    Mine. I answered.

    As I spoke these words back to him, I fantasized leaning toward his gazing brown eyes. I would fall upon his lips sharing a long-awaited passionate kiss. My thoughts of Luke were always there, but I never acted upon them. I didn’t want to feel awkward around him. We had to work together.

    So, I continue to keep my composure. I thanked him and he hugged me close to him. I could feel his strong biceps wrapped around me. His hard, chiseled body pressed against mine could be felt through his scrubs. It only lasted a few minutes, but to me, it felt like an eternity. I feel so safe and loved when I’m in his arms. He knows me better than I know myself. He knew, once I held the puppy, I was taking him to his forever home.

    Congratulations are in order. You are the owner of an apple-head chihuahua.

    He handed me heartworm and flea prevention medication in a brown paper bag.

    Remember, do not give the pup his heartworm medication until I give you clearance.

    Aye, Aye Captain. I saluted him in jest.

    Sometimes he would laugh when I made jokes. He has a boyish smile that always seemed to brighten my day. He also has the brownest eyes I have ever seen.


    He was raised in Jacksonville, North Carolina. He is a country boy, tried and true. He is built strong like his truck and manners to make his mama proud. He stands at 5’7, the same height as me, and weighs about 180lbs. His hair is short, military style, with a few strands of amber heaven, that every now and then, he brushes away from his forehead. He has soft lips, the kind you dream about kissing. You wonder what they would feel like pressed against yours. The skin on the nape of his neck is sexy. I always fantasize coming from behind him and bestowing wet, tender kisses, surprising him.

    Luke Austin Calvin was named after his grandfather. He carries broad shoulders, buffed biceps, along with a nicely trimmed waist. He's a cross between a man in the military and a rock-hard superhero. He takes good care of himself with a proper diet and exercise. His thighs and calf muscles are evidence enough to prove it.

    He comes to work in hospital scrubs and sneakers. I watch as the string to his pants hangs down between his legs, until he pulls it up and tucks it neatly back into his pants. Seeing him do this, makes me want to put my hands into his pants.

    You may have guessed by the way I am describing Luke, that I wish we were more than friends. Some people are hot for their teachers, I’m hot for my veterinarian.

    Tammy, go home and enjoy your new friend.

    I’ll stay if you need me.

    Sweetie, I always need you. Isabelle and I will manage just fine.

    "Isabelle was my other team member. There were three of us. We are a dependable, hardworking crew. We all have and will continue to go above and beyond to save and protect animals.

    She stood 5’5, long blonde hair, straight like an arrow, which she pulls back with her array of colored elastics. Her eyes are blue and have a warmness to them, the way the sun warms the ocean. She has a petite-frame, but don’t let her fool you. I’ve witnessed her pick up a hundred-pound dog without breaking a sweat. She has a kind and loving nature about her and wears her heart on her sleeve.

    Alright, then. As long as you’re sure.

    I’m sure. Isn’t David coming home soon?

    Luke knew just what to say to me to get me to close my lips and get my feet moving.

    Alright, I’m going. Bye, guys.

    Bye, Tammy. They said simultaneously.

    I got into my car and laid the pup on my lap. I was thinking to myself, what this poor innocent creature must have been thinking. This woman rescued me from being beaten, then she took me to a man who poked and prodded me like cattle. The number one reason why I am so good with animals is because I share a mental connection with them. I always seem to know what they are thinking and feeling.

    This started when I was a child. I was raised to love and protect animals. I would always bring lost and abused creatures home to be loved and cared for.

    I was born in Providence, Rhode Island. I hate the cold winters, especially the snow and ice. I would love to migrate to southern Florida, the way the birds do, to escape the harsh winters. My mother and I rescued everything from dogs to rabbits, which we kept as pets. My first bunny I received, was for Easter. Some kids got just candy. I received bunnies, ducks, and candy. They would keep me company and make me happy.

    On my first birthday, my God-parents went to the shelter and adopted a dog for me that was going to be euthanized. He was the best present I received that day. He was grey, black, and white. I named him, Buttons. He was an old English Sheepdog. While he never herded sheep, he still could round me up quickly. He used to walk me to school and wait for me to get out. He would escort me home safely. He always slept sprawled out at the foot of my bed, ears perked, listening to every sound that played a role in and outside our house. He had kind eyes and a warm heart that protected me through the years.

    The rewards and companionship of growing up with animals were immeasurable in my heart. However, when they passed on due to illness or old age, it was more than my heart could bear. Soon, my dear Buttons left me from this earth, leaving me all alone. I could only pray he was in a better place and never lose my faith.

    My mother told me there was a heaven, where animals go, and that sweet Buttons would be at Rainbow Bridge, there waiting for me until I see him again. The spoken words from her lips could not dry my eyes, as I shed many tears. To this day, I am still very passionate about rescuing and protecting animals.

    When my mother died, she left me an inheritance. With a portion of it, I purchased Safe Haven. I did the one thing that I felt would warm her heart in heaven.


    I arrived at the pet store, parked the car, and turned the engine off. I held the pup in my arms and got out of the car. I spoke to him kindly, as I carried him into the store. He was frightened at first from all of the foreign sights, sounds, and smells. After a lot of coaxing, he settled down.

    Can I help you find something?

    I’m all set, but thank you, anyway.

    You’re welcome. Oh, your puppy is so cute!

    Thank you.

    I headed over to the collar and leash section. I spotted one that was baby blue with white bones on it. I sized him and grabbed the matching leash. In the next aisle, I found dog sweaters. I tried fitting one for him and decided to leave it on him, since it was chilly outside. I put his collar back on to ensure a proper fit. With his new sweater, everything fit nicely and he looked adorable in his new attire. I found my way back to the aisle where the dog toys were. There he fancied a brown teddy bear and a bright yellow duck that both squeaked. I picked him out a wide assortment of things he could chew on, seeing

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