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Whispering Woods
Whispering Woods
Whispering Woods
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Whispering Woods

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About this ebook

The Whispering Woods is a culmination of my education in criminology and victimology and my experiences in counseling. Of all novels, this one in particular is different from my previous books. It is a murder mystery. Though the majority of the book is fictional, the details regarding serial killers are fact. Certain characteristics are defined

Release dateApr 16, 2021
Whispering Woods

L.C. Markland

L.C. Markland is a local author. He and Judy, his wife, reside in North Canton, OH. He graduated from the Akron East High School, the University of Akron, and Malone University of Canton OH. Before writing novels, Paul served two pastorates in the Akron/Canton area and directed a non-profit organization. Health issues led to an early retirement in 2014. Since then, he has written several works, "Whispers in the Willows" is among them. He uses the pen name L. C. Markland in memory of his father. His other books are "All Things Work Together for Good," "Winds of Change," "Killing Me Softly," "Hard to Say I'm Sorry," "No Holds Barred: No Holding, Back," "The Whispering Woods," "The Widows Web," "The Widows Web Unwoven," "I Existed," and "The Widow's Web Unwoven: The Mitchells' Mystery."

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    Whispering Woods - L.C. Markland



    L.C. Markland

    Whispering Woods

    Copyright © 2021 by L.C. Markland. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

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    Book design copyright © 2021 by URLink Print and Media. All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021903039

    ISBN 978-1-64753-684-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64753-685-5 (Digital)




    Author’s Note

    The Whispering Woods


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    About the Author


    The Whispering Woods is my seventh novel. My other works include: All Things Work Together for Good (Romans 8:28), Winds of Change , Hard to Say I’m Sorry , Whispers in the Willows, Killing Me Softly, and No Holds Barred: No Holding Back. Though two of the novels, All Things Work Together for Good (Romans 8:28) and No Holds Barred: No Holding Back, lend themselves to sequels, this one has definitely been written for future series.

    It would be wrong for me to underestimate the power of encouragement. In 2014, I stepped down from my position as a pastor. At that time, I was plagued with pain as four back surgeries ultimately took their toll. My physical and emotional well-being were taxed beyond their limits. During such time, some friends encouraged me to start writing. Sure, I threatened and even entertained the thought, but I never anticipated or even expected to write one, let alone seven.

    Though my inspiration came from some great friends, it was my mother, Lucy Markland, who planted the seeds. She loved to read. In fact, she read every genre imaginable. My enthusiasm for literature stems from her. She always wanted to write a novel, but she didn’t. She believed she lacked the education and experience to do so.

    When she passed away, I promised to pen a story on paper. What I didn’t know was how that vow would come to true fruition. For twenty plus years, I grew accustomed to sharing stories with others. It’s what I did. But the stories I told had already been told. It was for me to study them and then verbally share them to others. To begin a book from the beginning and see it through to the very end seemed virtually impossible.

    That’s where some friends stepped in. They encouraged and even enticed me to pursue the dreams of my mother. They went so far as to support me along the way, whether it was proofing my work for content and errors or financially supporting this endeavor. Diligently, they gave of their time and resources. Faithfully, they have walked with me. Their motivation for me to push forward, motivated me. They are: Judy Markland (my wife), Janice Erb (mother-in-law), Peter Markland (twin brother), Shirley Rice Verhey (a true friend), Jim Neidert and Raymond Shook (fellow high school graduates), and Tara Boice. I would be remiss not to acknowledge Leslie A. Matheny for co-authoring three of the novels written. They are Killing Me Softly, Whispers in the Willows, and Hard to Say I’m Sorry. She, in her own right, deserves special thanks.

    I dedicate this work to Lyndon J. Markland. Before I started working on this piece, he unexpectedly passed away. Shortly before his death, he proved himself to be a valuable friend and brother. Never did I know the impact my works had on him or his life, nor did I know that it was his passing that would prompt me to return to the position I stepped down from.


    The Whispering Woods is a culmination of my education in criminology, victimology, and my experiences in counseling. Of all novels, this one in particular is different from my previous books.

    It is a murder mystery. Though the majority of the book is fictional, the details regarding serial killers are facts. Certain characteristics are defined and described based on interviews with those who had an appetite to kill and the means and measures they used to conceal their crimes.

    While writing this work, I was reminded of several verses found in Scriptures. Two of the most prominent thoughts are found in the book of Numbers 32:23 which declares, But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the LORD; and be sure your sin will find you out (NKJV), and the second is discovered by the prophet Jeremiah. In chapter 17 and verse 9, this Old Testament prophet dictates that, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it (NKJV?)?

    As you read, The Whispering Woods, let me encourage you, the reader, to be mindful of the quotes cited above. Realize that we, as fallen creatures, are capable of doing the unthinkable and the incomprehensible. Whether we want to accept that our crimes carry less weight than others, in the eyes of God, all sin is punishable by death.

    Yet, regardless of the weight any sin carries, God is a gracious God. He has provided and paved a way for us to be forgiven and pardoned. He has done so through his son, Christ Jesus. In the book of Romans, Paul reminds his readers that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (6:23, NKJV).

    In advance, I thank you for taking time out to read the work provided below. I pray you enjoy the story as it has been written. I also pray that you are blessed to read it as I was to write it.


    L. C. Markland


    by L. C. Markland

    Review by Raymond Shook, April 2017

    The Whispering Woods is the seventh novel by L. C. Markland. This novella is a mystery, and the first one of its genre by the author. Through L. C. Markland’s previous works, biblical scripture and references are incorporated into the stories, and the author continues this practice with The Whispering W oods .

    The introduction focuses on the murder case of Becky, a young woman found in the basement of her family home. Becky’s father was convicted of the crime and received a death sentence. This case is personal and professional for most of the protagonists and antagonists in this story. Meghan Mitchell was Becky’s best friend and is a police detective who works with her father, known only as the chief of police, a.k.a. the Chief. They cooperate and compete with the antagonists: the media in the collective sense and Scott Oliver who is a very successful and a celebrated detective. He was brought in by the Chief to help solve high-profile murder cases. Becky’s murder, investigation, and her father’s conviction and sentencing influenced the Mitchell family to relocate to a

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