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Demon Sphere
Demon Sphere
Demon Sphere
Ebook595 pages9 hours

Demon Sphere

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Approximately one hundred terrorists are the targets of World Interconnect (WI-7), an international terrorist-hunting organization. These terrorists, supported by international, like-minded financiers, are on a quest to crumble the United States and its culture. WI-7 is developing a plan to render the terrorists inoperable by using a ne

Release dateApr 26, 2021
Demon Sphere

Vincenzo Spiaggi

Vincenzo Spiaggi, a native of New York City and a graduate of The City University of New York, is a geologist, novelist, journalist, fine arts photographer, and screenwriter. He has lived and worked throughout the United States, in Canada and the Middle East. He currently resides in rural upstate New York.

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    Demon Sphere - Vincenzo Spiaggi

    Copyright © 2021 by Vincenzo Spiaggi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Cover photo courtesy of Bruce Rubin

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    To the memory of



    Dearest companion. Godspeed.

    "Yesterday I heard the rain

    Whispering your name,

    Asking where you’d gone …"

    It’s always those who have the most to hide
    who attack other people
    for the very things they themselves have done.

    A brief synopsis of the

    previous twelve books of the

    Johnny Skull Series

    Small-Town Weekly (Book 1)

    The Valentine Voice is a mess. This small-town weekly newspaper is suffering from listless reporting, lifeless news presentations, and dwindling advertising revenues, all a result of its inexperienced, inept and feckless management, and a lack of effective community awareness.

    Into the equation enters Johnny Skull, an itinerant newspaper editor who has made a career of revitalizing failing small-town weeklies and turning them into successful entities by upgrading their writing, reporting, photojournalism, and community advocacy.

    Via his editorials, feature articles and interaction with the locals, we learn about Johnny and how he transforms the woeful newspaper into an award winner in just one year.

    His efforts, and the efforts of his newly energized, all-woman staff, are woven into the events and fabric of the town and county, including a tornado, a successful high school sports year, a surprise visit to the town by a rock ‘n’ roll legend, a mystery woman who sends love letters to Johnny, a major fire, and a multiple-murder spree.

    Small Pebbles, Long Shadows (Book 2)

    The editor of The Sheridan County Sunrise disappears.

    Its sports reporter is brutally murdered.

    The sheriff’s investigation hits a dead end.

    The star quarterback at the local high school has a troubling past and is walking an emotional tightrope. His cheerleader girlfriend is bothered by his occasional disappearances.

    What is it about the missing editor’s past that leads to the uncovering of a terrorist plot?

    The newspaper’s new editor, Johnny Skull, leads an investigation into the previous editor’s disappearance and sports reporter’s murder, and finds more questions than answers; but finally, all clues lead to a rural mosque and its radical leader.

    Set in the beautiful foothills of the Bighorn Mountains of north-central Wyoming, this is a tale of mystery, love, international politics, personal awakening, and individual triumph.

    Happiness Is The Road (Book 3)

    Johnny Skull’s life experiences from 1998 to 2006 are explored during his wedding celebration in the fall of 2007.

    Documented is the young newspaperman’s odyssey from the time he graduates from the University of Arizona, until just before he takes a job at The Valentine Voice, the setting for the first Johnny Skull novel, Small-Town Weekly.

    This story, via flashbacks, follows Johnny’s career through seven different jobs as he learns the publishing business … and priceless life lessons.

    In Texas, at his first job which lasts only one day, he is run out of town by the sheriff’s daughter. In Kentucky, he saves the life of his future boss and earns a job at a newspaper in Maine. In North Dakota, he rescues a newspaper from mediocrity and brings it into the twenty-first century.

    In Colorado, Johnny starts a brand-new weekly newspaper, only to lose his job just days before 9/11/01, when a new owner acquires that publication. In Arizona, he resurrects a failing mining-industry magazine to its former respected status, and becomes a successful fine-arts photographer.

    As the communications and publications director for a trade organization in Washington, he goes head-to-head with his new boss who has some strange views on intra-office relations. And in Nevada, he helps a congressman get elected.

    But the story also reveals the dark-side of ex-Marine Johnny Skull, as he uses the lessons he’d learned from his grandfather to avenge the honor of his friends.

    The Great Sicilian Rabbit Hunter (Book 4)

    A little-known, but particularly evil, Nazi war criminal is on the loose. He escapes to South America after WWII, then eventually makes his way to North America, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

    Newspaperman Johnny Skull, with help from a well-connected U.S. congressman, an Israeli Secret Service agent, and a terrorist-tracking organization known as World Interconnect (WI-7), is on the Nazi’s trail, one that leads from Italy to Argentina to Mexico to Arizona to British Columbia, and finally to Wyoming.

    The story follows the military careers of U.S. Marine lieutenant Johnny Skull, and his grandfather, a former U.S. Army major, as they hone their particular skills in hunting down the world’s evil thugs. The story also revisits the life of the Nazi, and his metamorphosis from a bumbling fool to a ruthless killer.

    A Tribute To His Heroes (Book 5)

    At the end of the previous book, Johnny Skull discovers a fortune in gold and cash in an abandoned coal mine. He then proceeds to give many of his friends a cash gift of $20,000 each, but he remains the anonymous gift giver.

    The story follows the recipients of the gifts and how their new wealth affects their lives.

    A sub-plot of the story is the murder of a radical Muslim cleric, how that murder intertwines with the lives of several characters, and the international intrigue that builds thereafter.

    The Natural Order Of Human Events
    (Book 6)

    Family members of the Secretary General of the United Nations are murdered in a homicide bombing in Jerusalem. Overcome with grief, the Secretary General then takes his own life.

    His successor, Mikki Paarsalu of Estonia, vows to reform the corrupt international organization; but during his acceptance speech, he offends a few people and makes a few new enemies.

    The story chronicles the efforts of Paarsalu’s enemies as they try to teach him a lesson for his public humiliation of them. His enemies include a powerful mullah at a mosque in Boulder, Colorado, and a Middle Eastern ambassador to the United Nations.

    The story also tracks the efforts of Paarsalu’s friends as they try to protect him from his enemies. Working in his behalf are: Johnny Skull, who is on his own mission of revenge; a U.S. congressman and an Israeli Mossad agent; several reporters for The Sheridan County Sunrise, an award-winning weekly newspaper in the Village of Story, Wyoming; and members of World Interconnect (WI-7), an international terrorist-tracking organization. WI-7 believes that the Yemeni jihadist, Abu Zulu, is the man behind the plot to harm Paarsalu.

    Time To Lean, Time To Clean (Book 7)

    Interwoven between scathing indictments of the American president and international jihad, is a story of terrorism, foreign intrigue, incompetence at the highest levels of the American government, and creative patriotism.

    Vespa Jiggs, the American president’s puppeteer, is not whom she seems to be. Following the path of her own secret agenda, she is planning a catastrophic event that will forever change the world’s political course.

    But the killing of Osama bin Laden – an action she vehemently opposed – causes her to change her plans when one of her operatives talks a little too freely to the wrong people about her planned terrorist event.

    Once again, Johnny Skull and World Interconnect (WI-7) rise to the occasion to save the world from the evildoers.

    The Antelope Farm (Book 8)

    The American president’s friends, top advisors, and co-conspirators are disappearing at an alarming rate. With the 2012 election just around the corner, and with his key people nowhere to be found, the president is concerned that, without them, he will lose his bid to serve another four years, thereby foiling his efforts to destroy the United States from within.

    Only the organization known as World Interconnect (WI-7) knows where the missing persons are. In an effort to destabilize the president’s re-election campaign, the international anti-terrorist organization not only kidnaps those people who are important to the president, they also uncover a network of radical jihadists who are working toward the overthrow of the United States government.

    One-Legged Geese (Book 9)

    World Interconnect (WI-7) is on a mission to eliminate a North America-based, Iran-sponsored network of jihadists. But the Iranian government and the Boston Mafia are on separate missions of their own; coincidentally, and incredibly, their independently arrived-at missions are identical, and WI-7 is caught in the middle of an international race that could turn the world upside down.

    The First Raindrop Of The Storm (Book 10)

    Iran wants to start the end-of-days war with the West. To that end, a plot is afoot to kill seven key world leaders, thereby forcing the West to respond militarily.

    Twenty-two jihadists are on the loose in America, preparing to form an Iranian caliphate when the end-of-days war ends. Additionally, a host of Iranian operatives and sympathizers within the American government are aiding Iran in its attempt to turn the world to ashes.

    Can Johnny Skull and his WI-7 teammates succeed in saving the world from destruction? WI-7’s road to success is circuitous, but the ultimate outcome will surprise even themselves.

    Curse Of The Quincunx (Book 11)

    During the Middle Ages, and after two-hundred-fifty years of inbreeding, this geographically isolated community of genetically diseased killers is all but destroyed by an earthquake. Its few survivors scatter to the four winds and resettle afar.

    Now, a mad man tries to resurrect their lineage, hoping to recreate an army of mercenaries from what remains of their genetically noxious descendants.

    Waiting for them are the agents of World Interconnect (WI-7), who attempt to stifle this deadly march of evil. WI-7’s quest is international; its failure would be catastrophic.

    Sunrise Over Evil (Book 12)

    Two Las Vegas-area mosques are destroyed by the Boston mafia. But beneath the mosques are a secret network of tunnels which were used to store, among other things, nuclear weapons.

    The directors of the American Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency are conspiring with the international Islamist movement to destroy the United States of America, which included a plan to use tunnels under 50 additional America-based mosques to store large caches of nuclear weapons … and to use them.

    Agents of World Interconnect (WI-7), an international terrorist-hunting organization, team up with the Boston mafia to investigate, and expose, the domestic tunneling plans of the Islamists.

    Key Members of

    World Interconnect (WI-7)

    WI-7 Directors

    Jack Davidson – Executive Director, New York City.

    Greta Vogelein – Western Regional Director, Denver, Colorado.

    Mikki Paarsalu – Secretary General of the United Nations, and Member of WI-7 Board of Directors, New York City.

    H. Mathias Neimark – Vice President of the United States, and Member of WI-7 Board of Directors, Washington, D.C.

    WI-7 Senior Operatives

    Johnny Skull – Patagonia, Arizona.

    Paul Davidson – Story, Wyoming.

    Reva Kahani – New York City (also a Mossad operative).

    Jenny Jessup – Story, Wyoming.

    Levi Ashkelon – Deming, Washington and Tel Aviv, Israel (also a Mossad operative).

    Morty Cohen – Spearfish, South Dakota.

    Solomon Cohen – Spearfish, South Dakota.

    Yali Shevet Abravnel – Raton, New Mexico (also a Mossad operative).

    Jarvis Greene – Washington, DC (a California congress-


    Ibrahima Oosminaqi – New York City.

    Xerxes Malouffi – London, England.

    WI-7 Consultant Status Force Members

    Saundra Jessup – Story, Wyoming.

    Jimila Jimmie Masroun – Laramie, Wyoming.

    Fannie Scalisi – Laramie, Wyoming.

    Morning Rae Ferris Ashkelon – Deming, Washington.

    Della Casias – Denver, Colorado.

    Sue Ellen Richey – New York City.

    Virgil Thorpe – Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Sister Hernanda Molina – Ignacio, Colorado.

    Sheila Adler – Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Faith Hunter – Ruidoso, New Mexico.

    Mario Genduso – Brooklyn, New York.

    Skeeter Abravnel – Raton, New Mexico.

    Obadija Deej Finkelstein – Washington, DC.

    Mollie Dalaasa – New York City.

    Bambi Dalaasa – New York City.

    Miles Ponsonby – London, England.

    Shekavi Nashiqi – Boulder, Colorado.

    Shestali Nashiqi – Boulder, Colorado.

    Arivna Nashiqi – Boulder, Colorado.

    Zariva Nashiqi – Boulder, Colorado.

    Joan Von Rapacki – New York City.

    Bonnie Winston – Washington, DC.


    Thanksgiving Day

    Thursday, November 24, 2016

    Gyorgy Gonoszy is an 80-year-old, New York City-based billionaire, originally from one of those mysterious Slavic countries in Eastern Europe: Hungaria, or Transylvania, or Slobovia, or some such place where it seems to always be raining and dreary.

    As an anti-social adolescent, Gyorgy hated everyone, except those whom he deemed to be evil; they were his heroes – Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Genghis Kahn and Jack the Ripper topped his list of favorites. Considering this mindset as the basis of his personal world view, Gyorgy, as an adult, and after he’d emigrated to America, did what he could to covertly support a variety of efforts to stamp out freedom, decency, and happiness wherever they thrived, and whenever he had the chance.

    Therefore, international terrorism was the perfect fit for him in which to invest a large portion of his ponderous personal fortune. Radical Islam – not at all his choice for his own personal salvation – was not the only evil endeavor he supported, but it was one of the largest recipients of his ill-gotten wealth, which he’d amassed over the years while working as a less-than-honest money manipulator on Wall Street.

    Gyorgy didn’t marry until he was in his fifties; and when he did, he chose much-younger trophy wives. These were women who did not have dreams of motherhood, which went along with his own abhorrence of children. When he eventually became aware of his wives’ affairs with younger men and older women – mainly caused by his lack of an enthusiastic interest in intimate relations – he had them shipped off to points afar, never to be heard from again … that is, all his wives and many of their lovers. And after the seamy end of each of his marriages, he became meaner and more hateful.

    Gyorgy Gonoszy was not a nice man, but he never gave one thought to the idea of the enormous amount of his accumulated bad karma catching up with him … someday.

    *   *   *

    Several days before Thanksgiving Day 2016, Gyorgy embarked on a secret western road trip from New York City; he never told anyone where he was going when he took his little clandestine excursions, even his closest business associates didn’t know. The purpose of the trip was to inspect his latest evil endeavor: a super-bunker-buster bomb, comprised of three electronically controlled 55-gallon-barrels filled with triple-compacted TNT. It is a particularly powerful and destructive device he’d recently purchased from the Cairo-based Muslim Brotherhood, from a man named Quumun-Quumun Mohamed-Mohamed Squmee-Squmee. Gyorgy had subsequently given the super-explosive device to one of his America-based cronies, an exceptionally evil and radical jihadist named Kareem Khalil Samir Zahir Qumir Qahqi, known to all who loved him dearly as Qahqi (pronounced Cocky).

    Qahqi, an Egyptian, is the chief terrorist at a small, cave-based Muslim enclave in a remote canyon in the mountains of north-central New Mexico, northeast of Taos and west of Raton. Qahqi thought his little evil enclave was unknown to the local law enforcement authorities; however, the local sheriff knew the enclave existed, but was holding off on raiding the place until it presented a clear and present danger to the people of Colfax County and the City of Raton. Indeed, Qahqi told the land-owning rancher that the residents of the enclave were peaceful farmers. The rancher, a gentle and trusting man named Bob Johnson, requested that the sheriff allow the Muslims, whom he regarded as harmless, to remain on the land for the time being. However, the rancher did not mention to the sheriff that Qahqi had paid him a whole bunch of money for the privilege of homesteading the small piece of land at the upper end of a narrow valley called Spiker Canyon.

    Gyorgy’s plan was to have these jihadists – whom he’d been supporting for the past year and a half – explode the super-bunker-buster bomb at a soon-to-be-determined, strategic location somewhere in the southwestern United States, just to create some havoc to the country he despised.

    On the morning of Thanksgiving Day, Gyorgy followed Qahqi into an underground bunker inside a system of connected caves to observe the finalization of the wiring-and-electronic-arming process of the bomb, just days before the delivery of the device to one of three high-population centers in the southwestern United States: El Paso, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; or Tucson, Arizona. Each location is home to an important U.S. military base, one of which would be the target of the bomb; that decision would be made during the follow-up lunch meeting between Qahqi and Gyorgy after they viewed the final arming of the device’s cell-phone controlled, remote timing/detonating mechanism.

    *   *   *

    From her cliff-side, 17th-century-castle home in the Balkan Mountains of central Montenegro, Esmana Turkiya spoke by cell phone to her uncle-by-marriage Quumun-Quumun, known to his friends as Q-Q, for all the obvious reasons.

    Esmana is a youngish-looking, forty-something, highly compensated international courtesan, employed by the Muslim Brotherhood as a spy. Since the death of her husband many years earlier, Esmana – who is considered to be sexually irresistible by most standards – has been utilized by the Brotherhood to glean, through blackmail, important information from famous politicians and potentates, bigwig oligarchs, business tycoons, and important muckety-muck military types, all in an effort to help the Brotherhood gain access to positions of international power and influence. It is rumored that she hypnotizes her quarry with sex to get what she wants.

    Esmana lives in seclusion with her two children (fathers unknown) when she is not swapping bodily fluids with her prey in all parts of the world; Q-Q relies on her for her logistical insight and political acumen.

    Q-Q, the biggest bigwig in the Muslim Brotherhood, has a checkered past; he was a terrorist during the eighties and nineties, but has been an administrator for the Brotherhood for the past twenty-five years or so. That’s because he lost a leg in a blast-gone-wrong in Jerusalem during his last terrorist effort, so he can’t get around like he used to. He is considered by many to be Esmana’s pimp.

    Q-Q had befriended Gyorgy Gonoszy five years earlier at an anti-America, anti-Israel, pro-jihadist conference in Cairo. He knew of Gyorgy’s shady past and parasitic financial dealings, and he’d been warned by his closest associates that while Gyorgy was one of the wealthiest men in America, he was not to be trusted. It was only after Gyorgy had invested tens of millions of dollars in certain jihadist causes supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, that Q-Q decided to sell him an Iranian-built, TNT-activated, triple-compacted, remote-controlled, super-bunker-buster bomb … with one caveat: it had to be used at a military base in the United States. Gyorgy happily agreed.

    It was only then that Q-Q introduced Gyorgy to Kareem Khalil Samir Zahir Qumir Qahqi for the potential mutual benefit of all involved.

    However, Esmana did not like the idea that Q-Q was so chummy with Gyorgy. It seems that Esmana, a sexually active bi-sexual woman, had had affairs with all of Gyorgy’s ex-wives before he’d married them, and she still felt a gender-kinship with them all … so much so that she created a quid pro quo with the chief bomb-making engineer who’d built the very bomb Q-Q sold to Gyorgy; the same bomb Gyorgy gave to Qahqi.

    Esmana had convinced the chief bomb-making engineer to booby-trap the explosive device by programming its internal computer to explode during the final wiring-and-electronic-arming process. Her payoff to the engineer was to provide him with weekend-long liaisons in Cairo with some of her lovely women paramours whenever he felt the need to do so … which he assured her would be often. Esmana knew that some men were motivated by money, and some were motivated by nookie … and she knew how to distinguish between the two.

    Esmana, Q-Q said into the phone, do you have the same questions about Gyorgy that I have?

    Why, dear uncle, whatever do you mean?

    Look, I know he’s given a lot of money to our worldwide cause, and I know he’ll give us a lot more if we ask him for it. But … well, there’s just something about him that bothers me.

    Elucidate, please, dear uncle.

    "Look, I know that we Muslims are supposed to hate the Jews, and I know that you and I truly believe that deep down inside we understand that we are the barbarians and they are civilized ones in this conflict. And I know that Gyorgy’s parents were Jews; but the way he disrespected them by turning against worldwide Jewry like he has and he did it at such a young age leads me to believe he has no guiding philosophy in his life; that is, other than his own wealth accumulation and power wielding. A man without moral values, no matter how much we need his money and how much we agree with him politically, is, to me, a man not to be trusted. He is an evil man through and through, and I just have the feeling that someday he’ll turn against us in a big way and do us major harm."

    "And you’re wondering if he will eventually turn against us because of his vacuous and venal personal and philosophical values?"

    Yes. Especially because I think he knows a little too much about our operations in America, and I don’t want him to learn anymore about them.

    Are you talking about the tunneling projects?

    The previous Thanksgiving, the Boston Mafia destroyed the only two mosques in Las Vegas, Nevada. World Interconnect (WI-7) – an international terrorist-fighting organization with a long history of anti-terrorist accomplishments – had allied themselves with the Boston Mafia to uncover a jihadist plot to construct tunnels under the Las Vegas mosques; the tunnels were used to store small nuclear weapons, eventually to be used to wreak havoc in that southern Nevada city. The future plan of the Muslim Brotherhood was to construct nuclear-device storage tunnels under fifty strategically located mosques across the U.S.

    Exactly. And who knows what else he knows that we don’t know he knows?

    Like what?

    "Well, I happen to know he’s very interested in learning more about some of our additional secret tunneling operations in America. And you probably already know that I sold him a powerful explosive device, and that I’ve also introduced him to Qahqi, who now has control of that bomb; but I don’t know what Gyorgy’s actual plans are for the detonation of that device. And, from what I hear from Qahqi, Gyorgy will be visiting him very soon; you know, just to see his operation. He may even be there now. I guess Gyorgy figures that since he’s bankrolled Qahqi for a while, he deserves to see how Qahqi lives and operates, especially since Qahqi is the custodian of Gyorgy’s $6 million bomb."

    Esmana thought to herself, Now, wouldn’t it be ironic to have Gyorgy and Qahqi get themselves blown up together: Gyorgy is a slimy misogynist, and Qahqi is a Neanderthalic slug; they deserve to enter hell at the same time. And Qahqi is located … where, exactly? she asked, playing dumb. Of course she knew where he was.

    In northern New Mexico; apparently, he’s found a secret cave in which to base himself and his band of jihadists. The land owner thinks he’s a harmless farmer.

    And how many men does he have with him?

    About ten.

    Any women there?

    None that I know of; that is, not as permanent residents. The mosques in Las Vegas had been supplying Qahqi with young Arab girls on a rotating basis; but since the destruction of those mosques last year, Qahqi’s men are being supplied with young Arab refugee girls from one of the mosques in the Denver-Boulder area. They get a delivery twice a month; they use the girls as they wish for a few days, then they send them back, only to get a new batch two weeks later.


    Really. As a matter of fact, I think a group of girls were scheduled to have arrived there just yesterday.

    *   *   *

    So, G-G, Qahqi said as the two men walked into the bunker just inside the opening to the cave, do you think you can handle a couple of the young girls I was telling you about? They just arrived yesterday. You’re not too old for a little sexual diversion, are you? I chose them specifically for you. They’re very pretty and they are twin sisters. Qahqi winked at the old man.

    Gyorgy, who did not mind being called the familiar G-G by Qahqi, smiled and said, "Two girls? That may be a little too much for a man of my age to handle. After lunch I’ll decide if I can take on both of them."

    Sure. Anything for my benefactor. Right after we set the timing device, we’ll eat. Then you can enjoy yourself with the girls. And then we can decide which American military base will be our target.

    The two men entered a small, well-lit room in which one of Qahqi’s men was connecting wires to the electronic timer that was sitting on top of one of the three 55-gallon-drums which housed the assembled, ultra-powerful explosive device.

    I’m just about ready to complete the final wiring-and-electronic-arming process, the man said to Qahqi. And I’m sure you understand that the process of triple-compacting the TNT fuel inside these barrels allows for the explosion to be exponentially one hundred times greater than if it was only doubly compacted, and one thousand times greater than if it had been singly compacted. He fiddled with a few more wires, punched up a few prompts on the small, in-line computer keyboard that was connected to the bomb’s timing device via red and blue and yellow wires. Momentarily, the man smiled at Qahqi, then he nodded and said, Okay, I’m ready to set the timing mechanism for the final connection; by the way, the bomb may be remotely controlled from anywhere in the world using a special cell-phone app.

    Good, Qahqi said to the engineer. Let’s set it to explode this Sunday at noon. We’ll have it transported to its final location by then … So, get on with it. We’ll watch while you do it.

    The man began his final wire-connecting work. This should take only a few seconds.

    Gyorgy smiled … then, for some reason unknown to him, he shivered. He didn’t believe in the ultimate revenge of something as ethereal as the concept of the cumulative effect of bad karma; and never once, not in his entire life, did he wonder if his good fortune would ever come to an end. There were so many people who’d had their lives destroyed because of him and his nefarious financial machinations; he’d even had a handful of people assassinated in order for the augmentation of his fortune to continue. It just never occurred to him that his streak of seemingly never-ending successes and good luck, mostly by underhanded means, would ever run out of steam.

    That’s why his sudden shivers puzzled him.

    *   *   *

    Twenty-five minutes later, Jack Davidson, the executive director of the secret, international terrorist-hunting organization known as World Interconnect, or WI-7, had just brought to a close the organization’s annual business meeting in the large den of the luxurious log home of Brian and Davida Robbins, in the woods near the lovely mountain village of Story, Wyoming.

    In attendance were all thirty-three full-time and part-time WI-7 agents, and board of directors’ members Jack Davidson (WI-7’s New York City-based executive director), Greta Vogelein (WI-7’s Denver-based Western States Regional Director), and board member Mikki Paarsalu (the Secretary General of the United Nations). As per usual, the American vice president, H. Mathias Neimark, also a WI-7 Board of Directors’ member, did not attend; the vice president would be apprised of the meeting’s proceedings later that day by Jack Davidson.

    Also not in attendance was WI-7 member in absentia, Sharfiq Zebdahni; Uncle Zeb, a pro-American Muslim and patriot, is a long-time informant for WI-7, keeping tabs on the activities of the local Muslim community in the Denver-Boulder area for Greta Vogelein. He owns and operates Uncle Zeb’s Pizzeria in Longmont, Colorado, just north of Boulder, where he lives.

    During the meeting, the discussion centered on a review of the previous year’s successful effort to uncover the Muslim Brotherhood’s future plan to construct a series of tunnels under fifty American mosques, to be used to store nuclear weapons for the Islamists’ upcoming conflagration with the American people.

    That plan was discovered after the Boston Mafia had destroyed the two mosques in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the aftermath of those explosions, WI-7, along with help from the Boston Mafia’s Las Vegas syndicate, discovered a tunnel system under each of those destroyed mosques, revealing what the Muslim Brotherhood had planned to do locally. WI-7 eventually learned that the Las Vegas mosques’ tunnels were a prototype for a nationwide effort to destroy American culture and society; that effort included plans for tunnel systems to be constructed under fifty radical mosques which were scattered across the United States; those future tunnels would be used to store nuclear weapons to be used in a great Islamic jihad against America; the nukes were to be manufactured in Iran and supplied by the Muslim Brotherhood. It was in the tunnel of one of the destroyed Las Vegas mosques that WI-7 discovered, and absconded with, ten suitcase-sized nuclear weapons. Those weapons now safely reside in a coal mine on WI-7’s property near the old ghost town of Dewey, South Dakota.

    To prevent the construction of the tunnels at the fifty mosques from becoming a reality, explained Jack, "we’ve been working on several fronts. First, we’re conferring with our Boston friends to assist us in alleviating the threat as only they can; but I think eventually they’ll let us get in on some of the fun, too … And second, our agents Jenny Jessup and Ibrahima Oosminaqi have been working hard to keep Esmana and Q-Q convinced that the best way forward is to permit our gals to handle the intricacies of the tunneling projects from a distance, communicating only by text messaging. We will pounce when the time is right …"

    During the previous months, WI-7 agents Jenny Jessup (WI-7’s computer expert) and Ibrahima Oosminaqi (a former jihadist herself and now a loyal WI-7 agent) had taken the lead in posing as two dead Muslim Brotherhood operatives, using stolen cell phones and computers to communicate with the Brotherhood, exclusively by the use of secured text messages and secured Emails. To this day, the Muslim Brotherhood thinks these dead operatives are still alive and still working to implement the plans for the tunnels at the fifty American mosques. Two of these dead Muslim Brotherhood operatives were Orina Oqqinilasneh and Omar Osayeed: Orina was the brains behind the construction of the Las Vegas tunnels, and also the daughter of Owen O’Byrne, the recently deceased American CIA director and puppet of the Muslim Brotherhood; Omar, also a Muslim Brotherhood operative, was CIA director O’Byrne’s top assistant. It is as Orina and Omar whom Jenny and Ibrahima are posing, communicating only via text messages, using Orina’s and Omar’s previously commandeered cell phones and it seems to be working well; the Muslim Brotherhood does not have a clue they’re in the process of being hoodwinked.

    … And, while I’ve talked to the Mossad about eliminating Q-Q and Esmana, Jack continued, "I think I’ll have them hold off on that for a while. Both of them will be needed to be viable in order for our attack plan to work. But I’m still in the fine-tuning stages of that plan, and will be for a little while longer.

    Now, over the next couple of days, you all will be apprised of your assignments concerning the job at hand. And before we leave here this weekend, you’ll all be given a hard-copy map and a listing of all the pertinent information dealing with every one of the fifty mosques and their key mullahs. That information also will be Emailed to you so you can have it in your personal computers.

    WI-7’s plan was to quell the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts by exposing the Brotherhood’s clandestine American infrastructure, and by assassinating the key Muslim Brotherhood-sponsored mullahs at each of the fifty America-based, tunnel-designated mosques.

    What some of the WI-7 agents didn’t realize at the time was that the Boulder, Colorado mosque of Sharfiq Zebdahni was on the Muslim Brotherhood’s list of tunnel-designated mosques, a list to which WI-7, and all its agents, was privy. But the radical jihadists at the Ibn Asir Meshkiri mosque in Boulder were operating in super-secret mode, so even someone as important as Uncle Zeb was to the local Boulder Muslim community, he was as yet unaware of the plans of the jihadists at that mosque.

    Oh, and one more thing, added Jack, "according to Jenny, there are forty-five persons within the justice department, the state department, the intelligence community and several other governmental and quasi-governmental agencies, who were listed on the former subversive CIA director’s computer as being part of a subversive cabal to undermine the government of the United States. It was one of our agents, that being Bonnie Winston, who, just after the suicide of the CIA director, absconded with the now-deceased CIA director’s computer that held a treasure-trove of secret information dealing with entrenched anti-American subversives within the U.S. government.

    "Most of these individuals include upper- and middle-management types of key sectors of policymaking, logistics, and long-range planning; some, however, are mere underlings on their way up in their respective sectors. Some are loyal to the Russians, some to the Chinese; but a majority are loyal to the international Islamists at the United Nations and within the Muslim Brotherhood; not because these traitors are Muslims themselves, not all of them are, and not because they are political and/or religious ideologues, they aren’t; but because they lust for positions of power and security within whatever domestic political apparatus happens to be pulling the strings of history in their various bureaucracies at the time. They all had been, directly or indirectly, beholden to the former CIA director – a true-blue America-hater and subversive himself – for their bureaucratic positions. These people are loyal to what is now being called the dark side of the deep state, and not to the current administration. Therefore, the elimination of all these individuals will be one of our more important tasks over the next twelve months. A few are prominent names who are known to all of us; but many are under-the-radar careerists who’ve been in their positions for decades, building their little fiefdoms one step at a time, one year at a time … one little bit of perfidy at a time.

    "Jenny sent me an Email the other day, listing all forty-five names, their personal information and photos, their governmental affiliations, and a sampling of their past dark deeds. I’ll be developing a plan to root them out, too. So, in the coming weeks, I’ll be calling a special meeting of our members to discuss the process of the elimination of the fifty mullahs at the tunnel-designated mosques, and the forty-five deep-state subversives, possibly with the help of our friends in the Boston Mafia. Therefore, when I send you the list of mullahs for elimination, I’ll also be giving you the names and information of your subversive government-spy targets."

    A while later, after discussions of a few more business-related items, Brian Robbins rushed into the den. Jack, I just heard a Fox News Alert. There’s been an explosion in northern New Mexico. Seismologists are calling it either a major earthquake or a small nuclear blast. It happened at a small, remote, cave-based Muslim compound north of Taos. They said there was nothing left but a big hole in the ground. Part of a roadway was destroyed, too; but there was no other collateral damage, the compound being several miles from the nearest town or dwelling.

    A quiet pall descended over the room. No one spoke for a long while.

    *   *   *

    Twenty minutes later, while the rest of the WI-7 throng were milling around the den, noisily chattering about the news of the recent explosion in northern New Mexico, Jenny Jessup, WI-7’s computer and electronic-devices expert, sat in a deep window sill, rapt in thought, oblivious to the ambient buzzing all around the den. She was looking at her laptop computer, her mouth agape. Oh my God! she thought to herself silently, why hadn’t I notice this before? Dammit! How did I miss this?

    On her computer screen was the proprietary list of the fifty America-based tunnel-designated mosques she’d discovered during her computer sleuthing over the previous months. And there, at the bottom of the list, was the name of a mosque she knew all too well. That’s when she almost lost her breath.

    Just then, Jenny looked up and stared into the eyes of three of her WI-7 teammates who had silently approached her: Levi Ashkelon (also a Mossad agent), Ibrahima Oosminaqi (a former jihadist spokesperson, now a WI-7 anti-terrorist operative), and Johnny Skull (probably the most respected WI-7 agent).

    Johnny Skull’s last name comes from his grandfather, an Italian immigrant who landed alone on American shores as a young teenager just after the end of WWI. His name was Giovanni Pasquale Scugliari, the surname pronounced Skul-ya-ri. An immigration officer at Ellis Island gave him the more simplified name of John Patrick Skull. WI-7’s Johnny Skull was named John Patrick Skull III; his son’s name is Giovanni Pasquale Scugliari Skull IV, and is called G-4. Johnny, several years earlier, had legally changed his name to Giovanni Pasquale Scugliari III, but he publically still goes by the name Johnny Skull.

    Ibrahima said, Jen, guess what we just realized? And, for the life of us, we don’t know how we’ve overlooked this little piece of important information all this time.

    Levi interjected, Remember the list of the fifty American tunnel-designated mosques you sent us, along with the names of their respective key jihadist mullahs?

    Yes, and I know what you’re going to say, Jenny said, with a look of bewilderment still on her face. I just realized it, too. And, like you, I don’t know how I missed it. I just now recognized the name of the last mosque on the list: the Ibn Asir Meshkiri Mosque in Boulder, Colorado … That’s Sharfiq’s mosque!

    By the middle of the previous August, Ibrahima, by herself, had made visits to forty-seven of the fifty tunnel-designated mosques, just to convince the mullahs that the Muslim Brotherhood’s proposed tunneling efforts were real; she’d planned to visit the remaining three mosques before the end of the year. One of the remaining not-yet-visited mosques was the Boulder mosque.

    As revered as Ibrahima still was to all radical Muslims, the mullahs at the forty-seven mosques were delighted to meet their heroine, and she was treated like a rock star. Ibrahima had been a jihadist rabble-rouser before she’d become a valued member of WI-7; the international Muslim community, of course, knows nothing of her change of heart.

    Exactly, said Johnny. "So, do you think Sharfiq has any idea that his mosque is one of the tunnel-designated mosques? I can’t imagine that he, as the head of the mosque’s education programs, didn’t have at least an inkling that someone in his congregation was acting in an anti-American manner. But, who knows? Maybe he just didn’t realize it, or maybe the subversive jihadists at his mosque are really good at hiding their evil intentions."

    By the way, Jen, asked Levi, do you see the name of the head mullah at Sharfiq’s mosque? You know, the guy who’ll be heading up that particular mosque’s secret-tunneling project.

    Jenny scanned the list on her computer screen and said, "Yes. The guy’s name is Mohammed Akbar Ali Qahqi. I would imagine the last name is pronounced Cocky. I guess he’s been there for about eight months … Why? Do you know the name?"

    "I do. And if he is who I think he is, well, he’s one bad dude, as per the files of the Mossad, with which I am very familiar. I mean, it’s my job to be fluent in everything jihad, especially concerning the Western U.S. It’s one of the things on which I update myself on a daily basis. Anyway, Mullah Qahqi, an Egyptian, comes from a family of whackos. Five of his six brothers were successful suicide bombers, and his mother, before she was killed in a skirmish with the Israelis in Sderot a few years ago, was a bomb maker. His father was accidentally killed when one of the suicide vests his wife had made, exploded while he was connecting the detonation wires."

    Any sisters?

    Yes. One. Name of Pradira. Ten years older than Mullah Qahqi, the Boulder mosque’s chief honcho. She’s his executive secretary at the mosque.

    Wait! said Johnny, you said five of his six brothers were killed as suicide bombers; but what about his sixth brother?

    "Oh, he’s the worst of the lot. His name is Kareem Khalil Samir Zahir Qumir Qahqi; and, indeed, his cohorts do call him Cocky. He has sort of disappeared from the international scene; the Mossad has been looking for him for the past year or so. But we do know one thing about him: he’s buddy-buddy with Gyorgy Gonoszy, the billionaire pro-commie, pro-Islamic-jihad, anti-Semitic philanthropist. The Mossad’s mole inside the Muslim Brotherhood’s offices in Cairo says there might have been some sort of recent dealings between Gonoszy and that Quumun-Quumun guy, the one we call Q-Q. So that may mean there’s a possibility that Gonoszy and Q-Q and Qahqi are up to something nefarious."

    Jenny added, "So, do you think the Nashiqi sisters may have an inkling as to what this mullah is up to? I mean, they are Sharfiq’s nieces, even though they’re not religious and don’t attend religious services at the Boulder mosque."

    Johnny said, I would imagine that if they thought something was up with this Mullah Qahqi guy, they’d have reported it to the rest of our team, or at least to Sharfiq.

    Just then, Johnny, Levi, Jenny and Ibrahima looked across the room and saw the four, WI-7-agent Nashiqi sisters talking to Reva Kahani, one of the more senior WI-7 operatives. Ibrahima waved at them to come to the window; momentarily, the four sisters, who all work at Uncle Zeb’s Pizzeria in Longmont, Colorado, ambled over with Reva.

    What’s up, guys? asked Reva.

    We’ve got a question for the girls, said Jenny. She looked at the girls who were standing shoulder to shoulder. Have any of you noticed, or heard of, anything strange going on at Uncle Zeb’s mosque?

    Shekavi Nashiqi answered, Well, we don’t attend services at the mosque at all, so we really wouldn’t know if there was anything strange going on. We only go there to pick up Uncle Zeb when we go shopping. And that’s maybe once a week or so, but we don’t interact with the people there too much.

    Okay. Has Uncle Zeb said anything at all about anything strange going on at the mosque? Has his manner changed at all? Has he been acting nervous lately, or out of character?

    Arivna Nashiqi looked at her sisters, paused for a moment, then he said, Well, Uncle Zeb just started dating a woman. He’s very taken with her. He’s been acting like a teenager in love.

    Really? said Jenny. Is she a Muslim?

    Yes. Arivna glanced at her sisters again, then said to Jenny, but we don’t like her very much. Pradira is her name, and she’s the older sister of the mosque’s mullah; we don’t like him either.

    Why not?

    Well, before Mullah Qahqi knew we were related to Uncle Zeb, he tried to convince us to become sex partners for some of the other older religious leaders at the mosque. We didn’t tell Uncle Zeb because we didn’t want him to get in trouble if he would eventually confront the mullah about what the mullah wanted us to do. That’s one of the many reasons we don’t go there anymore. Anyway, we handled the situation ourselves.

    What do you mean?

    Arivna smiled and said, Well, we beat the hell out of one of Mullah Qahqi’s lesser imams. After that, the poor man begged Qahqi to leave us alone. The mullah got the message; he never bothered us again. But we know for a fact that Mullah Qahqi and his sister own a house in Boulder in which they keep young Arab refugee girls who are sex slaves for the other religious leaders at the mosque. And we know for a fact that Pradira provides these girls to local leaders at other mosques and enclaves around the Rocky Mountain region.

    How do you know this?

    "Because the imam we beat up told us all about it. We told him we’d cut his balls off if he didn’t give us the low-down on Mullah Qahqi. Pradira doesn’t know about the incident with the man we beat up, nor does she know about Qahqi propositioning us for sex. However, one thing we do know is that Pradira controls the young girls who live in that house. We call her the mosque’s chief pimp … Anyway, we don’t like her because she treats Uncle Zeb like a child. It seems that the woman has a mean streak. But, be that as it may, Uncle Zeb hasn’t had a girlfriend in a while, so as long as he’s happy, we’re happy. But we’ll protect him from her and her brother, you can be sure of that."

    Johnny rolled his eyes, glad that these girls were on the side of the good guys. Well, girls, we believe that this Mullah Qahqi fellow is up to no good. So, keep your eyes and ears open and make sure you let me or Greta know if you find out about anything mysterious going on, especially if you hear anything about the mullah’s brother, who we also think is a very dangerous character.

    That’ll be easy for us to do, said Shekavi.

    How so?

    "We’ve got a mole inside the mosque."


    Yeah. She’s a likeminded gal. She works for Pradira, and she keeps us well-informed of the goings-on at the mosque; that’s how we know about the girls and the house they’re kept in. Her name is Ola Zaqi. She’s really cool. Anyway, Ola told us that Pradira sends the girls out on sex junkets all the time … Also, we know that the Boulder mosque is on our list as a tunnel-designated mosque, and that Mullah Qahqi probably is the one to eventually be eliminated by WI-7. Therefore, she said matter-of-factly, "if any elimination of him has to be done, please let us do it … Anyway, since our business meeting is

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