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His Call for the Seasons: SPRING & SUMMER A Devotional for Youth
His Call for the Seasons: SPRING & SUMMER A Devotional for Youth
His Call for the Seasons: SPRING & SUMMER A Devotional for Youth
Ebook773 pages8 hours

His Call for the Seasons: SPRING & SUMMER A Devotional for Youth

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Call out to God...when fear is present:

The shadow was moving behind the curtain again, wafting here and there. It looked so human, like someone was standing on the other side of the glass. Lord, I am afraid. Maybe it is nothing, but I can't sleep. I'm too afraid to look for myself.

PublisherJackie Reid
Release dateMay 5, 2021
His Call for the Seasons: SPRING & SUMMER A Devotional for Youth

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    His Call for the Seasons - Jackie Reid


    This book was birthed from a youth group meeting in which the youth director asked us, the parents, to write a devotional for our teens’ youth group. With enthusiasm I took to the project and ended up writing four devotionals.

    It was from that point on, that I discovered I didn’t want to quit writing. I would awaken from sleep with a youth devotional idea; push the lawn mower and find myself mentally writing a story. Sometimes three or four ideas would come to mind while standing over the kitchen sink. I would write on pen and paper, a napkin, or in front of the computer screen. This writing, for me, took place over a ten-year period and it finally led me to a publisher.

    It is my hope and prayer now, that the readers of these pages will grow in their walk with Jesus, that they will avoid some of the pitfalls I and some of the characters have encountered, and that the readers will find their hope and faith in Christ through the good times as well as the bad.

    It is with joy that I share these stories with you. Also, as with a daily devotional, my prayer is that you will find time each day to read the scripture verse, spend some time with the Savior, and enjoy a parable as you begin and/or end your day.

    Thank you.

    With true Christian love,

    Jackie Reid

    The Best News of All Time

    The greatest thing a person can know is that they have eternal life! Do you, my friend? Are you certain that when you die, you will go to be with the Lord in Heaven forever? In case you don’t have this assurance—in case you may not be absolutely certain about it—let me share with you the best news of all.

    The Bible or the Scriptures teach us that we must be perfect to enter into Heaven and to live with GOD forever (Psalms 5:4; Revelation 21:27). The problem is that none of us are perfect, are we? We may not be the worst person that ever lived but I’m sure, at least, neither of us will claim to be perfect.

    GOD calls this imperfection sin; and He clearly states that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23a). Now death in the Biblical language means separation. If we die without salvation, then that separation becomes an eternal separation from GOD in a place called Hell.

    It is obvious therefore, if we must be perfect to go to Heaven—and yet we are not perfect—it is foolish to talk about getting to Heaven by our own works or effort. For whatever we do or someone else does for us, it will not remove our imperfection nor pay for our sin. And this is just what GOD says—For by grace (undeserved mercy) are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GOD, not of works (human effort) lest anyone should boast. (Ephesians 2:8.9)

    The good news is that although GOD hates sin, He loves you and me! And though sin must be paid for, He has already made the payment on the cross. Since GOD has already made the payment for all we have or ever will do wrong, (PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE), He is able to offer eternal life as a free gift! He says …the gift of GOD is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23b)

    The ONLY condition for receiving this gift of eternal life is simply to BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the word believe means to trust, rely upon, or depend upon. So if you trust in Jesus Christ—if we depend upon Him to give us eternal life--He does that very thing! GOD has NEVER lied; He can’t lie, won’t lie, and is surely not going to start with you and me! Since Jesus Christ has made a complete payment for all of our sins ONE TIME (past, present, future), then why should we have to go to Hell to pay for any of them a second time?

    After you are saved you remain GOD’s child forever and ever. If you obey Him as a Father, He promises you Love, Joy, Peace (Galatians 5:16. 22, 23). But if we disobey Him, He will chasten us just as a loving father disciplines His child (Hebrews 12:6.7). But our punishment will never be Hell. GOD guarantees that …him that comes to me I will in no wise (no reason) cast out. (John 6:37) …and I give to them (saved people) eternal life, and they shall NEVER perish (go to Hell), neither shall anyone pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:28)

    If you would like to be certain (sure) of going to Heaven when you die, why not right now as you finish reading these words, trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior…count on Him to get you to Heaven, as He said. If you will trust Him this way, He gives you this guarantee—He who believes (trusts) in me (for everlasting life) has eternal life. (John 6:47)

    Trust Him NOW, won’t you?

    --Bob Wright



    Examining Our Motives

    I am the Lord, that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 42:8

    As the movie ended, Katrina (Kat for short), sighed deeply, and settling into her chair, considered all she had seen. The movie had shown the activity of a young female missionary working with orphans in a poverty-stricken village in India. Oh, Lord! I want to do that. I want to make a difference like she did.

    Then, quietly, suddenly, in her spirit, she heard, But who will get the glory, Child?

    Then, she knew. Yes, she thought about the words she had spoken. ‘I want to do that. I want to make a difference.’ Maybe in some ways, it really was about her. Perhaps, secretly there was a desire for recognition, a certain self-seeking glory. Maybe it was simply for the pat on the back; maybe so people would smile and say, What a sweet girl.

    But she heard the gentle voice say…

    "I need hands that reach out with My touch.

    I need eyes that see with My love.

    I need words spoken that are My words…

    and feet that are willing to go where I tell them.

    Can you do this, Child? Because if you are doing what I ask, you will get no glory. You will receive no praise. And to do so, will rob me of My work and My glory. I can only use children who are willing to take the ‘I’ out of their vocabulary when they are doing My work,"

    Assessing these words, she tilted her head to one side, then inquired as Moses might have done. But, Lord, sometimes I need a good word of encouragement or a ‘well done thy good and faithful servant.’ She was a little tearful as she pressed her point with the Father.

    Darling, came that soft voice, a mere whisper on a breeze. A word of encouragement you will have; a word recognizing your efforts, I will give you. But remember: My life on earth was not one of praise and glory and appreciation. My friends turned away from me. I was mocked, ridiculed, and spit upon.

    She nodded, her head bowed in consideration and acknowledgement. Finally, she looked up and asked very softly, Will that happen to me? Only a small breeze gently touched her cheek and caressed her skin. There came no response, but in her spirit, she felt that this question would remain unanswered. There were just some things one was meant to know and, some things one was not meant to know.

    ‘Thy will be done…’ she quoted quietly.

    Our Father does not share His glory nor should He. When we ask to serve Him it can be a good thing but even as Christians we must examine our motives. Are they true and honorable? Are they to make us feel better about ourselves? Are they to fill a need? Always seek to glorify the Lord in all you do. In that, you will find fulfillment and joy.


    Honoring Parents

    Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise—that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:2-3

    School was almost out for the day and Cole had finished his homework. Settling back in his chair more comfortably, he daydreamed about his plans for the evening. He wanted to try out that new Xbox game Brayden gave him, watch the sequel to Catch & Release the zombie thriller on TV tonight, and maybe just get up the nerve to call Rebecca. Cole was pretty sure she liked him!

    So a few hours later walking into the house, he saw his mom packing some stuff into boxes and dragging the boxes to their Dodge Dakota. Hey! Cole! Here, help me get this up into the truck bed, will you? Beside the boxes was a big dresser. Apparently, she wanted help with that first, as she grabbed one end of it. The dresser weighed a ton. He put down his backpack reluctantly and helped her move the dresser. He didn’t come home just so he could do this!

    What’s all this? he asked as they got the dresser into the back of the truck.

    We are having a garage sale this weekend at the Wilkins. Don’t you remember? Cole frowned, not remembering at all.

    Nope, but ok. He grabbed his backpack and prepared to head up stairs, leaving her with the remainder of the boxes. He was ready to try out that new game.

    Cole, he heard his mom’s plaintive voice, I need your help with the rest of this stuff. Take a short rest if you need, she said as an afterthought, but we need to get this stuff over to the Wilkins tonight.

    He moaned in frustration. Why are we having this silly garage sale anyway? He swung around in exasperation at the top of the stairs.

    We’ve got bills to pay, came the muffled response as his mom with her back to him proceeded to lift another heavy box out to the truck.

    What bills? Dad works. Can’t you guys manage your money? he asked rudely.

    His mom turned around sharply at his question, her tone rather clipped, Cole, your Dad is being laid off at the end of this month. She turned away from him and continued to labor with the heavy box in front of her.

    He shoved open his bedroom door angrily, tossed the bag on the floor and dropped on the bed. Outside the door he could hear his mom struggling with the heavy boxes. He continued to hear the noises, the struggles, grunting, and the opening and closing of doors. Guilt began to slowly crawl its way into his conscience, penetrating his self-focus. That old Bible verse about bearing one another’s burden came into his mind. Realization dawned and frustrated with himself and his own selfishness, he rolled off the bed. Yes, Lord, I’m sorry. It’s not always about me.

    As he made it outside and reached over to help his mom lift another heavy box into the back of the truck, he saw her wipe away a stray tear. In that moment, it was like he saw her for the first time-- not as his mom, but as a person with needs and burdens that he could help with. I’m sorry Mom. Tell me what you want. I will do the lifting. And he realized-- that was the right thing to do.

    Over the next several months Cole would find a lot of burdens he would need to bear with the family as he helped shoulder the load.

    Helping other family members is something God has ordained families for. It is the right thing to do.


    Crude Humor

    But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Ephesians 5:3-4

    Randy sat down on the steps in anger. The joke was harmless--just a little crude. The youth minister didn’t have to get so mad!

    Randy was just telling some new jokes he’d picked up off the internet to a couple of the guys in the back of the youth room. Several of the guys got a good laugh out of the last joke he had shared and then Donald, the youth minister, came up behind him and asked him to step outside for a while until he could clean up his mouth. Fine! I’ll just walk home!

    As Randy started off the porch and headed in the direction of his home, Cindy came out and called to him. He turned his head and saw her walking in his direction.

    What do you want? he asked rudely continuing to walk.

    Where are you going? she asked, running to catch up.

    Home! Donald seems to think I’m not good enough for the youth department!

    "Because of your dirty jokes? Like that last one, in particular, along with a bunch of others you share often?" she questioned dryly.

    What are you saying? Randy stopped walking and turned to face her defensively.

    Randy, she began, do you remember in the Bible that verse that says something like Don’t let any bad communication come out of your mouth…except for what is good for, like--building others up…? You know, something like that."

    So? Randy responded belligerently, not very appreciative of scripture being quoted to him although he had to admit Cindy certainly had the knack for it!

    "Randy, it’s not just about you. Cindy said patiently. We’re in church. That’s God’s house and some of our friends don’t know Jesus yet. Your dirty jokes sure don’t build anybody up and you aren’t representing us as Christians very well either." She looked at him for a moment, wondering if her words were registering, then almost sadly, she turned and with a shrug, headed back towards the church.

    In that particular moment, Randy looked inwardly and considered what she’d said. Yes, he remembered accepting Christ. He was nine years old. After that, He had felt the strong need to clean up his room as well as his life even as a young boy.

    So, when did Randy get away from that? A lot of the guys at high school told dirty jokes and it always got him few laughs when he shared. But yeah, a lot of the guys didn’t claim to be Christians…and yeah, they did know he went to church.

    He sat down rather disconsolately. "God, please forgive me. I sure haven’t set a very good example for You." At that moment, Randy knew that God had heard him and humbly he headed back to the youth room.

    The Bible speaks of the trouble with the tongue. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. James 3:10. Let us remember that others are watching us. Do they want what we have? As Christians, we should hope they do, because it is a matter of heaven or hell. Let us take heart to keep our conversation clean as well as our lives.


    Lamb among Wolves

    I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matt. 10:16

    Jeff swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked ahead where the large group of boys gathered, their tattoos glaring in the evening sunlight, their clothes speaking of the gang activity they were involved in, and the cold ruthless looks on their faces made his approach toward them all the more frightening for him.

    He had moved into this part of town three weeks ago, and each time he passed this way he desired to find another way home, but the only alternative took him 30 minutes out of his way and the passage wasn’t really any safer. He had thought to hold off and wait for the guys to move on but then they seemed to spot him.

    As the gang of boys saw his hesitant approach, there was the usual leader, a large, tattooed, burly looking fellow, swaggering up and stopping in front of him. What’d y’ doing on our side of town, kid?

    I live here now, Jeff responded, trying to keep his voice calm.

    Well, y’ see this is our turf you’re walking on…and there’s a price for doing that, isn’t there boys? the leader said, his grin including his friends. The gang moved in closer together circling around Jeff.

    Jeff remembered the scripture What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee,* and Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear…* Then things got hazy for him. He was struck on the face with a fist; another one hit him in the gut. He felt something heavy and metallic swing across his back making contact, then there was a yell, and a scream, and his attackers began to run away.

    "Hey, kid, are you ok?" Jeff vaguely remembered hearing a man’s voice ask before he went in and out of consciousness.

    For several days he stayed home bruised and aching with foggy memories of that day; one memory was of the kind gentleman that had gently helped him into an ambulance.

    After returning to school, he would walk through the school halls, occasionally spotting the kids who had beat him. The gang members would sneer and look away, but only after shooting him veiled, warning looks.

    Lord, I do feel like a lamb among a pack of wolves. How am I to be as cunning as a snake and as inoffensive as a dove? Jeff remembered the scripture and believed part of the answer was to start out each day with prayer; prayer for these boys who beat him up and prayer for their families. Along with that Jeff continued to ask God to show him how to be as cunning as the snake and inoffensive as a dove.

    As he continued in prayer, Jeff began to feel empowered. The empowerment was from the Lord he knew. He began to look these boys in the eyes as they would try to stare him down. He never sought to start anything or seek them out for trouble. But he practiced wariness and confidence at the same time.

    As only the Lord could do, Jeff one day found himself alone at the drinking fountain with the gang leader. The guy was surprisingly alone. The usual swagger was not as prominent as before, perhaps because the guy was without his posse.

    Jeff finished his drink and looked calmly into the eyes of the large teenager, and the most amazing realization hit him as he maintained eye contact. There was absolute fear in the eyes of this guy. Then Jeff realized with true insight: this guy had reasons to be afraid. He was lost, he had no hope, and his choice of livelihood was bullying and violence.

    In that stark brief moment, Jeff felt pity for the nemesis who sought to give him daily grief. As his nemesis walked away first, Jeff spoke to the Lord in his heart. "I realize now what you wanted me to see. Only You can keep me safe. We are not to fear him who can kill the body but Him who can cast both soul and body into hell.’* Thank you Father, that I am your child…And Lord, I now pray for this guy’s salvation. Amen."

    God does not promise us an easy life. He does not promise us that we will not face persecution in one form or fashion. In fact, in all likelihood, we will. But He does assure us He will walk with us through the fires…*

    *Psalms 56:3 KJV, Psalms 27:3 NIV, Matthew 10:28 and Isaiah 43:2 (condensed)



    Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3

    Pressley was headed to the track field, her mind mulling over the low grades in two of her classes. She knew the progress reports were going out in the mail today. She also knew that it would put her track competition in jeopardy. She had today’s race, and there should be at least four more to participate in. That could end today, however, if her grades were not brought up.

    Hi Pressley! You ready to race? Her teammate came alongside her with a big smile.

    I guess, Pressley responded with a weak smile in return. I just have a lot on my mind. My grades aren’t good. I may have to quit. Tina’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

    "Oh, Pressley! You can’t quit! Get a tutor. Do something! Tina paused for a moment and then said after some thought, But you need to get your head back into the game right now, Girl! There’ll be time to think about grades after the meet. Just get your mind in the race and plan to win!" Tina waved goodbye airily and ran to catch up with her coach.

    Pressley located the group for her first run and was prepped by her coach. You ready, Pressley?

    Yes ma’am, Pressley replied.

    Good, well it’s just about time. Go get lined up.

    As Pressley hunkered down in the starter position, her mind wandered back to the fear of having to quit. Her stomach was roiling with trepidation. She loved running. Her success on the track field was notable, but her grades in the classroom were barely passing.

    As she waited for the gun shot, she attempted to clear her mind for the race. Pop! There it was! She shot out. At first, she was placing behind runner two. Now, she passed the second runner. She was moving in close to the runner in the lead. Neck and neck, the finish line still lay before her.

    "Keep your eyes on the prize."* Those words of scripture came with clarity, suddenly. Paul in the Bible compared the Christian walk to running a race. Well, that was it! She needed to keep her eyes on Christ! He was the prize and would show her what to do. Running was important, yes, but so were her grades.

    Placing those concerns behind her, her focus was ahead. There was that finish line! Straight ahead! With staunch determination, focus, and a last minute burst of speed, she pulled ahead of the other runner and lunged forward snapping the ribbon, and garnering the first place position.

    Her coach ran up to her. "That was great, Pressley! For a moment there I wasn’t sure you were going to make it!"

    Pressley looked at her coach. "Tina gave me a pep talk, Coach, and told me to get my head back in the game. I think she was telling me to get focused. And I know where and on Who my focus needs to be," Pressley said, grinning wryly.

    Her coach looked at her a little puzzled but asked instead It’s those grades of yours that are bothering you, isn’t it, Pressley? You know I get to see them.

    Pressley nodded. I’ve never been very strong on grades. I do try, but it’s hard with my dyslexia.

    I’ll talk with your parents, Hon. Let’s see if we can find you a tutor.

    It’s important to share your burdens, but it is also important to keep our focus on Him. He is always ready and willing to help us with our burdens.

    *Philippians 3:14 (condensed)



    I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18

    David gave Rusty a good brush down and then patted the furry animal on his elegant head. David was positive that this playful dog was smiling at him. Alright, you good-for-nothing! he said laughingly at the German Shepherd, Let’s play some ball. He picked up the tennis ball, tossing it up high and watched the dog catch it in the air and bring it back, tail wagging happily. As he placed Rusty’s food bowl out for him that night, he patted him a good night and headed upstairs to do his homework and then to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day with exams and all. Better get to studying, he admonished himself.

    The next day was spent mostly in exams, and as David drove home that evening he looked forward to seeing his faithful Rusty meet him at the drive. Rusty was always there tail wagging, barking a joyful welcome. What a blessing that dog had been to him over the years! His Uncle Billy had brought the dog home to him when his folks had moved to the country. Uncle Billy said it was good for a boy to have a dog and what better place for a dog than the country? So, Rusty had been his constant companion over the last 5 years; playful, consoling, affectionate, and really smart!

    Rounding the bend in the road with his thoughts on his precious pet, David braked suddenly. A car had stopped in the road just ahead, and then pulled away quickly as he drove up. There, to his utter despair lay his faithful dog, lying deathly still in the road; the car, one he didn’t recognize, had probably been the one to hit Rusty. He pulled to the shoulder, getting out slowly, knowing his dog was gone—dead. He reached the still warm body, blood coming from the mouth, eyes opened and sightless. Lifting the heavy body he carried it over to his trunk; his eyes welling with tears, his throat choking back sobs. Lifting the trunk lid, he placed his animal friend, Rusty, in the empty trunk, and carried the deceased dog home.

    As David reached the house, tears were falling unchecked. His dad drove up at the same time as David pulled into the driveway. His dad got out and came around to the car, trunk lid open and looked in. I’m sure sorry, David. He laid a hand of comfort on his son’s shoulders. I know this is hard. I loved that dog myself, he said softly. Willie, up the road told me what happened. He saw you loading Rusty in the trunk and gave me a call. As both father and son found shovels to bury Rusty, they talked quietly recounting memories of Rusty and his antics over the years.

    As the last shovel of dirt was dropped in place, David wiped the tears from his eyes and looked over at his dad who looked as sad as David. Dad, why did God have to take Rusty now? He wasn’t that old and he was such a good friend to have around.

    His dad looked with consideration at the mound of soil now obscuring the lifeless animal and thought a moment before speaking. Sometimes when God allows us to lose a friend or a pet or a loved one to death or even a move---He brings someone else into our lives. It grows us and stretches us, just as grief does. His dad paused, clearing his throat. But God shares your pain too, son. He does understand loss probably better than we could ever imagine.

    The two walked towards the house, shovels in hand. I don’t know why he took Rusty just now. But I do know He won’t leave you comfortless. He patted his son on the shoulder, and they both looked back at the mound where the lively, furry, smiling animal was now resting.

    He was a good dog, David said sadly, and they both nodded as they headed indoors.


    Money Matters

    Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

    Jasmine looked at the car. It was 10-years old with 65,000 miles. She had been looking and praying about a car for months. She needed a job to pay for college next fall and a car would help her family out as well. With two younger siblings in sports and a working mother, Jasmine taxiing her siblings would be a blessing.

    Jasmine had walked past this way last week and spotted the vehicle. Stopping now, she walked up to the car lot to look at the car.

    Can I help you, Miss? the salesman asked hurrying up to her.

    She directed him to the car in front of her and began to ask him some questions about it. After a brief discussion, he quoted a price that was next to impossible for her to reach.

    She walked away sadly. The car was perfect for her needs and what she had been looking for. Lord, it is exactly what I have dreamed about! But I just can’t afford that one!

    All night she thought about the car. Maybe if she asked Uncle Frank, he would loan her the extra money. She looked over at the dresser where she had scrimped and saved for several years for this car. Now, sadly, she knew the money she saved would not be enough. In the morning, she would call Uncle Frank.

    Once morning came, she read her daily scriptures and had her prayer time. She asked God to give her peace about the car she was to buy.

    Headed towards the phone, prepared to call Uncle Frank before school, she felt reservations about asking him for money. Taking her hand away from the phone, she instinctively knew her Lord did not endorse this. What was the verse that came to mind? Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

    But how will I pay for the car, Lord?

    Trust me, is what she felt was the Lord’s response to her question.

    As she passed by the car that afternoon on her way home from school, she looked longingly at it, prepared to walk on by. Suddenly she heard a shout, Miss! Miss! Turning to look over her shoulder, the car lot now behind her, she saw the salesman trying to flag her down. She stopped and turned, waiting for him to catch up with her.

    Breathlessly, he approached, You still interested in the car? She affirmed that she was. Well, I talked with my boss yesterday after you left and he said he’d make a deal with you.

    The salesman explained that her Uncle Frank was a good friend of the boss’s. His boss had a picture of her and Uncle Frank from a few years back, sitting on his desk. The boss recognized you from the picture and he told me he’d like to make you a good deal. He says he’ll give you the car for this amount. He handed her a piece of paper with a price written on it. Ecstatically she noticed it was exactly the amount of money she had put away in her top drawer!

    Smiling, the salesman added, The boss asked me to have your Uncle Frank stop by. He’d like to catch up with him and we can close this deal.

    Jasmine went home rejoicing. Because she had waited on the Lord, and didn’t rush ahead, God worked things out on her behalf. If she had called Uncle Frank that morning to borrow the extra money, she may never have got the car for the price she was now able to pay--not owing anyone.

    The Heavenly Father had paid this bill on her behalf! Just as He had paid the bill for all her sins! Amen!

    We may not always understand God’s way and timing, but in faith, when we pause and listen to that still small voice, we will hear what we need to hear. Once obeyed, we will be glad we did.


    A Time for Praise

    You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress. Isaiah 25:4

    As Selina sat down, her book in her lap, snuggly pulling her feet up under her, she enjoyed the patter of rain on the window pane. She could hear the wind blowing a little stronger outside and an occasional rumble of thunder. Times like this were so thrilling. What a joy it was to feel safe and secure inside, a good book to curl up with, and the hand of God outside showing His strength and power.

    Music was filling the room with soothing strains from her favorite Christian artists; her Mom was working downstairs on the computer and her father was at work in the city. Her little brother was a few feet away playing with his little band of plastic army men, disinterested in his big sister.

    Selina knew she could never have too many days like this! Looking over at the window, seeing gray skies, she was mesmerized by the rain splatters leaving water droplets trickling down the glass. This only made her snuggle more comfortably in her recliner.

    Her cell phone was turned off and her adventure book was lying comfortably in her lap. She even considered giving in to a nap—but changed her mind and picked up her book. She found herself softly humming to the melody playing gently in the background, and the accompanying words of praise filled her heart with gratitude for her Lord.

    She decided she was doing exactly what she wanted to do this early Saturday morning--relaxing and enjoying a good storm. Suddenly a clap of thunder, with a stunning electrical light show following, beckoned her to investigate. She walked over to the window and peered outside, watching the wind bend the trees with its force, their green willowy branches bowing marvelously. Raindrops scattered along the drive, leaving a glassy sheen across the pavement, bouncing off cars, rooftops and porch covers.

    Her little brother looked up from his play, curious at what had gotten his sister out of her chair. Curiosity from him was soon replaced with disinterest as she continued to look out the window.

    Thank you, Lord, she prayed inwardly, for the rain, for Your rainbows of promise. I praise You for Your power in the wind; for the way You are nurturing our earth with Your rain. I praise You for the green budding trees, for this pleasant, quiet day for me to relax here and consider You. Amen.

    Humming the melody of the song playing softly in the background, she returned to her seat and sat down again in her recliner. Picking up the book for a third time, she went back to reading with a new sense of contentment.

    Then, surprisingly, she heard her little brother quietly ask, Why are you smiling, Selina?

    You never know when God will give you the opportunity to talk about Him, and to whom. Always be ready and willing.



    But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark… Genesis 8:1

    Casey sat down on the porch swing and Tinkerbell came and jumped in her lap. Casey, wiping a tear away, absently stroked the thick, long fur of her animal friend, Tinkerbell, while the cat’s tail swished this way and that playfully. You always seem to know when I need you here, Tink, she told the cat. Nothing’s really that bad but I sure wish I could have gone with them.

    Her parents were leaving in a few hours to go see the kids’ ailing grandmother. Casey, however, had to stay at home with her siblings and a house sitter to help take care of things. It’s not fun having to be responsible. Sometimes it seems unfair, Lord, she found herself telling the Lord, petulantly. But Father, help me to be what my brothers and sister need. Having three brothers and a sister often required a lot of her as the eldest.

    Tinkerbell rubbed her face against Casey’s arm, asking for a little extra stroking in her affectionate kitty way. Well, at least you listen. Aren’t you lucky to get all my complaints? Tinkerbell meowed, looking up at her mistress.

    As Casey lifted Tinkerbell off her lap, she decided it was time to head inside and to help her parents make preparations for their departure to see Grandmother.

    It’s only for a short while, Casey, her mother had explained reassuringly. We need to see how Grandmother is fairing through this surgery.

    Casey understood the necessity of the trip even though she and her younger siblings struggled with the thought of their parents’ absence.

    Madison came over to Casey, and picking up Tinkerbell, told Casey, I don’t want them to leave. I have my band concert. Mom and Dad are going to miss that.

    They may miss it, but the rest of us will be there for you, Madison. I can’t wait to hear you play, Casey told her and Madison smiled slightly, somewhat mollified.

    Derek, five years old, came up to Casey. Who’s going to make my lunch, Casey? She ruffled his head. We’ll make it together, she reassured him, smiling down at him affectionately,

    Several hours later, Casey, picking up a fussing Bryson with Kyle hanging onto her leg, led the two youngsters to the fridge where she got them both out a snack. So, keeping her younger siblings entertained while the parents packed for their trip, found the afternoon surprisingly passing quickly. With Casey’s siblings well-taken care of and moderately pacified, the time arrived for the parents to leave. Last minute instructions were given, and then Casey’s parents made their departure, pleasantly relieved that the household was in good hands.

    As the night closed in, Casey’s younger siblings came into her bedroom, prior to bedtime, and had their family devotions together. Tinkerbell, once again, jumped up into Casey’s lap as she assembled her young siblings around her. The house sitter remained in the other room knitting but she could hear the older girl softly reading the scriptures to the younger children; she could hear the quiet prayers, the childish voices lifted to the Heavenly Father, and she smiled to herself as she resumed her knitting, Things will be fine.

    Taking on responsibility is a sign of maturity. But in all your tasks and responsibilities, always involve the Lord in everything. It is the only way for anything to work!


    Child Prodigy

    Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:9-10

    Sitting at the piano letting her fingers roll over the keys, Renita reflected over all of her thirteen years. She had been something of a child prodigy. She had outgrown three piano teachers in three years, she had skipped two grades in elementary school, and her parents struggled to keep up with her academic demands. With all the constant activity, she cherished a moment’s peace. A moment to not have to play this music, a moment to not do her studies, a day of not going somewhere to see someone about something!

    As she let her fingers of their own accord pick out a melody of her own choosing and creation, words came to her soul that expressed her heart. The music she played touched parts of her and spoke for her. As quickly as the music reached a crescendo it slowly plateaued into a lovely softening and then the strains simply faded.

    Slowly she closed the piano cover, got up from the bench and walked over to the window to look out. In just a few minutes she had to leave to go meet her newest physics tutor. How nice it would be to go outside and enjoy nature, she thought, as she gazed through the window pane into the backyard dreamily. She smiled slightly as two squirrels chased each other around the base of the elm tree, then they circled their way around the trunk to end up on the highest branches. I wouldn’t mind that right now; a really good race and a climb. Just to have some fun!

    Her mother rushed into the room suddenly. Are you ready to go, Renita? We are running a little behind schedule.

    Yes, I’m ready, she answered, walking away from the window and picking up her books off the table for tutoring class.

    Did you finish your piano lessons? I didn’t recall hearing that new song Ms. Barrett has been having you learn. This was said as her mom went to the hall mirror to touch up her lipstick.

    Following her into the room headed to the foyer, Renita considered what to say. I needed a break, Mom. I just wanted to practice something different today.

    Her mom paused in the application of her mascara to glance at Renita. Really? Well, I guess that’s fine as long as you keep up. Then with a flourish, they headed to the tutor’s home.

    While the new tutor, Mrs. Cox, worked with her on the intricacies of physics, Renita’s mind continued to wander. She wanted to be anywhere but here. She hated all this learning. Why couldn’t she be like other kids outside playing ball, watching TV, playing video games, or hanging out with her friends?

    "Renita? What’s on

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