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Swiftness of Retribution
Swiftness of Retribution
Swiftness of Retribution
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Swiftness of Retribution

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This novel centres around the politician who with his camarilla sways through a big village and town and how he is counterattacked by our protagonist. Many turns of events in this novel add flavour to this novel and one can hardly guess or break the suspense of the novel.


Release dateMay 19, 2021
Swiftness of Retribution

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    Swiftness of Retribution - Muthukrishnan





    It’s a big village, in Thirur District, just eight kilometres from Thirur and an important junction to connect the Southern parts of South India. 

    It was a Brunel season

    Early in the morning the artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright azure sky. The silvery milky clouds got up from slumber and started travelling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment. The whitest snow was skimming through the mounds like a lover skimming through her mounds. Next to the mountains and near to the forest there was a brook with ivory white water splashing down to the river as if someone was pouring milk from the cliff. The tan coloured smart chubby farmer with a checked shirt was driving his tractor on the muddy road. Long, tall brown and green paddy fields looked like someone has spread a green dusty bed sheet. Fresh windy cool and crispy air started whistling like an invisible ghost. The red and green birds with chill like beak started twitting their morning melody. The enormous garden stood like a royal palace and the thick dried strong brown big branches danced welcoming the morning. The green brown beautiful countless leaves whispered to each other about their morning plans. In the morning the big buzzing bumble bees swarmed up in the air in glad searching for sweet honey. The huge trees swung in the wind greeting good morning. The small colourful cute butterflies danced all around the environment looking for sweet nectar. The flower’s fragrance filled the whole environment making the morning pleasant. Bushy thorny crispy bushes had tiny twigs on them. The women, wearing a tired and a lazy face were working in the fields, a monotonous work.. The children woke up in the morning and started playing freely beside the river. The morning seemed so self-calming.

    A local passenger train bound for North India, hooted by disturbing the silent atmosphere of the village and arrived at on the second platform and took rest for five minutes and during this short time, many merchants with their merchandise entrained while the few passengers detrained with their luggage and among them was a Vicenarian girl, in her rustic dress sighed and asked one of the passengers: Is the main road nearby the station or faraway from here?

    An old man in his vernacular language replied: Only one kilometre. But if you go across the field, you can minimize half kilometre. A century ago, the road was metaled but now you can find stones only and the tar disappeared from the road. He paused and then asked her, it seems that you are new to this place, isn't it?

    That girl nodded her head and asked the old man," Is near or far away from here?

    On hearing her words, the old man looked at her up and down strangely and in a whispering voice, he warned: Have you come to work in his house?  If it's so, get into the train and stay at your home safely. He is a philanderer .Don’t take risk. I really take pity on you. You are the tenth girl about to be trapped in his house. Don't be his prey. Better to run away from here. You are like my grand- daughter. Take my advice.

    The fapworthy girl who was ravishing in her long  maroon skirt, (Paavadai and sattai) and  white shirt devoid of dupatta, having heard the old man’s warning words, chuckled and said: in her lingo, Grandpa,’ the sylph endearingly  called him and added, Don’t worry, grandpa. None can harm me as you think. In due course, you can understand what I said."

    The old man was startled by her reply and said to himself, A young calf have no fear. Unless these people face the music, they can’t understand the home truth. What can I do if your kismet drag you there?

    The girl was rambling as if she were the queen of the village with her small luggage on the bumped and rugged road by which some teens were drooling over her rumpalicious derriere for they were jouncing as an epulation to their eyes.

    The sylph sensed some hooligans stalking her and then began eve-teasing her euphemizing her nates as bouncing football.

    Next moment, she began to take to her heels across the fields since she was scared of the hooligans who began to chase her.

    Like a deer leaping and galloping, she was galloping across the fields until she reached an elevated ground adjacent to a bamboo grove.

    Her chasers couldn’t believe their eyes since she was galloping carrying luggage with her and they could not run as fast she did. They were under the impression that she must be the best runner and well trained in running race.  Very soon they were fatigued.

    After reaching to the elevated ground, she took rest, gasping for breath and turned back to ensure whether her chasers were following her

    .           Her chasers understood that she could not continue her galloping since she was also fatigued like them and hope they could trap her easily.

    In the meanwhile, her eyes were searching for something on the ground and when she found out a cudgel, her face beamed and she took it and beckoned them for the cudgel play.

    Flabbergasted by her abrupt defiance, they looked each other eyes and started attacking her but she began her counter attack by swirling the cudgel.

    The goons never expected that she was an ace in the cudgel play and ganged up on her at a time. So she swirled her cudgel and attacked them one by one, went for the throat, and went at them. The cudgel when she was swirling raised whishing sound and they were alarmed and whined out of pain. One of them took a handful of mud and flung at her eyes but the swirling the cudgel blocked the particles of the mud and she was not affected by their trick.

    Unable to make the counter attack against her and endure the pain caused by the cudgel, one of the four tried to flee from the spot but she sprang upon him and hammer away at him, thus making him unable to raise from the ground.  In the meanwhile, the other three joined together and began pelting at her. But her cudgel shot the pelting stones and prevented her from being pelted.

    Like Badhra kali she flailed, thrashed, battered and clobbered one of them who sprang upon her with a knife. Seeing her as a cruel lady, the other three tried to run away but she sprang upon them and hindered their advance. Then she trounced them with her cudgel heavily and violently till they fell down on the ground.

    As soon as they fell down on the ground unconsciously bleeding, she continued thrashing them on their head either to make them fatal or lunatic. She knew very well that they’re like snakes not to be spared alive for they would retaliate her in future. So she bent on beating them to death.

    The sylph took rest for some time and was searching for water to slake her thirst. Her eyes caught sight of a pump-set from which water was flowing through the fields. Carrying her little luggage, she was clumping as the ground was bumpy and at the end she reached the spot she desired for.

    After slaking thirst, she took rest for some time and then began her journey toward the destination. After climbing a steep slope, she could see the outskirt of the village, Ekachakarapuram and she could hear the folk song waving along with the breeze in the air.

    Ekachakarapuram was celebrating an important festival and the whole village was decorated with festoons. Colourful flags were fluttering in the bright sun, a long coconut leaves-pandal with a number of banners and loud speakers and a number of green plantain trees beautified the place.

    The more she was nearing the border, the more was the movements of the villagers weltering in adorning the streets with geometrical designs with colourful powder and the poles driven into the ground vertically at a measured distance, were adorned with beribbons.

    When she stepped at the vestibule of the main road leading to a main street, a bevy of teen girls were gandering at her and their jealousy eyes were cannonading at her arrows pierced through her body. Are they the ballistic glance?

    Like an immigrant, she was looking at the bevy of teen girls and one of them came near her and asked her who she was for which she replied politely as:" I am from Thirur. My name is Shyamala. :

    Sweet name. What business do you have to come here? Is there any relative here in this village? one of the teen girls queried.

    A courtesy visit to M.L.A. Vasanthan.

    On hearing her words, they looked at her up and down and then they whispered something and left her baring their teeth in a grimace, then she could see their backs.

    Their brattish, discourteous, ill-mannered, rude, ungracious, unmannered and unparlimentary words and actions didn’t affect her since she knew that it was due to the pangs of jealousy which is born with women from their birth. She endured their encounters when she was queried of the purpose of her arrival at the village especially to the mansion of Vasanthan.

    By dint of vox populi, the fapworthy girl ascertained the admonition of the old man in the railway station about Vasanthan, a Lothario who hoarded a lot of property for which he joined the ruling party and swindled as much as possible like his party leader.

    Shyamala felt rather peckish and her magnetic eyes began scanning around her and spotted a rural hotel with no customers.

    The owner of the hotel who had

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