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Stranded with Her Bullies
Stranded with Her Bullies
Stranded with Her Bullies
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Stranded with Her Bullies

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About this ebook

When a lockdown is declared, Daphne is forced to close her successful bed-and-breakfast for the foreseeable future, which she expects to spend alone. However, three men from her past didn’t leave with all the others. After twelve years, her high school bullies are back. She doesn’t know what game they’re playing, but she won’t be part of it.

Eric, Micah, and Dean intend to win her heart. What started as a challenge soon turns into more as the three friends band together to claim the woman of their dreams. There was only supposed to be one victor, but now they will all win.

Daphne doesn’t plan to fall for them, but when an opportunity opens up, they’re just too damn hot to turn down.

It’s a lockdown full of promise. Three guys, one girl, and many possibilities. Why not enjoy the moment, even if she doesn’t intend for it to last forever. Or will it?

Release dateMay 18, 2021
Stranded with Her Bullies

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    Book preview

    Stranded with Her Bullies - Sam Crescent

    Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2021 Sam Crsecent

    ISBN: 978-0-3695-0355-8

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: Audrey Bobak


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Sam Crescent

    Copyright © 2021

    Chapter One

    I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me at all. Daphne checked the locks on each door and window as she passed them.

    I’ve never known anything like it. To have the warning come out, and now, we’re on lockdown and not allowed to leave our homes, her best friend and colleague, Bethany, said.

    Everyone had been watching the news about the virus spreading through each nation. Each country it touched, more measures were put in place. Now, she stood in her modest bed-and-breakfast overlooking some stunning mountains, with absolutely no guests whatsoever. She just knew her grandmother would be turning in her grave if she were to see this place. Open fifty years, and not a day closed.

    Now, with new rules, she was closed to everyone. No guests. No workers. Just closed.

    This was her home and had been ever since her parents died in an accident when she was twelve. Her grandmother had taken her in, made all the adjustments to her life, and made sure she wanted for nothing growing up.

    She’d learned how to run this place from the best person she knew and now, she was … closed.

    Rather than feel gloomy, she was going to make sure the place was ready to receive customers again. Until then, she could spend time on her sewing, writing, and of course, enjoying the break. That was all.

    I don’t know how you can be so calm. Bethany groaned. I can’t stand the thought of being locked in my house all day.

    You’re not locked in your house all day. You can go for a run.

    Bethany snorted.

    We can chat any day or night. You know where I am. She made her way toward the main reception, checking the doors were locked and heading back to the main computer. It was still fired up, and she glanced through everything. Before you left, you signed out all the guests?

    I signed out who checked out. There were six families, but they left last night after the announcement. Clive left as well. So much for him getting to be one with nature. I saw each of the staff out. I also handed them all out the checks you’d given me.

    Good, good. She didn’t want her staff to go without their wages. She would pay them for as long as she could. Tapping her finger on the edge of the keyboard, she saw from the file they had three people not signed out. After clicking on the details, she paused. "You saw them out, didn’t you?"

    She’d been friends with Bethany since kindergarten, so her friend would know exactly who she meant.


    Please tell me you dealt with them. You promised you would.

    Bethany groaned.

    Daphne froze. There was no one here, so they had to have been dealt with. Maybe they just left.

    Check the keys, Bethany said.

    Eric Cants. Micah Lori. Dean Lighthouse. Three people she’d hoped to never see again. She never wanted to know their names or have anything to do with them. All three had been hugely popular in school and had made it their mission to make her miserable. Horrible. Girls loved them. Guys wanted to be them. She wanted to be as far away from them as possible. Even now, thinking about them turned her stomach.

    Not a good feeling.

    The keys aren’t here. I better go check. Crap.

    Don’t worry about it. They probably left, Bethany said.

    Yeah, it’s quiet here. Kind of strange. I’ve got to go. I’ll call you back. She put the phone down and checked on the computer what rooms they were staying in. Okay, let’s go and see what a mess you’ve made of everything, shall we? She blew out a breath and made her way out of the main reception, going to the doors that would lead upstairs. I will not think about it. Not even for a second. There’s no reason to think. They’re not important.

    She walked with purpose, coming to a stop at the first room. This was Dean’s room. When they’d arrived, she felt like she’d seen a ghost. Nope, no spirit, just the true form of a tormentor. A bully.

    Pushing some hair off her face, she gripped the handle and stepped into the room.

    At first glance, it didn’t look like anyone was there.

    She moved to the closet and checked, no clothes.

    Breathing a sigh of relief, she grabbed the key and left the room.

    Room one done.

    Onto the second room. She found the exact same thing. No presence, nothing. With the second key in her grip, she relaxed, knowing her worries were completely unfounded. Arriving at the last bedroom, she stepped inside and came to a stop as all three of her bullies stood, each of them with a drink in hand, all looking confident.

    Their gazes turned to her. Eric’s green eyes, Micah’s blue eyes, and Dean’s brown ones. All of them focused on her.

    She gripped the two keys within her grip tightly.

    They were dressed in pants and crisp white shirts. Businessmen. She’d never followed their progress after school, but Bethany had informed her all three were successful businessmen. Popular. Wealthy.

    As Daphne looked at each of them, fear traveled up her spine. Y-y-you’re not supposed to be here. She hadn’t stuttered in years, and now look at her. This was her home. Her place of business. All of them should have been gone, for their own safety, and for hers. You need to leave.

    She turned on her heel, intent on calling the police.

    Actually, darling, I think we’re going to stay, Eric said.

    Glancing over her shoulder, she saw him tip his glass toward her. This isn’t funny. What’s going on right now isn’t a game.

    I didn’t think it was, and I’m not playing a game. At least not yet, he said.

    I think we’re scaring her, Dean said. He looked the most relaxed of the three, but she knew without a doubt he was just as deadly.

    This is my house. You all need to leave. You should have signed out hours ago. She wouldn’t show them fear or weakness. They preyed upon it. Staring at them now, she couldn’t even begin to wonder why they were even here.

    We can’t go anywhere. The message said to stay at home, and well, we’re so far away from home. This came from Micah.

    She shook her head. This isn’t funny. Turning on her heels, she left the room, keeping the other two keys and locking the doors so they would have no choice but to share a room.

    Assholes. If they thought they could outsmart her, they were wrong.


    Eric watched Daphne leave, the fine curves of her ass calling to him with every single step she took. Was it such a bad thing he wanted to drag her back to this very bed and fuck her senseless? Damn it, he’d stopped thinking about her years ago. The only memory he had was fleeting, but even still, the girl he’d bullied had visited a few times over the past twelve years since they’d been parted.

    Well, that went well, Micah said.

    It didn’t, and you fucking know it. She’s probably gone to call the cops. Dean swallowed down his whiskey while glaring at the door. The grip he had on the glass was close to shattering it.

    She can phone the cops all she wants. They won’t come. He wasn’t interested in the alcohol. To win Daphne over, he was going to have to keep a clear head.

    Dean took a deep breath. You threaten them too?

    We’ve got a lot of friends in high places. We all knew Daphne wasn’t going to fall into our hands willingly. We’re going to have to wait for her to do that. Personally, he loved the challenge.

    It was why he and his two best friends were such good partners. Since they were kids, they did everything together. He was the more business-minded one, Micah was the approachable one, and Dean, well, he was the one everyone feared.

    The irony was Dean had the sanest parents of them all, a really good upbringing, but that didn’t seem to rub off on him. The guy was full of kink.

    Eric smiled as he glanced around the room. She took the keys, he said.

    Locked the other doors. Micah moved toward the door. Now that she knows we’re here, I don’t see a point in keeping her waiting.

    He watched his friend go while Dean still seemed to be brooding. You want to tell me what’s going on with you?

    She’s prettier than I remember.

    Eric snorted. And you think that’s a bad thing?

    I didn’t say that. I wasn’t expecting her to get prettier.

    Looking at his friend, he sighed. Since their drunken admission about their true feelings for the girl they often bullied in high school, it would seem Dean had it the worst and had even treated her the worst. He was the one to steal her clothing and then somehow draw most of their class into the showers to watch her humiliation, trying to hide behind the smallest towel. He’d stuffed her locker with condoms and so much more, and that was all in junior year of high school. Everything else, yeah, Dean was mean all right, but Daphne never backed down. Never caved.

    She was a fighter.

    From what he’d seen, Daphne wasn’t just pretty, but fucking stunning. She’d grown her hair out, and it fell down to her waist in waves. It was like it had a life of its own, a fullness. She had curves, large tits, a small waist, and flaring hips that went into juicy thighs. In the few days he’d been at her bed-and-breakfast, he’d found himself watching her.

    She certainly made him wish he was a pair of jeans. A snug fit against her body, so very ripe and ready for the taking.

    In high school, she’d always been a lot bigger than most of the girls, but now she was beautiful. Shaking off the thoughts, he took a sip of his whiskey, not caring for the taste as he was more of a brandy man. He put the glass down. So far, part one of their plan was complete, admittedly, not exactly how they had hoped it would go. They couldn’t control the virus, nor the lockdown, but the moment he’d gotten word of it, he, Micah, and Dean had changed plans.

    While everyone had been scrambling to get as far away from here as possible, they were all going to stay and have some fun with her.

    There was no other staff. No one to stop them.

    Daphne belonged to them, or at least the best man. They had a bet. Whoever Daphne picked would be the winner who’d get to marry her, to claim her, and to call their own. Until then, she was free game. Once she made her decision, the other two had to back off so they could win her completely.

    He hated to take bets with his buddies. Back in high school, it was stupid shit, like who could fuck the head cheerleader before everyone else. He’d won that one. Dean had won the one with the threesome. Two women he picked up in a bar had been willing to do whatever he wanted. Micah won the blowjob from a teacher.

    Again, stupid shit.

    Daphne wasn’t just anyone.

    Six months ago, they had gotten drunk and admitted their feelings for Daphne. She was the one biggest mistake they all made, and it started because of him. He’d been the person to start her miserable years in high school, all because she’d been too perfect for him. It wasn’t a good enough excuse, but to him, at the time, it had been enough. She’d come from a perfect family, a perfect life. Then her parents had died, and her grandmother had taken her in. It had all worked out perfectly for her. He’d been angry, resentful, and had taken it out on her. The evil fucker

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