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Stealing the Bride
Stealing the Bride
Stealing the Bride
Ebook89 pages47 minutes

Stealing the Bride

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About this ebook

Her marriage of convenience is inconvenient to the two men who love her.


Mara isn't in love…at least not with the prospective groom. No, she's in love with two men who are completely off-limits to her. Two. Not one. Two.


Well, it is what it is, and it's never happening. Her fantasies can be her own little secret. Determined to get her head on straight, she secretly ends her arrangement then heads off to a retreat alone in the woods. She'll be far, far away from civilization and the two men who tempt her.


As far as Jacob and Daniel are concerned, Mara is out of her ever-lovin' mind if she thinks she'll ever be with another man. She is theirs, and they'll prove it. Even if they have to steal the bride.


Note: this is a re-release of a previously released story by the same name. It has been extensively reworked and expanded, including an added prologue and epilogue.

Release dateMay 17, 2021
Stealing the Bride

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    Book preview

    Stealing the Bride - Brynn Paulin

    Stealing the Bride

    By Brynn Paulin

    Supernova Indie Publishing Services, LLC

    Powered by Your Imagination

    Stealing the Bride


    Brynn Paulin

    Her marriage of convenience is inconvenient to the two men who love her.

    Mara isn’t in love…at least not with the prospective groom. No, she’s in love with two men who are completely off-limits to her. Two. Not one. Two.

    Well, it is what it is, and it’s never happening. Her fantasies can be her own little secret. Determined to get her head on straight, she secretly ends her arrangement then heads off to a retreat alone in the woods. She’ll be far, far away from civilization and the two men who tempt her.

    As far as Jacob and Daniel are concerned, Mara is out of her ever-lovin’ mind if she thinks she’ll ever be with another man. She is theirs, and they’ll prove it. Even if they have to steal the bride.

    Note: this is a re-release of a previously released story by the same name. It has been extensively reworked and expanded, including an added prologue and epilogue.


    © 2020, Brynn Paulin

    Stealing the Bride

    Cover Art by Supernova Indie Publishing Services, LLC

    Formatting by Supernova Indie Publishing Services, LLC

    Electronic Format ISBN: 978-1-62344-371-9

    Published by: Supernova Indie Publishing Services, LLC

    Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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    I’m not sure I can do this, Mara Nelson told her future husband, Marco. They stood in his office. They faced each other, arms crossed, neither giving an inch.

    What exactly can’t you do? Pose as my wife? Go through the ceremony?

    It’s not exactly posing if I say vows, have a ring on my finger, do all the dutiful wife things and sex with you so you can have your required heir, she replied. As she studied him, she was even more sure she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t sleep with him. It was why she never had.

    Marco was a handsome man, fit, put together, ready for a GQ cover. Still, she felt nothing for him.

    You make it sound like I’m the only one getting something out of this. He shoved his hand through his hair and walked away to his desk. After pulling a manila folder from the drawer, he laid it careful on his desk then jabbed a finger onto it. You’re getting a nice payout, security and the kids you’ve always wanted.

    But not love. What she wanted most in life was to be loved and wanted. A few months ago, when she’d agreed to this, she’d thought kids would fulfill that need. As the wedding date grew closer, she knew she was wrong. It seemed as if iron bars were slamming down around her. She couldn’t breathe.

    I never wanted the money, she whispered around the rock in her throat. I’m just not—

    The wedding is next week, Marco snapped, interrupting her. Everything’s set…paid for. Invitations have been sent and RSVP’d. You can’t do this.

    I can’t marry you.

    He scowled, his tongue pushing into his cheek. It was a sure sign he was biting back words he knew he’s regret. After a moment, he huffed a breath. Look, he grated. "I’m leaving on my bachelor party trip. Go visit your cousin. Take the time you need to do all your woo-woo crunchy meditation centering crap."

    She hated that he made fun of her spiritual practices. Mostly she’d dismissed it. Today it wasn’t earning him any points.

    We’re perfect together, he continued. Meet me at the church next Saturday. This is the best for both of us.

    Don’t you want love? she asked.

    I can’t have love, he replied, turning away to stare out the window. But I can have a wife, kids and whatever else makes up a happy marriage.

    That would be love. That would be deep connection and commitment. She didn’t say it. He wasn’t listening to her anyway.

    I’m not going to change my mind, she reiterated.

    Five hundred thousand and babies, he replied. I’ll see you next Saturday.

    * * * *

    Daniel flung the invitation across the room and it ricocheted off the wall. The envelop and enclosed cardstock had endured a lot of abuse the past few weeks.

    What are we going to do about that? he spat.

    Jacob paused as he shoved his current script into his satchel. Mara left her planner on the table.

    And what did that have to do with the price of tea in China? Um, so what?

    Have you looked at it?

    Of course not. That’s her personal stuff.

    Maybe you should.

    Daniel stared at his man. Jacob was being so weird today. Weird and way to calm. The woman they wanted to complete

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